Contact Information
Call us at: (614) 722-3435
Fax us at: (614) 722-3443
PediatricsCritical Care700 Children’s DrColumbus, OH 43205 (map)
Learn more about Tensing Maa
Tensing Maa, MD, is board-certified in pediatrics and pediatric critical care and is an Associate Clinical Professor in Pediatrics for The Ohio State University College of Medicine, where she also attended medical school. Her academic interests include simulation in healthcare, resuscitation, patient safety, health equity and neurocritical care. Dr. Maa is the medical director of the Simulation Program, Co-chair of the Resuscitation Committee, and Co-lead of the Proactive Safety Committee at Nationwide Children’s Hospital. She also serves as Co-chair of the executive board for the International Network for Simulation-based, Pediatric Innovation, Research and Education (INSPIRE).
Patient Care
Main Campus of Nationwide Children’s Hospital
Academic and Clinical Areas
Critical Care
Physician Team
Pediatric Critical Care Fellowship
Primary Department
Primary Section
Critical Care
Berg RA, Morgan RW, Reeder RW, Ahmed T, Bell MJ, Bishop R, Bochkoris M, Burns C, Carcillo JA, Carpenter TC, Dean JM, Diddle JW, Federman M, Fernandez R, Fink EL, Franzon D, Frazier AH, Friess SH, Graham K, Hall M, Hehir DA, Horvat CM, Huard LL, Maa T, Manga A, McQuillen PS, Meert KL, Mourani PM, Nadkarni VM, Naim MY, Notterman D, Palmer CA, Pollack MM, Sapru A, Schneiter C, Sharron MP, Srivastava N, Tabbutt S, Tilford B, Viteri S, Wessel D, Wolfe HA, Yates AR, Zuppa AF, Sutton RM. Diastolic Blood Pressure Threshold During Pediatric Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Survival Outcomes: A Multicenter Validation Study. Crit Care Med. 2023 Jan 1; 51: 91-102.
Cashen K, Sutton RM, Reeder RW, Ahmed T, Bell MJ, Berg RA, Burns C, Carcillo JA, Carpenter TC, Michael Dean J, Wesley Diddle J, Federman M, Fink EL, Franzon D, Frazier AH, Friess SH, Graham K, Hall M, Hehir DA, Horvat CM, Huard LL, KirkpatrickN T, Maa T, Manga A, McQuillen PS, Morgan RW, Mourani PM, Nadkarni VM, NaimCE MY, Notterman D, Page K, Pollack MM, Qunibi D, Sapru A, Schneiter C, Sharron MP, Srivastava N, Viteri S, Wessel D, Wolfe HA, Yates AR, Zuppa AF, Meert KL. Calcium Use during Paediatric In-hospital Cardiac Arrest is Associated with Worse Outcomes. Resuscitation. 2022 Dec 21; 109673.
Morgan RW, Wolfe HA, Reeder RW, Alvey JS, Frazier AH, Friess SH, Maa T, McQuillen PS, Meert KL, Nadkarni VM, Sharron MP, Siems A, Yates AR, Ahmed T, Bell MJ, Bishop R, Bochkoris M, Burns C, Carcillo JA, Carpenter TC, Dean JM, Diddle JW, Federman M, Fernandez R, Fink EL, Franzon D, Hall M, Hehir D, Horvat CM, Huard LL, Manga A, Mourani PM, Naim MY, Notterman D, Pollack MM, Sapru A, Schneiter C, Srivastava N, Tabbutt S, Tilford B, Viteri S, Wessel D, Zuppa AF, Berg RA, Sutton RM. The Temporal Association of the COVID-19 Pandemic and Pediatric Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Quality and Outcomes. Pediatr Crit Care Med. 2022 Sep 2;
Cashen K, Reeder RW, Ahmed T, Bell MJ, Berg RA, Burns C, Carcillo JA, Carpenter TC, Dean JM, Diddle JW, Federman M, Fink EL, Frazier AH, Friess SH, Graham K, Hall M, Hehir DA, Horvat CM, Huard LL, Maa T, Manga A, McQuillen PS, Morgan RW, Mourani PM, Nadkarni VM, Naim MY, Notterman D, Palmer CA, Pollack MM, Schneiter C, Sharron MP, Srivastava N, Wessel D, Wolfe HA, Yates AR, Zuppa AF, Sutton RM, Meert KL, Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Collaborative Pediatric Critical Care Research Network (CPCCRN) and National Heart Lung and Blood Institute ICU-RESUScitation Project Investigators.. Sodium Bicarbonate Use During Pediatric Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation: A Secondary Analysis of the ICU-RESUScitation Project Trial. Pediatr Crit Care Med. 2022 Jul 26;
ICU-RESUS and Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health., Human Development Collaborative Pediatric Critical Care Research Network Investigator Groups., Sutton RM, Wolfe HA, Reeder RW, Ahmed T, Bishop R, Bochkoris M, Burns C, Diddle JW, Federman M, Fernandez R, Franzon D, Frazier AH, Friess SH, Graham K, Hehir D, Horvat CM, Huard LL, Landis WP, Maa T, Manga A, Morgan RW, Nadkarni VM, Naim MY, Palmer CA, Schneiter C, Sharron MP, Siems A, Srivastava N, Tabbutt S, Tilford B, Viteri S, Berg RA, Bell MJ, Carcillo JA, Carpenter TC, Dean JM, Fink EL, Hall M, McQuillen PS, Meert KL, Mourani PM, Notterman D, Pollack MM, Sapru A, Wessel D, Yates AR, Zuppa AF. Effect of Physiologic Point-of-Care Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Training on Survival With Favorable Neurologic Outcome in Cardiac Arrest in Pediatric ICUs: A Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA. 2022 Mar 8; 327: 934-945.
Calhoun AW, Gross IT, Mallory LB, Shepard LN, Adler MD, Maa T, Auerbach MA, Cheng A, Kessler DO, Whitfill TM, Duff JP. From Concept to Publication: Effectiveness of the International Network for Simulation-Based Pediatric Innovation, Research, and Education Project Development Process at Generating Simulation Scholarship. Simul Healthc. 2021 Dec 27;
Bartman T, Merandi J, Maa T, Kuehn S, Brilli RJ. Response to Colligan et al. re: their comments on our publication Developing Tools to Enhance the Adaptive Capacity (Safety II) of Healthcare Providers at a Children's Hospital. Jt Comm J Qual Patient Saf. 2021 Oct; 47: 679.
Bartman T, Merandi J, Maa T, Kuehn S, Brilli RJ. Developing Tools to Enhance the Adaptive Capacity (Safety II) of Health Care Providers at a Children's Hospital. Jt Comm J Qual Patient Saf. 2021 Aug; 47: 526-532.
Poeppelman RS, Coles MT, Heater T, Vohsing L, Von Sadovszky V, Lutmer JE, Maa T. Assessing Competence With a Task Trainer: Validity Evidence for Novel Tracheostomy Care Skills Assessment Tool. Simul Healthc. 2021 Jul 26;
Harwayne-Gidansky I, Zurca A, Maa T, Bhalala US, Malaiyandi D, Nawathe P, Sarwal A, Waseem M, Kenes M, Vennero M, Emlet L. Defining Priority Areas for Critical Care Simulation: A Modified Delphi Consensus Project. Cureus. 2021 Jun; 13: e15844.
Zann A, Harwayne-Gidansky I, Maa T. Incorporating Simulation Into Your Plan-Do-Study-Act Cycle. Pediatr Ann. 2021 Jan 1; 50: e25-e31.
O'Brien NF, Lovett ME, Chung M, Maa T. Non-invasive estimation of cerebral perfusion pressure using transcranial Doppler ultrasonography in children with severe traumatic brain injury. Childs Nerv Syst. 2020 Sep; 36: 2063-2071.
Suttle ML, Chase MA, Sasser WC 3rd, Moore-Clingenpeel M, Maa T, Werner JA, Bone MF, Boyer DL, Marcdante KJ, Mason KE, McCabe ME, Mink RB, Su F, Turner DA, Education in Pediatric Intensive Care (E.P.I.C.) Investigators.. Burnout in Pediatric Critical Care Medicine Fellows. Crit Care Med. 2020 Jun; 48: 872-880.
Jensen AR, Bullaro F, Falcone RA, Daugherty M, Young LC, McLaughlin C, Park C, Lane C, Prince JM, Scherzer DJ, Maa T, Dunn J, Wining L, Hess J, Santos MC, O'Neill J, Katz E, O'Bosky K, Young T, Christison-Lagay E, Ahmed O, Burd RS, Auerbach M. EAST multicenter trial of simulation-based team training for pediatric trauma: Resuscitation task completion is highly variable during simulated traumatic brain injury resuscitation. Am J Surg. 2020 Jun; 219: 1057-1064.
Lovett ME, Maa T, Moore-Clingenpeel M, O'Brien NF. Transcranial Doppler ultrasound findings in children with moderate-to-severe traumatic brain injury following abusive head trauma. Childs Nerv Syst. 2020 May; 36: 993-1000.
Landis WP, Morgan RW, Reeder RW, Graham K, Siems A, Diddle JW, Pollack MM, Maa T, Fernandez RP, Yates AR, Tilford B, Ahmed T, Meert KL, Schneiter C, Bishop R, Mourani PM, Naim MY, Friess S, Burns C, Manga A, Franzon D, Tabbutt S, McQuillen PS, Horvat CM, Bochkoris M, Carcillo JA, Huard L, Federman M, Sapru A, Viteri S, Hehir DA, Notterman DA, Holubkov R, Dean JM, Nadkarni VM, Berg RA, Wolfe HA, Sutton RM, Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Collaborative Pediatric Critical Care Research Network (CPCCRN) Investigators the National Heart Lung and Blood Institute ICU-RESUScitation Project Investigators.. Variability in chest compression rate calculations during pediatric cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Resuscitation. 2020 Apr; 149: 127-133.
Maa T, Scherzer DJ, Harwayne-Gidansky I, Capua T, Kessler DO, Trainor JL, Jani P, Damazo B, Abulebda K, Diaz MCG, Sharara-Chami R, Srinivasan S, Zurca AD, Deutsch ES, Hunt EA, Auerbach M, PEAK investigators of the International Network for Simulation-based Pediatric Innovation, Research, & Education (INSPIRE).. Prevalence of Errors in Anaphylaxis in Kids (PEAK): A Multicenter Simulation-Based Study. J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract. 2020 Apr; 8: 1239-1246.e3.
Gorham TJ, Rust S, Rust L, Kuehn S, Yang J, Lin JS, Hoffman J, Huang Y, Lin S, McClead R, Brilli R, Bode R, Maa T. The Vitals Risk Index-Retrospective Performance Analysis of an Automated and Objective Pediatric Early Warning System. Pediatr Qual Saf. 2020 Mar-Apr; 5: e271.
Abulebda K, Srinivasan S, Maa T, Stormorken A, Chumpitazi CE. Development, Implementation, and Evaluation of a Faculty Development Workshop to Enhance Debriefing Skills Among Novice Facilitators. Cureus. 2020 Feb 10; 12: e6942.
O'Brien NF, Buttram SDW, Maa T, Lovett ME, Reuter-Rice K, LaRovere KL, Pediatric Neurocritical Care Research Group (PNCRG).. Cerebrovascular Physiology During Pediatric Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation: A Multicenter Study Using Transcranial Doppler Ultrasonography. Pediatr Crit Care Med. 2019 Feb; 20: 178-186.
Bishop R, Joy B, Moore-Clingenpeel M, Maa T. Automated Audiovisual Feedback in Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Training: Improving Skills in Pediatric Intensive Care Nurses. Crit Care Nurse. 2018 Oct; 38: 59-66.
Rutledge C, Walsh CM, Swinger N, Auerbach M, Castro D, Dewan M, Khattab M, Rake A, Harwayne-Gidansky I, Raymond TT, Maa T, Chang TP, Quality Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (QCPR) leaderboard investigators of the International Network for Simulation-based Pediatric Innovation, Research, and Education (INSPIRE).. Gamification in Action: Theoretical and Practical Considerations for Medical Educators. Acad Med. 2018 Jul; 93: 1014-1020.
Lind MM, Corridore M, Sheehan C, Moore-Clingenpeel M, Maa T. A Multidisciplinary Approach to a Pediatric Difficult Airway Simulation Course. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2018 Jul; 159: 127-135.
Lovett ME, Maa T, Chung MG, O'Brien NF. Cerebral blood flow velocity and autoregulation in paediatric patients following a global hypoxic-ischaemic insult. Resuscitation. 2018 May; 126: 191-196.
Reeder RW, Girling A, Wolfe H, Holubkov R, Berg RA, Naim MY, Meert KL, Tilford B, Carcillo JA, Hamilton M, Bochkoris M, Hall M, Maa T, Yates AR, Sapru A, Kelly R, Federman M, Michael Dean J, McQuillen PS, Franzon D, Pollack MM, Siems A, Diddle J, Wessel DL, Mourani PM, Zebuhr C, Bishop R, Friess S, Burns C, Viteri S, Hehir DA, Whitney Coleman R, Jenkins TL, Notterman DA, Tamburro RF, Sutton RM, Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Collaborative Pediatric Critical Care Research Network (CPCCRN).. Improving outcomes after pediatric cardiac arrest - the ICU-Resuscitation Project: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Trials. 2018 Apr 3; 19: 213.
O'Brien NF, Maa T, Moore-Clingenpeel M, Rosenberg N, Yeates KO. Relationships between cerebral flow velocities and neurodevelopmental outcomes in children with moderate to severe traumatic brain injury. Childs Nerv Syst. 2018 Apr; 34: 663-672.
View More Publications
Date of Appointment at Nationwide Children’s Hospital: 08/01/2010
Board Certifications
Pediatric Critical Care Pediatrics
Childrens Memorial Hospital (Chicago)
Date Completed: 06/30/2010
University of Arizona Health Sciences Center
Date Completed: 06/30/2004
Medical School
Ohio State University
Date Completed: 06/30/2001
Contact Information
Call us at: (614) 722-3435
Fax us at: (614) 722-3443
Critical Care700 Children's DrColumbus, OH 43205 (map)
Contact Information
Call us at: (614) 722-3435
Fax us at: (614) 722-3443
PediatricsCritical Care700 Children’s DrColumbus, OH 43205 (map)
Learn more about Tensing Maa
Tensing Maa, MD, is board-certified in pediatrics and pediatric critical care and is an Associate Clinical Professor in Pediatrics for The Ohio State University College of Medicine, where she also attended medical school. Her academic interests include simulation in healthcare, resuscitation, patient safety, health equity and neurocritical care. Dr. Maa is the medical director of the Simulation Program, Co-chair of the Resuscitation Committee, and Co-lead of the Proactive Safety Committee at Nationwide Children’s Hospital. She also serves as Co-chair of the executive board for the International Network for Simulation-based, Pediatric Innovation, Research and Education (INSPIRE).
Patient Care
Main Campus of Nationwide Children’s Hospital
Academic and Clinical Areas
Critical Care
Physician Team
Pediatric Critical Care Fellowship
Primary Department
Primary Section
Critical Care
Berg RA, Morgan RW, Reeder RW, Ahmed T, Bell MJ, Bishop R, Bochkoris M, Burns C, Carcillo JA, Carpenter TC, Dean JM, Diddle JW, Federman M, Fernandez R, Fink EL, Franzon D, Frazier AH, Friess SH, Graham K, Hall M, Hehir DA, Horvat CM, Huard LL, Maa T, Manga A, McQuillen PS, Meert KL, Mourani PM, Nadkarni VM, Naim MY, Notterman D, Palmer CA, Pollack MM, Sapru A, Schneiter C, Sharron MP, Srivastava N, Tabbutt S, Tilford B, Viteri S, Wessel D, Wolfe HA, Yates AR, Zuppa AF, Sutton RM. Diastolic Blood Pressure Threshold During Pediatric Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Survival Outcomes: A Multicenter Validation Study. Crit Care Med. 2023 Jan 1; 51: 91-102.
Cashen K, Sutton RM, Reeder RW, Ahmed T, Bell MJ, Berg RA, Burns C, Carcillo JA, Carpenter TC, Michael Dean J, Wesley Diddle J, Federman M, Fink EL, Franzon D, Frazier AH, Friess SH, Graham K, Hall M, Hehir DA, Horvat CM, Huard LL, KirkpatrickN T, Maa T, Manga A, McQuillen PS, Morgan RW, Mourani PM, Nadkarni VM, NaimCE MY, Notterman D, Page K, Pollack MM, Qunibi D, Sapru A, Schneiter C, Sharron MP, Srivastava N, Viteri S, Wessel D, Wolfe HA, Yates AR, Zuppa AF, Meert KL. Calcium Use during Paediatric In-hospital Cardiac Arrest is Associated with Worse Outcomes. Resuscitation. 2022 Dec 21; 109673.
Morgan RW, Wolfe HA, Reeder RW, Alvey JS, Frazier AH, Friess SH, Maa T, McQuillen PS, Meert KL, Nadkarni VM, Sharron MP, Siems A, Yates AR, Ahmed T, Bell MJ, Bishop R, Bochkoris M, Burns C, Carcillo JA, Carpenter TC, Dean JM, Diddle JW, Federman M, Fernandez R, Fink EL, Franzon D, Hall M, Hehir D, Horvat CM, Huard LL, Manga A, Mourani PM, Naim MY, Notterman D, Pollack MM, Sapru A, Schneiter C, Srivastava N, Tabbutt S, Tilford B, Viteri S, Wessel D, Zuppa AF, Berg RA, Sutton RM. The Temporal Association of the COVID-19 Pandemic and Pediatric Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Quality and Outcomes. Pediatr Crit Care Med. 2022 Sep 2;
Cashen K, Reeder RW, Ahmed T, Bell MJ, Berg RA, Burns C, Carcillo JA, Carpenter TC, Dean JM, Diddle JW, Federman M, Fink EL, Frazier AH, Friess SH, Graham K, Hall M, Hehir DA, Horvat CM, Huard LL, Maa T, Manga A, McQuillen PS, Morgan RW, Mourani PM, Nadkarni VM, Naim MY, Notterman D, Palmer CA, Pollack MM, Schneiter C, Sharron MP, Srivastava N, Wessel D, Wolfe HA, Yates AR, Zuppa AF, Sutton RM, Meert KL, Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Collaborative Pediatric Critical Care Research Network (CPCCRN) and National Heart Lung and Blood Institute ICU-RESUScitation Project Investigators.. Sodium Bicarbonate Use During Pediatric Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation: A Secondary Analysis of the ICU-RESUScitation Project Trial. Pediatr Crit Care Med. 2022 Jul 26;
ICU-RESUS and Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health., Human Development Collaborative Pediatric Critical Care Research Network Investigator Groups., Sutton RM, Wolfe HA, Reeder RW, Ahmed T, Bishop R, Bochkoris M, Burns C, Diddle JW, Federman M, Fernandez R, Franzon D, Frazier AH, Friess SH, Graham K, Hehir D, Horvat CM, Huard LL, Landis WP, Maa T, Manga A, Morgan RW, Nadkarni VM, Naim MY, Palmer CA, Schneiter C, Sharron MP, Siems A, Srivastava N, Tabbutt S, Tilford B, Viteri S, Berg RA, Bell MJ, Carcillo JA, Carpenter TC, Dean JM, Fink EL, Hall M, McQuillen PS, Meert KL, Mourani PM, Notterman D, Pollack MM, Sapru A, Wessel D, Yates AR, Zuppa AF. Effect of Physiologic Point-of-Care Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Training on Survival With Favorable Neurologic Outcome in Cardiac Arrest in Pediatric ICUs: A Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA. 2022 Mar 8; 327: 934-945.
Calhoun AW, Gross IT, Mallory LB, Shepard LN, Adler MD, Maa T, Auerbach MA, Cheng A, Kessler DO, Whitfill TM, Duff JP. From Concept to Publication: Effectiveness of the International Network for Simulation-Based Pediatric Innovation, Research, and Education Project Development Process at Generating Simulation Scholarship. Simul Healthc. 2021 Dec 27;
Bartman T, Merandi J, Maa T, Kuehn S, Brilli RJ. Response to Colligan et al. re: their comments on our publication Developing Tools to Enhance the Adaptive Capacity (Safety II) of Healthcare Providers at a Children's Hospital. Jt Comm J Qual Patient Saf. 2021 Oct; 47: 679.
Bartman T, Merandi J, Maa T, Kuehn S, Brilli RJ. Developing Tools to Enhance the Adaptive Capacity (Safety II) of Health Care Providers at a Children's Hospital. Jt Comm J Qual Patient Saf. 2021 Aug; 47: 526-532.
Poeppelman RS, Coles MT, Heater T, Vohsing L, Von Sadovszky V, Lutmer JE, Maa T. Assessing Competence With a Task Trainer: Validity Evidence for Novel Tracheostomy Care Skills Assessment Tool. Simul Healthc. 2021 Jul 26;
Harwayne-Gidansky I, Zurca A, Maa T, Bhalala US, Malaiyandi D, Nawathe P, Sarwal A, Waseem M, Kenes M, Vennero M, Emlet L. Defining Priority Areas for Critical Care Simulation: A Modified Delphi Consensus Project. Cureus. 2021 Jun; 13: e15844.
Zann A, Harwayne-Gidansky I, Maa T. Incorporating Simulation Into Your Plan-Do-Study-Act Cycle. Pediatr Ann. 2021 Jan 1; 50: e25-e31.
O'Brien NF, Lovett ME, Chung M, Maa T. Non-invasive estimation of cerebral perfusion pressure using transcranial Doppler ultrasonography in children with severe traumatic brain injury. Childs Nerv Syst. 2020 Sep; 36: 2063-2071.
Suttle ML, Chase MA, Sasser WC 3rd, Moore-Clingenpeel M, Maa T, Werner JA, Bone MF, Boyer DL, Marcdante KJ, Mason KE, McCabe ME, Mink RB, Su F, Turner DA, Education in Pediatric Intensive Care (E.P.I.C.) Investigators.. Burnout in Pediatric Critical Care Medicine Fellows. Crit Care Med. 2020 Jun; 48: 872-880.
Jensen AR, Bullaro F, Falcone RA, Daugherty M, Young LC, McLaughlin C, Park C, Lane C, Prince JM, Scherzer DJ, Maa T, Dunn J, Wining L, Hess J, Santos MC, O'Neill J, Katz E, O'Bosky K, Young T, Christison-Lagay E, Ahmed O, Burd RS, Auerbach M. EAST multicenter trial of simulation-based team training for pediatric trauma: Resuscitation task completion is highly variable during simulated traumatic brain injury resuscitation. Am J Surg. 2020 Jun; 219: 1057-1064.
Lovett ME, Maa T, Moore-Clingenpeel M, O'Brien NF. Transcranial Doppler ultrasound findings in children with moderate-to-severe traumatic brain injury following abusive head trauma. Childs Nerv Syst. 2020 May; 36: 993-1000.
Landis WP, Morgan RW, Reeder RW, Graham K, Siems A, Diddle JW, Pollack MM, Maa T, Fernandez RP, Yates AR, Tilford B, Ahmed T, Meert KL, Schneiter C, Bishop R, Mourani PM, Naim MY, Friess S, Burns C, Manga A, Franzon D, Tabbutt S, McQuillen PS, Horvat CM, Bochkoris M, Carcillo JA, Huard L, Federman M, Sapru A, Viteri S, Hehir DA, Notterman DA, Holubkov R, Dean JM, Nadkarni VM, Berg RA, Wolfe HA, Sutton RM, Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Collaborative Pediatric Critical Care Research Network (CPCCRN) Investigators the National Heart Lung and Blood Institute ICU-RESUScitation Project Investigators.. Variability in chest compression rate calculations during pediatric cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Resuscitation. 2020 Apr; 149: 127-133.
Maa T, Scherzer DJ, Harwayne-Gidansky I, Capua T, Kessler DO, Trainor JL, Jani P, Damazo B, Abulebda K, Diaz MCG, Sharara-Chami R, Srinivasan S, Zurca AD, Deutsch ES, Hunt EA, Auerbach M, PEAK investigators of the International Network for Simulation-based Pediatric Innovation, Research, & Education (INSPIRE).. Prevalence of Errors in Anaphylaxis in Kids (PEAK): A Multicenter Simulation-Based Study. J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract. 2020 Apr; 8: 1239-1246.e3.
Gorham TJ, Rust S, Rust L, Kuehn S, Yang J, Lin JS, Hoffman J, Huang Y, Lin S, McClead R, Brilli R, Bode R, Maa T. The Vitals Risk Index-Retrospective Performance Analysis of an Automated and Objective Pediatric Early Warning System. Pediatr Qual Saf. 2020 Mar-Apr; 5: e271.
Abulebda K, Srinivasan S, Maa T, Stormorken A, Chumpitazi CE. Development, Implementation, and Evaluation of a Faculty Development Workshop to Enhance Debriefing Skills Among Novice Facilitators. Cureus. 2020 Feb 10; 12: e6942.
O'Brien NF, Buttram SDW, Maa T, Lovett ME, Reuter-Rice K, LaRovere KL, Pediatric Neurocritical Care Research Group (PNCRG).. Cerebrovascular Physiology During Pediatric Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation: A Multicenter Study Using Transcranial Doppler Ultrasonography. Pediatr Crit Care Med. 2019 Feb; 20: 178-186.
Bishop R, Joy B, Moore-Clingenpeel M, Maa T. Automated Audiovisual Feedback in Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Training: Improving Skills in Pediatric Intensive Care Nurses. Crit Care Nurse. 2018 Oct; 38: 59-66.
Rutledge C, Walsh CM, Swinger N, Auerbach M, Castro D, Dewan M, Khattab M, Rake A, Harwayne-Gidansky I, Raymond TT, Maa T, Chang TP, Quality Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (QCPR) leaderboard investigators of the International Network for Simulation-based Pediatric Innovation, Research, and Education (INSPIRE).. Gamification in Action: Theoretical and Practical Considerations for Medical Educators. Acad Med. 2018 Jul; 93: 1014-1020.
Lind MM, Corridore M, Sheehan C, Moore-Clingenpeel M, Maa T. A Multidisciplinary Approach to a Pediatric Difficult Airway Simulation Course. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2018 Jul; 159: 127-135.
Lovett ME, Maa T, Chung MG, O'Brien NF. Cerebral blood flow velocity and autoregulation in paediatric patients following a global hypoxic-ischaemic insult. Resuscitation. 2018 May; 126: 191-196.
Reeder RW, Girling A, Wolfe H, Holubkov R, Berg RA, Naim MY, Meert KL, Tilford B, Carcillo JA, Hamilton M, Bochkoris M, Hall M, Maa T, Yates AR, Sapru A, Kelly R, Federman M, Michael Dean J, McQuillen PS, Franzon D, Pollack MM, Siems A, Diddle J, Wessel DL, Mourani PM, Zebuhr C, Bishop R, Friess S, Burns C, Viteri S, Hehir DA, Whitney Coleman R, Jenkins TL, Notterman DA, Tamburro RF, Sutton RM, Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Collaborative Pediatric Critical Care Research Network (CPCCRN).. Improving outcomes after pediatric cardiac arrest - the ICU-Resuscitation Project: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Trials. 2018 Apr 3; 19: 213.
O'Brien NF, Maa T, Moore-Clingenpeel M, Rosenberg N, Yeates KO. Relationships between cerebral flow velocities and neurodevelopmental outcomes in children with moderate to severe traumatic brain injury. Childs Nerv Syst. 2018 Apr; 34: 663-672.
View More Publications
Date of Appointment at Nationwide Children’s Hospital: 08/01/2010
Board Certifications
Pediatric Critical Care Pediatrics
Childrens Memorial Hospital (Chicago)
Date Completed: 06/30/2010
University of Arizona Health Sciences Center
Date Completed: 06/30/2004
Medical School
Ohio State University
Date Completed: 06/30/2001
Contact Information
Call us at: (614) 722-3435
Fax us at: (614) 722-3443
Critical Care700 Children's DrColumbus, OH 43205 (map)
Contact Information
Call us at: (614) 722-3435
Fax us at: (614) 722-3443
PediatricsCritical Care700 Children’s DrColumbus, OH 43205 (map)
Learn more about Tensing Maa
Contact Information
- Call us at:
- (614) 722-3435
- Fax us at:
- (614) 722-3443
- PediatricsCritical Care700 Children’s DrColumbus, OH 43205 (map)
Learn more about Tensing Maa
Tensing Maa, MD, is board-certified in pediatrics and pediatric critical care and is an Associate Clinical Professor in Pediatrics for The Ohio State University College of Medicine, where she also attended medical school. Her academic interests include simulation in healthcare, resuscitation, patient safety, health equity and neurocritical care. Dr. Maa is the medical director of the Simulation Program, Co-chair of the Resuscitation Committee, and Co-lead of the Proactive Safety Committee at Nationwide Children’s Hospital. She also serves as Co-chair of the executive board for the International Network for Simulation-based, Pediatric Innovation, Research and Education (INSPIRE).
Tensing Maa, MD, is board-certified in pediatrics and pediatric critical care and is an Associate Clinical Professor in Pediatrics for The Ohio State University College of Medicine, where she also attended medical school. Her academic interests include simulation in healthcare, resuscitation, patient safety, health equity and neurocritical care. Dr. Maa is the medical director of the Simulation Program, Co-chair of the Resuscitation Committee, and Co-lead of the Proactive Safety Committee at Nationwide Children’s Hospital. She also serves as Co-chair of the executive board for the International Network for Simulation-based, Pediatric Innovation, Research and Education (INSPIRE).
Tensing Maa, MD, is board-certified in pediatrics and pediatric critical care and is an Associate Clinical Professor in Pediatrics for The Ohio State University College of Medicine, where she also attended medical school. Her academic interests include simulation in healthcare, resuscitation, patient safety, health equity and neurocritical care. Dr. Maa is the medical director of the Simulation Program, Co-chair of the Resuscitation Committee, and Co-lead of the Proactive Safety Committee at Nationwide Children’s Hospital. She also serves as Co-chair of the executive board for the International Network for Simulation-based, Pediatric Innovation, Research and Education (INSPIRE).
Tensing Maa, MD, is board-certified in pediatrics and pediatric critical care and is an Associate Clinical Professor in Pediatrics for The Ohio State University College of Medicine, where she also attended medical school. Her academic interests include simulation in healthcare, resuscitation, patient safety, health equity and neurocritical care. Dr. Maa is the medical director of the Simulation Program, Co-chair of the Resuscitation Committee, and Co-lead of the Proactive Safety Committee at Nationwide Children’s Hospital. She also serves as Co-chair of the executive board for the International Network for Simulation-based, Pediatric Innovation, Research and Education (INSPIRE).
Tensing Maa, MD, is board-certified in pediatrics and pediatric critical care and is an Associate Clinical Professor in Pediatrics for The Ohio State University College of Medicine, where she also attended medical school. Her academic interests include simulation in healthcare, resuscitation, patient safety, health equity and neurocritical care. Dr. Maa is the medical director of the Simulation Program, Co-chair of the Resuscitation Committee, and Co-lead of the Proactive Safety Committee at Nationwide Children’s Hospital. She also serves as Co-chair of the executive board for the International Network for Simulation-based, Pediatric Innovation, Research and Education (INSPIRE).
Patient Care
Main Campus of Nationwide Children’s Hospital
Patient Care
Main Campus of Nationwide Children’s Hospital
Patient Care
Main Campus of Nationwide Children’s Hospital
Main Campus of Nationwide Children’s Hospital
Main Campus of Nationwide Children’s Hospital
Main Campus of Nationwide Children’s Hospital
- Main Campus of Nationwide Children’s Hospital
Academic and Clinical Areas
Critical Care
Physician Team
Pediatric Critical Care Fellowship
Primary Department
Primary Section
Critical Care
Academic and Clinical Areas
Critical Care
Physician Team
Pediatric Critical Care Fellowship
Primary Department
Primary Section
Critical Care
Academic and Clinical Areas
Critical Care
Physician Team
Pediatric Critical Care Fellowship
Primary Department
Primary Section
Critical Care
Critical Care
Physician Team
Pediatric Critical Care Fellowship
Primary Department
Primary Section
Critical Care
- Critical Care
- Physician Team
- Pediatric Critical Care Fellowship
- Faculty
- Primary Department
- Pediatrics
- Primary Section
- Critical Care
Berg RA, Morgan RW, Reeder RW, Ahmed T, Bell MJ, Bishop R, Bochkoris M, Burns C, Carcillo JA, Carpenter TC, Dean JM, Diddle JW, Federman M, Fernandez R, Fink EL, Franzon D, Frazier AH, Friess SH, Graham K, Hall M, Hehir DA, Horvat CM, Huard LL, Maa T, Manga A, McQuillen PS, Meert KL, Mourani PM, Nadkarni VM, Naim MY, Notterman D, Palmer CA, Pollack MM, Sapru A, Schneiter C, Sharron MP, Srivastava N, Tabbutt S, Tilford B, Viteri S, Wessel D, Wolfe HA, Yates AR, Zuppa AF, Sutton RM. Diastolic Blood Pressure Threshold During Pediatric Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Survival Outcomes: A Multicenter Validation Study. Crit Care Med. 2023 Jan 1; 51: 91-102.
Cashen K, Sutton RM, Reeder RW, Ahmed T, Bell MJ, Berg RA, Burns C, Carcillo JA, Carpenter TC, Michael Dean J, Wesley Diddle J, Federman M, Fink EL, Franzon D, Frazier AH, Friess SH, Graham K, Hall M, Hehir DA, Horvat CM, Huard LL, KirkpatrickN T, Maa T, Manga A, McQuillen PS, Morgan RW, Mourani PM, Nadkarni VM, NaimCE MY, Notterman D, Page K, Pollack MM, Qunibi D, Sapru A, Schneiter C, Sharron MP, Srivastava N, Viteri S, Wessel D, Wolfe HA, Yates AR, Zuppa AF, Meert KL. Calcium Use during Paediatric In-hospital Cardiac Arrest is Associated with Worse Outcomes. Resuscitation. 2022 Dec 21; 109673.
Morgan RW, Wolfe HA, Reeder RW, Alvey JS, Frazier AH, Friess SH, Maa T, McQuillen PS, Meert KL, Nadkarni VM, Sharron MP, Siems A, Yates AR, Ahmed T, Bell MJ, Bishop R, Bochkoris M, Burns C, Carcillo JA, Carpenter TC, Dean JM, Diddle JW, Federman M, Fernandez R, Fink EL, Franzon D, Hall M, Hehir D, Horvat CM, Huard LL, Manga A, Mourani PM, Naim MY, Notterman D, Pollack MM, Sapru A, Schneiter C, Srivastava N, Tabbutt S, Tilford B, Viteri S, Wessel D, Zuppa AF, Berg RA, Sutton RM. The Temporal Association of the COVID-19 Pandemic and Pediatric Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Quality and Outcomes. Pediatr Crit Care Med. 2022 Sep 2;
Cashen K, Reeder RW, Ahmed T, Bell MJ, Berg RA, Burns C, Carcillo JA, Carpenter TC, Dean JM, Diddle JW, Federman M, Fink EL, Frazier AH, Friess SH, Graham K, Hall M, Hehir DA, Horvat CM, Huard LL, Maa T, Manga A, McQuillen PS, Morgan RW, Mourani PM, Nadkarni VM, Naim MY, Notterman D, Palmer CA, Pollack MM, Schneiter C, Sharron MP, Srivastava N, Wessel D, Wolfe HA, Yates AR, Zuppa AF, Sutton RM, Meert KL, Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Collaborative Pediatric Critical Care Research Network (CPCCRN) and National Heart Lung and Blood Institute ICU-RESUScitation Project Investigators.. Sodium Bicarbonate Use During Pediatric Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation: A Secondary Analysis of the ICU-RESUScitation Project Trial. Pediatr Crit Care Med. 2022 Jul 26;
ICU-RESUS and Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health., Human Development Collaborative Pediatric Critical Care Research Network Investigator Groups., Sutton RM, Wolfe HA, Reeder RW, Ahmed T, Bishop R, Bochkoris M, Burns C, Diddle JW, Federman M, Fernandez R, Franzon D, Frazier AH, Friess SH, Graham K, Hehir D, Horvat CM, Huard LL, Landis WP, Maa T, Manga A, Morgan RW, Nadkarni VM, Naim MY, Palmer CA, Schneiter C, Sharron MP, Siems A, Srivastava N, Tabbutt S, Tilford B, Viteri S, Berg RA, Bell MJ, Carcillo JA, Carpenter TC, Dean JM, Fink EL, Hall M, McQuillen PS, Meert KL, Mourani PM, Notterman D, Pollack MM, Sapru A, Wessel D, Yates AR, Zuppa AF. Effect of Physiologic Point-of-Care Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Training on Survival With Favorable Neurologic Outcome in Cardiac Arrest in Pediatric ICUs: A Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA. 2022 Mar 8; 327: 934-945.
Calhoun AW, Gross IT, Mallory LB, Shepard LN, Adler MD, Maa T, Auerbach MA, Cheng A, Kessler DO, Whitfill TM, Duff JP. From Concept to Publication: Effectiveness of the International Network for Simulation-Based Pediatric Innovation, Research, and Education Project Development Process at Generating Simulation Scholarship. Simul Healthc. 2021 Dec 27;
Bartman T, Merandi J, Maa T, Kuehn S, Brilli RJ. Response to Colligan et al. re: their comments on our publication Developing Tools to Enhance the Adaptive Capacity (Safety II) of Healthcare Providers at a Children's Hospital. Jt Comm J Qual Patient Saf. 2021 Oct; 47: 679.
Bartman T, Merandi J, Maa T, Kuehn S, Brilli RJ. Developing Tools to Enhance the Adaptive Capacity (Safety II) of Health Care Providers at a Children's Hospital. Jt Comm J Qual Patient Saf. 2021 Aug; 47: 526-532.
Poeppelman RS, Coles MT, Heater T, Vohsing L, Von Sadovszky V, Lutmer JE, Maa T. Assessing Competence With a Task Trainer: Validity Evidence for Novel Tracheostomy Care Skills Assessment Tool. Simul Healthc. 2021 Jul 26;
Harwayne-Gidansky I, Zurca A, Maa T, Bhalala US, Malaiyandi D, Nawathe P, Sarwal A, Waseem M, Kenes M, Vennero M, Emlet L. Defining Priority Areas for Critical Care Simulation: A Modified Delphi Consensus Project. Cureus. 2021 Jun; 13: e15844.
Zann A, Harwayne-Gidansky I, Maa T. Incorporating Simulation Into Your Plan-Do-Study-Act Cycle. Pediatr Ann. 2021 Jan 1; 50: e25-e31.
O'Brien NF, Lovett ME, Chung M, Maa T. Non-invasive estimation of cerebral perfusion pressure using transcranial Doppler ultrasonography in children with severe traumatic brain injury. Childs Nerv Syst. 2020 Sep; 36: 2063-2071.
Suttle ML, Chase MA, Sasser WC 3rd, Moore-Clingenpeel M, Maa T, Werner JA, Bone MF, Boyer DL, Marcdante KJ, Mason KE, McCabe ME, Mink RB, Su F, Turner DA, Education in Pediatric Intensive Care (E.P.I.C.) Investigators.. Burnout in Pediatric Critical Care Medicine Fellows. Crit Care Med. 2020 Jun; 48: 872-880.
Jensen AR, Bullaro F, Falcone RA, Daugherty M, Young LC, McLaughlin C, Park C, Lane C, Prince JM, Scherzer DJ, Maa T, Dunn J, Wining L, Hess J, Santos MC, O'Neill J, Katz E, O'Bosky K, Young T, Christison-Lagay E, Ahmed O, Burd RS, Auerbach M. EAST multicenter trial of simulation-based team training for pediatric trauma: Resuscitation task completion is highly variable during simulated traumatic brain injury resuscitation. Am J Surg. 2020 Jun; 219: 1057-1064.
Lovett ME, Maa T, Moore-Clingenpeel M, O'Brien NF. Transcranial Doppler ultrasound findings in children with moderate-to-severe traumatic brain injury following abusive head trauma. Childs Nerv Syst. 2020 May; 36: 993-1000.
Landis WP, Morgan RW, Reeder RW, Graham K, Siems A, Diddle JW, Pollack MM, Maa T, Fernandez RP, Yates AR, Tilford B, Ahmed T, Meert KL, Schneiter C, Bishop R, Mourani PM, Naim MY, Friess S, Burns C, Manga A, Franzon D, Tabbutt S, McQuillen PS, Horvat CM, Bochkoris M, Carcillo JA, Huard L, Federman M, Sapru A, Viteri S, Hehir DA, Notterman DA, Holubkov R, Dean JM, Nadkarni VM, Berg RA, Wolfe HA, Sutton RM, Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Collaborative Pediatric Critical Care Research Network (CPCCRN) Investigators the National Heart Lung and Blood Institute ICU-RESUScitation Project Investigators.. Variability in chest compression rate calculations during pediatric cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Resuscitation. 2020 Apr; 149: 127-133.
Maa T, Scherzer DJ, Harwayne-Gidansky I, Capua T, Kessler DO, Trainor JL, Jani P, Damazo B, Abulebda K, Diaz MCG, Sharara-Chami R, Srinivasan S, Zurca AD, Deutsch ES, Hunt EA, Auerbach M, PEAK investigators of the International Network for Simulation-based Pediatric Innovation, Research, & Education (INSPIRE).. Prevalence of Errors in Anaphylaxis in Kids (PEAK): A Multicenter Simulation-Based Study. J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract. 2020 Apr; 8: 1239-1246.e3.
Gorham TJ, Rust S, Rust L, Kuehn S, Yang J, Lin JS, Hoffman J, Huang Y, Lin S, McClead R, Brilli R, Bode R, Maa T. The Vitals Risk Index-Retrospective Performance Analysis of an Automated and Objective Pediatric Early Warning System. Pediatr Qual Saf. 2020 Mar-Apr; 5: e271.
Abulebda K, Srinivasan S, Maa T, Stormorken A, Chumpitazi CE. Development, Implementation, and Evaluation of a Faculty Development Workshop to Enhance Debriefing Skills Among Novice Facilitators. Cureus. 2020 Feb 10; 12: e6942.
O'Brien NF, Buttram SDW, Maa T, Lovett ME, Reuter-Rice K, LaRovere KL, Pediatric Neurocritical Care Research Group (PNCRG).. Cerebrovascular Physiology During Pediatric Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation: A Multicenter Study Using Transcranial Doppler Ultrasonography. Pediatr Crit Care Med. 2019 Feb; 20: 178-186.
Bishop R, Joy B, Moore-Clingenpeel M, Maa T. Automated Audiovisual Feedback in Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Training: Improving Skills in Pediatric Intensive Care Nurses. Crit Care Nurse. 2018 Oct; 38: 59-66.
Rutledge C, Walsh CM, Swinger N, Auerbach M, Castro D, Dewan M, Khattab M, Rake A, Harwayne-Gidansky I, Raymond TT, Maa T, Chang TP, Quality Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (QCPR) leaderboard investigators of the International Network for Simulation-based Pediatric Innovation, Research, and Education (INSPIRE).. Gamification in Action: Theoretical and Practical Considerations for Medical Educators. Acad Med. 2018 Jul; 93: 1014-1020.
Lind MM, Corridore M, Sheehan C, Moore-Clingenpeel M, Maa T. A Multidisciplinary Approach to a Pediatric Difficult Airway Simulation Course. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2018 Jul; 159: 127-135.
Lovett ME, Maa T, Chung MG, O'Brien NF. Cerebral blood flow velocity and autoregulation in paediatric patients following a global hypoxic-ischaemic insult. Resuscitation. 2018 May; 126: 191-196.
Reeder RW, Girling A, Wolfe H, Holubkov R, Berg RA, Naim MY, Meert KL, Tilford B, Carcillo JA, Hamilton M, Bochkoris M, Hall M, Maa T, Yates AR, Sapru A, Kelly R, Federman M, Michael Dean J, McQuillen PS, Franzon D, Pollack MM, Siems A, Diddle J, Wessel DL, Mourani PM, Zebuhr C, Bishop R, Friess S, Burns C, Viteri S, Hehir DA, Whitney Coleman R, Jenkins TL, Notterman DA, Tamburro RF, Sutton RM, Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Collaborative Pediatric Critical Care Research Network (CPCCRN).. Improving outcomes after pediatric cardiac arrest - the ICU-Resuscitation Project: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Trials. 2018 Apr 3; 19: 213.
O'Brien NF, Maa T, Moore-Clingenpeel M, Rosenberg N, Yeates KO. Relationships between cerebral flow velocities and neurodevelopmental outcomes in children with moderate to severe traumatic brain injury. Childs Nerv Syst. 2018 Apr; 34: 663-672.
View More Publications
Berg RA, Morgan RW, Reeder RW, Ahmed T, Bell MJ, Bishop R, Bochkoris M, Burns C, Carcillo JA, Carpenter TC, Dean JM, Diddle JW, Federman M, Fernandez R, Fink EL, Franzon D, Frazier AH, Friess SH, Graham K, Hall M, Hehir DA, Horvat CM, Huard LL, Maa T, Manga A, McQuillen PS, Meert KL, Mourani PM, Nadkarni VM, Naim MY, Notterman D, Palmer CA, Pollack MM, Sapru A, Schneiter C, Sharron MP, Srivastava N, Tabbutt S, Tilford B, Viteri S, Wessel D, Wolfe HA, Yates AR, Zuppa AF, Sutton RM. Diastolic Blood Pressure Threshold During Pediatric Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Survival Outcomes: A Multicenter Validation Study. Crit Care Med. 2023 Jan 1; 51: 91-102.
Cashen K, Sutton RM, Reeder RW, Ahmed T, Bell MJ, Berg RA, Burns C, Carcillo JA, Carpenter TC, Michael Dean J, Wesley Diddle J, Federman M, Fink EL, Franzon D, Frazier AH, Friess SH, Graham K, Hall M, Hehir DA, Horvat CM, Huard LL, KirkpatrickN T, Maa T, Manga A, McQuillen PS, Morgan RW, Mourani PM, Nadkarni VM, NaimCE MY, Notterman D, Page K, Pollack MM, Qunibi D, Sapru A, Schneiter C, Sharron MP, Srivastava N, Viteri S, Wessel D, Wolfe HA, Yates AR, Zuppa AF, Meert KL. Calcium Use during Paediatric In-hospital Cardiac Arrest is Associated with Worse Outcomes. Resuscitation. 2022 Dec 21; 109673.
Morgan RW, Wolfe HA, Reeder RW, Alvey JS, Frazier AH, Friess SH, Maa T, McQuillen PS, Meert KL, Nadkarni VM, Sharron MP, Siems A, Yates AR, Ahmed T, Bell MJ, Bishop R, Bochkoris M, Burns C, Carcillo JA, Carpenter TC, Dean JM, Diddle JW, Federman M, Fernandez R, Fink EL, Franzon D, Hall M, Hehir D, Horvat CM, Huard LL, Manga A, Mourani PM, Naim MY, Notterman D, Pollack MM, Sapru A, Schneiter C, Srivastava N, Tabbutt S, Tilford B, Viteri S, Wessel D, Zuppa AF, Berg RA, Sutton RM. The Temporal Association of the COVID-19 Pandemic and Pediatric Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Quality and Outcomes. Pediatr Crit Care Med. 2022 Sep 2;
Cashen K, Reeder RW, Ahmed T, Bell MJ, Berg RA, Burns C, Carcillo JA, Carpenter TC, Dean JM, Diddle JW, Federman M, Fink EL, Frazier AH, Friess SH, Graham K, Hall M, Hehir DA, Horvat CM, Huard LL, Maa T, Manga A, McQuillen PS, Morgan RW, Mourani PM, Nadkarni VM, Naim MY, Notterman D, Palmer CA, Pollack MM, Schneiter C, Sharron MP, Srivastava N, Wessel D, Wolfe HA, Yates AR, Zuppa AF, Sutton RM, Meert KL, Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Collaborative Pediatric Critical Care Research Network (CPCCRN) and National Heart Lung and Blood Institute ICU-RESUScitation Project Investigators.. Sodium Bicarbonate Use During Pediatric Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation: A Secondary Analysis of the ICU-RESUScitation Project Trial. Pediatr Crit Care Med. 2022 Jul 26;
ICU-RESUS and Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health., Human Development Collaborative Pediatric Critical Care Research Network Investigator Groups., Sutton RM, Wolfe HA, Reeder RW, Ahmed T, Bishop R, Bochkoris M, Burns C, Diddle JW, Federman M, Fernandez R, Franzon D, Frazier AH, Friess SH, Graham K, Hehir D, Horvat CM, Huard LL, Landis WP, Maa T, Manga A, Morgan RW, Nadkarni VM, Naim MY, Palmer CA, Schneiter C, Sharron MP, Siems A, Srivastava N, Tabbutt S, Tilford B, Viteri S, Berg RA, Bell MJ, Carcillo JA, Carpenter TC, Dean JM, Fink EL, Hall M, McQuillen PS, Meert KL, Mourani PM, Notterman D, Pollack MM, Sapru A, Wessel D, Yates AR, Zuppa AF. Effect of Physiologic Point-of-Care Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Training on Survival With Favorable Neurologic Outcome in Cardiac Arrest in Pediatric ICUs: A Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA. 2022 Mar 8; 327: 934-945.
Calhoun AW, Gross IT, Mallory LB, Shepard LN, Adler MD, Maa T, Auerbach MA, Cheng A, Kessler DO, Whitfill TM, Duff JP. From Concept to Publication: Effectiveness of the International Network for Simulation-Based Pediatric Innovation, Research, and Education Project Development Process at Generating Simulation Scholarship. Simul Healthc. 2021 Dec 27;
Bartman T, Merandi J, Maa T, Kuehn S, Brilli RJ. Response to Colligan et al. re: their comments on our publication Developing Tools to Enhance the Adaptive Capacity (Safety II) of Healthcare Providers at a Children's Hospital. Jt Comm J Qual Patient Saf. 2021 Oct; 47: 679.
Bartman T, Merandi J, Maa T, Kuehn S, Brilli RJ. Developing Tools to Enhance the Adaptive Capacity (Safety II) of Health Care Providers at a Children's Hospital. Jt Comm J Qual Patient Saf. 2021 Aug; 47: 526-532.
Poeppelman RS, Coles MT, Heater T, Vohsing L, Von Sadovszky V, Lutmer JE, Maa T. Assessing Competence With a Task Trainer: Validity Evidence for Novel Tracheostomy Care Skills Assessment Tool. Simul Healthc. 2021 Jul 26;
Harwayne-Gidansky I, Zurca A, Maa T, Bhalala US, Malaiyandi D, Nawathe P, Sarwal A, Waseem M, Kenes M, Vennero M, Emlet L. Defining Priority Areas for Critical Care Simulation: A Modified Delphi Consensus Project. Cureus. 2021 Jun; 13: e15844.
Zann A, Harwayne-Gidansky I, Maa T. Incorporating Simulation Into Your Plan-Do-Study-Act Cycle. Pediatr Ann. 2021 Jan 1; 50: e25-e31.
O'Brien NF, Lovett ME, Chung M, Maa T. Non-invasive estimation of cerebral perfusion pressure using transcranial Doppler ultrasonography in children with severe traumatic brain injury. Childs Nerv Syst. 2020 Sep; 36: 2063-2071.
Suttle ML, Chase MA, Sasser WC 3rd, Moore-Clingenpeel M, Maa T, Werner JA, Bone MF, Boyer DL, Marcdante KJ, Mason KE, McCabe ME, Mink RB, Su F, Turner DA, Education in Pediatric Intensive Care (E.P.I.C.) Investigators.. Burnout in Pediatric Critical Care Medicine Fellows. Crit Care Med. 2020 Jun; 48: 872-880.
Jensen AR, Bullaro F, Falcone RA, Daugherty M, Young LC, McLaughlin C, Park C, Lane C, Prince JM, Scherzer DJ, Maa T, Dunn J, Wining L, Hess J, Santos MC, O'Neill J, Katz E, O'Bosky K, Young T, Christison-Lagay E, Ahmed O, Burd RS, Auerbach M. EAST multicenter trial of simulation-based team training for pediatric trauma: Resuscitation task completion is highly variable during simulated traumatic brain injury resuscitation. Am J Surg. 2020 Jun; 219: 1057-1064.
Lovett ME, Maa T, Moore-Clingenpeel M, O'Brien NF. Transcranial Doppler ultrasound findings in children with moderate-to-severe traumatic brain injury following abusive head trauma. Childs Nerv Syst. 2020 May; 36: 993-1000.
Landis WP, Morgan RW, Reeder RW, Graham K, Siems A, Diddle JW, Pollack MM, Maa T, Fernandez RP, Yates AR, Tilford B, Ahmed T, Meert KL, Schneiter C, Bishop R, Mourani PM, Naim MY, Friess S, Burns C, Manga A, Franzon D, Tabbutt S, McQuillen PS, Horvat CM, Bochkoris M, Carcillo JA, Huard L, Federman M, Sapru A, Viteri S, Hehir DA, Notterman DA, Holubkov R, Dean JM, Nadkarni VM, Berg RA, Wolfe HA, Sutton RM, Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Collaborative Pediatric Critical Care Research Network (CPCCRN) Investigators the National Heart Lung and Blood Institute ICU-RESUScitation Project Investigators.. Variability in chest compression rate calculations during pediatric cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Resuscitation. 2020 Apr; 149: 127-133.
Maa T, Scherzer DJ, Harwayne-Gidansky I, Capua T, Kessler DO, Trainor JL, Jani P, Damazo B, Abulebda K, Diaz MCG, Sharara-Chami R, Srinivasan S, Zurca AD, Deutsch ES, Hunt EA, Auerbach M, PEAK investigators of the International Network for Simulation-based Pediatric Innovation, Research, & Education (INSPIRE).. Prevalence of Errors in Anaphylaxis in Kids (PEAK): A Multicenter Simulation-Based Study. J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract. 2020 Apr; 8: 1239-1246.e3.
Gorham TJ, Rust S, Rust L, Kuehn S, Yang J, Lin JS, Hoffman J, Huang Y, Lin S, McClead R, Brilli R, Bode R, Maa T. The Vitals Risk Index-Retrospective Performance Analysis of an Automated and Objective Pediatric Early Warning System. Pediatr Qual Saf. 2020 Mar-Apr; 5: e271.
Abulebda K, Srinivasan S, Maa T, Stormorken A, Chumpitazi CE. Development, Implementation, and Evaluation of a Faculty Development Workshop to Enhance Debriefing Skills Among Novice Facilitators. Cureus. 2020 Feb 10; 12: e6942.
O'Brien NF, Buttram SDW, Maa T, Lovett ME, Reuter-Rice K, LaRovere KL, Pediatric Neurocritical Care Research Group (PNCRG).. Cerebrovascular Physiology During Pediatric Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation: A Multicenter Study Using Transcranial Doppler Ultrasonography. Pediatr Crit Care Med. 2019 Feb; 20: 178-186.
Bishop R, Joy B, Moore-Clingenpeel M, Maa T. Automated Audiovisual Feedback in Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Training: Improving Skills in Pediatric Intensive Care Nurses. Crit Care Nurse. 2018 Oct; 38: 59-66.
Rutledge C, Walsh CM, Swinger N, Auerbach M, Castro D, Dewan M, Khattab M, Rake A, Harwayne-Gidansky I, Raymond TT, Maa T, Chang TP, Quality Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (QCPR) leaderboard investigators of the International Network for Simulation-based Pediatric Innovation, Research, and Education (INSPIRE).. Gamification in Action: Theoretical and Practical Considerations for Medical Educators. Acad Med. 2018 Jul; 93: 1014-1020.
Lind MM, Corridore M, Sheehan C, Moore-Clingenpeel M, Maa T. A Multidisciplinary Approach to a Pediatric Difficult Airway Simulation Course. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2018 Jul; 159: 127-135.
Lovett ME, Maa T, Chung MG, O'Brien NF. Cerebral blood flow velocity and autoregulation in paediatric patients following a global hypoxic-ischaemic insult. Resuscitation. 2018 May; 126: 191-196.
Reeder RW, Girling A, Wolfe H, Holubkov R, Berg RA, Naim MY, Meert KL, Tilford B, Carcillo JA, Hamilton M, Bochkoris M, Hall M, Maa T, Yates AR, Sapru A, Kelly R, Federman M, Michael Dean J, McQuillen PS, Franzon D, Pollack MM, Siems A, Diddle J, Wessel DL, Mourani PM, Zebuhr C, Bishop R, Friess S, Burns C, Viteri S, Hehir DA, Whitney Coleman R, Jenkins TL, Notterman DA, Tamburro RF, Sutton RM, Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Collaborative Pediatric Critical Care Research Network (CPCCRN).. Improving outcomes after pediatric cardiac arrest - the ICU-Resuscitation Project: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Trials. 2018 Apr 3; 19: 213.
O'Brien NF, Maa T, Moore-Clingenpeel M, Rosenberg N, Yeates KO. Relationships between cerebral flow velocities and neurodevelopmental outcomes in children with moderate to severe traumatic brain injury. Childs Nerv Syst. 2018 Apr; 34: 663-672.
View More Publications
Berg RA, Morgan RW, Reeder RW, Ahmed T, Bell MJ, Bishop R, Bochkoris M, Burns C, Carcillo JA, Carpenter TC, Dean JM, Diddle JW, Federman M, Fernandez R, Fink EL, Franzon D, Frazier AH, Friess SH, Graham K, Hall M, Hehir DA, Horvat CM, Huard LL, Maa T, Manga A, McQuillen PS, Meert KL, Mourani PM, Nadkarni VM, Naim MY, Notterman D, Palmer CA, Pollack MM, Sapru A, Schneiter C, Sharron MP, Srivastava N, Tabbutt S, Tilford B, Viteri S, Wessel D, Wolfe HA, Yates AR, Zuppa AF, Sutton RM. Diastolic Blood Pressure Threshold During Pediatric Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Survival Outcomes: A Multicenter Validation Study. Crit Care Med. 2023 Jan 1; 51: 91-102.
Cashen K, Sutton RM, Reeder RW, Ahmed T, Bell MJ, Berg RA, Burns C, Carcillo JA, Carpenter TC, Michael Dean J, Wesley Diddle J, Federman M, Fink EL, Franzon D, Frazier AH, Friess SH, Graham K, Hall M, Hehir DA, Horvat CM, Huard LL, KirkpatrickN T, Maa T, Manga A, McQuillen PS, Morgan RW, Mourani PM, Nadkarni VM, NaimCE MY, Notterman D, Page K, Pollack MM, Qunibi D, Sapru A, Schneiter C, Sharron MP, Srivastava N, Viteri S, Wessel D, Wolfe HA, Yates AR, Zuppa AF, Meert KL. Calcium Use during Paediatric In-hospital Cardiac Arrest is Associated with Worse Outcomes. Resuscitation. 2022 Dec 21; 109673.
Morgan RW, Wolfe HA, Reeder RW, Alvey JS, Frazier AH, Friess SH, Maa T, McQuillen PS, Meert KL, Nadkarni VM, Sharron MP, Siems A, Yates AR, Ahmed T, Bell MJ, Bishop R, Bochkoris M, Burns C, Carcillo JA, Carpenter TC, Dean JM, Diddle JW, Federman M, Fernandez R, Fink EL, Franzon D, Hall M, Hehir D, Horvat CM, Huard LL, Manga A, Mourani PM, Naim MY, Notterman D, Pollack MM, Sapru A, Schneiter C, Srivastava N, Tabbutt S, Tilford B, Viteri S, Wessel D, Zuppa AF, Berg RA, Sutton RM. The Temporal Association of the COVID-19 Pandemic and Pediatric Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Quality and Outcomes. Pediatr Crit Care Med. 2022 Sep 2;
Cashen K, Reeder RW, Ahmed T, Bell MJ, Berg RA, Burns C, Carcillo JA, Carpenter TC, Dean JM, Diddle JW, Federman M, Fink EL, Frazier AH, Friess SH, Graham K, Hall M, Hehir DA, Horvat CM, Huard LL, Maa T, Manga A, McQuillen PS, Morgan RW, Mourani PM, Nadkarni VM, Naim MY, Notterman D, Palmer CA, Pollack MM, Schneiter C, Sharron MP, Srivastava N, Wessel D, Wolfe HA, Yates AR, Zuppa AF, Sutton RM, Meert KL, Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Collaborative Pediatric Critical Care Research Network (CPCCRN) and National Heart Lung and Blood Institute ICU-RESUScitation Project Investigators.. Sodium Bicarbonate Use During Pediatric Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation: A Secondary Analysis of the ICU-RESUScitation Project Trial. Pediatr Crit Care Med. 2022 Jul 26;
ICU-RESUS and Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health., Human Development Collaborative Pediatric Critical Care Research Network Investigator Groups., Sutton RM, Wolfe HA, Reeder RW, Ahmed T, Bishop R, Bochkoris M, Burns C, Diddle JW, Federman M, Fernandez R, Franzon D, Frazier AH, Friess SH, Graham K, Hehir D, Horvat CM, Huard LL, Landis WP, Maa T, Manga A, Morgan RW, Nadkarni VM, Naim MY, Palmer CA, Schneiter C, Sharron MP, Siems A, Srivastava N, Tabbutt S, Tilford B, Viteri S, Berg RA, Bell MJ, Carcillo JA, Carpenter TC, Dean JM, Fink EL, Hall M, McQuillen PS, Meert KL, Mourani PM, Notterman D, Pollack MM, Sapru A, Wessel D, Yates AR, Zuppa AF. Effect of Physiologic Point-of-Care Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Training on Survival With Favorable Neurologic Outcome in Cardiac Arrest in Pediatric ICUs: A Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA. 2022 Mar 8; 327: 934-945.
Calhoun AW, Gross IT, Mallory LB, Shepard LN, Adler MD, Maa T, Auerbach MA, Cheng A, Kessler DO, Whitfill TM, Duff JP. From Concept to Publication: Effectiveness of the International Network for Simulation-Based Pediatric Innovation, Research, and Education Project Development Process at Generating Simulation Scholarship. Simul Healthc. 2021 Dec 27;
Bartman T, Merandi J, Maa T, Kuehn S, Brilli RJ. Response to Colligan et al. re: their comments on our publication Developing Tools to Enhance the Adaptive Capacity (Safety II) of Healthcare Providers at a Children's Hospital. Jt Comm J Qual Patient Saf. 2021 Oct; 47: 679.
Bartman T, Merandi J, Maa T, Kuehn S, Brilli RJ. Developing Tools to Enhance the Adaptive Capacity (Safety II) of Health Care Providers at a Children's Hospital. Jt Comm J Qual Patient Saf. 2021 Aug; 47: 526-532.
Poeppelman RS, Coles MT, Heater T, Vohsing L, Von Sadovszky V, Lutmer JE, Maa T. Assessing Competence With a Task Trainer: Validity Evidence for Novel Tracheostomy Care Skills Assessment Tool. Simul Healthc. 2021 Jul 26;
Harwayne-Gidansky I, Zurca A, Maa T, Bhalala US, Malaiyandi D, Nawathe P, Sarwal A, Waseem M, Kenes M, Vennero M, Emlet L. Defining Priority Areas for Critical Care Simulation: A Modified Delphi Consensus Project. Cureus. 2021 Jun; 13: e15844.
Zann A, Harwayne-Gidansky I, Maa T. Incorporating Simulation Into Your Plan-Do-Study-Act Cycle. Pediatr Ann. 2021 Jan 1; 50: e25-e31.
O'Brien NF, Lovett ME, Chung M, Maa T. Non-invasive estimation of cerebral perfusion pressure using transcranial Doppler ultrasonography in children with severe traumatic brain injury. Childs Nerv Syst. 2020 Sep; 36: 2063-2071.
Suttle ML, Chase MA, Sasser WC 3rd, Moore-Clingenpeel M, Maa T, Werner JA, Bone MF, Boyer DL, Marcdante KJ, Mason KE, McCabe ME, Mink RB, Su F, Turner DA, Education in Pediatric Intensive Care (E.P.I.C.) Investigators.. Burnout in Pediatric Critical Care Medicine Fellows. Crit Care Med. 2020 Jun; 48: 872-880.
Jensen AR, Bullaro F, Falcone RA, Daugherty M, Young LC, McLaughlin C, Park C, Lane C, Prince JM, Scherzer DJ, Maa T, Dunn J, Wining L, Hess J, Santos MC, O'Neill J, Katz E, O'Bosky K, Young T, Christison-Lagay E, Ahmed O, Burd RS, Auerbach M. EAST multicenter trial of simulation-based team training for pediatric trauma: Resuscitation task completion is highly variable during simulated traumatic brain injury resuscitation. Am J Surg. 2020 Jun; 219: 1057-1064.
Lovett ME, Maa T, Moore-Clingenpeel M, O'Brien NF. Transcranial Doppler ultrasound findings in children with moderate-to-severe traumatic brain injury following abusive head trauma. Childs Nerv Syst. 2020 May; 36: 993-1000.
Landis WP, Morgan RW, Reeder RW, Graham K, Siems A, Diddle JW, Pollack MM, Maa T, Fernandez RP, Yates AR, Tilford B, Ahmed T, Meert KL, Schneiter C, Bishop R, Mourani PM, Naim MY, Friess S, Burns C, Manga A, Franzon D, Tabbutt S, McQuillen PS, Horvat CM, Bochkoris M, Carcillo JA, Huard L, Federman M, Sapru A, Viteri S, Hehir DA, Notterman DA, Holubkov R, Dean JM, Nadkarni VM, Berg RA, Wolfe HA, Sutton RM, Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Collaborative Pediatric Critical Care Research Network (CPCCRN) Investigators the National Heart Lung and Blood Institute ICU-RESUScitation Project Investigators.. Variability in chest compression rate calculations during pediatric cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Resuscitation. 2020 Apr; 149: 127-133.
Maa T, Scherzer DJ, Harwayne-Gidansky I, Capua T, Kessler DO, Trainor JL, Jani P, Damazo B, Abulebda K, Diaz MCG, Sharara-Chami R, Srinivasan S, Zurca AD, Deutsch ES, Hunt EA, Auerbach M, PEAK investigators of the International Network for Simulation-based Pediatric Innovation, Research, & Education (INSPIRE).. Prevalence of Errors in Anaphylaxis in Kids (PEAK): A Multicenter Simulation-Based Study. J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract. 2020 Apr; 8: 1239-1246.e3.
Gorham TJ, Rust S, Rust L, Kuehn S, Yang J, Lin JS, Hoffman J, Huang Y, Lin S, McClead R, Brilli R, Bode R, Maa T. The Vitals Risk Index-Retrospective Performance Analysis of an Automated and Objective Pediatric Early Warning System. Pediatr Qual Saf. 2020 Mar-Apr; 5: e271.
Abulebda K, Srinivasan S, Maa T, Stormorken A, Chumpitazi CE. Development, Implementation, and Evaluation of a Faculty Development Workshop to Enhance Debriefing Skills Among Novice Facilitators. Cureus. 2020 Feb 10; 12: e6942.
O'Brien NF, Buttram SDW, Maa T, Lovett ME, Reuter-Rice K, LaRovere KL, Pediatric Neurocritical Care Research Group (PNCRG).. Cerebrovascular Physiology During Pediatric Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation: A Multicenter Study Using Transcranial Doppler Ultrasonography. Pediatr Crit Care Med. 2019 Feb; 20: 178-186.
Bishop R, Joy B, Moore-Clingenpeel M, Maa T. Automated Audiovisual Feedback in Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Training: Improving Skills in Pediatric Intensive Care Nurses. Crit Care Nurse. 2018 Oct; 38: 59-66.
Rutledge C, Walsh CM, Swinger N, Auerbach M, Castro D, Dewan M, Khattab M, Rake A, Harwayne-Gidansky I, Raymond TT, Maa T, Chang TP, Quality Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (QCPR) leaderboard investigators of the International Network for Simulation-based Pediatric Innovation, Research, and Education (INSPIRE).. Gamification in Action: Theoretical and Practical Considerations for Medical Educators. Acad Med. 2018 Jul; 93: 1014-1020.
Lind MM, Corridore M, Sheehan C, Moore-Clingenpeel M, Maa T. A Multidisciplinary Approach to a Pediatric Difficult Airway Simulation Course. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2018 Jul; 159: 127-135.
Lovett ME, Maa T, Chung MG, O'Brien NF. Cerebral blood flow velocity and autoregulation in paediatric patients following a global hypoxic-ischaemic insult. Resuscitation. 2018 May; 126: 191-196.
Reeder RW, Girling A, Wolfe H, Holubkov R, Berg RA, Naim MY, Meert KL, Tilford B, Carcillo JA, Hamilton M, Bochkoris M, Hall M, Maa T, Yates AR, Sapru A, Kelly R, Federman M, Michael Dean J, McQuillen PS, Franzon D, Pollack MM, Siems A, Diddle J, Wessel DL, Mourani PM, Zebuhr C, Bishop R, Friess S, Burns C, Viteri S, Hehir DA, Whitney Coleman R, Jenkins TL, Notterman DA, Tamburro RF, Sutton RM, Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Collaborative Pediatric Critical Care Research Network (CPCCRN).. Improving outcomes after pediatric cardiac arrest - the ICU-Resuscitation Project: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Trials. 2018 Apr 3; 19: 213.
O'Brien NF, Maa T, Moore-Clingenpeel M, Rosenberg N, Yeates KO. Relationships between cerebral flow velocities and neurodevelopmental outcomes in children with moderate to severe traumatic brain injury. Childs Nerv Syst. 2018 Apr; 34: 663-672.
View More Publications
Berg RA, Morgan RW, Reeder RW, Ahmed T, Bell MJ, Bishop R, Bochkoris M, Burns C, Carcillo JA, Carpenter TC, Dean JM, Diddle JW, Federman M, Fernandez R, Fink EL, Franzon D, Frazier AH, Friess SH, Graham K, Hall M, Hehir DA, Horvat CM, Huard LL, Maa T, Manga A, McQuillen PS, Meert KL, Mourani PM, Nadkarni VM, Naim MY, Notterman D, Palmer CA, Pollack MM, Sapru A, Schneiter C, Sharron MP, Srivastava N, Tabbutt S, Tilford B, Viteri S, Wessel D, Wolfe HA, Yates AR, Zuppa AF, Sutton RM. Diastolic Blood Pressure Threshold During Pediatric Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Survival Outcomes: A Multicenter Validation Study. Crit Care Med. 2023 Jan 1; 51: 91-102.
Cashen K, Sutton RM, Reeder RW, Ahmed T, Bell MJ, Berg RA, Burns C, Carcillo JA, Carpenter TC, Michael Dean J, Wesley Diddle J, Federman M, Fink EL, Franzon D, Frazier AH, Friess SH, Graham K, Hall M, Hehir DA, Horvat CM, Huard LL, KirkpatrickN T, Maa T, Manga A, McQuillen PS, Morgan RW, Mourani PM, Nadkarni VM, NaimCE MY, Notterman D, Page K, Pollack MM, Qunibi D, Sapru A, Schneiter C, Sharron MP, Srivastava N, Viteri S, Wessel D, Wolfe HA, Yates AR, Zuppa AF, Meert KL. Calcium Use during Paediatric In-hospital Cardiac Arrest is Associated with Worse Outcomes. Resuscitation. 2022 Dec 21; 109673.
Morgan RW, Wolfe HA, Reeder RW, Alvey JS, Frazier AH, Friess SH, Maa T, McQuillen PS, Meert KL, Nadkarni VM, Sharron MP, Siems A, Yates AR, Ahmed T, Bell MJ, Bishop R, Bochkoris M, Burns C, Carcillo JA, Carpenter TC, Dean JM, Diddle JW, Federman M, Fernandez R, Fink EL, Franzon D, Hall M, Hehir D, Horvat CM, Huard LL, Manga A, Mourani PM, Naim MY, Notterman D, Pollack MM, Sapru A, Schneiter C, Srivastava N, Tabbutt S, Tilford B, Viteri S, Wessel D, Zuppa AF, Berg RA, Sutton RM. The Temporal Association of the COVID-19 Pandemic and Pediatric Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Quality and Outcomes. Pediatr Crit Care Med. 2022 Sep 2;
Cashen K, Reeder RW, Ahmed T, Bell MJ, Berg RA, Burns C, Carcillo JA, Carpenter TC, Dean JM, Diddle JW, Federman M, Fink EL, Frazier AH, Friess SH, Graham K, Hall M, Hehir DA, Horvat CM, Huard LL, Maa T, Manga A, McQuillen PS, Morgan RW, Mourani PM, Nadkarni VM, Naim MY, Notterman D, Palmer CA, Pollack MM, Schneiter C, Sharron MP, Srivastava N, Wessel D, Wolfe HA, Yates AR, Zuppa AF, Sutton RM, Meert KL, Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Collaborative Pediatric Critical Care Research Network (CPCCRN) and National Heart Lung and Blood Institute ICU-RESUScitation Project Investigators.. Sodium Bicarbonate Use During Pediatric Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation: A Secondary Analysis of the ICU-RESUScitation Project Trial. Pediatr Crit Care Med. 2022 Jul 26;
ICU-RESUS and Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health., Human Development Collaborative Pediatric Critical Care Research Network Investigator Groups., Sutton RM, Wolfe HA, Reeder RW, Ahmed T, Bishop R, Bochkoris M, Burns C, Diddle JW, Federman M, Fernandez R, Franzon D, Frazier AH, Friess SH, Graham K, Hehir D, Horvat CM, Huard LL, Landis WP, Maa T, Manga A, Morgan RW, Nadkarni VM, Naim MY, Palmer CA, Schneiter C, Sharron MP, Siems A, Srivastava N, Tabbutt S, Tilford B, Viteri S, Berg RA, Bell MJ, Carcillo JA, Carpenter TC, Dean JM, Fink EL, Hall M, McQuillen PS, Meert KL, Mourani PM, Notterman D, Pollack MM, Sapru A, Wessel D, Yates AR, Zuppa AF. Effect of Physiologic Point-of-Care Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Training on Survival With Favorable Neurologic Outcome in Cardiac Arrest in Pediatric ICUs: A Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA. 2022 Mar 8; 327: 934-945.
Calhoun AW, Gross IT, Mallory LB, Shepard LN, Adler MD, Maa T, Auerbach MA, Cheng A, Kessler DO, Whitfill TM, Duff JP. From Concept to Publication: Effectiveness of the International Network for Simulation-Based Pediatric Innovation, Research, and Education Project Development Process at Generating Simulation Scholarship. Simul Healthc. 2021 Dec 27;
Bartman T, Merandi J, Maa T, Kuehn S, Brilli RJ. Response to Colligan et al. re: their comments on our publication Developing Tools to Enhance the Adaptive Capacity (Safety II) of Healthcare Providers at a Children's Hospital. Jt Comm J Qual Patient Saf. 2021 Oct; 47: 679.
Bartman T, Merandi J, Maa T, Kuehn S, Brilli RJ. Developing Tools to Enhance the Adaptive Capacity (Safety II) of Health Care Providers at a Children's Hospital. Jt Comm J Qual Patient Saf. 2021 Aug; 47: 526-532.
Poeppelman RS, Coles MT, Heater T, Vohsing L, Von Sadovszky V, Lutmer JE, Maa T. Assessing Competence With a Task Trainer: Validity Evidence for Novel Tracheostomy Care Skills Assessment Tool. Simul Healthc. 2021 Jul 26;
Harwayne-Gidansky I, Zurca A, Maa T, Bhalala US, Malaiyandi D, Nawathe P, Sarwal A, Waseem M, Kenes M, Vennero M, Emlet L. Defining Priority Areas for Critical Care Simulation: A Modified Delphi Consensus Project. Cureus. 2021 Jun; 13: e15844.
Zann A, Harwayne-Gidansky I, Maa T. Incorporating Simulation Into Your Plan-Do-Study-Act Cycle. Pediatr Ann. 2021 Jan 1; 50: e25-e31.
O'Brien NF, Lovett ME, Chung M, Maa T. Non-invasive estimation of cerebral perfusion pressure using transcranial Doppler ultrasonography in children with severe traumatic brain injury. Childs Nerv Syst. 2020 Sep; 36: 2063-2071.
Suttle ML, Chase MA, Sasser WC 3rd, Moore-Clingenpeel M, Maa T, Werner JA, Bone MF, Boyer DL, Marcdante KJ, Mason KE, McCabe ME, Mink RB, Su F, Turner DA, Education in Pediatric Intensive Care (E.P.I.C.) Investigators.. Burnout in Pediatric Critical Care Medicine Fellows. Crit Care Med. 2020 Jun; 48: 872-880.
Jensen AR, Bullaro F, Falcone RA, Daugherty M, Young LC, McLaughlin C, Park C, Lane C, Prince JM, Scherzer DJ, Maa T, Dunn J, Wining L, Hess J, Santos MC, O'Neill J, Katz E, O'Bosky K, Young T, Christison-Lagay E, Ahmed O, Burd RS, Auerbach M. EAST multicenter trial of simulation-based team training for pediatric trauma: Resuscitation task completion is highly variable during simulated traumatic brain injury resuscitation. Am J Surg. 2020 Jun; 219: 1057-1064.
Lovett ME, Maa T, Moore-Clingenpeel M, O'Brien NF. Transcranial Doppler ultrasound findings in children with moderate-to-severe traumatic brain injury following abusive head trauma. Childs Nerv Syst. 2020 May; 36: 993-1000.
Landis WP, Morgan RW, Reeder RW, Graham K, Siems A, Diddle JW, Pollack MM, Maa T, Fernandez RP, Yates AR, Tilford B, Ahmed T, Meert KL, Schneiter C, Bishop R, Mourani PM, Naim MY, Friess S, Burns C, Manga A, Franzon D, Tabbutt S, McQuillen PS, Horvat CM, Bochkoris M, Carcillo JA, Huard L, Federman M, Sapru A, Viteri S, Hehir DA, Notterman DA, Holubkov R, Dean JM, Nadkarni VM, Berg RA, Wolfe HA, Sutton RM, Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Collaborative Pediatric Critical Care Research Network (CPCCRN) Investigators the National Heart Lung and Blood Institute ICU-RESUScitation Project Investigators.. Variability in chest compression rate calculations during pediatric cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Resuscitation. 2020 Apr; 149: 127-133.
Maa T, Scherzer DJ, Harwayne-Gidansky I, Capua T, Kessler DO, Trainor JL, Jani P, Damazo B, Abulebda K, Diaz MCG, Sharara-Chami R, Srinivasan S, Zurca AD, Deutsch ES, Hunt EA, Auerbach M, PEAK investigators of the International Network for Simulation-based Pediatric Innovation, Research, & Education (INSPIRE).. Prevalence of Errors in Anaphylaxis in Kids (PEAK): A Multicenter Simulation-Based Study. J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract. 2020 Apr; 8: 1239-1246.e3.
Gorham TJ, Rust S, Rust L, Kuehn S, Yang J, Lin JS, Hoffman J, Huang Y, Lin S, McClead R, Brilli R, Bode R, Maa T. The Vitals Risk Index-Retrospective Performance Analysis of an Automated and Objective Pediatric Early Warning System. Pediatr Qual Saf. 2020 Mar-Apr; 5: e271.
Abulebda K, Srinivasan S, Maa T, Stormorken A, Chumpitazi CE. Development, Implementation, and Evaluation of a Faculty Development Workshop to Enhance Debriefing Skills Among Novice Facilitators. Cureus. 2020 Feb 10; 12: e6942.
O'Brien NF, Buttram SDW, Maa T, Lovett ME, Reuter-Rice K, LaRovere KL, Pediatric Neurocritical Care Research Group (PNCRG).. Cerebrovascular Physiology During Pediatric Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation: A Multicenter Study Using Transcranial Doppler Ultrasonography. Pediatr Crit Care Med. 2019 Feb; 20: 178-186.
Bishop R, Joy B, Moore-Clingenpeel M, Maa T. Automated Audiovisual Feedback in Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Training: Improving Skills in Pediatric Intensive Care Nurses. Crit Care Nurse. 2018 Oct; 38: 59-66.
Rutledge C, Walsh CM, Swinger N, Auerbach M, Castro D, Dewan M, Khattab M, Rake A, Harwayne-Gidansky I, Raymond TT, Maa T, Chang TP, Quality Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (QCPR) leaderboard investigators of the International Network for Simulation-based Pediatric Innovation, Research, and Education (INSPIRE).. Gamification in Action: Theoretical and Practical Considerations for Medical Educators. Acad Med. 2018 Jul; 93: 1014-1020.
Lind MM, Corridore M, Sheehan C, Moore-Clingenpeel M, Maa T. A Multidisciplinary Approach to a Pediatric Difficult Airway Simulation Course. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2018 Jul; 159: 127-135.
Lovett ME, Maa T, Chung MG, O'Brien NF. Cerebral blood flow velocity and autoregulation in paediatric patients following a global hypoxic-ischaemic insult. Resuscitation. 2018 May; 126: 191-196.
Reeder RW, Girling A, Wolfe H, Holubkov R, Berg RA, Naim MY, Meert KL, Tilford B, Carcillo JA, Hamilton M, Bochkoris M, Hall M, Maa T, Yates AR, Sapru A, Kelly R, Federman M, Michael Dean J, McQuillen PS, Franzon D, Pollack MM, Siems A, Diddle J, Wessel DL, Mourani PM, Zebuhr C, Bishop R, Friess S, Burns C, Viteri S, Hehir DA, Whitney Coleman R, Jenkins TL, Notterman DA, Tamburro RF, Sutton RM, Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Collaborative Pediatric Critical Care Research Network (CPCCRN).. Improving outcomes after pediatric cardiac arrest - the ICU-Resuscitation Project: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Trials. 2018 Apr 3; 19: 213.
O'Brien NF, Maa T, Moore-Clingenpeel M, Rosenberg N, Yeates KO. Relationships between cerebral flow velocities and neurodevelopmental outcomes in children with moderate to severe traumatic brain injury. Childs Nerv Syst. 2018 Apr; 34: 663-672.
View More Publications
Berg RA, Morgan RW, Reeder RW, Ahmed T, Bell MJ, Bishop R, Bochkoris M, Burns C, Carcillo JA, Carpenter TC, Dean JM, Diddle JW, Federman M, Fernandez R, Fink EL, Franzon D, Frazier AH, Friess SH, Graham K, Hall M, Hehir DA, Horvat CM, Huard LL, Maa T, Manga A, McQuillen PS, Meert KL, Mourani PM, Nadkarni VM, Naim MY, Notterman D, Palmer CA, Pollack MM, Sapru A, Schneiter C, Sharron MP, Srivastava N, Tabbutt S, Tilford B, Viteri S, Wessel D, Wolfe HA, Yates AR, Zuppa AF, Sutton RM. Diastolic Blood Pressure Threshold During Pediatric Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Survival Outcomes: A Multicenter Validation Study. Crit Care Med. 2023 Jan 1; 51: 91-102.
Cashen K, Sutton RM, Reeder RW, Ahmed T, Bell MJ, Berg RA, Burns C, Carcillo JA, Carpenter TC, Michael Dean J, Wesley Diddle J, Federman M, Fink EL, Franzon D, Frazier AH, Friess SH, Graham K, Hall M, Hehir DA, Horvat CM, Huard LL, KirkpatrickN T, Maa T, Manga A, McQuillen PS, Morgan RW, Mourani PM, Nadkarni VM, NaimCE MY, Notterman D, Page K, Pollack MM, Qunibi D, Sapru A, Schneiter C, Sharron MP, Srivastava N, Viteri S, Wessel D, Wolfe HA, Yates AR, Zuppa AF, Meert KL. Calcium Use during Paediatric In-hospital Cardiac Arrest is Associated with Worse Outcomes. Resuscitation. 2022 Dec 21; 109673.
Morgan RW, Wolfe HA, Reeder RW, Alvey JS, Frazier AH, Friess SH, Maa T, McQuillen PS, Meert KL, Nadkarni VM, Sharron MP, Siems A, Yates AR, Ahmed T, Bell MJ, Bishop R, Bochkoris M, Burns C, Carcillo JA, Carpenter TC, Dean JM, Diddle JW, Federman M, Fernandez R, Fink EL, Franzon D, Hall M, Hehir D, Horvat CM, Huard LL, Manga A, Mourani PM, Naim MY, Notterman D, Pollack MM, Sapru A, Schneiter C, Srivastava N, Tabbutt S, Tilford B, Viteri S, Wessel D, Zuppa AF, Berg RA, Sutton RM. The Temporal Association of the COVID-19 Pandemic and Pediatric Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Quality and Outcomes. Pediatr Crit Care Med. 2022 Sep 2;
Cashen K, Reeder RW, Ahmed T, Bell MJ, Berg RA, Burns C, Carcillo JA, Carpenter TC, Dean JM, Diddle JW, Federman M, Fink EL, Frazier AH, Friess SH, Graham K, Hall M, Hehir DA, Horvat CM, Huard LL, Maa T, Manga A, McQuillen PS, Morgan RW, Mourani PM, Nadkarni VM, Naim MY, Notterman D, Palmer CA, Pollack MM, Schneiter C, Sharron MP, Srivastava N, Wessel D, Wolfe HA, Yates AR, Zuppa AF, Sutton RM, Meert KL, Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Collaborative Pediatric Critical Care Research Network (CPCCRN) and National Heart Lung and Blood Institute ICU-RESUScitation Project Investigators.. Sodium Bicarbonate Use During Pediatric Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation: A Secondary Analysis of the ICU-RESUScitation Project Trial. Pediatr Crit Care Med. 2022 Jul 26;
ICU-RESUS and Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health., Human Development Collaborative Pediatric Critical Care Research Network Investigator Groups., Sutton RM, Wolfe HA, Reeder RW, Ahmed T, Bishop R, Bochkoris M, Burns C, Diddle JW, Federman M, Fernandez R, Franzon D, Frazier AH, Friess SH, Graham K, Hehir D, Horvat CM, Huard LL, Landis WP, Maa T, Manga A, Morgan RW, Nadkarni VM, Naim MY, Palmer CA, Schneiter C, Sharron MP, Siems A, Srivastava N, Tabbutt S, Tilford B, Viteri S, Berg RA, Bell MJ, Carcillo JA, Carpenter TC, Dean JM, Fink EL, Hall M, McQuillen PS, Meert KL, Mourani PM, Notterman D, Pollack MM, Sapru A, Wessel D, Yates AR, Zuppa AF. Effect of Physiologic Point-of-Care Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Training on Survival With Favorable Neurologic Outcome in Cardiac Arrest in Pediatric ICUs: A Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA. 2022 Mar 8; 327: 934-945.
Calhoun AW, Gross IT, Mallory LB, Shepard LN, Adler MD, Maa T, Auerbach MA, Cheng A, Kessler DO, Whitfill TM, Duff JP. From Concept to Publication: Effectiveness of the International Network for Simulation-Based Pediatric Innovation, Research, and Education Project Development Process at Generating Simulation Scholarship. Simul Healthc. 2021 Dec 27;
Bartman T, Merandi J, Maa T, Kuehn S, Brilli RJ. Response to Colligan et al. re: their comments on our publication Developing Tools to Enhance the Adaptive Capacity (Safety II) of Healthcare Providers at a Children's Hospital. Jt Comm J Qual Patient Saf. 2021 Oct; 47: 679.
Bartman T, Merandi J, Maa T, Kuehn S, Brilli RJ. Developing Tools to Enhance the Adaptive Capacity (Safety II) of Health Care Providers at a Children's Hospital. Jt Comm J Qual Patient Saf. 2021 Aug; 47: 526-532.
Poeppelman RS, Coles MT, Heater T, Vohsing L, Von Sadovszky V, Lutmer JE, Maa T. Assessing Competence With a Task Trainer: Validity Evidence for Novel Tracheostomy Care Skills Assessment Tool. Simul Healthc. 2021 Jul 26;
Harwayne-Gidansky I, Zurca A, Maa T, Bhalala US, Malaiyandi D, Nawathe P, Sarwal A, Waseem M, Kenes M, Vennero M, Emlet L. Defining Priority Areas for Critical Care Simulation: A Modified Delphi Consensus Project. Cureus. 2021 Jun; 13: e15844.
Zann A, Harwayne-Gidansky I, Maa T. Incorporating Simulation Into Your Plan-Do-Study-Act Cycle. Pediatr Ann. 2021 Jan 1; 50: e25-e31.
O'Brien NF, Lovett ME, Chung M, Maa T. Non-invasive estimation of cerebral perfusion pressure using transcranial Doppler ultrasonography in children with severe traumatic brain injury. Childs Nerv Syst. 2020 Sep; 36: 2063-2071.
Suttle ML, Chase MA, Sasser WC 3rd, Moore-Clingenpeel M, Maa T, Werner JA, Bone MF, Boyer DL, Marcdante KJ, Mason KE, McCabe ME, Mink RB, Su F, Turner DA, Education in Pediatric Intensive Care (E.P.I.C.) Investigators.. Burnout in Pediatric Critical Care Medicine Fellows. Crit Care Med. 2020 Jun; 48: 872-880.
Jensen AR, Bullaro F, Falcone RA, Daugherty M, Young LC, McLaughlin C, Park C, Lane C, Prince JM, Scherzer DJ, Maa T, Dunn J, Wining L, Hess J, Santos MC, O'Neill J, Katz E, O'Bosky K, Young T, Christison-Lagay E, Ahmed O, Burd RS, Auerbach M. EAST multicenter trial of simulation-based team training for pediatric trauma: Resuscitation task completion is highly variable during simulated traumatic brain injury resuscitation. Am J Surg. 2020 Jun; 219: 1057-1064.
Lovett ME, Maa T, Moore-Clingenpeel M, O'Brien NF. Transcranial Doppler ultrasound findings in children with moderate-to-severe traumatic brain injury following abusive head trauma. Childs Nerv Syst. 2020 May; 36: 993-1000.
Landis WP, Morgan RW, Reeder RW, Graham K, Siems A, Diddle JW, Pollack MM, Maa T, Fernandez RP, Yates AR, Tilford B, Ahmed T, Meert KL, Schneiter C, Bishop R, Mourani PM, Naim MY, Friess S, Burns C, Manga A, Franzon D, Tabbutt S, McQuillen PS, Horvat CM, Bochkoris M, Carcillo JA, Huard L, Federman M, Sapru A, Viteri S, Hehir DA, Notterman DA, Holubkov R, Dean JM, Nadkarni VM, Berg RA, Wolfe HA, Sutton RM, Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Collaborative Pediatric Critical Care Research Network (CPCCRN) Investigators the National Heart Lung and Blood Institute ICU-RESUScitation Project Investigators.. Variability in chest compression rate calculations during pediatric cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Resuscitation. 2020 Apr; 149: 127-133.
Maa T, Scherzer DJ, Harwayne-Gidansky I, Capua T, Kessler DO, Trainor JL, Jani P, Damazo B, Abulebda K, Diaz MCG, Sharara-Chami R, Srinivasan S, Zurca AD, Deutsch ES, Hunt EA, Auerbach M, PEAK investigators of the International Network for Simulation-based Pediatric Innovation, Research, & Education (INSPIRE).. Prevalence of Errors in Anaphylaxis in Kids (PEAK): A Multicenter Simulation-Based Study. J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract. 2020 Apr; 8: 1239-1246.e3.
Gorham TJ, Rust S, Rust L, Kuehn S, Yang J, Lin JS, Hoffman J, Huang Y, Lin S, McClead R, Brilli R, Bode R, Maa T. The Vitals Risk Index-Retrospective Performance Analysis of an Automated and Objective Pediatric Early Warning System. Pediatr Qual Saf. 2020 Mar-Apr; 5: e271.
Abulebda K, Srinivasan S, Maa T, Stormorken A, Chumpitazi CE. Development, Implementation, and Evaluation of a Faculty Development Workshop to Enhance Debriefing Skills Among Novice Facilitators. Cureus. 2020 Feb 10; 12: e6942.
O'Brien NF, Buttram SDW, Maa T, Lovett ME, Reuter-Rice K, LaRovere KL, Pediatric Neurocritical Care Research Group (PNCRG).. Cerebrovascular Physiology During Pediatric Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation: A Multicenter Study Using Transcranial Doppler Ultrasonography. Pediatr Crit Care Med. 2019 Feb; 20: 178-186.
Bishop R, Joy B, Moore-Clingenpeel M, Maa T. Automated Audiovisual Feedback in Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Training: Improving Skills in Pediatric Intensive Care Nurses. Crit Care Nurse. 2018 Oct; 38: 59-66.
Rutledge C, Walsh CM, Swinger N, Auerbach M, Castro D, Dewan M, Khattab M, Rake A, Harwayne-Gidansky I, Raymond TT, Maa T, Chang TP, Quality Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (QCPR) leaderboard investigators of the International Network for Simulation-based Pediatric Innovation, Research, and Education (INSPIRE).. Gamification in Action: Theoretical and Practical Considerations for Medical Educators. Acad Med. 2018 Jul; 93: 1014-1020.
Lind MM, Corridore M, Sheehan C, Moore-Clingenpeel M, Maa T. A Multidisciplinary Approach to a Pediatric Difficult Airway Simulation Course. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2018 Jul; 159: 127-135.
Lovett ME, Maa T, Chung MG, O'Brien NF. Cerebral blood flow velocity and autoregulation in paediatric patients following a global hypoxic-ischaemic insult. Resuscitation. 2018 May; 126: 191-196.
Reeder RW, Girling A, Wolfe H, Holubkov R, Berg RA, Naim MY, Meert KL, Tilford B, Carcillo JA, Hamilton M, Bochkoris M, Hall M, Maa T, Yates AR, Sapru A, Kelly R, Federman M, Michael Dean J, McQuillen PS, Franzon D, Pollack MM, Siems A, Diddle J, Wessel DL, Mourani PM, Zebuhr C, Bishop R, Friess S, Burns C, Viteri S, Hehir DA, Whitney Coleman R, Jenkins TL, Notterman DA, Tamburro RF, Sutton RM, Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Collaborative Pediatric Critical Care Research Network (CPCCRN).. Improving outcomes after pediatric cardiac arrest - the ICU-Resuscitation Project: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Trials. 2018 Apr 3; 19: 213.
O'Brien NF, Maa T, Moore-Clingenpeel M, Rosenberg N, Yeates KO. Relationships between cerebral flow velocities and neurodevelopmental outcomes in children with moderate to severe traumatic brain injury. Childs Nerv Syst. 2018 Apr; 34: 663-672.
View More Publications
- Berg RA, Morgan RW, Reeder RW, Ahmed T, Bell MJ, Bishop R, Bochkoris M, Burns C, Carcillo JA, Carpenter TC, Dean JM, Diddle JW, Federman M, Fernandez R, Fink EL, Franzon D, Frazier AH, Friess SH, Graham K, Hall M, Hehir DA, Horvat CM, Huard LL, Maa T, Manga A, McQuillen PS, Meert KL, Mourani PM, Nadkarni VM, Naim MY, Notterman D, Palmer CA, Pollack MM, Sapru A, Schneiter C, Sharron MP, Srivastava N, Tabbutt S, Tilford B, Viteri S, Wessel D, Wolfe HA, Yates AR, Zuppa AF, Sutton RM. Diastolic Blood Pressure Threshold During Pediatric Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Survival Outcomes: A Multicenter Validation Study. Crit Care Med. 2023 Jan 1; 51: 91-102.
- Cashen K, Sutton RM, Reeder RW, Ahmed T, Bell MJ, Berg RA, Burns C, Carcillo JA, Carpenter TC, Michael Dean J, Wesley Diddle J, Federman M, Fink EL, Franzon D, Frazier AH, Friess SH, Graham K, Hall M, Hehir DA, Horvat CM, Huard LL, KirkpatrickN T, Maa T, Manga A, McQuillen PS, Morgan RW, Mourani PM, Nadkarni VM, NaimCE MY, Notterman D, Page K, Pollack MM, Qunibi D, Sapru A, Schneiter C, Sharron MP, Srivastava N, Viteri S, Wessel D, Wolfe HA, Yates AR, Zuppa AF, Meert KL. Calcium Use during Paediatric In-hospital Cardiac Arrest is Associated with Worse Outcomes. Resuscitation. 2022 Dec 21; 109673.
- Morgan RW, Wolfe HA, Reeder RW, Alvey JS, Frazier AH, Friess SH, Maa T, McQuillen PS, Meert KL, Nadkarni VM, Sharron MP, Siems A, Yates AR, Ahmed T, Bell MJ, Bishop R, Bochkoris M, Burns C, Carcillo JA, Carpenter TC, Dean JM, Diddle JW, Federman M, Fernandez R, Fink EL, Franzon D, Hall M, Hehir D, Horvat CM, Huard LL, Manga A, Mourani PM, Naim MY, Notterman D, Pollack MM, Sapru A, Schneiter C, Srivastava N, Tabbutt S, Tilford B, Viteri S, Wessel D, Zuppa AF, Berg RA, Sutton RM. The Temporal Association of the COVID-19 Pandemic and Pediatric Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Quality and Outcomes. Pediatr Crit Care Med. 2022 Sep 2;
- Cashen K, Reeder RW, Ahmed T, Bell MJ, Berg RA, Burns C, Carcillo JA, Carpenter TC, Dean JM, Diddle JW, Federman M, Fink EL, Frazier AH, Friess SH, Graham K, Hall M, Hehir DA, Horvat CM, Huard LL, Maa T, Manga A, McQuillen PS, Morgan RW, Mourani PM, Nadkarni VM, Naim MY, Notterman D, Palmer CA, Pollack MM, Schneiter C, Sharron MP, Srivastava N, Wessel D, Wolfe HA, Yates AR, Zuppa AF, Sutton RM, Meert KL, Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Collaborative Pediatric Critical Care Research Network (CPCCRN) and National Heart Lung and Blood Institute ICU-RESUScitation Project Investigators.. Sodium Bicarbonate Use During Pediatric Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation: A Secondary Analysis of the ICU-RESUScitation Project Trial. Pediatr Crit Care Med. 2022 Jul 26;
- ICU-RESUS and Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health., Human Development Collaborative Pediatric Critical Care Research Network Investigator Groups., Sutton RM, Wolfe HA, Reeder RW, Ahmed T, Bishop R, Bochkoris M, Burns C, Diddle JW, Federman M, Fernandez R, Franzon D, Frazier AH, Friess SH, Graham K, Hehir D, Horvat CM, Huard LL, Landis WP, Maa T, Manga A, Morgan RW, Nadkarni VM, Naim MY, Palmer CA, Schneiter C, Sharron MP, Siems A, Srivastava N, Tabbutt S, Tilford B, Viteri S, Berg RA, Bell MJ, Carcillo JA, Carpenter TC, Dean JM, Fink EL, Hall M, McQuillen PS, Meert KL, Mourani PM, Notterman D, Pollack MM, Sapru A, Wessel D, Yates AR, Zuppa AF. Effect of Physiologic Point-of-Care Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Training on Survival With Favorable Neurologic Outcome in Cardiac Arrest in Pediatric ICUs: A Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA. 2022 Mar 8; 327: 934-945.
- Calhoun AW, Gross IT, Mallory LB, Shepard LN, Adler MD, Maa T, Auerbach MA, Cheng A, Kessler DO, Whitfill TM, Duff JP. From Concept to Publication: Effectiveness of the International Network for Simulation-Based Pediatric Innovation, Research, and Education Project Development Process at Generating Simulation Scholarship. Simul Healthc. 2021 Dec 27;
- Bartman T, Merandi J, Maa T, Kuehn S, Brilli RJ. Response to Colligan et al. re: their comments on our publication Developing Tools to Enhance the Adaptive Capacity (Safety II) of Healthcare Providers at a Children’s Hospital. Jt Comm J Qual Patient Saf. 2021 Oct; 47: 679.
- Bartman T, Merandi J, Maa T, Kuehn S, Brilli RJ. Developing Tools to Enhance the Adaptive Capacity (Safety II) of Health Care Providers at a Children’s Hospital. Jt Comm J Qual Patient Saf. 2021 Aug; 47: 526-532.
- Poeppelman RS, Coles MT, Heater T, Vohsing L, Von Sadovszky V, Lutmer JE, Maa T. Assessing Competence With a Task Trainer: Validity Evidence for Novel Tracheostomy Care Skills Assessment Tool. Simul Healthc. 2021 Jul 26;
- Harwayne-Gidansky I, Zurca A, Maa T, Bhalala US, Malaiyandi D, Nawathe P, Sarwal A, Waseem M, Kenes M, Vennero M, Emlet L. Defining Priority Areas for Critical Care Simulation: A Modified Delphi Consensus Project. Cureus. 2021 Jun; 13: e15844.
- Zann A, Harwayne-Gidansky I, Maa T. Incorporating Simulation Into Your Plan-Do-Study-Act Cycle. Pediatr Ann. 2021 Jan 1; 50: e25-e31.
- O’Brien NF, Lovett ME, Chung M, Maa T. Non-invasive estimation of cerebral perfusion pressure using transcranial Doppler ultrasonography in children with severe traumatic brain injury. Childs Nerv Syst. 2020 Sep; 36: 2063-2071.
- Suttle ML, Chase MA, Sasser WC 3rd, Moore-Clingenpeel M, Maa T, Werner JA, Bone MF, Boyer DL, Marcdante KJ, Mason KE, McCabe ME, Mink RB, Su F, Turner DA, Education in Pediatric Intensive Care (E.P.I.C.) Investigators.. Burnout in Pediatric Critical Care Medicine Fellows. Crit Care Med. 2020 Jun; 48: 872-880.
- Jensen AR, Bullaro F, Falcone RA, Daugherty M, Young LC, McLaughlin C, Park C, Lane C, Prince JM, Scherzer DJ, Maa T, Dunn J, Wining L, Hess J, Santos MC, O’Neill J, Katz E, O’Bosky K, Young T, Christison-Lagay E, Ahmed O, Burd RS, Auerbach M. EAST multicenter trial of simulation-based team training for pediatric trauma: Resuscitation task completion is highly variable during simulated traumatic brain injury resuscitation. Am J Surg. 2020 Jun; 219: 1057-1064.
- Lovett ME, Maa T, Moore-Clingenpeel M, O’Brien NF. Transcranial Doppler ultrasound findings in children with moderate-to-severe traumatic brain injury following abusive head trauma. Childs Nerv Syst. 2020 May; 36: 993-1000.
- Landis WP, Morgan RW, Reeder RW, Graham K, Siems A, Diddle JW, Pollack MM, Maa T, Fernandez RP, Yates AR, Tilford B, Ahmed T, Meert KL, Schneiter C, Bishop R, Mourani PM, Naim MY, Friess S, Burns C, Manga A, Franzon D, Tabbutt S, McQuillen PS, Horvat CM, Bochkoris M, Carcillo JA, Huard L, Federman M, Sapru A, Viteri S, Hehir DA, Notterman DA, Holubkov R, Dean JM, Nadkarni VM, Berg RA, Wolfe HA, Sutton RM, Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Collaborative Pediatric Critical Care Research Network (CPCCRN) Investigators the National Heart Lung and Blood Institute ICU-RESUScitation Project Investigators.. Variability in chest compression rate calculations during pediatric cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Resuscitation. 2020 Apr; 149: 127-133.
- Maa T, Scherzer DJ, Harwayne-Gidansky I, Capua T, Kessler DO, Trainor JL, Jani P, Damazo B, Abulebda K, Diaz MCG, Sharara-Chami R, Srinivasan S, Zurca AD, Deutsch ES, Hunt EA, Auerbach M, PEAK investigators of the International Network for Simulation-based Pediatric Innovation, Research, & Education (INSPIRE).. Prevalence of Errors in Anaphylaxis in Kids (PEAK): A Multicenter Simulation-Based Study. J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract. 2020 Apr; 8: 1239-1246.e3.
- Gorham TJ, Rust S, Rust L, Kuehn S, Yang J, Lin JS, Hoffman J, Huang Y, Lin S, McClead R, Brilli R, Bode R, Maa T. The Vitals Risk Index-Retrospective Performance Analysis of an Automated and Objective Pediatric Early Warning System. Pediatr Qual Saf. 2020 Mar-Apr; 5: e271.
- Abulebda K, Srinivasan S, Maa T, Stormorken A, Chumpitazi CE. Development, Implementation, and Evaluation of a Faculty Development Workshop to Enhance Debriefing Skills Among Novice Facilitators. Cureus. 2020 Feb 10; 12: e6942.
- O’Brien NF, Buttram SDW, Maa T, Lovett ME, Reuter-Rice K, LaRovere KL, Pediatric Neurocritical Care Research Group (PNCRG).. Cerebrovascular Physiology During Pediatric Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation: A Multicenter Study Using Transcranial Doppler Ultrasonography. Pediatr Crit Care Med. 2019 Feb; 20: 178-186.
- Bishop R, Joy B, Moore-Clingenpeel M, Maa T. Automated Audiovisual Feedback in Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Training: Improving Skills in Pediatric Intensive Care Nurses. Crit Care Nurse. 2018 Oct; 38: 59-66.
- Rutledge C, Walsh CM, Swinger N, Auerbach M, Castro D, Dewan M, Khattab M, Rake A, Harwayne-Gidansky I, Raymond TT, Maa T, Chang TP, Quality Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (QCPR) leaderboard investigators of the International Network for Simulation-based Pediatric Innovation, Research, and Education (INSPIRE).. Gamification in Action: Theoretical and Practical Considerations for Medical Educators. Acad Med. 2018 Jul; 93: 1014-1020.
- Lind MM, Corridore M, Sheehan C, Moore-Clingenpeel M, Maa T. A Multidisciplinary Approach to a Pediatric Difficult Airway Simulation Course. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2018 Jul; 159: 127-135.
- Lovett ME, Maa T, Chung MG, O’Brien NF. Cerebral blood flow velocity and autoregulation in paediatric patients following a global hypoxic-ischaemic insult. Resuscitation. 2018 May; 126: 191-196.
- Reeder RW, Girling A, Wolfe H, Holubkov R, Berg RA, Naim MY, Meert KL, Tilford B, Carcillo JA, Hamilton M, Bochkoris M, Hall M, Maa T, Yates AR, Sapru A, Kelly R, Federman M, Michael Dean J, McQuillen PS, Franzon D, Pollack MM, Siems A, Diddle J, Wessel DL, Mourani PM, Zebuhr C, Bishop R, Friess S, Burns C, Viteri S, Hehir DA, Whitney Coleman R, Jenkins TL, Notterman DA, Tamburro RF, Sutton RM, Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Collaborative Pediatric Critical Care Research Network (CPCCRN).. Improving outcomes after pediatric cardiac arrest - the ICU-Resuscitation Project: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Trials. 2018 Apr 3; 19: 213.
- O’Brien NF, Maa T, Moore-Clingenpeel M, Rosenberg N, Yeates KO. Relationships between cerebral flow velocities and neurodevelopmental outcomes in children with moderate to severe traumatic brain injury. Childs Nerv Syst. 2018 Apr; 34: 663-672.
Date of Appointment at Nationwide Children’s Hospital: 08/01/2010
Board Certifications
Pediatric Critical Care Pediatrics
Childrens Memorial Hospital (Chicago)
Date Completed: 06/30/2010
University of Arizona Health Sciences Center
Date Completed: 06/30/2004
Medical School
Ohio State University
Date Completed: 06/30/2001
Date of Appointment at Nationwide Children’s Hospital: 08/01/2010
Board Certifications
Pediatric Critical Care Pediatrics
Childrens Memorial Hospital (Chicago)
Date Completed: 06/30/2010
University of Arizona Health Sciences Center
Date Completed: 06/30/2004
Medical School
Ohio State University
Date Completed: 06/30/2001
Date of Appointment at Nationwide Children’s Hospital: 08/01/2010
Board Certifications
Pediatric Critical Care Pediatrics
Childrens Memorial Hospital (Chicago)
Date Completed: 06/30/2010
University of Arizona Health Sciences Center
Date Completed: 06/30/2004
Medical School
Ohio State University
Date Completed: 06/30/2001
Date of Appointment at Nationwide Children’s Hospital: 08/01/2010
Board Certifications
Pediatric Critical Care Pediatrics
Childrens Memorial Hospital (Chicago)
Date Completed: 06/30/2010
University of Arizona Health Sciences Center
Date Completed: 06/30/2004
Medical School
Ohio State University
Date Completed: 06/30/2001
Date of Appointment at Nationwide Children’s Hospital: 08/01/2010
Board Certifications
Pediatric Critical Care Pediatrics
Childrens Memorial Hospital (Chicago)
Date Completed: 06/30/2010
University of Arizona Health Sciences Center
Date Completed: 06/30/2004
Medical School
Ohio State University
Date Completed: 06/30/2001
- Pediatric Critical Care
- Pediatrics
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