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Fax us at: (614) 355-5899
Pediatrics700 Children’s DrColumbus, OH 43205 (map)
Learn more about Sudarshan R. Jadcherla
Sudarshan R. Jadcherla, MD, is a member of the Section of Neonatology at Nationwide Children’s Hospital, a Principal Investigator at the Center for Perinatal Research at The Research Institute at Nationwide Children’s Hospital, a Professor of Pediatrics at The Ohio State University College of Medicine and the Medical Director of the Neonatal and Infant Feeding Disorders Program. He holds the Nationwide Foundation Endowed Chair in Neonatology. Dr. Jadcherla’s research focuses on maturational and dysfunctional mechanisms of neonatal feeding and aero-digestive disorders. Supported by the National Institutes of Health, Dr. Jadcherla is conducting innovative research in elucidating the physiological and pathophysiological mechanisms involved with swallowing, aero-digestive protection, gastroesophageal reflux disease and chronic lung disease of infancy. Understanding the mechanisms during maturation, whether functional or dysfunctional, will form the basis for evidence based diagnosis and therapeutic interventions. The long term goal of his program is to translate clinical research initiatives to crib-side in the neonatal ICU community and beyond by solving complex issues pertinent to feeding safety and airway protection. His program strives to improve feeding related quality of life among high risk neonates, lowers burden of care and hospital costs.
Patient Care
Main Campus of Nationwide Children’s Hospital
Languages Spoken
English Hindi Telugu
Academic and Clinical Areas
Associate Division Chief
Neonatal and Infant Feeding Disorders Fellowship
Program Director
Physician Team
Center for Perinatal Research
Principal Investigator
Gastroenterology Motility Fellowship
Affiliate Faculty
Neonatology Fellowship
Primary Department
Primary Section
Awards, Honors & Organizations
Elected to Executive Board of Directors, Dysphagia Research Society, 2011 Research Excellence Award in Pediatric GI Sciences, International Foundation for Function GI Disorders, 2011 Elected Member, American Physiological Society, 2011 Recognized for Conducting Innovative Research on Neonatal Feeding Disorders (Associated with Nationwide Children’s #5 Ranking in Child Magazine for its Neonatology Services), Child Magazine, 2007 Listed, Best Doctors in America Elected Member, American Pediatric Society Masters Award in Gastroenterology, for Outstanding Achievement in Clinical Digestive Sciences Research, American Gastroentrology Association Appointed Permanent Scientific Committee Member, OESO Organization, an Affiliate of UNESCO Distance Chair of Learning Appointed Scientific Steering Committee Member, 9th OESO Congress, Oesophagology research meeting, Monaco Appointed Permanent Scientific Committee Member, OESO Organization, Representing Pediatrics, in Recognition of Research on Swallowing and the Esophageal Disorders
Center for Perinatal Research
View My Publications
Hasenstab KA, Prabhakar V, Helmick R, Yildiz V, Jadcherla SR. Pharyngeal biorhythms during oral milk challenge in high-risk infants: Do they predict chronic tube feeding? Neurogastroenterol Motil. 2022 Nov 13; e14492.
Nelin LD, Kielt MJ, Jebbia M, Jadcherla S, Shepherd EG. Bronchodilator responsiveness and dysanapsis in bronchopulmonary dysplasia. ERJ Open Res. 2022 Jul; 8:
Jadcherla SR, Helmick R, Hasenstab KA, Njeh M, Alshaikh E. Impact of esophageal mucosal permeability markers on provocation-induced esophageal reflexes in high-risk infants. Physiol Rep. 2022 Jun; 10: e15366.
Hasenstab KA, Jadcherla SR. Evidence-Based Approaches to Successful Oral Feeding in Infants with Feeding Difficulties. Clin Perinatol. 2022 Jun; 49: 503-520.
Paul GR, Hayes D Jr, Tumin D, Gulati I, Jadcherla S, Splaingard ML. What Are the Factors Affecting Total Sleep Time During Video Polysomnography in Infants? Am J Perinatol. 2022 Jun; 39: 853-860.
Gentle SJ, Carper B, Laughon MM, Jensen EA, Williams A, Travers CP, Ambalavanan N, Lal CV, Carlo WA, NICHD Neonatal Research Network., Polin RA, Laptook AR, Keszler M, Hensman AM, Vieira E, Little E, Pierre LS, Walsh MC, Hibbs AM, Newman NS, Truog WE, Pallotto EK, Kilbride HW, Gauldin C, Holmes A, Johnson K, Parimi PS, Gaetano L, Poindexter BB, Schibler K, Merhar SL, Alexander B, Grisby C, Kirker K, Cotten CM, Goldberg RN, Finkle J, Fisher KA, Bose CL, Bernhardt J, Bose G, Clark C, Kicklighter SD, Rhodes-Ryan G, White D, Carlton DP, Stoll BJ, Patel RM, Loggins Y, Hale EC, Bottcher DI, Mackie C, Bremer AA, Higgins RD, Archer SW, Sokol GM, Herron DE, Joyce J, Tyson JE, Khan AM, Kennedy KA, Eason E, Stephens EK, McDavid GE, Arldt-McAlister J, Burson K, Garcia C, Hall D, Martin K, Martin SC, Rodgers S, Tate PLP, Wright SL, Sánchez PJ, Nelin LD, Jadcherla SR, Luzader P, Clark E, Fortney CA, Gutentag J, Park C, Shadd JC, Stein M, Grothause JL, Baugher H, Yosseff-Salameh L, McCool J, Das A, Gantz MG, Bann CM, Wallace D, Crawford M, Gabrio J, Leblond D, O'Donnell Auman J, Huitema CMP, Zaterka-Baxter KM, Van Meurs KP, Chock VY, Stevenson DK, Ball MB, Proud MS, Reichert EN, Williams RJ, Collins MV, Cosby SS, McNair T, Estes M, Hagood K, Devaskar U, Garg M, Chanlaw T, Geller R, Bell EF, Colaizy TT, Baack ML, Ellsbury DL, Brumbaugh JE, Johnson KJ, Henning MM, Elenkiwich C, Goeke CA, Broadbent M, Hogden LA, Klein JM, Dagle JM, Schmelzel ML, Walker JR, Bass DB, Tud TL, Watterberg KL, Fuller J, Ohls RK, Lacy CB, Beauman SS, Hartenberger C, Hanson M, Kuan E, Eichenwald EC, Schmidt B, Kirpalani H, DeMauro SB, Abbasi S, Catts C, Chaudhary AS, Ghavam S, Mancini T, Snyder J, D'Angio CT, Guillet R, Reynolds AM, Lakshminrusimha S, Kent A, Binion K, Bowman M, Donato J, Guilford S, Hunn J, Jensen RL, Li E, Maffett D, Orme C, Prinzing D, Reubens L, Rochez D, Rowan M, Sabaratnam P, Sacilowski M, Scorsone AM, Wadkins HIM, Williams A, Wynn K, Jones R, Wyckoff M, Sánchez PJ, Brion LP, Vasil DM, Chen L, DeLeon MM, Eubanks F, Pavageau L, Sepulveda P, Yoder BA, Baserga M, Minton SD, Sheffield MJ, Rau CA, Burnett J, Davis B, Christensen S, Loertscher MC, Marchant T, Maxson E, McGrath K, Elmont JO, Parry M, Schaefer ST, Weaver-Lewis K, Woodbury KD, Shankaran S, Natarajan G, Chawla S, Sood BG, Childs K, Panaitescu B, Bara R, Barks J, Christensen MK, Wiggins SA, White DF. Duration of noninvasive respiratory support and risk for bronchopulmonary dysplasia or death. J Perinatol. 2022 Jan 15;
Osborn EK, Jadcherla SR. Developing a Quality Improvement Feeding Program for NICU Patients. Neoreviews. 2022 Jan 1; 23: e23-e35.
Sultana Z, Hasenstab KA, Moore RK, Osborn EK, Yildiz VO, Wei L, Slaughter JL, Jadcherla SR. Symptom Scores and pH-Impedance: Secondary Analysis of a Randomized Controlled Trial in Infants Treated for Gastroesophageal Reflux. Gastro Hep Adv. 2022; 1: 869-881.
Jadcherla SR, Hasenstab KA, Osborn EK, Levy DS, Ipek H, Helmick R, Sultana Z, Logue N, Yildiz VO, Blosser H, Shah SH, Wei L. Mechanisms and management considerations of parent-chosen feeding approaches to infants with swallowing difficulties: an observational study. Sci Rep. 2021 Oct 7; 11: 19934.
Sultana Z, Hasenstab KA, Jadcherla SR. Pharyngoesophageal motility reflex mechanisms in the human neonate: importance of integrative cross-systems physiology. Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol. 2021 Aug 1; 321: G139-G148.
Viswanathan S, Batchu S, Osborn E, Jadcherla S. Diagnostic utility of impedance-pH monitoring in infants of diabetic mothers with oral feeding difficulties. J Perinatol. 2021 Aug; 41: 1886-1892.
Viswanathan S, Osborn E, Jadcherla S. Body adiposity and oral feeding outcomes in infants: a pilot study. J Perinatol. 2021 May; 41: 1059-1064.
Abdi HH, Backes CH, Ball MK, Talavera-Barber MM, Klebanoff MA, Jadcherla SR, Mohamed TH, Slaughter JL. Prophylactic Indomethacin in extremely preterm infants: association with death or BPD and observed early serum creatinine levels. J Perinatol. 2021 Apr; 41: 749-755.
Swiader N, Hasenstab KA, Yildiz VO, Jadcherla SR. Characterization of Esophageal and Sphincter Reflexes across Maturation in Dysphagic Infants with Oral Feeding Success vs Infants requiring Gastrostomy. Dysphagia. 2021 Feb 12;
Viswanathan S, Osborn E, Jadcherla S. Predictive ability of postnatal growth failure for adverse feeding-related outcomes in preterm infants: an exploratory study comparing Fenton with INTERGROWTH-21st preterm growth charts. J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med. 2021 Feb 11; 1-8.
Sanchez JB, Jadcherla SR. Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease in Neonates: Facts and Figures. Neoreviews. 2021 Feb; 22: e104-e117.
Miles A, Connor NP, Desai RV, Jadcherla S, Allen J, Brodsky M, Garand KL, Malandraki GA, McCulloch TM, Moss M, Murray J, Pulia M, Riquelme LF, Langmore SE. Dysphagia Care Across the Continuum: A Multidisciplinary Dysphagia Research Society Taskforce Report of Service-Delivery During the COVID-19 Global Pandemic. Dysphagia. 2020 Jul 11;
Davidson K, O'Rourke A, Fortunato JE, Jadcherla S. The Emerging Importance of High-Resolution Manometry in the Evaluation and Treatment of Deglutition in Infants, Children, and Adults: New Opportunities for Speech-Language Pathologists. Am J Speech Lang Pathol. 2020 Jul 10; 29: 945-955.
Hasenstab-Kenney KA, Bellodas Sanchez J, Prabhakar V, Lang IM, Shaker R, Jadcherla SR. Mechanisms of bradycardia in premature infants: Aerodigestive-cardiac regulatory-rhythm interactions. Physiol Rep. 2020 Jul; 8: e14495.
Jadcherla SR. Neonatal Gastroenterology: Challenges, Controversies, and Recent Advances. Clin Perinatol. 2020 Jun; 47: xvii-xviii.
Hasenstab KA, Jadcherla SR. Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Neonate: Controversies, Current Understanding, and Future Directions. Clin Perinatol. 2020 Jun; 47: 243-263.
Gulati IK, Sultana Z, Jadcherla SR. Approach to Feeding Difficulties in Neonates and Infants: A Comprehensive Overview. Clin Perinatol. 2020 Jun; 47: 265-276.
Viswanathan S, Jadcherla S. Feeding and Swallowing Difficulties in Neonates: Developmental Physiology and Pathophysiology. Clin Perinatol. 2020 Jun; 47: 223-241.
Woodley FW, Ciciora SL, Vaz K, Williams K, Di Lorenzo C, Jadcherla S. Air-Swallow/GERD-Like Symptom Associations Assessed Using a Novel Application of Esophageal Impedance Technology. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 2020 May 12;
Jadcherla SR, Sultana Z, Hasenstab-Kenney KA, Prabhakar V, Gulati IK, Di Lorenzo C. Differentiating esophageal sensitivity phenotypes using pH-impedance in intensive care unit infants referred for gastroesophageal reflux symptoms. Pediatr Res. 2020 May 6;
Jadcherla SR, Hasenstab KA, Wei L, Osborn EK, Viswanathan S, Gulati IK, Slaughter JL, Di Lorenzo C. Role of feeding strategy bundle with acid-suppressive therapy in infants with esophageal acid reflux exposure: a randomized controlled trial. Pediatr Res. 2020 May 7;
Badran EF, Jadcherla S. The enigma of gastroesophageal reflux disease among convalescing infants in the NICU: It is time to rethink. Int J Pediatr Adolesc Med. 2020 Mar; 7: 26-30.
Woodley FW, Ciciora SL, Vaz K, Williams K, Di Lorenzo C, Jadcherla S. Novel Use of Impedance Technology Shows That Esophageal Air Events Can Be Temporally Associated With Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease-like Symptoms. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 2020 Jan; 70: e7-e11.
Viswanathan S, Jadcherla S. Anemia of Prematurity and Oral Feeding Milestones in Premature Infants. Am J Perinatol. 2019 Nov 27;
Bapat R, Gulati IK, Jadcherla S. Impact of SIMPLE Feeding Quality Improvement Strategies on Aerodigestive Milestones and Feeding Outcomes in BPD Infants. Hosp Pediatr. 2019 Nov; 9: 859-866.
Woodley FW, Ciciora SL, Vaz K, Williams K, Di Lorenzo C, Jadcherla S. Novel Use of Impedance Technology Shows that Esophageal Air Events Can Be Temporally Associated with GERD-Like Symptoms. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 2019 Sep 23;
Warren MG, Do B, Das A, Smith PB, Adams-Chapman I, Jadcherla S, Jensen EA, Goldstein RF, Goldberg RN, Cotten CM, Bell EF, Malcolm WF, Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Neonatal Research Network.. Gastrostomy Tube Feeding in Extremely Low Birthweight Infants: Frequency, Associated Comorbidities, and Long-term Outcomes. J Pediatr. 2019 Aug 16;
Viswanathan S, Jadcherla S. Transitioning from gavage to full oral feeds in premature infants: When should we discontinue the nasogastric tube? J Perinatol. 2019 Jul 31;
Shah H, Jadcherla SR. Secretion Management in Tracheostomized Infants using Unconventional Approaches and Outcomes: A Case Series. Am J Perinatol. 2019 Jul 31;
Jadcherla SR. Challenges to Eating, Swallowing, and Aerodigestive Functions in Infants: A Burning Platform That Needs Attention! J Pediatr. 2019 Jun 5;
Prabhakar V, Hasenstab KA, Osborn E, Wei L, Jadcherla SR. Pharyngeal contractile and regulatory characteristics are distinct during nutritive oral stimulus in preterm-born infants: Implications for clinical and research applications. Neurogastroenterol Motil. 2019 May 26; e13650.
Gulati IK, Jadcherla SR. Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Infant: Who Needs to Be Treated and What Approach Is Beneficial? Pediatr Clin North Am. 2019 Apr; 66: 461-473.
Collins CR, Hasenstab KA, Nawaz S, Jadcherla SR. Mechanisms of Aerodigestive Symptoms in Infants with Varying Acid Reflux Index Determined by Esophageal Manometry. J Pediatr. 2019 Mar; 206: 240-247.
Hasenstab KA, Nawaz S, Lang IM, Shaker R, Jadcherla SR. Pharyngoesophageal and cardiorespiratory interactions: potential implications for premature infants at risk of clinically significant cardiorespiratory events. Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol. 2019 Feb 1; 316: G304-G312.
Jadcherla SR, Hanandeh N, Hasenstab KA, Nawaz S. Differentiation of esophageal pH-impedance characteristics classified by the mucosal integrity marker in human neonates. Pediatr Res. 2019 Feb; 85: 355-360.
Woodley FW, Hayes D Jr, Kopp BT, Moore-Clingenpeel M, Machado RS, Nemastil CJ, Jadcherla S, Di Lorenzo C, Kaul A, Mousa H. Gastroesophageal reflux in cystic fibrosis across the age spectrum. Transl Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2019; 4: 69.
Malkar MB, Viswanathan SK, Jadcherla SR. Pilot Study of Pharyngoesophageal Dysmotility Mechanisms in Dysphagic Infants of Diabetic Mothers. Am J Perinatol. 2018 Dec 21;
Hart BJ, Viswanathan S, Jadcherla SR. Persistent feeding difficulties among infants with fetal opioid exposure: mechanisms and clinical reasoning. J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med. 2018 Sep 9; 1-7.
Levy DS, Osborn E, Hasenstab KA, Nawaz S, Jadcherla SR. The Effect of Additives for Reflux or Dysphagia Management on Osmolality in Ready-to-Feed Preterm Formula: Practice Implications. JPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr. 2018 Jul 10;
Jadcherla SR. Understanding the neonatal oesophageal mysteries of gastro-oesophageal reflux disease using baseline impedance. Acta Paediatr. 2018 Jun 8;
Shepherd EG, Clouse BJ, Hasenstab KA, Sitaram S, Malleske DT, Nelin LD, Jadcherla SR. Infant Pulmonary Function Testing and Phenotypes in Severe Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia. Pediatrics. 2018 May; 141:
Lang IM, Medda BK, Shaker R, Jadcherla S. The effect of body position on esophageal reflexes in cats: a possible mechanism of SIDS? Pediatr Res. 2018 Mar; 83: 731-738.
Hasenstab KA, Sitaram S, Lang IM, Shaker R, Jadcherla SR. Maturation Modulates Pharyngeal-Stimulus Provoked Pharyngeal and Respiratory Rhythms in Human Infants. Dysphagia. 2018 Feb; 33: 63-75.
Algotar A, Shaikhkhalil AK, Siler-Wurst K, Sitaram S, Gulati I, Jadcherla SR. Unique Patterns of Body Composition and Anthropometric Measurements During Maturation in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Neonates: Opportunities for Modifying Nutritional Therapy and Influencing Clinical Outcomes. JPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr. 2018 Jan; 42: 231-238.
El-Mahdy MA, Mansoor FA, Jadcherla SR. Pharmacological management of gastroesophageal reflux disease in infants: current opinions. Curr Opin Pharmacol. 2017 Dec; 37: 112-117.
Jadcherla SR, Bhandari V. "Pressure" to feed the preterm newborn: associated with "positive" outcomes? Pediatr Res. 2017 Dec; 82: 899-900.
Mei L, Jiao H, Sharma T, Dua A, Sanvanson P, Jadcherla SR, Shaker R. Comparative effect of the sites of anterior cervical pressure on the geometry of the upper esophageal sphincter high-pressure zone. Laryngoscope. 2017 Nov; 127: 2466-2474.
Woodley FW, Moore-Clingenpeel M, Machado RS, Nemastil CJ, Jadcherla SR, Hayes D Jr, Kopp BT, Kaul A, Di Lorenzo C, Mousa H. Not All Children with Cystic Fibrosis Have Abnormal Esophageal Neutralization during Chemical Clearance of Acid Reflux. Pediatr Gastroenterol Hepatol Nutr. 2017 Sep; 20: 153-159.
Sivalingam M, Sitaram S, Hasenstab KA, Wei L, Woodley FW, Jadcherla SR. Effects of Esophageal Acidification on Troublesome Symptoms: An Approach to Characterize True Acid GERD in Dysphagic Neonates. Dysphagia. 2017 Aug; 32: 509-519.
Jadcherla SR. Advances with Neonatal Aerodigestive Science in the Pursuit of Safe Swallowing in Infants: Invited Review. Dysphagia. 2017 Feb; 32: 15-26.
Jadcherla SR, Khot T, Moore R, Malkar M, Gulati IK, Slaughter JL. Feeding Methods at Discharge Predict Long-Term Feeding and Neurodevelopmental Outcomes in Preterm Infants Referred for Gastrostomy Evaluation. J Pediatr. 2017 Feb; 181: 125-130.e1.
Jadcherla SR, McCullough GH, Daniels SK, Van Daele DJ, Dua K, Lazarus C, Shaker R. The Dysphagia Research Society Accelerating a Priority Research Agenda. Dysphagia. 2017 Feb; 32: 11-14.
Kashou NH, Dar IA, Hasenstab KA, Nahhas RW, Jadcherla SR. Somatic stimulation causes frontoparietal cortical changes in neonates: a functional near-infrared spectroscopy study. Neurophotonics. 2017 Jan; 4: 011004.
View More Publications
Date of Appointment at Nationwide Children’s Hospital: 02/28/2003
Board Certifications
Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine Pediatrics
Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin
Date Completed: 06/30/1996
Baylor College of Medicine
Date Completed: 06/30/1995
Baylor College of Medicine
Date Completed: 06/30/1992
Baylor College of Medicine
Date Completed: 06/30/1993
Our Lady’s Hospital for Sick Children
Date Completed: 06/30/1991
Western Health Board Castlebar General Hospital
Date Completed: 06/30/1988
Gandhi Hospital Secunderabad
Date Completed: 08/30/1986
Gandhi Hospital Secunderabad
Date Completed: 08/14/1983
Gandhi Hospital Secunderabad
Date Completed: 06/07/1982
Medical School
Gandhi Medical College Osmania University
Date Completed: 03/01/1981
Professional Experience
2010 - Present Department of Pediatrics at The Ohio State University, Professor of Pediatrics (with tenure)2002 - 2010 Associate Professor, Department of Pediatrics at The Ohio State University1999 - 2002 Department of Pediatrics, Medical College of Wisconsin, Assistant Professor
Contact Information
Call us at: (614) 355-6643
Fax us at: (614) 355-5899
700 Children's DrColumbus, OH 43205 (map)
Contact Information
Call us at: (614) 355-6643
Fax us at: (614) 355-5899
Pediatrics700 Children’s DrColumbus, OH 43205 (map)
Learn more about Sudarshan R. Jadcherla
Sudarshan R. Jadcherla, MD, is a member of the Section of Neonatology at Nationwide Children’s Hospital, a Principal Investigator at the Center for Perinatal Research at The Research Institute at Nationwide Children’s Hospital, a Professor of Pediatrics at The Ohio State University College of Medicine and the Medical Director of the Neonatal and Infant Feeding Disorders Program. He holds the Nationwide Foundation Endowed Chair in Neonatology. Dr. Jadcherla’s research focuses on maturational and dysfunctional mechanisms of neonatal feeding and aero-digestive disorders. Supported by the National Institutes of Health, Dr. Jadcherla is conducting innovative research in elucidating the physiological and pathophysiological mechanisms involved with swallowing, aero-digestive protection, gastroesophageal reflux disease and chronic lung disease of infancy. Understanding the mechanisms during maturation, whether functional or dysfunctional, will form the basis for evidence based diagnosis and therapeutic interventions. The long term goal of his program is to translate clinical research initiatives to crib-side in the neonatal ICU community and beyond by solving complex issues pertinent to feeding safety and airway protection. His program strives to improve feeding related quality of life among high risk neonates, lowers burden of care and hospital costs.
Patient Care
Main Campus of Nationwide Children’s Hospital
Languages Spoken
English Hindi Telugu
Academic and Clinical Areas
Associate Division Chief
Neonatal and Infant Feeding Disorders Fellowship
Program Director
Physician Team
Center for Perinatal Research
Principal Investigator
Gastroenterology Motility Fellowship
Affiliate Faculty
Neonatology Fellowship
Primary Department
Primary Section
Awards, Honors & Organizations
Elected to Executive Board of Directors, Dysphagia Research Society, 2011 Research Excellence Award in Pediatric GI Sciences, International Foundation for Function GI Disorders, 2011 Elected Member, American Physiological Society, 2011 Recognized for Conducting Innovative Research on Neonatal Feeding Disorders (Associated with Nationwide Children’s #5 Ranking in Child Magazine for its Neonatology Services), Child Magazine, 2007 Listed, Best Doctors in America Elected Member, American Pediatric Society Masters Award in Gastroenterology, for Outstanding Achievement in Clinical Digestive Sciences Research, American Gastroentrology Association Appointed Permanent Scientific Committee Member, OESO Organization, an Affiliate of UNESCO Distance Chair of Learning Appointed Scientific Steering Committee Member, 9th OESO Congress, Oesophagology research meeting, Monaco Appointed Permanent Scientific Committee Member, OESO Organization, Representing Pediatrics, in Recognition of Research on Swallowing and the Esophageal Disorders
Center for Perinatal Research
View My Publications
Hasenstab KA, Prabhakar V, Helmick R, Yildiz V, Jadcherla SR. Pharyngeal biorhythms during oral milk challenge in high-risk infants: Do they predict chronic tube feeding? Neurogastroenterol Motil. 2022 Nov 13; e14492.
Nelin LD, Kielt MJ, Jebbia M, Jadcherla S, Shepherd EG. Bronchodilator responsiveness and dysanapsis in bronchopulmonary dysplasia. ERJ Open Res. 2022 Jul; 8:
Jadcherla SR, Helmick R, Hasenstab KA, Njeh M, Alshaikh E. Impact of esophageal mucosal permeability markers on provocation-induced esophageal reflexes in high-risk infants. Physiol Rep. 2022 Jun; 10: e15366.
Hasenstab KA, Jadcherla SR. Evidence-Based Approaches to Successful Oral Feeding in Infants with Feeding Difficulties. Clin Perinatol. 2022 Jun; 49: 503-520.
Paul GR, Hayes D Jr, Tumin D, Gulati I, Jadcherla S, Splaingard ML. What Are the Factors Affecting Total Sleep Time During Video Polysomnography in Infants? Am J Perinatol. 2022 Jun; 39: 853-860.
Gentle SJ, Carper B, Laughon MM, Jensen EA, Williams A, Travers CP, Ambalavanan N, Lal CV, Carlo WA, NICHD Neonatal Research Network., Polin RA, Laptook AR, Keszler M, Hensman AM, Vieira E, Little E, Pierre LS, Walsh MC, Hibbs AM, Newman NS, Truog WE, Pallotto EK, Kilbride HW, Gauldin C, Holmes A, Johnson K, Parimi PS, Gaetano L, Poindexter BB, Schibler K, Merhar SL, Alexander B, Grisby C, Kirker K, Cotten CM, Goldberg RN, Finkle J, Fisher KA, Bose CL, Bernhardt J, Bose G, Clark C, Kicklighter SD, Rhodes-Ryan G, White D, Carlton DP, Stoll BJ, Patel RM, Loggins Y, Hale EC, Bottcher DI, Mackie C, Bremer AA, Higgins RD, Archer SW, Sokol GM, Herron DE, Joyce J, Tyson JE, Khan AM, Kennedy KA, Eason E, Stephens EK, McDavid GE, Arldt-McAlister J, Burson K, Garcia C, Hall D, Martin K, Martin SC, Rodgers S, Tate PLP, Wright SL, Sánchez PJ, Nelin LD, Jadcherla SR, Luzader P, Clark E, Fortney CA, Gutentag J, Park C, Shadd JC, Stein M, Grothause JL, Baugher H, Yosseff-Salameh L, McCool J, Das A, Gantz MG, Bann CM, Wallace D, Crawford M, Gabrio J, Leblond D, O'Donnell Auman J, Huitema CMP, Zaterka-Baxter KM, Van Meurs KP, Chock VY, Stevenson DK, Ball MB, Proud MS, Reichert EN, Williams RJ, Collins MV, Cosby SS, McNair T, Estes M, Hagood K, Devaskar U, Garg M, Chanlaw T, Geller R, Bell EF, Colaizy TT, Baack ML, Ellsbury DL, Brumbaugh JE, Johnson KJ, Henning MM, Elenkiwich C, Goeke CA, Broadbent M, Hogden LA, Klein JM, Dagle JM, Schmelzel ML, Walker JR, Bass DB, Tud TL, Watterberg KL, Fuller J, Ohls RK, Lacy CB, Beauman SS, Hartenberger C, Hanson M, Kuan E, Eichenwald EC, Schmidt B, Kirpalani H, DeMauro SB, Abbasi S, Catts C, Chaudhary AS, Ghavam S, Mancini T, Snyder J, D'Angio CT, Guillet R, Reynolds AM, Lakshminrusimha S, Kent A, Binion K, Bowman M, Donato J, Guilford S, Hunn J, Jensen RL, Li E, Maffett D, Orme C, Prinzing D, Reubens L, Rochez D, Rowan M, Sabaratnam P, Sacilowski M, Scorsone AM, Wadkins HIM, Williams A, Wynn K, Jones R, Wyckoff M, Sánchez PJ, Brion LP, Vasil DM, Chen L, DeLeon MM, Eubanks F, Pavageau L, Sepulveda P, Yoder BA, Baserga M, Minton SD, Sheffield MJ, Rau CA, Burnett J, Davis B, Christensen S, Loertscher MC, Marchant T, Maxson E, McGrath K, Elmont JO, Parry M, Schaefer ST, Weaver-Lewis K, Woodbury KD, Shankaran S, Natarajan G, Chawla S, Sood BG, Childs K, Panaitescu B, Bara R, Barks J, Christensen MK, Wiggins SA, White DF. Duration of noninvasive respiratory support and risk for bronchopulmonary dysplasia or death. J Perinatol. 2022 Jan 15;
Osborn EK, Jadcherla SR. Developing a Quality Improvement Feeding Program for NICU Patients. Neoreviews. 2022 Jan 1; 23: e23-e35.
Sultana Z, Hasenstab KA, Moore RK, Osborn EK, Yildiz VO, Wei L, Slaughter JL, Jadcherla SR. Symptom Scores and pH-Impedance: Secondary Analysis of a Randomized Controlled Trial in Infants Treated for Gastroesophageal Reflux. Gastro Hep Adv. 2022; 1: 869-881.
Jadcherla SR, Hasenstab KA, Osborn EK, Levy DS, Ipek H, Helmick R, Sultana Z, Logue N, Yildiz VO, Blosser H, Shah SH, Wei L. Mechanisms and management considerations of parent-chosen feeding approaches to infants with swallowing difficulties: an observational study. Sci Rep. 2021 Oct 7; 11: 19934.
Sultana Z, Hasenstab KA, Jadcherla SR. Pharyngoesophageal motility reflex mechanisms in the human neonate: importance of integrative cross-systems physiology. Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol. 2021 Aug 1; 321: G139-G148.
Viswanathan S, Batchu S, Osborn E, Jadcherla S. Diagnostic utility of impedance-pH monitoring in infants of diabetic mothers with oral feeding difficulties. J Perinatol. 2021 Aug; 41: 1886-1892.
Viswanathan S, Osborn E, Jadcherla S. Body adiposity and oral feeding outcomes in infants: a pilot study. J Perinatol. 2021 May; 41: 1059-1064.
Abdi HH, Backes CH, Ball MK, Talavera-Barber MM, Klebanoff MA, Jadcherla SR, Mohamed TH, Slaughter JL. Prophylactic Indomethacin in extremely preterm infants: association with death or BPD and observed early serum creatinine levels. J Perinatol. 2021 Apr; 41: 749-755.
Swiader N, Hasenstab KA, Yildiz VO, Jadcherla SR. Characterization of Esophageal and Sphincter Reflexes across Maturation in Dysphagic Infants with Oral Feeding Success vs Infants requiring Gastrostomy. Dysphagia. 2021 Feb 12;
Viswanathan S, Osborn E, Jadcherla S. Predictive ability of postnatal growth failure for adverse feeding-related outcomes in preterm infants: an exploratory study comparing Fenton with INTERGROWTH-21st preterm growth charts. J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med. 2021 Feb 11; 1-8.
Sanchez JB, Jadcherla SR. Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease in Neonates: Facts and Figures. Neoreviews. 2021 Feb; 22: e104-e117.
Miles A, Connor NP, Desai RV, Jadcherla S, Allen J, Brodsky M, Garand KL, Malandraki GA, McCulloch TM, Moss M, Murray J, Pulia M, Riquelme LF, Langmore SE. Dysphagia Care Across the Continuum: A Multidisciplinary Dysphagia Research Society Taskforce Report of Service-Delivery During the COVID-19 Global Pandemic. Dysphagia. 2020 Jul 11;
Davidson K, O'Rourke A, Fortunato JE, Jadcherla S. The Emerging Importance of High-Resolution Manometry in the Evaluation and Treatment of Deglutition in Infants, Children, and Adults: New Opportunities for Speech-Language Pathologists. Am J Speech Lang Pathol. 2020 Jul 10; 29: 945-955.
Hasenstab-Kenney KA, Bellodas Sanchez J, Prabhakar V, Lang IM, Shaker R, Jadcherla SR. Mechanisms of bradycardia in premature infants: Aerodigestive-cardiac regulatory-rhythm interactions. Physiol Rep. 2020 Jul; 8: e14495.
Jadcherla SR. Neonatal Gastroenterology: Challenges, Controversies, and Recent Advances. Clin Perinatol. 2020 Jun; 47: xvii-xviii.
Hasenstab KA, Jadcherla SR. Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Neonate: Controversies, Current Understanding, and Future Directions. Clin Perinatol. 2020 Jun; 47: 243-263.
Gulati IK, Sultana Z, Jadcherla SR. Approach to Feeding Difficulties in Neonates and Infants: A Comprehensive Overview. Clin Perinatol. 2020 Jun; 47: 265-276.
Viswanathan S, Jadcherla S. Feeding and Swallowing Difficulties in Neonates: Developmental Physiology and Pathophysiology. Clin Perinatol. 2020 Jun; 47: 223-241.
Woodley FW, Ciciora SL, Vaz K, Williams K, Di Lorenzo C, Jadcherla S. Air-Swallow/GERD-Like Symptom Associations Assessed Using a Novel Application of Esophageal Impedance Technology. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 2020 May 12;
Jadcherla SR, Sultana Z, Hasenstab-Kenney KA, Prabhakar V, Gulati IK, Di Lorenzo C. Differentiating esophageal sensitivity phenotypes using pH-impedance in intensive care unit infants referred for gastroesophageal reflux symptoms. Pediatr Res. 2020 May 6;
Jadcherla SR, Hasenstab KA, Wei L, Osborn EK, Viswanathan S, Gulati IK, Slaughter JL, Di Lorenzo C. Role of feeding strategy bundle with acid-suppressive therapy in infants with esophageal acid reflux exposure: a randomized controlled trial. Pediatr Res. 2020 May 7;
Badran EF, Jadcherla S. The enigma of gastroesophageal reflux disease among convalescing infants in the NICU: It is time to rethink. Int J Pediatr Adolesc Med. 2020 Mar; 7: 26-30.
Woodley FW, Ciciora SL, Vaz K, Williams K, Di Lorenzo C, Jadcherla S. Novel Use of Impedance Technology Shows That Esophageal Air Events Can Be Temporally Associated With Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease-like Symptoms. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 2020 Jan; 70: e7-e11.
Viswanathan S, Jadcherla S. Anemia of Prematurity and Oral Feeding Milestones in Premature Infants. Am J Perinatol. 2019 Nov 27;
Bapat R, Gulati IK, Jadcherla S. Impact of SIMPLE Feeding Quality Improvement Strategies on Aerodigestive Milestones and Feeding Outcomes in BPD Infants. Hosp Pediatr. 2019 Nov; 9: 859-866.
Woodley FW, Ciciora SL, Vaz K, Williams K, Di Lorenzo C, Jadcherla S. Novel Use of Impedance Technology Shows that Esophageal Air Events Can Be Temporally Associated with GERD-Like Symptoms. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 2019 Sep 23;
Warren MG, Do B, Das A, Smith PB, Adams-Chapman I, Jadcherla S, Jensen EA, Goldstein RF, Goldberg RN, Cotten CM, Bell EF, Malcolm WF, Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Neonatal Research Network.. Gastrostomy Tube Feeding in Extremely Low Birthweight Infants: Frequency, Associated Comorbidities, and Long-term Outcomes. J Pediatr. 2019 Aug 16;
Viswanathan S, Jadcherla S. Transitioning from gavage to full oral feeds in premature infants: When should we discontinue the nasogastric tube? J Perinatol. 2019 Jul 31;
Shah H, Jadcherla SR. Secretion Management in Tracheostomized Infants using Unconventional Approaches and Outcomes: A Case Series. Am J Perinatol. 2019 Jul 31;
Jadcherla SR. Challenges to Eating, Swallowing, and Aerodigestive Functions in Infants: A Burning Platform That Needs Attention! J Pediatr. 2019 Jun 5;
Prabhakar V, Hasenstab KA, Osborn E, Wei L, Jadcherla SR. Pharyngeal contractile and regulatory characteristics are distinct during nutritive oral stimulus in preterm-born infants: Implications for clinical and research applications. Neurogastroenterol Motil. 2019 May 26; e13650.
Gulati IK, Jadcherla SR. Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Infant: Who Needs to Be Treated and What Approach Is Beneficial? Pediatr Clin North Am. 2019 Apr; 66: 461-473.
Collins CR, Hasenstab KA, Nawaz S, Jadcherla SR. Mechanisms of Aerodigestive Symptoms in Infants with Varying Acid Reflux Index Determined by Esophageal Manometry. J Pediatr. 2019 Mar; 206: 240-247.
Hasenstab KA, Nawaz S, Lang IM, Shaker R, Jadcherla SR. Pharyngoesophageal and cardiorespiratory interactions: potential implications for premature infants at risk of clinically significant cardiorespiratory events. Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol. 2019 Feb 1; 316: G304-G312.
Jadcherla SR, Hanandeh N, Hasenstab KA, Nawaz S. Differentiation of esophageal pH-impedance characteristics classified by the mucosal integrity marker in human neonates. Pediatr Res. 2019 Feb; 85: 355-360.
Woodley FW, Hayes D Jr, Kopp BT, Moore-Clingenpeel M, Machado RS, Nemastil CJ, Jadcherla S, Di Lorenzo C, Kaul A, Mousa H. Gastroesophageal reflux in cystic fibrosis across the age spectrum. Transl Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2019; 4: 69.
Malkar MB, Viswanathan SK, Jadcherla SR. Pilot Study of Pharyngoesophageal Dysmotility Mechanisms in Dysphagic Infants of Diabetic Mothers. Am J Perinatol. 2018 Dec 21;
Hart BJ, Viswanathan S, Jadcherla SR. Persistent feeding difficulties among infants with fetal opioid exposure: mechanisms and clinical reasoning. J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med. 2018 Sep 9; 1-7.
Levy DS, Osborn E, Hasenstab KA, Nawaz S, Jadcherla SR. The Effect of Additives for Reflux or Dysphagia Management on Osmolality in Ready-to-Feed Preterm Formula: Practice Implications. JPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr. 2018 Jul 10;
Jadcherla SR. Understanding the neonatal oesophageal mysteries of gastro-oesophageal reflux disease using baseline impedance. Acta Paediatr. 2018 Jun 8;
Shepherd EG, Clouse BJ, Hasenstab KA, Sitaram S, Malleske DT, Nelin LD, Jadcherla SR. Infant Pulmonary Function Testing and Phenotypes in Severe Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia. Pediatrics. 2018 May; 141:
Lang IM, Medda BK, Shaker R, Jadcherla S. The effect of body position on esophageal reflexes in cats: a possible mechanism of SIDS? Pediatr Res. 2018 Mar; 83: 731-738.
Hasenstab KA, Sitaram S, Lang IM, Shaker R, Jadcherla SR. Maturation Modulates Pharyngeal-Stimulus Provoked Pharyngeal and Respiratory Rhythms in Human Infants. Dysphagia. 2018 Feb; 33: 63-75.
Algotar A, Shaikhkhalil AK, Siler-Wurst K, Sitaram S, Gulati I, Jadcherla SR. Unique Patterns of Body Composition and Anthropometric Measurements During Maturation in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Neonates: Opportunities for Modifying Nutritional Therapy and Influencing Clinical Outcomes. JPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr. 2018 Jan; 42: 231-238.
El-Mahdy MA, Mansoor FA, Jadcherla SR. Pharmacological management of gastroesophageal reflux disease in infants: current opinions. Curr Opin Pharmacol. 2017 Dec; 37: 112-117.
Jadcherla SR, Bhandari V. "Pressure" to feed the preterm newborn: associated with "positive" outcomes? Pediatr Res. 2017 Dec; 82: 899-900.
Mei L, Jiao H, Sharma T, Dua A, Sanvanson P, Jadcherla SR, Shaker R. Comparative effect of the sites of anterior cervical pressure on the geometry of the upper esophageal sphincter high-pressure zone. Laryngoscope. 2017 Nov; 127: 2466-2474.
Woodley FW, Moore-Clingenpeel M, Machado RS, Nemastil CJ, Jadcherla SR, Hayes D Jr, Kopp BT, Kaul A, Di Lorenzo C, Mousa H. Not All Children with Cystic Fibrosis Have Abnormal Esophageal Neutralization during Chemical Clearance of Acid Reflux. Pediatr Gastroenterol Hepatol Nutr. 2017 Sep; 20: 153-159.
Sivalingam M, Sitaram S, Hasenstab KA, Wei L, Woodley FW, Jadcherla SR. Effects of Esophageal Acidification on Troublesome Symptoms: An Approach to Characterize True Acid GERD in Dysphagic Neonates. Dysphagia. 2017 Aug; 32: 509-519.
Jadcherla SR. Advances with Neonatal Aerodigestive Science in the Pursuit of Safe Swallowing in Infants: Invited Review. Dysphagia. 2017 Feb; 32: 15-26.
Jadcherla SR, Khot T, Moore R, Malkar M, Gulati IK, Slaughter JL. Feeding Methods at Discharge Predict Long-Term Feeding and Neurodevelopmental Outcomes in Preterm Infants Referred for Gastrostomy Evaluation. J Pediatr. 2017 Feb; 181: 125-130.e1.
Jadcherla SR, McCullough GH, Daniels SK, Van Daele DJ, Dua K, Lazarus C, Shaker R. The Dysphagia Research Society Accelerating a Priority Research Agenda. Dysphagia. 2017 Feb; 32: 11-14.
Kashou NH, Dar IA, Hasenstab KA, Nahhas RW, Jadcherla SR. Somatic stimulation causes frontoparietal cortical changes in neonates: a functional near-infrared spectroscopy study. Neurophotonics. 2017 Jan; 4: 011004.
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Date of Appointment at Nationwide Children’s Hospital: 02/28/2003
Board Certifications
Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine Pediatrics
Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin
Date Completed: 06/30/1996
Baylor College of Medicine
Date Completed: 06/30/1995
Baylor College of Medicine
Date Completed: 06/30/1992
Baylor College of Medicine
Date Completed: 06/30/1993
Our Lady’s Hospital for Sick Children
Date Completed: 06/30/1991
Western Health Board Castlebar General Hospital
Date Completed: 06/30/1988
Gandhi Hospital Secunderabad
Date Completed: 08/30/1986
Gandhi Hospital Secunderabad
Date Completed: 08/14/1983
Gandhi Hospital Secunderabad
Date Completed: 06/07/1982
Medical School
Gandhi Medical College Osmania University
Date Completed: 03/01/1981
Professional Experience
2010 - Present Department of Pediatrics at The Ohio State University, Professor of Pediatrics (with tenure)2002 - 2010 Associate Professor, Department of Pediatrics at The Ohio State University1999 - 2002 Department of Pediatrics, Medical College of Wisconsin, Assistant Professor
Contact Information
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700 Children's DrColumbus, OH 43205 (map)
Contact Information
Call us at: (614) 355-6643
Fax us at: (614) 355-5899
Pediatrics700 Children’s DrColumbus, OH 43205 (map)
Learn more about Sudarshan R. Jadcherla
Contact Information
- Call us at:
- (614) 355-6643
- Fax us at:
- (614) 355-5899
- Pediatrics700 Children’s DrColumbus, OH 43205 (map)
Learn more about Sudarshan R. Jadcherla
Sudarshan R. Jadcherla, MD, is a member of the Section of Neonatology at Nationwide Children’s Hospital, a Principal Investigator at the Center for Perinatal Research at The Research Institute at Nationwide Children’s Hospital, a Professor of Pediatrics at The Ohio State University College of Medicine and the Medical Director of the Neonatal and Infant Feeding Disorders Program. He holds the Nationwide Foundation Endowed Chair in Neonatology. Dr. Jadcherla’s research focuses on maturational and dysfunctional mechanisms of neonatal feeding and aero-digestive disorders. Supported by the National Institutes of Health, Dr. Jadcherla is conducting innovative research in elucidating the physiological and pathophysiological mechanisms involved with swallowing, aero-digestive protection, gastroesophageal reflux disease and chronic lung disease of infancy. Understanding the mechanisms during maturation, whether functional or dysfunctional, will form the basis for evidence based diagnosis and therapeutic interventions. The long term goal of his program is to translate clinical research initiatives to crib-side in the neonatal ICU community and beyond by solving complex issues pertinent to feeding safety and airway protection. His program strives to improve feeding related quality of life among high risk neonates, lowers burden of care and hospital costs.
Sudarshan R. Jadcherla, MD, is a member of the Section of Neonatology at Nationwide Children’s Hospital, a Principal Investigator at the Center for Perinatal Research at The Research Institute at Nationwide Children’s Hospital, a Professor of Pediatrics at The Ohio State University College of Medicine and the Medical Director of the Neonatal and Infant Feeding Disorders Program. He holds the Nationwide Foundation Endowed Chair in Neonatology. Dr. Jadcherla’s research focuses on maturational and dysfunctional mechanisms of neonatal feeding and aero-digestive disorders. Supported by the National Institutes of Health, Dr. Jadcherla is conducting innovative research in elucidating the physiological and pathophysiological mechanisms involved with swallowing, aero-digestive protection, gastroesophageal reflux disease and chronic lung disease of infancy. Understanding the mechanisms during maturation, whether functional or dysfunctional, will form the basis for evidence based diagnosis and therapeutic interventions. The long term goal of his program is to translate clinical research initiatives to crib-side in the neonatal ICU community and beyond by solving complex issues pertinent to feeding safety and airway protection. His program strives to improve feeding related quality of life among high risk neonates, lowers burden of care and hospital costs.
Sudarshan R. Jadcherla, MD, is a member of the Section of Neonatology at Nationwide Children’s Hospital, a Principal Investigator at the Center for Perinatal Research at The Research Institute at Nationwide Children’s Hospital, a Professor of Pediatrics at The Ohio State University College of Medicine and the Medical Director of the Neonatal and Infant Feeding Disorders Program. He holds the Nationwide Foundation Endowed Chair in Neonatology. Dr. Jadcherla’s research focuses on maturational and dysfunctional mechanisms of neonatal feeding and aero-digestive disorders. Supported by the National Institutes of Health, Dr. Jadcherla is conducting innovative research in elucidating the physiological and pathophysiological mechanisms involved with swallowing, aero-digestive protection, gastroesophageal reflux disease and chronic lung disease of infancy. Understanding the mechanisms during maturation, whether functional or dysfunctional, will form the basis for evidence based diagnosis and therapeutic interventions. The long term goal of his program is to translate clinical research initiatives to crib-side in the neonatal ICU community and beyond by solving complex issues pertinent to feeding safety and airway protection. His program strives to improve feeding related quality of life among high risk neonates, lowers burden of care and hospital costs.
Sudarshan R. Jadcherla, MD, is a member of the Section of Neonatology at Nationwide Children’s Hospital, a Principal Investigator at the Center for Perinatal Research at The Research Institute at Nationwide Children’s Hospital, a Professor of Pediatrics at The Ohio State University College of Medicine and the Medical Director of the Neonatal and Infant Feeding Disorders Program. He holds the Nationwide Foundation Endowed Chair in Neonatology. Dr. Jadcherla’s research focuses on maturational and dysfunctional mechanisms of neonatal feeding and aero-digestive disorders. Supported by the National Institutes of Health, Dr. Jadcherla is conducting innovative research in elucidating the physiological and pathophysiological mechanisms involved with swallowing, aero-digestive protection, gastroesophageal reflux disease and chronic lung disease of infancy. Understanding the mechanisms during maturation, whether functional or dysfunctional, will form the basis for evidence based diagnosis and therapeutic interventions. The long term goal of his program is to translate clinical research initiatives to crib-side in the neonatal ICU community and beyond by solving complex issues pertinent to feeding safety and airway protection. His program strives to improve feeding related quality of life among high risk neonates, lowers burden of care and hospital costs.
Sudarshan R. Jadcherla, MD, is a member of the Section of Neonatology at Nationwide Children’s Hospital, a Principal Investigator at the Center for Perinatal Research at The Research Institute at Nationwide Children’s Hospital, a Professor of Pediatrics at The Ohio State University College of Medicine and the Medical Director of the Neonatal and Infant Feeding Disorders Program. He holds the Nationwide Foundation Endowed Chair in Neonatology. Dr. Jadcherla’s research focuses on maturational and dysfunctional mechanisms of neonatal feeding and aero-digestive disorders. Supported by the National Institutes of Health, Dr. Jadcherla is conducting innovative research in elucidating the physiological and pathophysiological mechanisms involved with swallowing, aero-digestive protection, gastroesophageal reflux disease and chronic lung disease of infancy. Understanding the mechanisms during maturation, whether functional or dysfunctional, will form the basis for evidence based diagnosis and therapeutic interventions. The long term goal of his program is to translate clinical research initiatives to crib-side in the neonatal ICU community and beyond by solving complex issues pertinent to feeding safety and airway protection. His program strives to improve feeding related quality of life among high risk neonates, lowers burden of care and hospital costs.
Patient Care
Main Campus of Nationwide Children’s Hospital
Languages Spoken
English Hindi Telugu
Patient Care
Main Campus of Nationwide Children’s Hospital
Languages Spoken
English Hindi Telugu
Patient Care
Main Campus of Nationwide Children’s Hospital
Languages Spoken
English Hindi Telugu
Main Campus of Nationwide Children’s Hospital
Languages Spoken
English Hindi Telugu
Main Campus of Nationwide Children’s Hospital
Languages Spoken
English Hindi Telugu
Main Campus of Nationwide Children’s Hospital
Languages Spoken
English Hindi Telugu
Main Campus of Nationwide Children’s Hospital
Academic and Clinical Areas
Associate Division Chief
Neonatal and Infant Feeding Disorders Fellowship
Program Director
Physician Team
Center for Perinatal Research
Principal Investigator
Gastroenterology Motility Fellowship
Affiliate Faculty
Neonatology Fellowship
Primary Department
Primary Section
Academic and Clinical Areas
Associate Division Chief
Neonatal and Infant Feeding Disorders Fellowship
Program Director
Physician Team
Center for Perinatal Research
Principal Investigator
Gastroenterology Motility Fellowship
Affiliate Faculty
Neonatology Fellowship
Primary Department
Primary Section
Academic and Clinical Areas
Associate Division Chief
Neonatal and Infant Feeding Disorders Fellowship
Program Director
Physician Team
Center for Perinatal Research
Principal Investigator
Gastroenterology Motility Fellowship
Affiliate Faculty
Neonatology Fellowship
Primary Department
Primary Section
Associate Division Chief
Neonatal and Infant Feeding Disorders Fellowship
Program Director
Physician Team
Center for Perinatal Research
Principal Investigator
Gastroenterology Motility Fellowship
Affiliate Faculty
Neonatology Fellowship
Primary Department
Primary Section
- Neonatology
- Associate Division Chief
- Neonatal and Infant Feeding Disorders Fellowship
- Program Director
- Motility
- Physician Team
- Center for Perinatal Research
- Principal Investigator
- Gastroenterology Motility Fellowship
- Affiliate Faculty
- Neonatology Fellowship
- Faculty
- Primary Department
- Pediatrics
- Primary Section
- Neonatology
Awards, Honors & Organizations
Elected to Executive Board of Directors, Dysphagia Research Society, 2011 Research Excellence Award in Pediatric GI Sciences, International Foundation for Function GI Disorders, 2011 Elected Member, American Physiological Society, 2011 Recognized for Conducting Innovative Research on Neonatal Feeding Disorders (Associated with Nationwide Children’s #5 Ranking in Child Magazine for its Neonatology Services), Child Magazine, 2007 Listed, Best Doctors in America Elected Member, American Pediatric Society Masters Award in Gastroenterology, for Outstanding Achievement in Clinical Digestive Sciences Research, American Gastroentrology Association Appointed Permanent Scientific Committee Member, OESO Organization, an Affiliate of UNESCO Distance Chair of Learning Appointed Scientific Steering Committee Member, 9th OESO Congress, Oesophagology research meeting, Monaco Appointed Permanent Scientific Committee Member, OESO Organization, Representing Pediatrics, in Recognition of Research on Swallowing and the Esophageal Disorders
Awards, Honors & Organizations
Elected to Executive Board of Directors, Dysphagia Research Society, 2011 Research Excellence Award in Pediatric GI Sciences, International Foundation for Function GI Disorders, 2011 Elected Member, American Physiological Society, 2011 Recognized for Conducting Innovative Research on Neonatal Feeding Disorders (Associated with Nationwide Children’s #5 Ranking in Child Magazine for its Neonatology Services), Child Magazine, 2007 Listed, Best Doctors in America Elected Member, American Pediatric Society Masters Award in Gastroenterology, for Outstanding Achievement in Clinical Digestive Sciences Research, American Gastroentrology Association Appointed Permanent Scientific Committee Member, OESO Organization, an Affiliate of UNESCO Distance Chair of Learning Appointed Scientific Steering Committee Member, 9th OESO Congress, Oesophagology research meeting, Monaco Appointed Permanent Scientific Committee Member, OESO Organization, Representing Pediatrics, in Recognition of Research on Swallowing and the Esophageal Disorders
Awards, Honors & Organizations
Elected to Executive Board of Directors, Dysphagia Research Society, 2011 Research Excellence Award in Pediatric GI Sciences, International Foundation for Function GI Disorders, 2011 Elected Member, American Physiological Society, 2011 Recognized for Conducting Innovative Research on Neonatal Feeding Disorders (Associated with Nationwide Children’s #5 Ranking in Child Magazine for its Neonatology Services), Child Magazine, 2007 Listed, Best Doctors in America Elected Member, American Pediatric Society Masters Award in Gastroenterology, for Outstanding Achievement in Clinical Digestive Sciences Research, American Gastroentrology Association Appointed Permanent Scientific Committee Member, OESO Organization, an Affiliate of UNESCO Distance Chair of Learning Appointed Scientific Steering Committee Member, 9th OESO Congress, Oesophagology research meeting, Monaco Appointed Permanent Scientific Committee Member, OESO Organization, Representing Pediatrics, in Recognition of Research on Swallowing and the Esophageal Disorders
Elected to Executive Board of Directors, Dysphagia Research Society, 2011 Research Excellence Award in Pediatric GI Sciences, International Foundation for Function GI Disorders, 2011 Elected Member, American Physiological Society, 2011 Recognized for Conducting Innovative Research on Neonatal Feeding Disorders (Associated with Nationwide Children’s #5 Ranking in Child Magazine for its Neonatology Services), Child Magazine, 2007 Listed, Best Doctors in America Elected Member, American Pediatric Society Masters Award in Gastroenterology, for Outstanding Achievement in Clinical Digestive Sciences Research, American Gastroentrology Association Appointed Permanent Scientific Committee Member, OESO Organization, an Affiliate of UNESCO Distance Chair of Learning Appointed Scientific Steering Committee Member, 9th OESO Congress, Oesophagology research meeting, Monaco Appointed Permanent Scientific Committee Member, OESO Organization, Representing Pediatrics, in Recognition of Research on Swallowing and the Esophageal Disorders
- Elected to Executive Board of Directors, Dysphagia Research Society, 2011
- Research Excellence Award in Pediatric GI Sciences, International Foundation for Function GI Disorders, 2011
- Elected Member, American Physiological Society, 2011
- Recognized for Conducting Innovative Research on Neonatal Feeding Disorders (Associated with Nationwide Children’s #5 Ranking in Child Magazine for its Neonatology Services), Child Magazine, 2007
- Listed, Best Doctors in America
- Elected Member, American Pediatric Society
- Masters Award in Gastroenterology, for Outstanding Achievement in Clinical Digestive Sciences Research, American Gastroentrology Association
- Appointed Permanent Scientific Committee Member, OESO Organization, an Affiliate of UNESCO Distance Chair of Learning
- Appointed Scientific Steering Committee Member, 9th OESO Congress, Oesophagology research meeting, Monaco
- Appointed Permanent Scientific Committee Member, OESO Organization, Representing Pediatrics, in Recognition of Research on Swallowing and the Esophageal Disorders
Center for Perinatal Research
View My Publications
Hasenstab KA, Prabhakar V, Helmick R, Yildiz V, Jadcherla SR. Pharyngeal biorhythms during oral milk challenge in high-risk infants: Do they predict chronic tube feeding? Neurogastroenterol Motil. 2022 Nov 13; e14492.
Nelin LD, Kielt MJ, Jebbia M, Jadcherla S, Shepherd EG. Bronchodilator responsiveness and dysanapsis in bronchopulmonary dysplasia. ERJ Open Res. 2022 Jul; 8:
Jadcherla SR, Helmick R, Hasenstab KA, Njeh M, Alshaikh E. Impact of esophageal mucosal permeability markers on provocation-induced esophageal reflexes in high-risk infants. Physiol Rep. 2022 Jun; 10: e15366.
Hasenstab KA, Jadcherla SR. Evidence-Based Approaches to Successful Oral Feeding in Infants with Feeding Difficulties. Clin Perinatol. 2022 Jun; 49: 503-520.
Paul GR, Hayes D Jr, Tumin D, Gulati I, Jadcherla S, Splaingard ML. What Are the Factors Affecting Total Sleep Time During Video Polysomnography in Infants? Am J Perinatol. 2022 Jun; 39: 853-860.
Gentle SJ, Carper B, Laughon MM, Jensen EA, Williams A, Travers CP, Ambalavanan N, Lal CV, Carlo WA, NICHD Neonatal Research Network., Polin RA, Laptook AR, Keszler M, Hensman AM, Vieira E, Little E, Pierre LS, Walsh MC, Hibbs AM, Newman NS, Truog WE, Pallotto EK, Kilbride HW, Gauldin C, Holmes A, Johnson K, Parimi PS, Gaetano L, Poindexter BB, Schibler K, Merhar SL, Alexander B, Grisby C, Kirker K, Cotten CM, Goldberg RN, Finkle J, Fisher KA, Bose CL, Bernhardt J, Bose G, Clark C, Kicklighter SD, Rhodes-Ryan G, White D, Carlton DP, Stoll BJ, Patel RM, Loggins Y, Hale EC, Bottcher DI, Mackie C, Bremer AA, Higgins RD, Archer SW, Sokol GM, Herron DE, Joyce J, Tyson JE, Khan AM, Kennedy KA, Eason E, Stephens EK, McDavid GE, Arldt-McAlister J, Burson K, Garcia C, Hall D, Martin K, Martin SC, Rodgers S, Tate PLP, Wright SL, Sánchez PJ, Nelin LD, Jadcherla SR, Luzader P, Clark E, Fortney CA, Gutentag J, Park C, Shadd JC, Stein M, Grothause JL, Baugher H, Yosseff-Salameh L, McCool J, Das A, Gantz MG, Bann CM, Wallace D, Crawford M, Gabrio J, Leblond D, O'Donnell Auman J, Huitema CMP, Zaterka-Baxter KM, Van Meurs KP, Chock VY, Stevenson DK, Ball MB, Proud MS, Reichert EN, Williams RJ, Collins MV, Cosby SS, McNair T, Estes M, Hagood K, Devaskar U, Garg M, Chanlaw T, Geller R, Bell EF, Colaizy TT, Baack ML, Ellsbury DL, Brumbaugh JE, Johnson KJ, Henning MM, Elenkiwich C, Goeke CA, Broadbent M, Hogden LA, Klein JM, Dagle JM, Schmelzel ML, Walker JR, Bass DB, Tud TL, Watterberg KL, Fuller J, Ohls RK, Lacy CB, Beauman SS, Hartenberger C, Hanson M, Kuan E, Eichenwald EC, Schmidt B, Kirpalani H, DeMauro SB, Abbasi S, Catts C, Chaudhary AS, Ghavam S, Mancini T, Snyder J, D'Angio CT, Guillet R, Reynolds AM, Lakshminrusimha S, Kent A, Binion K, Bowman M, Donato J, Guilford S, Hunn J, Jensen RL, Li E, Maffett D, Orme C, Prinzing D, Reubens L, Rochez D, Rowan M, Sabaratnam P, Sacilowski M, Scorsone AM, Wadkins HIM, Williams A, Wynn K, Jones R, Wyckoff M, Sánchez PJ, Brion LP, Vasil DM, Chen L, DeLeon MM, Eubanks F, Pavageau L, Sepulveda P, Yoder BA, Baserga M, Minton SD, Sheffield MJ, Rau CA, Burnett J, Davis B, Christensen S, Loertscher MC, Marchant T, Maxson E, McGrath K, Elmont JO, Parry M, Schaefer ST, Weaver-Lewis K, Woodbury KD, Shankaran S, Natarajan G, Chawla S, Sood BG, Childs K, Panaitescu B, Bara R, Barks J, Christensen MK, Wiggins SA, White DF. Duration of noninvasive respiratory support and risk for bronchopulmonary dysplasia or death. J Perinatol. 2022 Jan 15;
Osborn EK, Jadcherla SR. Developing a Quality Improvement Feeding Program for NICU Patients. Neoreviews. 2022 Jan 1; 23: e23-e35.
Sultana Z, Hasenstab KA, Moore RK, Osborn EK, Yildiz VO, Wei L, Slaughter JL, Jadcherla SR. Symptom Scores and pH-Impedance: Secondary Analysis of a Randomized Controlled Trial in Infants Treated for Gastroesophageal Reflux. Gastro Hep Adv. 2022; 1: 869-881.
Jadcherla SR, Hasenstab KA, Osborn EK, Levy DS, Ipek H, Helmick R, Sultana Z, Logue N, Yildiz VO, Blosser H, Shah SH, Wei L. Mechanisms and management considerations of parent-chosen feeding approaches to infants with swallowing difficulties: an observational study. Sci Rep. 2021 Oct 7; 11: 19934.
Sultana Z, Hasenstab KA, Jadcherla SR. Pharyngoesophageal motility reflex mechanisms in the human neonate: importance of integrative cross-systems physiology. Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol. 2021 Aug 1; 321: G139-G148.
Viswanathan S, Batchu S, Osborn E, Jadcherla S. Diagnostic utility of impedance-pH monitoring in infants of diabetic mothers with oral feeding difficulties. J Perinatol. 2021 Aug; 41: 1886-1892.
Viswanathan S, Osborn E, Jadcherla S. Body adiposity and oral feeding outcomes in infants: a pilot study. J Perinatol. 2021 May; 41: 1059-1064.
Abdi HH, Backes CH, Ball MK, Talavera-Barber MM, Klebanoff MA, Jadcherla SR, Mohamed TH, Slaughter JL. Prophylactic Indomethacin in extremely preterm infants: association with death or BPD and observed early serum creatinine levels. J Perinatol. 2021 Apr; 41: 749-755.
Swiader N, Hasenstab KA, Yildiz VO, Jadcherla SR. Characterization of Esophageal and Sphincter Reflexes across Maturation in Dysphagic Infants with Oral Feeding Success vs Infants requiring Gastrostomy. Dysphagia. 2021 Feb 12;
Viswanathan S, Osborn E, Jadcherla S. Predictive ability of postnatal growth failure for adverse feeding-related outcomes in preterm infants: an exploratory study comparing Fenton with INTERGROWTH-21st preterm growth charts. J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med. 2021 Feb 11; 1-8.
Sanchez JB, Jadcherla SR. Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease in Neonates: Facts and Figures. Neoreviews. 2021 Feb; 22: e104-e117.
Miles A, Connor NP, Desai RV, Jadcherla S, Allen J, Brodsky M, Garand KL, Malandraki GA, McCulloch TM, Moss M, Murray J, Pulia M, Riquelme LF, Langmore SE. Dysphagia Care Across the Continuum: A Multidisciplinary Dysphagia Research Society Taskforce Report of Service-Delivery During the COVID-19 Global Pandemic. Dysphagia. 2020 Jul 11;
Davidson K, O'Rourke A, Fortunato JE, Jadcherla S. The Emerging Importance of High-Resolution Manometry in the Evaluation and Treatment of Deglutition in Infants, Children, and Adults: New Opportunities for Speech-Language Pathologists. Am J Speech Lang Pathol. 2020 Jul 10; 29: 945-955.
Hasenstab-Kenney KA, Bellodas Sanchez J, Prabhakar V, Lang IM, Shaker R, Jadcherla SR. Mechanisms of bradycardia in premature infants: Aerodigestive-cardiac regulatory-rhythm interactions. Physiol Rep. 2020 Jul; 8: e14495.
Jadcherla SR. Neonatal Gastroenterology: Challenges, Controversies, and Recent Advances. Clin Perinatol. 2020 Jun; 47: xvii-xviii.
Hasenstab KA, Jadcherla SR. Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Neonate: Controversies, Current Understanding, and Future Directions. Clin Perinatol. 2020 Jun; 47: 243-263.
Gulati IK, Sultana Z, Jadcherla SR. Approach to Feeding Difficulties in Neonates and Infants: A Comprehensive Overview. Clin Perinatol. 2020 Jun; 47: 265-276.
Viswanathan S, Jadcherla S. Feeding and Swallowing Difficulties in Neonates: Developmental Physiology and Pathophysiology. Clin Perinatol. 2020 Jun; 47: 223-241.
Woodley FW, Ciciora SL, Vaz K, Williams K, Di Lorenzo C, Jadcherla S. Air-Swallow/GERD-Like Symptom Associations Assessed Using a Novel Application of Esophageal Impedance Technology. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 2020 May 12;
Jadcherla SR, Sultana Z, Hasenstab-Kenney KA, Prabhakar V, Gulati IK, Di Lorenzo C. Differentiating esophageal sensitivity phenotypes using pH-impedance in intensive care unit infants referred for gastroesophageal reflux symptoms. Pediatr Res. 2020 May 6;
Jadcherla SR, Hasenstab KA, Wei L, Osborn EK, Viswanathan S, Gulati IK, Slaughter JL, Di Lorenzo C. Role of feeding strategy bundle with acid-suppressive therapy in infants with esophageal acid reflux exposure: a randomized controlled trial. Pediatr Res. 2020 May 7;
Badran EF, Jadcherla S. The enigma of gastroesophageal reflux disease among convalescing infants in the NICU: It is time to rethink. Int J Pediatr Adolesc Med. 2020 Mar; 7: 26-30.
Woodley FW, Ciciora SL, Vaz K, Williams K, Di Lorenzo C, Jadcherla S. Novel Use of Impedance Technology Shows That Esophageal Air Events Can Be Temporally Associated With Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease-like Symptoms. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 2020 Jan; 70: e7-e11.
Viswanathan S, Jadcherla S. Anemia of Prematurity and Oral Feeding Milestones in Premature Infants. Am J Perinatol. 2019 Nov 27;
Bapat R, Gulati IK, Jadcherla S. Impact of SIMPLE Feeding Quality Improvement Strategies on Aerodigestive Milestones and Feeding Outcomes in BPD Infants. Hosp Pediatr. 2019 Nov; 9: 859-866.
Woodley FW, Ciciora SL, Vaz K, Williams K, Di Lorenzo C, Jadcherla S. Novel Use of Impedance Technology Shows that Esophageal Air Events Can Be Temporally Associated with GERD-Like Symptoms. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 2019 Sep 23;
Warren MG, Do B, Das A, Smith PB, Adams-Chapman I, Jadcherla S, Jensen EA, Goldstein RF, Goldberg RN, Cotten CM, Bell EF, Malcolm WF, Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Neonatal Research Network.. Gastrostomy Tube Feeding in Extremely Low Birthweight Infants: Frequency, Associated Comorbidities, and Long-term Outcomes. J Pediatr. 2019 Aug 16;
Viswanathan S, Jadcherla S. Transitioning from gavage to full oral feeds in premature infants: When should we discontinue the nasogastric tube? J Perinatol. 2019 Jul 31;
Shah H, Jadcherla SR. Secretion Management in Tracheostomized Infants using Unconventional Approaches and Outcomes: A Case Series. Am J Perinatol. 2019 Jul 31;
Jadcherla SR. Challenges to Eating, Swallowing, and Aerodigestive Functions in Infants: A Burning Platform That Needs Attention! J Pediatr. 2019 Jun 5;
Prabhakar V, Hasenstab KA, Osborn E, Wei L, Jadcherla SR. Pharyngeal contractile and regulatory characteristics are distinct during nutritive oral stimulus in preterm-born infants: Implications for clinical and research applications. Neurogastroenterol Motil. 2019 May 26; e13650.
Gulati IK, Jadcherla SR. Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Infant: Who Needs to Be Treated and What Approach Is Beneficial? Pediatr Clin North Am. 2019 Apr; 66: 461-473.
Collins CR, Hasenstab KA, Nawaz S, Jadcherla SR. Mechanisms of Aerodigestive Symptoms in Infants with Varying Acid Reflux Index Determined by Esophageal Manometry. J Pediatr. 2019 Mar; 206: 240-247.
Hasenstab KA, Nawaz S, Lang IM, Shaker R, Jadcherla SR. Pharyngoesophageal and cardiorespiratory interactions: potential implications for premature infants at risk of clinically significant cardiorespiratory events. Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol. 2019 Feb 1; 316: G304-G312.
Jadcherla SR, Hanandeh N, Hasenstab KA, Nawaz S. Differentiation of esophageal pH-impedance characteristics classified by the mucosal integrity marker in human neonates. Pediatr Res. 2019 Feb; 85: 355-360.
Woodley FW, Hayes D Jr, Kopp BT, Moore-Clingenpeel M, Machado RS, Nemastil CJ, Jadcherla S, Di Lorenzo C, Kaul A, Mousa H. Gastroesophageal reflux in cystic fibrosis across the age spectrum. Transl Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2019; 4: 69.
Malkar MB, Viswanathan SK, Jadcherla SR. Pilot Study of Pharyngoesophageal Dysmotility Mechanisms in Dysphagic Infants of Diabetic Mothers. Am J Perinatol. 2018 Dec 21;
Hart BJ, Viswanathan S, Jadcherla SR. Persistent feeding difficulties among infants with fetal opioid exposure: mechanisms and clinical reasoning. J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med. 2018 Sep 9; 1-7.
Levy DS, Osborn E, Hasenstab KA, Nawaz S, Jadcherla SR. The Effect of Additives for Reflux or Dysphagia Management on Osmolality in Ready-to-Feed Preterm Formula: Practice Implications. JPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr. 2018 Jul 10;
Jadcherla SR. Understanding the neonatal oesophageal mysteries of gastro-oesophageal reflux disease using baseline impedance. Acta Paediatr. 2018 Jun 8;
Shepherd EG, Clouse BJ, Hasenstab KA, Sitaram S, Malleske DT, Nelin LD, Jadcherla SR. Infant Pulmonary Function Testing and Phenotypes in Severe Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia. Pediatrics. 2018 May; 141:
Lang IM, Medda BK, Shaker R, Jadcherla S. The effect of body position on esophageal reflexes in cats: a possible mechanism of SIDS? Pediatr Res. 2018 Mar; 83: 731-738.
Hasenstab KA, Sitaram S, Lang IM, Shaker R, Jadcherla SR. Maturation Modulates Pharyngeal-Stimulus Provoked Pharyngeal and Respiratory Rhythms in Human Infants. Dysphagia. 2018 Feb; 33: 63-75.
Algotar A, Shaikhkhalil AK, Siler-Wurst K, Sitaram S, Gulati I, Jadcherla SR. Unique Patterns of Body Composition and Anthropometric Measurements During Maturation in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Neonates: Opportunities for Modifying Nutritional Therapy and Influencing Clinical Outcomes. JPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr. 2018 Jan; 42: 231-238.
El-Mahdy MA, Mansoor FA, Jadcherla SR. Pharmacological management of gastroesophageal reflux disease in infants: current opinions. Curr Opin Pharmacol. 2017 Dec; 37: 112-117.
Jadcherla SR, Bhandari V. "Pressure" to feed the preterm newborn: associated with "positive" outcomes? Pediatr Res. 2017 Dec; 82: 899-900.
Mei L, Jiao H, Sharma T, Dua A, Sanvanson P, Jadcherla SR, Shaker R. Comparative effect of the sites of anterior cervical pressure on the geometry of the upper esophageal sphincter high-pressure zone. Laryngoscope. 2017 Nov; 127: 2466-2474.
Woodley FW, Moore-Clingenpeel M, Machado RS, Nemastil CJ, Jadcherla SR, Hayes D Jr, Kopp BT, Kaul A, Di Lorenzo C, Mousa H. Not All Children with Cystic Fibrosis Have Abnormal Esophageal Neutralization during Chemical Clearance of Acid Reflux. Pediatr Gastroenterol Hepatol Nutr. 2017 Sep; 20: 153-159.
Sivalingam M, Sitaram S, Hasenstab KA, Wei L, Woodley FW, Jadcherla SR. Effects of Esophageal Acidification on Troublesome Symptoms: An Approach to Characterize True Acid GERD in Dysphagic Neonates. Dysphagia. 2017 Aug; 32: 509-519.
Jadcherla SR. Advances with Neonatal Aerodigestive Science in the Pursuit of Safe Swallowing in Infants: Invited Review. Dysphagia. 2017 Feb; 32: 15-26.
Jadcherla SR, Khot T, Moore R, Malkar M, Gulati IK, Slaughter JL. Feeding Methods at Discharge Predict Long-Term Feeding and Neurodevelopmental Outcomes in Preterm Infants Referred for Gastrostomy Evaluation. J Pediatr. 2017 Feb; 181: 125-130.e1.
Jadcherla SR, McCullough GH, Daniels SK, Van Daele DJ, Dua K, Lazarus C, Shaker R. The Dysphagia Research Society Accelerating a Priority Research Agenda. Dysphagia. 2017 Feb; 32: 11-14.
Kashou NH, Dar IA, Hasenstab KA, Nahhas RW, Jadcherla SR. Somatic stimulation causes frontoparietal cortical changes in neonates: a functional near-infrared spectroscopy study. Neurophotonics. 2017 Jan; 4: 011004.
View More Publications
Center for Perinatal Research
View My Publications
Hasenstab KA, Prabhakar V, Helmick R, Yildiz V, Jadcherla SR. Pharyngeal biorhythms during oral milk challenge in high-risk infants: Do they predict chronic tube feeding? Neurogastroenterol Motil. 2022 Nov 13; e14492.
Nelin LD, Kielt MJ, Jebbia M, Jadcherla S, Shepherd EG. Bronchodilator responsiveness and dysanapsis in bronchopulmonary dysplasia. ERJ Open Res. 2022 Jul; 8:
Jadcherla SR, Helmick R, Hasenstab KA, Njeh M, Alshaikh E. Impact of esophageal mucosal permeability markers on provocation-induced esophageal reflexes in high-risk infants. Physiol Rep. 2022 Jun; 10: e15366.
Hasenstab KA, Jadcherla SR. Evidence-Based Approaches to Successful Oral Feeding in Infants with Feeding Difficulties. Clin Perinatol. 2022 Jun; 49: 503-520.
Paul GR, Hayes D Jr, Tumin D, Gulati I, Jadcherla S, Splaingard ML. What Are the Factors Affecting Total Sleep Time During Video Polysomnography in Infants? Am J Perinatol. 2022 Jun; 39: 853-860.
Gentle SJ, Carper B, Laughon MM, Jensen EA, Williams A, Travers CP, Ambalavanan N, Lal CV, Carlo WA, NICHD Neonatal Research Network., Polin RA, Laptook AR, Keszler M, Hensman AM, Vieira E, Little E, Pierre LS, Walsh MC, Hibbs AM, Newman NS, Truog WE, Pallotto EK, Kilbride HW, Gauldin C, Holmes A, Johnson K, Parimi PS, Gaetano L, Poindexter BB, Schibler K, Merhar SL, Alexander B, Grisby C, Kirker K, Cotten CM, Goldberg RN, Finkle J, Fisher KA, Bose CL, Bernhardt J, Bose G, Clark C, Kicklighter SD, Rhodes-Ryan G, White D, Carlton DP, Stoll BJ, Patel RM, Loggins Y, Hale EC, Bottcher DI, Mackie C, Bremer AA, Higgins RD, Archer SW, Sokol GM, Herron DE, Joyce J, Tyson JE, Khan AM, Kennedy KA, Eason E, Stephens EK, McDavid GE, Arldt-McAlister J, Burson K, Garcia C, Hall D, Martin K, Martin SC, Rodgers S, Tate PLP, Wright SL, Sánchez PJ, Nelin LD, Jadcherla SR, Luzader P, Clark E, Fortney CA, Gutentag J, Park C, Shadd JC, Stein M, Grothause JL, Baugher H, Yosseff-Salameh L, McCool J, Das A, Gantz MG, Bann CM, Wallace D, Crawford M, Gabrio J, Leblond D, O'Donnell Auman J, Huitema CMP, Zaterka-Baxter KM, Van Meurs KP, Chock VY, Stevenson DK, Ball MB, Proud MS, Reichert EN, Williams RJ, Collins MV, Cosby SS, McNair T, Estes M, Hagood K, Devaskar U, Garg M, Chanlaw T, Geller R, Bell EF, Colaizy TT, Baack ML, Ellsbury DL, Brumbaugh JE, Johnson KJ, Henning MM, Elenkiwich C, Goeke CA, Broadbent M, Hogden LA, Klein JM, Dagle JM, Schmelzel ML, Walker JR, Bass DB, Tud TL, Watterberg KL, Fuller J, Ohls RK, Lacy CB, Beauman SS, Hartenberger C, Hanson M, Kuan E, Eichenwald EC, Schmidt B, Kirpalani H, DeMauro SB, Abbasi S, Catts C, Chaudhary AS, Ghavam S, Mancini T, Snyder J, D'Angio CT, Guillet R, Reynolds AM, Lakshminrusimha S, Kent A, Binion K, Bowman M, Donato J, Guilford S, Hunn J, Jensen RL, Li E, Maffett D, Orme C, Prinzing D, Reubens L, Rochez D, Rowan M, Sabaratnam P, Sacilowski M, Scorsone AM, Wadkins HIM, Williams A, Wynn K, Jones R, Wyckoff M, Sánchez PJ, Brion LP, Vasil DM, Chen L, DeLeon MM, Eubanks F, Pavageau L, Sepulveda P, Yoder BA, Baserga M, Minton SD, Sheffield MJ, Rau CA, Burnett J, Davis B, Christensen S, Loertscher MC, Marchant T, Maxson E, McGrath K, Elmont JO, Parry M, Schaefer ST, Weaver-Lewis K, Woodbury KD, Shankaran S, Natarajan G, Chawla S, Sood BG, Childs K, Panaitescu B, Bara R, Barks J, Christensen MK, Wiggins SA, White DF. Duration of noninvasive respiratory support and risk for bronchopulmonary dysplasia or death. J Perinatol. 2022 Jan 15;
Osborn EK, Jadcherla SR. Developing a Quality Improvement Feeding Program for NICU Patients. Neoreviews. 2022 Jan 1; 23: e23-e35.
Sultana Z, Hasenstab KA, Moore RK, Osborn EK, Yildiz VO, Wei L, Slaughter JL, Jadcherla SR. Symptom Scores and pH-Impedance: Secondary Analysis of a Randomized Controlled Trial in Infants Treated for Gastroesophageal Reflux. Gastro Hep Adv. 2022; 1: 869-881.
Jadcherla SR, Hasenstab KA, Osborn EK, Levy DS, Ipek H, Helmick R, Sultana Z, Logue N, Yildiz VO, Blosser H, Shah SH, Wei L. Mechanisms and management considerations of parent-chosen feeding approaches to infants with swallowing difficulties: an observational study. Sci Rep. 2021 Oct 7; 11: 19934.
Sultana Z, Hasenstab KA, Jadcherla SR. Pharyngoesophageal motility reflex mechanisms in the human neonate: importance of integrative cross-systems physiology. Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol. 2021 Aug 1; 321: G139-G148.
Viswanathan S, Batchu S, Osborn E, Jadcherla S. Diagnostic utility of impedance-pH monitoring in infants of diabetic mothers with oral feeding difficulties. J Perinatol. 2021 Aug; 41: 1886-1892.
Viswanathan S, Osborn E, Jadcherla S. Body adiposity and oral feeding outcomes in infants: a pilot study. J Perinatol. 2021 May; 41: 1059-1064.
Abdi HH, Backes CH, Ball MK, Talavera-Barber MM, Klebanoff MA, Jadcherla SR, Mohamed TH, Slaughter JL. Prophylactic Indomethacin in extremely preterm infants: association with death or BPD and observed early serum creatinine levels. J Perinatol. 2021 Apr; 41: 749-755.
Swiader N, Hasenstab KA, Yildiz VO, Jadcherla SR. Characterization of Esophageal and Sphincter Reflexes across Maturation in Dysphagic Infants with Oral Feeding Success vs Infants requiring Gastrostomy. Dysphagia. 2021 Feb 12;
Viswanathan S, Osborn E, Jadcherla S. Predictive ability of postnatal growth failure for adverse feeding-related outcomes in preterm infants: an exploratory study comparing Fenton with INTERGROWTH-21st preterm growth charts. J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med. 2021 Feb 11; 1-8.
Sanchez JB, Jadcherla SR. Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease in Neonates: Facts and Figures. Neoreviews. 2021 Feb; 22: e104-e117.
Miles A, Connor NP, Desai RV, Jadcherla S, Allen J, Brodsky M, Garand KL, Malandraki GA, McCulloch TM, Moss M, Murray J, Pulia M, Riquelme LF, Langmore SE. Dysphagia Care Across the Continuum: A Multidisciplinary Dysphagia Research Society Taskforce Report of Service-Delivery During the COVID-19 Global Pandemic. Dysphagia. 2020 Jul 11;
Davidson K, O'Rourke A, Fortunato JE, Jadcherla S. The Emerging Importance of High-Resolution Manometry in the Evaluation and Treatment of Deglutition in Infants, Children, and Adults: New Opportunities for Speech-Language Pathologists. Am J Speech Lang Pathol. 2020 Jul 10; 29: 945-955.
Hasenstab-Kenney KA, Bellodas Sanchez J, Prabhakar V, Lang IM, Shaker R, Jadcherla SR. Mechanisms of bradycardia in premature infants: Aerodigestive-cardiac regulatory-rhythm interactions. Physiol Rep. 2020 Jul; 8: e14495.
Jadcherla SR. Neonatal Gastroenterology: Challenges, Controversies, and Recent Advances. Clin Perinatol. 2020 Jun; 47: xvii-xviii.
Hasenstab KA, Jadcherla SR. Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Neonate: Controversies, Current Understanding, and Future Directions. Clin Perinatol. 2020 Jun; 47: 243-263.
Gulati IK, Sultana Z, Jadcherla SR. Approach to Feeding Difficulties in Neonates and Infants: A Comprehensive Overview. Clin Perinatol. 2020 Jun; 47: 265-276.
Viswanathan S, Jadcherla S. Feeding and Swallowing Difficulties in Neonates: Developmental Physiology and Pathophysiology. Clin Perinatol. 2020 Jun; 47: 223-241.
Woodley FW, Ciciora SL, Vaz K, Williams K, Di Lorenzo C, Jadcherla S. Air-Swallow/GERD-Like Symptom Associations Assessed Using a Novel Application of Esophageal Impedance Technology. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 2020 May 12;
Jadcherla SR, Sultana Z, Hasenstab-Kenney KA, Prabhakar V, Gulati IK, Di Lorenzo C. Differentiating esophageal sensitivity phenotypes using pH-impedance in intensive care unit infants referred for gastroesophageal reflux symptoms. Pediatr Res. 2020 May 6;
Jadcherla SR, Hasenstab KA, Wei L, Osborn EK, Viswanathan S, Gulati IK, Slaughter JL, Di Lorenzo C. Role of feeding strategy bundle with acid-suppressive therapy in infants with esophageal acid reflux exposure: a randomized controlled trial. Pediatr Res. 2020 May 7;
Badran EF, Jadcherla S. The enigma of gastroesophageal reflux disease among convalescing infants in the NICU: It is time to rethink. Int J Pediatr Adolesc Med. 2020 Mar; 7: 26-30.
Woodley FW, Ciciora SL, Vaz K, Williams K, Di Lorenzo C, Jadcherla S. Novel Use of Impedance Technology Shows That Esophageal Air Events Can Be Temporally Associated With Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease-like Symptoms. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 2020 Jan; 70: e7-e11.
Viswanathan S, Jadcherla S. Anemia of Prematurity and Oral Feeding Milestones in Premature Infants. Am J Perinatol. 2019 Nov 27;
Bapat R, Gulati IK, Jadcherla S. Impact of SIMPLE Feeding Quality Improvement Strategies on Aerodigestive Milestones and Feeding Outcomes in BPD Infants. Hosp Pediatr. 2019 Nov; 9: 859-866.
Woodley FW, Ciciora SL, Vaz K, Williams K, Di Lorenzo C, Jadcherla S. Novel Use of Impedance Technology Shows that Esophageal Air Events Can Be Temporally Associated with GERD-Like Symptoms. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 2019 Sep 23;
Warren MG, Do B, Das A, Smith PB, Adams-Chapman I, Jadcherla S, Jensen EA, Goldstein RF, Goldberg RN, Cotten CM, Bell EF, Malcolm WF, Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Neonatal Research Network.. Gastrostomy Tube Feeding in Extremely Low Birthweight Infants: Frequency, Associated Comorbidities, and Long-term Outcomes. J Pediatr. 2019 Aug 16;
Viswanathan S, Jadcherla S. Transitioning from gavage to full oral feeds in premature infants: When should we discontinue the nasogastric tube? J Perinatol. 2019 Jul 31;
Shah H, Jadcherla SR. Secretion Management in Tracheostomized Infants using Unconventional Approaches and Outcomes: A Case Series. Am J Perinatol. 2019 Jul 31;
Jadcherla SR. Challenges to Eating, Swallowing, and Aerodigestive Functions in Infants: A Burning Platform That Needs Attention! J Pediatr. 2019 Jun 5;
Prabhakar V, Hasenstab KA, Osborn E, Wei L, Jadcherla SR. Pharyngeal contractile and regulatory characteristics are distinct during nutritive oral stimulus in preterm-born infants: Implications for clinical and research applications. Neurogastroenterol Motil. 2019 May 26; e13650.
Gulati IK, Jadcherla SR. Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Infant: Who Needs to Be Treated and What Approach Is Beneficial? Pediatr Clin North Am. 2019 Apr; 66: 461-473.
Collins CR, Hasenstab KA, Nawaz S, Jadcherla SR. Mechanisms of Aerodigestive Symptoms in Infants with Varying Acid Reflux Index Determined by Esophageal Manometry. J Pediatr. 2019 Mar; 206: 240-247.
Hasenstab KA, Nawaz S, Lang IM, Shaker R, Jadcherla SR. Pharyngoesophageal and cardiorespiratory interactions: potential implications for premature infants at risk of clinically significant cardiorespiratory events. Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol. 2019 Feb 1; 316: G304-G312.
Jadcherla SR, Hanandeh N, Hasenstab KA, Nawaz S. Differentiation of esophageal pH-impedance characteristics classified by the mucosal integrity marker in human neonates. Pediatr Res. 2019 Feb; 85: 355-360.
Woodley FW, Hayes D Jr, Kopp BT, Moore-Clingenpeel M, Machado RS, Nemastil CJ, Jadcherla S, Di Lorenzo C, Kaul A, Mousa H. Gastroesophageal reflux in cystic fibrosis across the age spectrum. Transl Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2019; 4: 69.
Malkar MB, Viswanathan SK, Jadcherla SR. Pilot Study of Pharyngoesophageal Dysmotility Mechanisms in Dysphagic Infants of Diabetic Mothers. Am J Perinatol. 2018 Dec 21;
Hart BJ, Viswanathan S, Jadcherla SR. Persistent feeding difficulties among infants with fetal opioid exposure: mechanisms and clinical reasoning. J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med. 2018 Sep 9; 1-7.
Levy DS, Osborn E, Hasenstab KA, Nawaz S, Jadcherla SR. The Effect of Additives for Reflux or Dysphagia Management on Osmolality in Ready-to-Feed Preterm Formula: Practice Implications. JPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr. 2018 Jul 10;
Jadcherla SR. Understanding the neonatal oesophageal mysteries of gastro-oesophageal reflux disease using baseline impedance. Acta Paediatr. 2018 Jun 8;
Shepherd EG, Clouse BJ, Hasenstab KA, Sitaram S, Malleske DT, Nelin LD, Jadcherla SR. Infant Pulmonary Function Testing and Phenotypes in Severe Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia. Pediatrics. 2018 May; 141:
Lang IM, Medda BK, Shaker R, Jadcherla S. The effect of body position on esophageal reflexes in cats: a possible mechanism of SIDS? Pediatr Res. 2018 Mar; 83: 731-738.
Hasenstab KA, Sitaram S, Lang IM, Shaker R, Jadcherla SR. Maturation Modulates Pharyngeal-Stimulus Provoked Pharyngeal and Respiratory Rhythms in Human Infants. Dysphagia. 2018 Feb; 33: 63-75.
Algotar A, Shaikhkhalil AK, Siler-Wurst K, Sitaram S, Gulati I, Jadcherla SR. Unique Patterns of Body Composition and Anthropometric Measurements During Maturation in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Neonates: Opportunities for Modifying Nutritional Therapy and Influencing Clinical Outcomes. JPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr. 2018 Jan; 42: 231-238.
El-Mahdy MA, Mansoor FA, Jadcherla SR. Pharmacological management of gastroesophageal reflux disease in infants: current opinions. Curr Opin Pharmacol. 2017 Dec; 37: 112-117.
Jadcherla SR, Bhandari V. "Pressure" to feed the preterm newborn: associated with "positive" outcomes? Pediatr Res. 2017 Dec; 82: 899-900.
Mei L, Jiao H, Sharma T, Dua A, Sanvanson P, Jadcherla SR, Shaker R. Comparative effect of the sites of anterior cervical pressure on the geometry of the upper esophageal sphincter high-pressure zone. Laryngoscope. 2017 Nov; 127: 2466-2474.
Woodley FW, Moore-Clingenpeel M, Machado RS, Nemastil CJ, Jadcherla SR, Hayes D Jr, Kopp BT, Kaul A, Di Lorenzo C, Mousa H. Not All Children with Cystic Fibrosis Have Abnormal Esophageal Neutralization during Chemical Clearance of Acid Reflux. Pediatr Gastroenterol Hepatol Nutr. 2017 Sep; 20: 153-159.
Sivalingam M, Sitaram S, Hasenstab KA, Wei L, Woodley FW, Jadcherla SR. Effects of Esophageal Acidification on Troublesome Symptoms: An Approach to Characterize True Acid GERD in Dysphagic Neonates. Dysphagia. 2017 Aug; 32: 509-519.
Jadcherla SR. Advances with Neonatal Aerodigestive Science in the Pursuit of Safe Swallowing in Infants: Invited Review. Dysphagia. 2017 Feb; 32: 15-26.
Jadcherla SR, Khot T, Moore R, Malkar M, Gulati IK, Slaughter JL. Feeding Methods at Discharge Predict Long-Term Feeding and Neurodevelopmental Outcomes in Preterm Infants Referred for Gastrostomy Evaluation. J Pediatr. 2017 Feb; 181: 125-130.e1.
Jadcherla SR, McCullough GH, Daniels SK, Van Daele DJ, Dua K, Lazarus C, Shaker R. The Dysphagia Research Society Accelerating a Priority Research Agenda. Dysphagia. 2017 Feb; 32: 11-14.
Kashou NH, Dar IA, Hasenstab KA, Nahhas RW, Jadcherla SR. Somatic stimulation causes frontoparietal cortical changes in neonates: a functional near-infrared spectroscopy study. Neurophotonics. 2017 Jan; 4: 011004.
View More Publications
Center for Perinatal Research
View My Publications
Hasenstab KA, Prabhakar V, Helmick R, Yildiz V, Jadcherla SR. Pharyngeal biorhythms during oral milk challenge in high-risk infants: Do they predict chronic tube feeding? Neurogastroenterol Motil. 2022 Nov 13; e14492.
Nelin LD, Kielt MJ, Jebbia M, Jadcherla S, Shepherd EG. Bronchodilator responsiveness and dysanapsis in bronchopulmonary dysplasia. ERJ Open Res. 2022 Jul; 8:
Jadcherla SR, Helmick R, Hasenstab KA, Njeh M, Alshaikh E. Impact of esophageal mucosal permeability markers on provocation-induced esophageal reflexes in high-risk infants. Physiol Rep. 2022 Jun; 10: e15366.
Hasenstab KA, Jadcherla SR. Evidence-Based Approaches to Successful Oral Feeding in Infants with Feeding Difficulties. Clin Perinatol. 2022 Jun; 49: 503-520.
Paul GR, Hayes D Jr, Tumin D, Gulati I, Jadcherla S, Splaingard ML. What Are the Factors Affecting Total Sleep Time During Video Polysomnography in Infants? Am J Perinatol. 2022 Jun; 39: 853-860.
Gentle SJ, Carper B, Laughon MM, Jensen EA, Williams A, Travers CP, Ambalavanan N, Lal CV, Carlo WA, NICHD Neonatal Research Network., Polin RA, Laptook AR, Keszler M, Hensman AM, Vieira E, Little E, Pierre LS, Walsh MC, Hibbs AM, Newman NS, Truog WE, Pallotto EK, Kilbride HW, Gauldin C, Holmes A, Johnson K, Parimi PS, Gaetano L, Poindexter BB, Schibler K, Merhar SL, Alexander B, Grisby C, Kirker K, Cotten CM, Goldberg RN, Finkle J, Fisher KA, Bose CL, Bernhardt J, Bose G, Clark C, Kicklighter SD, Rhodes-Ryan G, White D, Carlton DP, Stoll BJ, Patel RM, Loggins Y, Hale EC, Bottcher DI, Mackie C, Bremer AA, Higgins RD, Archer SW, Sokol GM, Herron DE, Joyce J, Tyson JE, Khan AM, Kennedy KA, Eason E, Stephens EK, McDavid GE, Arldt-McAlister J, Burson K, Garcia C, Hall D, Martin K, Martin SC, Rodgers S, Tate PLP, Wright SL, Sánchez PJ, Nelin LD, Jadcherla SR, Luzader P, Clark E, Fortney CA, Gutentag J, Park C, Shadd JC, Stein M, Grothause JL, Baugher H, Yosseff-Salameh L, McCool J, Das A, Gantz MG, Bann CM, Wallace D, Crawford M, Gabrio J, Leblond D, O'Donnell Auman J, Huitema CMP, Zaterka-Baxter KM, Van Meurs KP, Chock VY, Stevenson DK, Ball MB, Proud MS, Reichert EN, Williams RJ, Collins MV, Cosby SS, McNair T, Estes M, Hagood K, Devaskar U, Garg M, Chanlaw T, Geller R, Bell EF, Colaizy TT, Baack ML, Ellsbury DL, Brumbaugh JE, Johnson KJ, Henning MM, Elenkiwich C, Goeke CA, Broadbent M, Hogden LA, Klein JM, Dagle JM, Schmelzel ML, Walker JR, Bass DB, Tud TL, Watterberg KL, Fuller J, Ohls RK, Lacy CB, Beauman SS, Hartenberger C, Hanson M, Kuan E, Eichenwald EC, Schmidt B, Kirpalani H, DeMauro SB, Abbasi S, Catts C, Chaudhary AS, Ghavam S, Mancini T, Snyder J, D'Angio CT, Guillet R, Reynolds AM, Lakshminrusimha S, Kent A, Binion K, Bowman M, Donato J, Guilford S, Hunn J, Jensen RL, Li E, Maffett D, Orme C, Prinzing D, Reubens L, Rochez D, Rowan M, Sabaratnam P, Sacilowski M, Scorsone AM, Wadkins HIM, Williams A, Wynn K, Jones R, Wyckoff M, Sánchez PJ, Brion LP, Vasil DM, Chen L, DeLeon MM, Eubanks F, Pavageau L, Sepulveda P, Yoder BA, Baserga M, Minton SD, Sheffield MJ, Rau CA, Burnett J, Davis B, Christensen S, Loertscher MC, Marchant T, Maxson E, McGrath K, Elmont JO, Parry M, Schaefer ST, Weaver-Lewis K, Woodbury KD, Shankaran S, Natarajan G, Chawla S, Sood BG, Childs K, Panaitescu B, Bara R, Barks J, Christensen MK, Wiggins SA, White DF. Duration of noninvasive respiratory support and risk for bronchopulmonary dysplasia or death. J Perinatol. 2022 Jan 15;
Osborn EK, Jadcherla SR. Developing a Quality Improvement Feeding Program for NICU Patients. Neoreviews. 2022 Jan 1; 23: e23-e35.
Sultana Z, Hasenstab KA, Moore RK, Osborn EK, Yildiz VO, Wei L, Slaughter JL, Jadcherla SR. Symptom Scores and pH-Impedance: Secondary Analysis of a Randomized Controlled Trial in Infants Treated for Gastroesophageal Reflux. Gastro Hep Adv. 2022; 1: 869-881.
Jadcherla SR, Hasenstab KA, Osborn EK, Levy DS, Ipek H, Helmick R, Sultana Z, Logue N, Yildiz VO, Blosser H, Shah SH, Wei L. Mechanisms and management considerations of parent-chosen feeding approaches to infants with swallowing difficulties: an observational study. Sci Rep. 2021 Oct 7; 11: 19934.
Sultana Z, Hasenstab KA, Jadcherla SR. Pharyngoesophageal motility reflex mechanisms in the human neonate: importance of integrative cross-systems physiology. Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol. 2021 Aug 1; 321: G139-G148.
Viswanathan S, Batchu S, Osborn E, Jadcherla S. Diagnostic utility of impedance-pH monitoring in infants of diabetic mothers with oral feeding difficulties. J Perinatol. 2021 Aug; 41: 1886-1892.
Viswanathan S, Osborn E, Jadcherla S. Body adiposity and oral feeding outcomes in infants: a pilot study. J Perinatol. 2021 May; 41: 1059-1064.
Abdi HH, Backes CH, Ball MK, Talavera-Barber MM, Klebanoff MA, Jadcherla SR, Mohamed TH, Slaughter JL. Prophylactic Indomethacin in extremely preterm infants: association with death or BPD and observed early serum creatinine levels. J Perinatol. 2021 Apr; 41: 749-755.
Swiader N, Hasenstab KA, Yildiz VO, Jadcherla SR. Characterization of Esophageal and Sphincter Reflexes across Maturation in Dysphagic Infants with Oral Feeding Success vs Infants requiring Gastrostomy. Dysphagia. 2021 Feb 12;
Viswanathan S, Osborn E, Jadcherla S. Predictive ability of postnatal growth failure for adverse feeding-related outcomes in preterm infants: an exploratory study comparing Fenton with INTERGROWTH-21st preterm growth charts. J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med. 2021 Feb 11; 1-8.
Sanchez JB, Jadcherla SR. Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease in Neonates: Facts and Figures. Neoreviews. 2021 Feb; 22: e104-e117.
Miles A, Connor NP, Desai RV, Jadcherla S, Allen J, Brodsky M, Garand KL, Malandraki GA, McCulloch TM, Moss M, Murray J, Pulia M, Riquelme LF, Langmore SE. Dysphagia Care Across the Continuum: A Multidisciplinary Dysphagia Research Society Taskforce Report of Service-Delivery During the COVID-19 Global Pandemic. Dysphagia. 2020 Jul 11;
Davidson K, O'Rourke A, Fortunato JE, Jadcherla S. The Emerging Importance of High-Resolution Manometry in the Evaluation and Treatment of Deglutition in Infants, Children, and Adults: New Opportunities for Speech-Language Pathologists. Am J Speech Lang Pathol. 2020 Jul 10; 29: 945-955.
Hasenstab-Kenney KA, Bellodas Sanchez J, Prabhakar V, Lang IM, Shaker R, Jadcherla SR. Mechanisms of bradycardia in premature infants: Aerodigestive-cardiac regulatory-rhythm interactions. Physiol Rep. 2020 Jul; 8: e14495.
Jadcherla SR. Neonatal Gastroenterology: Challenges, Controversies, and Recent Advances. Clin Perinatol. 2020 Jun; 47: xvii-xviii.
Hasenstab KA, Jadcherla SR. Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Neonate: Controversies, Current Understanding, and Future Directions. Clin Perinatol. 2020 Jun; 47: 243-263.
Gulati IK, Sultana Z, Jadcherla SR. Approach to Feeding Difficulties in Neonates and Infants: A Comprehensive Overview. Clin Perinatol. 2020 Jun; 47: 265-276.
Viswanathan S, Jadcherla S. Feeding and Swallowing Difficulties in Neonates: Developmental Physiology and Pathophysiology. Clin Perinatol. 2020 Jun; 47: 223-241.
Woodley FW, Ciciora SL, Vaz K, Williams K, Di Lorenzo C, Jadcherla S. Air-Swallow/GERD-Like Symptom Associations Assessed Using a Novel Application of Esophageal Impedance Technology. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 2020 May 12;
Jadcherla SR, Sultana Z, Hasenstab-Kenney KA, Prabhakar V, Gulati IK, Di Lorenzo C. Differentiating esophageal sensitivity phenotypes using pH-impedance in intensive care unit infants referred for gastroesophageal reflux symptoms. Pediatr Res. 2020 May 6;
Jadcherla SR, Hasenstab KA, Wei L, Osborn EK, Viswanathan S, Gulati IK, Slaughter JL, Di Lorenzo C. Role of feeding strategy bundle with acid-suppressive therapy in infants with esophageal acid reflux exposure: a randomized controlled trial. Pediatr Res. 2020 May 7;
Badran EF, Jadcherla S. The enigma of gastroesophageal reflux disease among convalescing infants in the NICU: It is time to rethink. Int J Pediatr Adolesc Med. 2020 Mar; 7: 26-30.
Woodley FW, Ciciora SL, Vaz K, Williams K, Di Lorenzo C, Jadcherla S. Novel Use of Impedance Technology Shows That Esophageal Air Events Can Be Temporally Associated With Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease-like Symptoms. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 2020 Jan; 70: e7-e11.
Viswanathan S, Jadcherla S. Anemia of Prematurity and Oral Feeding Milestones in Premature Infants. Am J Perinatol. 2019 Nov 27;
Bapat R, Gulati IK, Jadcherla S. Impact of SIMPLE Feeding Quality Improvement Strategies on Aerodigestive Milestones and Feeding Outcomes in BPD Infants. Hosp Pediatr. 2019 Nov; 9: 859-866.
Woodley FW, Ciciora SL, Vaz K, Williams K, Di Lorenzo C, Jadcherla S. Novel Use of Impedance Technology Shows that Esophageal Air Events Can Be Temporally Associated with GERD-Like Symptoms. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 2019 Sep 23;
Warren MG, Do B, Das A, Smith PB, Adams-Chapman I, Jadcherla S, Jensen EA, Goldstein RF, Goldberg RN, Cotten CM, Bell EF, Malcolm WF, Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Neonatal Research Network.. Gastrostomy Tube Feeding in Extremely Low Birthweight Infants: Frequency, Associated Comorbidities, and Long-term Outcomes. J Pediatr. 2019 Aug 16;
Viswanathan S, Jadcherla S. Transitioning from gavage to full oral feeds in premature infants: When should we discontinue the nasogastric tube? J Perinatol. 2019 Jul 31;
Shah H, Jadcherla SR. Secretion Management in Tracheostomized Infants using Unconventional Approaches and Outcomes: A Case Series. Am J Perinatol. 2019 Jul 31;
Jadcherla SR. Challenges to Eating, Swallowing, and Aerodigestive Functions in Infants: A Burning Platform That Needs Attention! J Pediatr. 2019 Jun 5;
Prabhakar V, Hasenstab KA, Osborn E, Wei L, Jadcherla SR. Pharyngeal contractile and regulatory characteristics are distinct during nutritive oral stimulus in preterm-born infants: Implications for clinical and research applications. Neurogastroenterol Motil. 2019 May 26; e13650.
Gulati IK, Jadcherla SR. Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Infant: Who Needs to Be Treated and What Approach Is Beneficial? Pediatr Clin North Am. 2019 Apr; 66: 461-473.
Collins CR, Hasenstab KA, Nawaz S, Jadcherla SR. Mechanisms of Aerodigestive Symptoms in Infants with Varying Acid Reflux Index Determined by Esophageal Manometry. J Pediatr. 2019 Mar; 206: 240-247.
Hasenstab KA, Nawaz S, Lang IM, Shaker R, Jadcherla SR. Pharyngoesophageal and cardiorespiratory interactions: potential implications for premature infants at risk of clinically significant cardiorespiratory events. Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol. 2019 Feb 1; 316: G304-G312.
Jadcherla SR, Hanandeh N, Hasenstab KA, Nawaz S. Differentiation of esophageal pH-impedance characteristics classified by the mucosal integrity marker in human neonates. Pediatr Res. 2019 Feb; 85: 355-360.
Woodley FW, Hayes D Jr, Kopp BT, Moore-Clingenpeel M, Machado RS, Nemastil CJ, Jadcherla S, Di Lorenzo C, Kaul A, Mousa H. Gastroesophageal reflux in cystic fibrosis across the age spectrum. Transl Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2019; 4: 69.
Malkar MB, Viswanathan SK, Jadcherla SR. Pilot Study of Pharyngoesophageal Dysmotility Mechanisms in Dysphagic Infants of Diabetic Mothers. Am J Perinatol. 2018 Dec 21;
Hart BJ, Viswanathan S, Jadcherla SR. Persistent feeding difficulties among infants with fetal opioid exposure: mechanisms and clinical reasoning. J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med. 2018 Sep 9; 1-7.
Levy DS, Osborn E, Hasenstab KA, Nawaz S, Jadcherla SR. The Effect of Additives for Reflux or Dysphagia Management on Osmolality in Ready-to-Feed Preterm Formula: Practice Implications. JPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr. 2018 Jul 10;
Jadcherla SR. Understanding the neonatal oesophageal mysteries of gastro-oesophageal reflux disease using baseline impedance. Acta Paediatr. 2018 Jun 8;
Shepherd EG, Clouse BJ, Hasenstab KA, Sitaram S, Malleske DT, Nelin LD, Jadcherla SR. Infant Pulmonary Function Testing and Phenotypes in Severe Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia. Pediatrics. 2018 May; 141:
Lang IM, Medda BK, Shaker R, Jadcherla S. The effect of body position on esophageal reflexes in cats: a possible mechanism of SIDS? Pediatr Res. 2018 Mar; 83: 731-738.
Hasenstab KA, Sitaram S, Lang IM, Shaker R, Jadcherla SR. Maturation Modulates Pharyngeal-Stimulus Provoked Pharyngeal and Respiratory Rhythms in Human Infants. Dysphagia. 2018 Feb; 33: 63-75.
Algotar A, Shaikhkhalil AK, Siler-Wurst K, Sitaram S, Gulati I, Jadcherla SR. Unique Patterns of Body Composition and Anthropometric Measurements During Maturation in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Neonates: Opportunities for Modifying Nutritional Therapy and Influencing Clinical Outcomes. JPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr. 2018 Jan; 42: 231-238.
El-Mahdy MA, Mansoor FA, Jadcherla SR. Pharmacological management of gastroesophageal reflux disease in infants: current opinions. Curr Opin Pharmacol. 2017 Dec; 37: 112-117.
Jadcherla SR, Bhandari V. "Pressure" to feed the preterm newborn: associated with "positive" outcomes? Pediatr Res. 2017 Dec; 82: 899-900.
Mei L, Jiao H, Sharma T, Dua A, Sanvanson P, Jadcherla SR, Shaker R. Comparative effect of the sites of anterior cervical pressure on the geometry of the upper esophageal sphincter high-pressure zone. Laryngoscope. 2017 Nov; 127: 2466-2474.
Woodley FW, Moore-Clingenpeel M, Machado RS, Nemastil CJ, Jadcherla SR, Hayes D Jr, Kopp BT, Kaul A, Di Lorenzo C, Mousa H. Not All Children with Cystic Fibrosis Have Abnormal Esophageal Neutralization during Chemical Clearance of Acid Reflux. Pediatr Gastroenterol Hepatol Nutr. 2017 Sep; 20: 153-159.
Sivalingam M, Sitaram S, Hasenstab KA, Wei L, Woodley FW, Jadcherla SR. Effects of Esophageal Acidification on Troublesome Symptoms: An Approach to Characterize True Acid GERD in Dysphagic Neonates. Dysphagia. 2017 Aug; 32: 509-519.
Jadcherla SR. Advances with Neonatal Aerodigestive Science in the Pursuit of Safe Swallowing in Infants: Invited Review. Dysphagia. 2017 Feb; 32: 15-26.
Jadcherla SR, Khot T, Moore R, Malkar M, Gulati IK, Slaughter JL. Feeding Methods at Discharge Predict Long-Term Feeding and Neurodevelopmental Outcomes in Preterm Infants Referred for Gastrostomy Evaluation. J Pediatr. 2017 Feb; 181: 125-130.e1.
Jadcherla SR, McCullough GH, Daniels SK, Van Daele DJ, Dua K, Lazarus C, Shaker R. The Dysphagia Research Society Accelerating a Priority Research Agenda. Dysphagia. 2017 Feb; 32: 11-14.
Kashou NH, Dar IA, Hasenstab KA, Nahhas RW, Jadcherla SR. Somatic stimulation causes frontoparietal cortical changes in neonates: a functional near-infrared spectroscopy study. Neurophotonics. 2017 Jan; 4: 011004.
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Center for Perinatal Research
View My Publications
Hasenstab KA, Prabhakar V, Helmick R, Yildiz V, Jadcherla SR. Pharyngeal biorhythms during oral milk challenge in high-risk infants: Do they predict chronic tube feeding? Neurogastroenterol Motil. 2022 Nov 13; e14492.
Nelin LD, Kielt MJ, Jebbia M, Jadcherla S, Shepherd EG. Bronchodilator responsiveness and dysanapsis in bronchopulmonary dysplasia. ERJ Open Res. 2022 Jul; 8:
Jadcherla SR, Helmick R, Hasenstab KA, Njeh M, Alshaikh E. Impact of esophageal mucosal permeability markers on provocation-induced esophageal reflexes in high-risk infants. Physiol Rep. 2022 Jun; 10: e15366.
Hasenstab KA, Jadcherla SR. Evidence-Based Approaches to Successful Oral Feeding in Infants with Feeding Difficulties. Clin Perinatol. 2022 Jun; 49: 503-520.
Paul GR, Hayes D Jr, Tumin D, Gulati I, Jadcherla S, Splaingard ML. What Are the Factors Affecting Total Sleep Time During Video Polysomnography in Infants? Am J Perinatol. 2022 Jun; 39: 853-860.
Gentle SJ, Carper B, Laughon MM, Jensen EA, Williams A, Travers CP, Ambalavanan N, Lal CV, Carlo WA, NICHD Neonatal Research Network., Polin RA, Laptook AR, Keszler M, Hensman AM, Vieira E, Little E, Pierre LS, Walsh MC, Hibbs AM, Newman NS, Truog WE, Pallotto EK, Kilbride HW, Gauldin C, Holmes A, Johnson K, Parimi PS, Gaetano L, Poindexter BB, Schibler K, Merhar SL, Alexander B, Grisby C, Kirker K, Cotten CM, Goldberg RN, Finkle J, Fisher KA, Bose CL, Bernhardt J, Bose G, Clark C, Kicklighter SD, Rhodes-Ryan G, White D, Carlton DP, Stoll BJ, Patel RM, Loggins Y, Hale EC, Bottcher DI, Mackie C, Bremer AA, Higgins RD, Archer SW, Sokol GM, Herron DE, Joyce J, Tyson JE, Khan AM, Kennedy KA, Eason E, Stephens EK, McDavid GE, Arldt-McAlister J, Burson K, Garcia C, Hall D, Martin K, Martin SC, Rodgers S, Tate PLP, Wright SL, Sánchez PJ, Nelin LD, Jadcherla SR, Luzader P, Clark E, Fortney CA, Gutentag J, Park C, Shadd JC, Stein M, Grothause JL, Baugher H, Yosseff-Salameh L, McCool J, Das A, Gantz MG, Bann CM, Wallace D, Crawford M, Gabrio J, Leblond D, O'Donnell Auman J, Huitema CMP, Zaterka-Baxter KM, Van Meurs KP, Chock VY, Stevenson DK, Ball MB, Proud MS, Reichert EN, Williams RJ, Collins MV, Cosby SS, McNair T, Estes M, Hagood K, Devaskar U, Garg M, Chanlaw T, Geller R, Bell EF, Colaizy TT, Baack ML, Ellsbury DL, Brumbaugh JE, Johnson KJ, Henning MM, Elenkiwich C, Goeke CA, Broadbent M, Hogden LA, Klein JM, Dagle JM, Schmelzel ML, Walker JR, Bass DB, Tud TL, Watterberg KL, Fuller J, Ohls RK, Lacy CB, Beauman SS, Hartenberger C, Hanson M, Kuan E, Eichenwald EC, Schmidt B, Kirpalani H, DeMauro SB, Abbasi S, Catts C, Chaudhary AS, Ghavam S, Mancini T, Snyder J, D'Angio CT, Guillet R, Reynolds AM, Lakshminrusimha S, Kent A, Binion K, Bowman M, Donato J, Guilford S, Hunn J, Jensen RL, Li E, Maffett D, Orme C, Prinzing D, Reubens L, Rochez D, Rowan M, Sabaratnam P, Sacilowski M, Scorsone AM, Wadkins HIM, Williams A, Wynn K, Jones R, Wyckoff M, Sánchez PJ, Brion LP, Vasil DM, Chen L, DeLeon MM, Eubanks F, Pavageau L, Sepulveda P, Yoder BA, Baserga M, Minton SD, Sheffield MJ, Rau CA, Burnett J, Davis B, Christensen S, Loertscher MC, Marchant T, Maxson E, McGrath K, Elmont JO, Parry M, Schaefer ST, Weaver-Lewis K, Woodbury KD, Shankaran S, Natarajan G, Chawla S, Sood BG, Childs K, Panaitescu B, Bara R, Barks J, Christensen MK, Wiggins SA, White DF. Duration of noninvasive respiratory support and risk for bronchopulmonary dysplasia or death. J Perinatol. 2022 Jan 15;
Osborn EK, Jadcherla SR. Developing a Quality Improvement Feeding Program for NICU Patients. Neoreviews. 2022 Jan 1; 23: e23-e35.
Sultana Z, Hasenstab KA, Moore RK, Osborn EK, Yildiz VO, Wei L, Slaughter JL, Jadcherla SR. Symptom Scores and pH-Impedance: Secondary Analysis of a Randomized Controlled Trial in Infants Treated for Gastroesophageal Reflux. Gastro Hep Adv. 2022; 1: 869-881.
Jadcherla SR, Hasenstab KA, Osborn EK, Levy DS, Ipek H, Helmick R, Sultana Z, Logue N, Yildiz VO, Blosser H, Shah SH, Wei L. Mechanisms and management considerations of parent-chosen feeding approaches to infants with swallowing difficulties: an observational study. Sci Rep. 2021 Oct 7; 11: 19934.
Sultana Z, Hasenstab KA, Jadcherla SR. Pharyngoesophageal motility reflex mechanisms in the human neonate: importance of integrative cross-systems physiology. Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol. 2021 Aug 1; 321: G139-G148.
Viswanathan S, Batchu S, Osborn E, Jadcherla S. Diagnostic utility of impedance-pH monitoring in infants of diabetic mothers with oral feeding difficulties. J Perinatol. 2021 Aug; 41: 1886-1892.
Viswanathan S, Osborn E, Jadcherla S. Body adiposity and oral feeding outcomes in infants: a pilot study. J Perinatol. 2021 May; 41: 1059-1064.
Abdi HH, Backes CH, Ball MK, Talavera-Barber MM, Klebanoff MA, Jadcherla SR, Mohamed TH, Slaughter JL. Prophylactic Indomethacin in extremely preterm infants: association with death or BPD and observed early serum creatinine levels. J Perinatol. 2021 Apr; 41: 749-755.
Swiader N, Hasenstab KA, Yildiz VO, Jadcherla SR. Characterization of Esophageal and Sphincter Reflexes across Maturation in Dysphagic Infants with Oral Feeding Success vs Infants requiring Gastrostomy. Dysphagia. 2021 Feb 12;
Viswanathan S, Osborn E, Jadcherla S. Predictive ability of postnatal growth failure for adverse feeding-related outcomes in preterm infants: an exploratory study comparing Fenton with INTERGROWTH-21st preterm growth charts. J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med. 2021 Feb 11; 1-8.
Sanchez JB, Jadcherla SR. Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease in Neonates: Facts and Figures. Neoreviews. 2021 Feb; 22: e104-e117.
Miles A, Connor NP, Desai RV, Jadcherla S, Allen J, Brodsky M, Garand KL, Malandraki GA, McCulloch TM, Moss M, Murray J, Pulia M, Riquelme LF, Langmore SE. Dysphagia Care Across the Continuum: A Multidisciplinary Dysphagia Research Society Taskforce Report of Service-Delivery During the COVID-19 Global Pandemic. Dysphagia. 2020 Jul 11;
Davidson K, O'Rourke A, Fortunato JE, Jadcherla S. The Emerging Importance of High-Resolution Manometry in the Evaluation and Treatment of Deglutition in Infants, Children, and Adults: New Opportunities for Speech-Language Pathologists. Am J Speech Lang Pathol. 2020 Jul 10; 29: 945-955.
Hasenstab-Kenney KA, Bellodas Sanchez J, Prabhakar V, Lang IM, Shaker R, Jadcherla SR. Mechanisms of bradycardia in premature infants: Aerodigestive-cardiac regulatory-rhythm interactions. Physiol Rep. 2020 Jul; 8: e14495.
Jadcherla SR. Neonatal Gastroenterology: Challenges, Controversies, and Recent Advances. Clin Perinatol. 2020 Jun; 47: xvii-xviii.
Hasenstab KA, Jadcherla SR. Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Neonate: Controversies, Current Understanding, and Future Directions. Clin Perinatol. 2020 Jun; 47: 243-263.
Gulati IK, Sultana Z, Jadcherla SR. Approach to Feeding Difficulties in Neonates and Infants: A Comprehensive Overview. Clin Perinatol. 2020 Jun; 47: 265-276.
Viswanathan S, Jadcherla S. Feeding and Swallowing Difficulties in Neonates: Developmental Physiology and Pathophysiology. Clin Perinatol. 2020 Jun; 47: 223-241.
Woodley FW, Ciciora SL, Vaz K, Williams K, Di Lorenzo C, Jadcherla S. Air-Swallow/GERD-Like Symptom Associations Assessed Using a Novel Application of Esophageal Impedance Technology. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 2020 May 12;
Jadcherla SR, Sultana Z, Hasenstab-Kenney KA, Prabhakar V, Gulati IK, Di Lorenzo C. Differentiating esophageal sensitivity phenotypes using pH-impedance in intensive care unit infants referred for gastroesophageal reflux symptoms. Pediatr Res. 2020 May 6;
Jadcherla SR, Hasenstab KA, Wei L, Osborn EK, Viswanathan S, Gulati IK, Slaughter JL, Di Lorenzo C. Role of feeding strategy bundle with acid-suppressive therapy in infants with esophageal acid reflux exposure: a randomized controlled trial. Pediatr Res. 2020 May 7;
Badran EF, Jadcherla S. The enigma of gastroesophageal reflux disease among convalescing infants in the NICU: It is time to rethink. Int J Pediatr Adolesc Med. 2020 Mar; 7: 26-30.
Woodley FW, Ciciora SL, Vaz K, Williams K, Di Lorenzo C, Jadcherla S. Novel Use of Impedance Technology Shows That Esophageal Air Events Can Be Temporally Associated With Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease-like Symptoms. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 2020 Jan; 70: e7-e11.
Viswanathan S, Jadcherla S. Anemia of Prematurity and Oral Feeding Milestones in Premature Infants. Am J Perinatol. 2019 Nov 27;
Bapat R, Gulati IK, Jadcherla S. Impact of SIMPLE Feeding Quality Improvement Strategies on Aerodigestive Milestones and Feeding Outcomes in BPD Infants. Hosp Pediatr. 2019 Nov; 9: 859-866.
Woodley FW, Ciciora SL, Vaz K, Williams K, Di Lorenzo C, Jadcherla S. Novel Use of Impedance Technology Shows that Esophageal Air Events Can Be Temporally Associated with GERD-Like Symptoms. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 2019 Sep 23;
Warren MG, Do B, Das A, Smith PB, Adams-Chapman I, Jadcherla S, Jensen EA, Goldstein RF, Goldberg RN, Cotten CM, Bell EF, Malcolm WF, Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Neonatal Research Network.. Gastrostomy Tube Feeding in Extremely Low Birthweight Infants: Frequency, Associated Comorbidities, and Long-term Outcomes. J Pediatr. 2019 Aug 16;
Viswanathan S, Jadcherla S. Transitioning from gavage to full oral feeds in premature infants: When should we discontinue the nasogastric tube? J Perinatol. 2019 Jul 31;
Shah H, Jadcherla SR. Secretion Management in Tracheostomized Infants using Unconventional Approaches and Outcomes: A Case Series. Am J Perinatol. 2019 Jul 31;
Jadcherla SR. Challenges to Eating, Swallowing, and Aerodigestive Functions in Infants: A Burning Platform That Needs Attention! J Pediatr. 2019 Jun 5;
Prabhakar V, Hasenstab KA, Osborn E, Wei L, Jadcherla SR. Pharyngeal contractile and regulatory characteristics are distinct during nutritive oral stimulus in preterm-born infants: Implications for clinical and research applications. Neurogastroenterol Motil. 2019 May 26; e13650.
Gulati IK, Jadcherla SR. Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Infant: Who Needs to Be Treated and What Approach Is Beneficial? Pediatr Clin North Am. 2019 Apr; 66: 461-473.
Collins CR, Hasenstab KA, Nawaz S, Jadcherla SR. Mechanisms of Aerodigestive Symptoms in Infants with Varying Acid Reflux Index Determined by Esophageal Manometry. J Pediatr. 2019 Mar; 206: 240-247.
Hasenstab KA, Nawaz S, Lang IM, Shaker R, Jadcherla SR. Pharyngoesophageal and cardiorespiratory interactions: potential implications for premature infants at risk of clinically significant cardiorespiratory events. Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol. 2019 Feb 1; 316: G304-G312.
Jadcherla SR, Hanandeh N, Hasenstab KA, Nawaz S. Differentiation of esophageal pH-impedance characteristics classified by the mucosal integrity marker in human neonates. Pediatr Res. 2019 Feb; 85: 355-360.
Woodley FW, Hayes D Jr, Kopp BT, Moore-Clingenpeel M, Machado RS, Nemastil CJ, Jadcherla S, Di Lorenzo C, Kaul A, Mousa H. Gastroesophageal reflux in cystic fibrosis across the age spectrum. Transl Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2019; 4: 69.
Malkar MB, Viswanathan SK, Jadcherla SR. Pilot Study of Pharyngoesophageal Dysmotility Mechanisms in Dysphagic Infants of Diabetic Mothers. Am J Perinatol. 2018 Dec 21;
Hart BJ, Viswanathan S, Jadcherla SR. Persistent feeding difficulties among infants with fetal opioid exposure: mechanisms and clinical reasoning. J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med. 2018 Sep 9; 1-7.
Levy DS, Osborn E, Hasenstab KA, Nawaz S, Jadcherla SR. The Effect of Additives for Reflux or Dysphagia Management on Osmolality in Ready-to-Feed Preterm Formula: Practice Implications. JPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr. 2018 Jul 10;
Jadcherla SR. Understanding the neonatal oesophageal mysteries of gastro-oesophageal reflux disease using baseline impedance. Acta Paediatr. 2018 Jun 8;
Shepherd EG, Clouse BJ, Hasenstab KA, Sitaram S, Malleske DT, Nelin LD, Jadcherla SR. Infant Pulmonary Function Testing and Phenotypes in Severe Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia. Pediatrics. 2018 May; 141:
Lang IM, Medda BK, Shaker R, Jadcherla S. The effect of body position on esophageal reflexes in cats: a possible mechanism of SIDS? Pediatr Res. 2018 Mar; 83: 731-738.
Hasenstab KA, Sitaram S, Lang IM, Shaker R, Jadcherla SR. Maturation Modulates Pharyngeal-Stimulus Provoked Pharyngeal and Respiratory Rhythms in Human Infants. Dysphagia. 2018 Feb; 33: 63-75.
Algotar A, Shaikhkhalil AK, Siler-Wurst K, Sitaram S, Gulati I, Jadcherla SR. Unique Patterns of Body Composition and Anthropometric Measurements During Maturation in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Neonates: Opportunities for Modifying Nutritional Therapy and Influencing Clinical Outcomes. JPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr. 2018 Jan; 42: 231-238.
El-Mahdy MA, Mansoor FA, Jadcherla SR. Pharmacological management of gastroesophageal reflux disease in infants: current opinions. Curr Opin Pharmacol. 2017 Dec; 37: 112-117.
Jadcherla SR, Bhandari V. "Pressure" to feed the preterm newborn: associated with "positive" outcomes? Pediatr Res. 2017 Dec; 82: 899-900.
Mei L, Jiao H, Sharma T, Dua A, Sanvanson P, Jadcherla SR, Shaker R. Comparative effect of the sites of anterior cervical pressure on the geometry of the upper esophageal sphincter high-pressure zone. Laryngoscope. 2017 Nov; 127: 2466-2474.
Woodley FW, Moore-Clingenpeel M, Machado RS, Nemastil CJ, Jadcherla SR, Hayes D Jr, Kopp BT, Kaul A, Di Lorenzo C, Mousa H. Not All Children with Cystic Fibrosis Have Abnormal Esophageal Neutralization during Chemical Clearance of Acid Reflux. Pediatr Gastroenterol Hepatol Nutr. 2017 Sep; 20: 153-159.
Sivalingam M, Sitaram S, Hasenstab KA, Wei L, Woodley FW, Jadcherla SR. Effects of Esophageal Acidification on Troublesome Symptoms: An Approach to Characterize True Acid GERD in Dysphagic Neonates. Dysphagia. 2017 Aug; 32: 509-519.
Jadcherla SR. Advances with Neonatal Aerodigestive Science in the Pursuit of Safe Swallowing in Infants: Invited Review. Dysphagia. 2017 Feb; 32: 15-26.
Jadcherla SR, Khot T, Moore R, Malkar M, Gulati IK, Slaughter JL. Feeding Methods at Discharge Predict Long-Term Feeding and Neurodevelopmental Outcomes in Preterm Infants Referred for Gastrostomy Evaluation. J Pediatr. 2017 Feb; 181: 125-130.e1.
Jadcherla SR, McCullough GH, Daniels SK, Van Daele DJ, Dua K, Lazarus C, Shaker R. The Dysphagia Research Society Accelerating a Priority Research Agenda. Dysphagia. 2017 Feb; 32: 11-14.
Kashou NH, Dar IA, Hasenstab KA, Nahhas RW, Jadcherla SR. Somatic stimulation causes frontoparietal cortical changes in neonates: a functional near-infrared spectroscopy study. Neurophotonics. 2017 Jan; 4: 011004.
View More Publications
Center for Perinatal Research
View My Publications
Hasenstab KA, Prabhakar V, Helmick R, Yildiz V, Jadcherla SR. Pharyngeal biorhythms during oral milk challenge in high-risk infants: Do they predict chronic tube feeding? Neurogastroenterol Motil. 2022 Nov 13; e14492. Nelin LD, Kielt MJ, Jebbia M, Jadcherla S, Shepherd EG. Bronchodilator responsiveness and dysanapsis in bronchopulmonary dysplasia. ERJ Open Res. 2022 Jul; 8: Jadcherla SR, Helmick R, Hasenstab KA, Njeh M, Alshaikh E. Impact of esophageal mucosal permeability markers on provocation-induced esophageal reflexes in high-risk infants. Physiol Rep. 2022 Jun; 10: e15366. Hasenstab KA, Jadcherla SR. Evidence-Based Approaches to Successful Oral Feeding in Infants with Feeding Difficulties. Clin Perinatol. 2022 Jun; 49: 503-520. Paul GR, Hayes D Jr, Tumin D, Gulati I, Jadcherla S, Splaingard ML. What Are the Factors Affecting Total Sleep Time During Video Polysomnography in Infants? Am J Perinatol. 2022 Jun; 39: 853-860. Gentle SJ, Carper B, Laughon MM, Jensen EA, Williams A, Travers CP, Ambalavanan N, Lal CV, Carlo WA, NICHD Neonatal Research Network., Polin RA, Laptook AR, Keszler M, Hensman AM, Vieira E, Little E, Pierre LS, Walsh MC, Hibbs AM, Newman NS, Truog WE, Pallotto EK, Kilbride HW, Gauldin C, Holmes A, Johnson K, Parimi PS, Gaetano L, Poindexter BB, Schibler K, Merhar SL, Alexander B, Grisby C, Kirker K, Cotten CM, Goldberg RN, Finkle J, Fisher KA, Bose CL, Bernhardt J, Bose G, Clark C, Kicklighter SD, Rhodes-Ryan G, White D, Carlton DP, Stoll BJ, Patel RM, Loggins Y, Hale EC, Bottcher DI, Mackie C, Bremer AA, Higgins RD, Archer SW, Sokol GM, Herron DE, Joyce J, Tyson JE, Khan AM, Kennedy KA, Eason E, Stephens EK, McDavid GE, Arldt-McAlister J, Burson K, Garcia C, Hall D, Martin K, Martin SC, Rodgers S, Tate PLP, Wright SL, Sánchez PJ, Nelin LD, Jadcherla SR, Luzader P, Clark E, Fortney CA, Gutentag J, Park C, Shadd JC, Stein M, Grothause JL, Baugher H, Yosseff-Salameh L, McCool J, Das A, Gantz MG, Bann CM, Wallace D, Crawford M, Gabrio J, Leblond D, O'Donnell Auman J, Huitema CMP, Zaterka-Baxter KM, Van Meurs KP, Chock VY, Stevenson DK, Ball MB, Proud MS, Reichert EN, Williams RJ, Collins MV, Cosby SS, McNair T, Estes M, Hagood K, Devaskar U, Garg M, Chanlaw T, Geller R, Bell EF, Colaizy TT, Baack ML, Ellsbury DL, Brumbaugh JE, Johnson KJ, Henning MM, Elenkiwich C, Goeke CA, Broadbent M, Hogden LA, Klein JM, Dagle JM, Schmelzel ML, Walker JR, Bass DB, Tud TL, Watterberg KL, Fuller J, Ohls RK, Lacy CB, Beauman SS, Hartenberger C, Hanson M, Kuan E, Eichenwald EC, Schmidt B, Kirpalani H, DeMauro SB, Abbasi S, Catts C, Chaudhary AS, Ghavam S, Mancini T, Snyder J, D'Angio CT, Guillet R, Reynolds AM, Lakshminrusimha S, Kent A, Binion K, Bowman M, Donato J, Guilford S, Hunn J, Jensen RL, Li E, Maffett D, Orme C, Prinzing D, Reubens L, Rochez D, Rowan M, Sabaratnam P, Sacilowski M, Scorsone AM, Wadkins HIM, Williams A, Wynn K, Jones R, Wyckoff M, Sánchez PJ, Brion LP, Vasil DM, Chen L, DeLeon MM, Eubanks F, Pavageau L, Sepulveda P, Yoder BA, Baserga M, Minton SD, Sheffield MJ, Rau CA, Burnett J, Davis B, Christensen S, Loertscher MC, Marchant T, Maxson E, McGrath K, Elmont JO, Parry M, Schaefer ST, Weaver-Lewis K, Woodbury KD, Shankaran S, Natarajan G, Chawla S, Sood BG, Childs K, Panaitescu B, Bara R, Barks J, Christensen MK, Wiggins SA, White DF. Duration of noninvasive respiratory support and risk for bronchopulmonary dysplasia or death. J Perinatol. 2022 Jan 15; Osborn EK, Jadcherla SR. Developing a Quality Improvement Feeding Program for NICU Patients. Neoreviews. 2022 Jan 1; 23: e23-e35. Sultana Z, Hasenstab KA, Moore RK, Osborn EK, Yildiz VO, Wei L, Slaughter JL, Jadcherla SR. Symptom Scores and pH-Impedance: Secondary Analysis of a Randomized Controlled Trial in Infants Treated for Gastroesophageal Reflux. Gastro Hep Adv. 2022; 1: 869-881. Jadcherla SR, Hasenstab KA, Osborn EK, Levy DS, Ipek H, Helmick R, Sultana Z, Logue N, Yildiz VO, Blosser H, Shah SH, Wei L. Mechanisms and management considerations of parent-chosen feeding approaches to infants with swallowing difficulties: an observational study. Sci Rep. 2021 Oct 7; 11: 19934. Sultana Z, Hasenstab KA, Jadcherla SR. Pharyngoesophageal motility reflex mechanisms in the human neonate: importance of integrative cross-systems physiology. Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol. 2021 Aug 1; 321: G139-G148. Viswanathan S, Batchu S, Osborn E, Jadcherla S. Diagnostic utility of impedance-pH monitoring in infants of diabetic mothers with oral feeding difficulties. J Perinatol. 2021 Aug; 41: 1886-1892. Viswanathan S, Osborn E, Jadcherla S. Body adiposity and oral feeding outcomes in infants: a pilot study. J Perinatol. 2021 May; 41: 1059-1064. Abdi HH, Backes CH, Ball MK, Talavera-Barber MM, Klebanoff MA, Jadcherla SR, Mohamed TH, Slaughter JL. Prophylactic Indomethacin in extremely preterm infants: association with death or BPD and observed early serum creatinine levels. J Perinatol. 2021 Apr; 41: 749-755. Swiader N, Hasenstab KA, Yildiz VO, Jadcherla SR. Characterization of Esophageal and Sphincter Reflexes across Maturation in Dysphagic Infants with Oral Feeding Success vs Infants requiring Gastrostomy. Dysphagia. 2021 Feb 12; Viswanathan S, Osborn E, Jadcherla S. Predictive ability of postnatal growth failure for adverse feeding-related outcomes in preterm infants: an exploratory study comparing Fenton with INTERGROWTH-21st preterm growth charts. J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med. 2021 Feb 11; 1-8. Sanchez JB, Jadcherla SR. Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease in Neonates: Facts and Figures. Neoreviews. 2021 Feb; 22: e104-e117. Miles A, Connor NP, Desai RV, Jadcherla S, Allen J, Brodsky M, Garand KL, Malandraki GA, McCulloch TM, Moss M, Murray J, Pulia M, Riquelme LF, Langmore SE. Dysphagia Care Across the Continuum: A Multidisciplinary Dysphagia Research Society Taskforce Report of Service-Delivery During the COVID-19 Global Pandemic. Dysphagia. 2020 Jul 11; Davidson K, O'Rourke A, Fortunato JE, Jadcherla S. The Emerging Importance of High-Resolution Manometry in the Evaluation and Treatment of Deglutition in Infants, Children, and Adults: New Opportunities for Speech-Language Pathologists. Am J Speech Lang Pathol. 2020 Jul 10; 29: 945-955. Hasenstab-Kenney KA, Bellodas Sanchez J, Prabhakar V, Lang IM, Shaker R, Jadcherla SR. Mechanisms of bradycardia in premature infants: Aerodigestive-cardiac regulatory-rhythm interactions. Physiol Rep. 2020 Jul; 8: e14495. Jadcherla SR. Neonatal Gastroenterology: Challenges, Controversies, and Recent Advances. Clin Perinatol. 2020 Jun; 47: xvii-xviii. Hasenstab KA, Jadcherla SR. Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Neonate: Controversies, Current Understanding, and Future Directions. Clin Perinatol. 2020 Jun; 47: 243-263. Gulati IK, Sultana Z, Jadcherla SR. Approach to Feeding Difficulties in Neonates and Infants: A Comprehensive Overview. Clin Perinatol. 2020 Jun; 47: 265-276. Viswanathan S, Jadcherla S. Feeding and Swallowing Difficulties in Neonates: Developmental Physiology and Pathophysiology. Clin Perinatol. 2020 Jun; 47: 223-241. Woodley FW, Ciciora SL, Vaz K, Williams K, Di Lorenzo C, Jadcherla S. Air-Swallow/GERD-Like Symptom Associations Assessed Using a Novel Application of Esophageal Impedance Technology. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 2020 May 12; Jadcherla SR, Sultana Z, Hasenstab-Kenney KA, Prabhakar V, Gulati IK, Di Lorenzo C. Differentiating esophageal sensitivity phenotypes using pH-impedance in intensive care unit infants referred for gastroesophageal reflux symptoms. Pediatr Res. 2020 May 6; Jadcherla SR, Hasenstab KA, Wei L, Osborn EK, Viswanathan S, Gulati IK, Slaughter JL, Di Lorenzo C. Role of feeding strategy bundle with acid-suppressive therapy in infants with esophageal acid reflux exposure: a randomized controlled trial. Pediatr Res. 2020 May 7; Badran EF, Jadcherla S. The enigma of gastroesophageal reflux disease among convalescing infants in the NICU: It is time to rethink. Int J Pediatr Adolesc Med. 2020 Mar; 7: 26-30. Woodley FW, Ciciora SL, Vaz K, Williams K, Di Lorenzo C, Jadcherla S. Novel Use of Impedance Technology Shows That Esophageal Air Events Can Be Temporally Associated With Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease-like Symptoms. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 2020 Jan; 70: e7-e11. Viswanathan S, Jadcherla S. Anemia of Prematurity and Oral Feeding Milestones in Premature Infants. Am J Perinatol. 2019 Nov 27; Bapat R, Gulati IK, Jadcherla S. Impact of SIMPLE Feeding Quality Improvement Strategies on Aerodigestive Milestones and Feeding Outcomes in BPD Infants. Hosp Pediatr. 2019 Nov; 9: 859-866. Woodley FW, Ciciora SL, Vaz K, Williams K, Di Lorenzo C, Jadcherla S. Novel Use of Impedance Technology Shows that Esophageal Air Events Can Be Temporally Associated with GERD-Like Symptoms. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 2019 Sep 23; Warren MG, Do B, Das A, Smith PB, Adams-Chapman I, Jadcherla S, Jensen EA, Goldstein RF, Goldberg RN, Cotten CM, Bell EF, Malcolm WF, Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Neonatal Research Network.. Gastrostomy Tube Feeding in Extremely Low Birthweight Infants: Frequency, Associated Comorbidities, and Long-term Outcomes. J Pediatr. 2019 Aug 16; Viswanathan S, Jadcherla S. Transitioning from gavage to full oral feeds in premature infants: When should we discontinue the nasogastric tube? J Perinatol. 2019 Jul 31; Shah H, Jadcherla SR. Secretion Management in Tracheostomized Infants using Unconventional Approaches and Outcomes: A Case Series. Am J Perinatol. 2019 Jul 31; Jadcherla SR. Challenges to Eating, Swallowing, and Aerodigestive Functions in Infants: A Burning Platform That Needs Attention! J Pediatr. 2019 Jun 5; Prabhakar V, Hasenstab KA, Osborn E, Wei L, Jadcherla SR. Pharyngeal contractile and regulatory characteristics are distinct during nutritive oral stimulus in preterm-born infants: Implications for clinical and research applications. Neurogastroenterol Motil. 2019 May 26; e13650. Gulati IK, Jadcherla SR. Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Infant: Who Needs to Be Treated and What Approach Is Beneficial? Pediatr Clin North Am. 2019 Apr; 66: 461-473. Collins CR, Hasenstab KA, Nawaz S, Jadcherla SR. Mechanisms of Aerodigestive Symptoms in Infants with Varying Acid Reflux Index Determined by Esophageal Manometry. J Pediatr. 2019 Mar; 206: 240-247. Hasenstab KA, Nawaz S, Lang IM, Shaker R, Jadcherla SR. Pharyngoesophageal and cardiorespiratory interactions: potential implications for premature infants at risk of clinically significant cardiorespiratory events. Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol. 2019 Feb 1; 316: G304-G312. Jadcherla SR, Hanandeh N, Hasenstab KA, Nawaz S. Differentiation of esophageal pH-impedance characteristics classified by the mucosal integrity marker in human neonates. Pediatr Res. 2019 Feb; 85: 355-360. Woodley FW, Hayes D Jr, Kopp BT, Moore-Clingenpeel M, Machado RS, Nemastil CJ, Jadcherla S, Di Lorenzo C, Kaul A, Mousa H. Gastroesophageal reflux in cystic fibrosis across the age spectrum. Transl Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2019; 4: 69. Malkar MB, Viswanathan SK, Jadcherla SR. Pilot Study of Pharyngoesophageal Dysmotility Mechanisms in Dysphagic Infants of Diabetic Mothers. Am J Perinatol. 2018 Dec 21; Hart BJ, Viswanathan S, Jadcherla SR. Persistent feeding difficulties among infants with fetal opioid exposure: mechanisms and clinical reasoning. J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med. 2018 Sep 9; 1-7. Levy DS, Osborn E, Hasenstab KA, Nawaz S, Jadcherla SR. The Effect of Additives for Reflux or Dysphagia Management on Osmolality in Ready-to-Feed Preterm Formula: Practice Implications. JPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr. 2018 Jul 10; Jadcherla SR. Understanding the neonatal oesophageal mysteries of gastro-oesophageal reflux disease using baseline impedance. Acta Paediatr. 2018 Jun 8; Shepherd EG, Clouse BJ, Hasenstab KA, Sitaram S, Malleske DT, Nelin LD, Jadcherla SR. Infant Pulmonary Function Testing and Phenotypes in Severe Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia. Pediatrics. 2018 May; 141: Lang IM, Medda BK, Shaker R, Jadcherla S. The effect of body position on esophageal reflexes in cats: a possible mechanism of SIDS? Pediatr Res. 2018 Mar; 83: 731-738. Hasenstab KA, Sitaram S, Lang IM, Shaker R, Jadcherla SR. Maturation Modulates Pharyngeal-Stimulus Provoked Pharyngeal and Respiratory Rhythms in Human Infants. Dysphagia. 2018 Feb; 33: 63-75. Algotar A, Shaikhkhalil AK, Siler-Wurst K, Sitaram S, Gulati I, Jadcherla SR. Unique Patterns of Body Composition and Anthropometric Measurements During Maturation in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Neonates: Opportunities for Modifying Nutritional Therapy and Influencing Clinical Outcomes. JPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr. 2018 Jan; 42: 231-238. El-Mahdy MA, Mansoor FA, Jadcherla SR. Pharmacological management of gastroesophageal reflux disease in infants: current opinions. Curr Opin Pharmacol. 2017 Dec; 37: 112-117. Jadcherla SR, Bhandari V. "Pressure" to feed the preterm newborn: associated with "positive" outcomes? Pediatr Res. 2017 Dec; 82: 899-900. Mei L, Jiao H, Sharma T, Dua A, Sanvanson P, Jadcherla SR, Shaker R. Comparative effect of the sites of anterior cervical pressure on the geometry of the upper esophageal sphincter high-pressure zone. Laryngoscope. 2017 Nov; 127: 2466-2474. Woodley FW, Moore-Clingenpeel M, Machado RS, Nemastil CJ, Jadcherla SR, Hayes D Jr, Kopp BT, Kaul A, Di Lorenzo C, Mousa H. Not All Children with Cystic Fibrosis Have Abnormal Esophageal Neutralization during Chemical Clearance of Acid Reflux. Pediatr Gastroenterol Hepatol Nutr. 2017 Sep; 20: 153-159. Sivalingam M, Sitaram S, Hasenstab KA, Wei L, Woodley FW, Jadcherla SR. Effects of Esophageal Acidification on Troublesome Symptoms: An Approach to Characterize True Acid GERD in Dysphagic Neonates. Dysphagia. 2017 Aug; 32: 509-519. Jadcherla SR. Advances with Neonatal Aerodigestive Science in the Pursuit of Safe Swallowing in Infants: Invited Review. Dysphagia. 2017 Feb; 32: 15-26. Jadcherla SR, Khot T, Moore R, Malkar M, Gulati IK, Slaughter JL. Feeding Methods at Discharge Predict Long-Term Feeding and Neurodevelopmental Outcomes in Preterm Infants Referred for Gastrostomy Evaluation. J Pediatr. 2017 Feb; 181: 125-130.e1. Jadcherla SR, McCullough GH, Daniels SK, Van Daele DJ, Dua K, Lazarus C, Shaker R. The Dysphagia Research Society Accelerating a Priority Research Agenda. Dysphagia. 2017 Feb; 32: 11-14. Kashou NH, Dar IA, Hasenstab KA, Nahhas RW, Jadcherla SR. Somatic stimulation causes frontoparietal cortical changes in neonates: a functional near-infrared spectroscopy study. Neurophotonics. 2017 Jan; 4: 011004.
View More Publications
Center for Perinatal Research
Center for Perinatal Research
Hasenstab KA, Prabhakar V, Helmick R, Yildiz V, Jadcherla SR. Pharyngeal biorhythms during oral milk challenge in high-risk infants: Do they predict chronic tube feeding? Neurogastroenterol Motil. 2022 Nov 13; e14492.
Nelin LD, Kielt MJ, Jebbia M, Jadcherla S, Shepherd EG. Bronchodilator responsiveness and dysanapsis in bronchopulmonary dysplasia. ERJ Open Res. 2022 Jul; 8:
Jadcherla SR, Helmick R, Hasenstab KA, Njeh M, Alshaikh E. Impact of esophageal mucosal permeability markers on provocation-induced esophageal reflexes in high-risk infants. Physiol Rep. 2022 Jun; 10: e15366.
Hasenstab KA, Jadcherla SR. Evidence-Based Approaches to Successful Oral Feeding in Infants with Feeding Difficulties. Clin Perinatol. 2022 Jun; 49: 503-520.
Paul GR, Hayes D Jr, Tumin D, Gulati I, Jadcherla S, Splaingard ML. What Are the Factors Affecting Total Sleep Time During Video Polysomnography in Infants? Am J Perinatol. 2022 Jun; 39: 853-860.
Gentle SJ, Carper B, Laughon MM, Jensen EA, Williams A, Travers CP, Ambalavanan N, Lal CV, Carlo WA, NICHD Neonatal Research Network., Polin RA, Laptook AR, Keszler M, Hensman AM, Vieira E, Little E, Pierre LS, Walsh MC, Hibbs AM, Newman NS, Truog WE, Pallotto EK, Kilbride HW, Gauldin C, Holmes A, Johnson K, Parimi PS, Gaetano L, Poindexter BB, Schibler K, Merhar SL, Alexander B, Grisby C, Kirker K, Cotten CM, Goldberg RN, Finkle J, Fisher KA, Bose CL, Bernhardt J, Bose G, Clark C, Kicklighter SD, Rhodes-Ryan G, White D, Carlton DP, Stoll BJ, Patel RM, Loggins Y, Hale EC, Bottcher DI, Mackie C, Bremer AA, Higgins RD, Archer SW, Sokol GM, Herron DE, Joyce J, Tyson JE, Khan AM, Kennedy KA, Eason E, Stephens EK, McDavid GE, Arldt-McAlister J, Burson K, Garcia C, Hall D, Martin K, Martin SC, Rodgers S, Tate PLP, Wright SL, Sánchez PJ, Nelin LD, Jadcherla SR, Luzader P, Clark E, Fortney CA, Gutentag J, Park C, Shadd JC, Stein M, Grothause JL, Baugher H, Yosseff-Salameh L, McCool J, Das A, Gantz MG, Bann CM, Wallace D, Crawford M, Gabrio J, Leblond D, O’Donnell Auman J, Huitema CMP, Zaterka-Baxter KM, Van Meurs KP, Chock VY, Stevenson DK, Ball MB, Proud MS, Reichert EN, Williams RJ, Collins MV, Cosby SS, McNair T, Estes M, Hagood K, Devaskar U, Garg M, Chanlaw T, Geller R, Bell EF, Colaizy TT, Baack ML, Ellsbury DL, Brumbaugh JE, Johnson KJ, Henning MM, Elenkiwich C, Goeke CA, Broadbent M, Hogden LA, Klein JM, Dagle JM, Schmelzel ML, Walker JR, Bass DB, Tud TL, Watterberg KL, Fuller J, Ohls RK, Lacy CB, Beauman SS, Hartenberger C, Hanson M, Kuan E, Eichenwald EC, Schmidt B, Kirpalani H, DeMauro SB, Abbasi S, Catts C, Chaudhary AS, Ghavam S, Mancini T, Snyder J, D’Angio CT, Guillet R, Reynolds AM, Lakshminrusimha S, Kent A, Binion K, Bowman M, Donato J, Guilford S, Hunn J, Jensen RL, Li E, Maffett D, Orme C, Prinzing D, Reubens L, Rochez D, Rowan M, Sabaratnam P, Sacilowski M, Scorsone AM, Wadkins HIM, Williams A, Wynn K, Jones R, Wyckoff M, Sánchez PJ, Brion LP, Vasil DM, Chen L, DeLeon MM, Eubanks F, Pavageau L, Sepulveda P, Yoder BA, Baserga M, Minton SD, Sheffield MJ, Rau CA, Burnett J, Davis B, Christensen S, Loertscher MC, Marchant T, Maxson E, McGrath K, Elmont JO, Parry M, Schaefer ST, Weaver-Lewis K, Woodbury KD, Shankaran S, Natarajan G, Chawla S, Sood BG, Childs K, Panaitescu B, Bara R, Barks J, Christensen MK, Wiggins SA, White DF. Duration of noninvasive respiratory support and risk for bronchopulmonary dysplasia or death. J Perinatol. 2022 Jan 15;
Osborn EK, Jadcherla SR. Developing a Quality Improvement Feeding Program for NICU Patients. Neoreviews. 2022 Jan 1; 23: e23-e35.
Sultana Z, Hasenstab KA, Moore RK, Osborn EK, Yildiz VO, Wei L, Slaughter JL, Jadcherla SR. Symptom Scores and pH-Impedance: Secondary Analysis of a Randomized Controlled Trial in Infants Treated for Gastroesophageal Reflux. Gastro Hep Adv. 2022; 1: 869-881.
Jadcherla SR, Hasenstab KA, Osborn EK, Levy DS, Ipek H, Helmick R, Sultana Z, Logue N, Yildiz VO, Blosser H, Shah SH, Wei L. Mechanisms and management considerations of parent-chosen feeding approaches to infants with swallowing difficulties: an observational study. Sci Rep. 2021 Oct 7; 11: 19934.
Sultana Z, Hasenstab KA, Jadcherla SR. Pharyngoesophageal motility reflex mechanisms in the human neonate: importance of integrative cross-systems physiology. Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol. 2021 Aug 1; 321: G139-G148.
Viswanathan S, Batchu S, Osborn E, Jadcherla S. Diagnostic utility of impedance-pH monitoring in infants of diabetic mothers with oral feeding difficulties. J Perinatol. 2021 Aug; 41: 1886-1892.
Viswanathan S, Osborn E, Jadcherla S. Body adiposity and oral feeding outcomes in infants: a pilot study. J Perinatol. 2021 May; 41: 1059-1064.
Abdi HH, Backes CH, Ball MK, Talavera-Barber MM, Klebanoff MA, Jadcherla SR, Mohamed TH, Slaughter JL. Prophylactic Indomethacin in extremely preterm infants: association with death or BPD and observed early serum creatinine levels. J Perinatol. 2021 Apr; 41: 749-755.
Swiader N, Hasenstab KA, Yildiz VO, Jadcherla SR. Characterization of Esophageal and Sphincter Reflexes across Maturation in Dysphagic Infants with Oral Feeding Success vs Infants requiring Gastrostomy. Dysphagia. 2021 Feb 12;
Viswanathan S, Osborn E, Jadcherla S. Predictive ability of postnatal growth failure for adverse feeding-related outcomes in preterm infants: an exploratory study comparing Fenton with INTERGROWTH-21st preterm growth charts. J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med. 2021 Feb 11; 1-8.
Sanchez JB, Jadcherla SR. Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease in Neonates: Facts and Figures. Neoreviews. 2021 Feb; 22: e104-e117.
Miles A, Connor NP, Desai RV, Jadcherla S, Allen J, Brodsky M, Garand KL, Malandraki GA, McCulloch TM, Moss M, Murray J, Pulia M, Riquelme LF, Langmore SE. Dysphagia Care Across the Continuum: A Multidisciplinary Dysphagia Research Society Taskforce Report of Service-Delivery During the COVID-19 Global Pandemic. Dysphagia. 2020 Jul 11;
Davidson K, O’Rourke A, Fortunato JE, Jadcherla S. The Emerging Importance of High-Resolution Manometry in the Evaluation and Treatment of Deglutition in Infants, Children, and Adults: New Opportunities for Speech-Language Pathologists. Am J Speech Lang Pathol. 2020 Jul 10; 29: 945-955.
Hasenstab-Kenney KA, Bellodas Sanchez J, Prabhakar V, Lang IM, Shaker R, Jadcherla SR. Mechanisms of bradycardia in premature infants: Aerodigestive-cardiac regulatory-rhythm interactions. Physiol Rep. 2020 Jul; 8: e14495.
Jadcherla SR. Neonatal Gastroenterology: Challenges, Controversies, and Recent Advances. Clin Perinatol. 2020 Jun; 47: xvii-xviii.
Hasenstab KA, Jadcherla SR. Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Neonate: Controversies, Current Understanding, and Future Directions. Clin Perinatol. 2020 Jun; 47: 243-263.
Gulati IK, Sultana Z, Jadcherla SR. Approach to Feeding Difficulties in Neonates and Infants: A Comprehensive Overview. Clin Perinatol. 2020 Jun; 47: 265-276.
Viswanathan S, Jadcherla S. Feeding and Swallowing Difficulties in Neonates: Developmental Physiology and Pathophysiology. Clin Perinatol. 2020 Jun; 47: 223-241.
Woodley FW, Ciciora SL, Vaz K, Williams K, Di Lorenzo C, Jadcherla S. Air-Swallow/GERD-Like Symptom Associations Assessed Using a Novel Application of Esophageal Impedance Technology. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 2020 May 12;
Jadcherla SR, Sultana Z, Hasenstab-Kenney KA, Prabhakar V, Gulati IK, Di Lorenzo C. Differentiating esophageal sensitivity phenotypes using pH-impedance in intensive care unit infants referred for gastroesophageal reflux symptoms. Pediatr Res. 2020 May 6;
Jadcherla SR, Hasenstab KA, Wei L, Osborn EK, Viswanathan S, Gulati IK, Slaughter JL, Di Lorenzo C. Role of feeding strategy bundle with acid-suppressive therapy in infants with esophageal acid reflux exposure: a randomized controlled trial. Pediatr Res. 2020 May 7;
Badran EF, Jadcherla S. The enigma of gastroesophageal reflux disease among convalescing infants in the NICU: It is time to rethink. Int J Pediatr Adolesc Med. 2020 Mar; 7: 26-30.
Woodley FW, Ciciora SL, Vaz K, Williams K, Di Lorenzo C, Jadcherla S. Novel Use of Impedance Technology Shows That Esophageal Air Events Can Be Temporally Associated With Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease-like Symptoms. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 2020 Jan; 70: e7-e11.
Viswanathan S, Jadcherla S. Anemia of Prematurity and Oral Feeding Milestones in Premature Infants. Am J Perinatol. 2019 Nov 27;
Bapat R, Gulati IK, Jadcherla S. Impact of SIMPLE Feeding Quality Improvement Strategies on Aerodigestive Milestones and Feeding Outcomes in BPD Infants. Hosp Pediatr. 2019 Nov; 9: 859-866.
Woodley FW, Ciciora SL, Vaz K, Williams K, Di Lorenzo C, Jadcherla S. Novel Use of Impedance Technology Shows that Esophageal Air Events Can Be Temporally Associated with GERD-Like Symptoms. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 2019 Sep 23;
Warren MG, Do B, Das A, Smith PB, Adams-Chapman I, Jadcherla S, Jensen EA, Goldstein RF, Goldberg RN, Cotten CM, Bell EF, Malcolm WF, Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Neonatal Research Network.. Gastrostomy Tube Feeding in Extremely Low Birthweight Infants: Frequency, Associated Comorbidities, and Long-term Outcomes. J Pediatr. 2019 Aug 16;
Viswanathan S, Jadcherla S. Transitioning from gavage to full oral feeds in premature infants: When should we discontinue the nasogastric tube? J Perinatol. 2019 Jul 31;
Shah H, Jadcherla SR. Secretion Management in Tracheostomized Infants using Unconventional Approaches and Outcomes: A Case Series. Am J Perinatol. 2019 Jul 31;
Jadcherla SR. Challenges to Eating, Swallowing, and Aerodigestive Functions in Infants: A Burning Platform That Needs Attention! J Pediatr. 2019 Jun 5;
Prabhakar V, Hasenstab KA, Osborn E, Wei L, Jadcherla SR. Pharyngeal contractile and regulatory characteristics are distinct during nutritive oral stimulus in preterm-born infants: Implications for clinical and research applications. Neurogastroenterol Motil. 2019 May 26; e13650.
Gulati IK, Jadcherla SR. Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Infant: Who Needs to Be Treated and What Approach Is Beneficial? Pediatr Clin North Am. 2019 Apr; 66: 461-473.
Collins CR, Hasenstab KA, Nawaz S, Jadcherla SR. Mechanisms of Aerodigestive Symptoms in Infants with Varying Acid Reflux Index Determined by Esophageal Manometry. J Pediatr. 2019 Mar; 206: 240-247.
Hasenstab KA, Nawaz S, Lang IM, Shaker R, Jadcherla SR. Pharyngoesophageal and cardiorespiratory interactions: potential implications for premature infants at risk of clinically significant cardiorespiratory events. Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol. 2019 Feb 1; 316: G304-G312.
Jadcherla SR, Hanandeh N, Hasenstab KA, Nawaz S. Differentiation of esophageal pH-impedance characteristics classified by the mucosal integrity marker in human neonates. Pediatr Res. 2019 Feb; 85: 355-360.
Woodley FW, Hayes D Jr, Kopp BT, Moore-Clingenpeel M, Machado RS, Nemastil CJ, Jadcherla S, Di Lorenzo C, Kaul A, Mousa H. Gastroesophageal reflux in cystic fibrosis across the age spectrum. Transl Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2019; 4: 69.
Malkar MB, Viswanathan SK, Jadcherla SR. Pilot Study of Pharyngoesophageal Dysmotility Mechanisms in Dysphagic Infants of Diabetic Mothers. Am J Perinatol. 2018 Dec 21;
Hart BJ, Viswanathan S, Jadcherla SR. Persistent feeding difficulties among infants with fetal opioid exposure: mechanisms and clinical reasoning. J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med. 2018 Sep 9; 1-7.
Levy DS, Osborn E, Hasenstab KA, Nawaz S, Jadcherla SR. The Effect of Additives for Reflux or Dysphagia Management on Osmolality in Ready-to-Feed Preterm Formula: Practice Implications. JPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr. 2018 Jul 10;
Jadcherla SR. Understanding the neonatal oesophageal mysteries of gastro-oesophageal reflux disease using baseline impedance. Acta Paediatr. 2018 Jun 8;
Shepherd EG, Clouse BJ, Hasenstab KA, Sitaram S, Malleske DT, Nelin LD, Jadcherla SR. Infant Pulmonary Function Testing and Phenotypes in Severe Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia. Pediatrics. 2018 May; 141:
Lang IM, Medda BK, Shaker R, Jadcherla S. The effect of body position on esophageal reflexes in cats: a possible mechanism of SIDS? Pediatr Res. 2018 Mar; 83: 731-738.
Hasenstab KA, Sitaram S, Lang IM, Shaker R, Jadcherla SR. Maturation Modulates Pharyngeal-Stimulus Provoked Pharyngeal and Respiratory Rhythms in Human Infants. Dysphagia. 2018 Feb; 33: 63-75.
Algotar A, Shaikhkhalil AK, Siler-Wurst K, Sitaram S, Gulati I, Jadcherla SR. Unique Patterns of Body Composition and Anthropometric Measurements During Maturation in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Neonates: Opportunities for Modifying Nutritional Therapy and Influencing Clinical Outcomes. JPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr. 2018 Jan; 42: 231-238.
El-Mahdy MA, Mansoor FA, Jadcherla SR. Pharmacological management of gastroesophageal reflux disease in infants: current opinions. Curr Opin Pharmacol. 2017 Dec; 37: 112-117.
Jadcherla SR, Bhandari V. “Pressure” to feed the preterm newborn: associated with “positive” outcomes? Pediatr Res. 2017 Dec; 82: 899-900.
Mei L, Jiao H, Sharma T, Dua A, Sanvanson P, Jadcherla SR, Shaker R. Comparative effect of the sites of anterior cervical pressure on the geometry of the upper esophageal sphincter high-pressure zone. Laryngoscope. 2017 Nov; 127: 2466-2474.
Woodley FW, Moore-Clingenpeel M, Machado RS, Nemastil CJ, Jadcherla SR, Hayes D Jr, Kopp BT, Kaul A, Di Lorenzo C, Mousa H. Not All Children with Cystic Fibrosis Have Abnormal Esophageal Neutralization during Chemical Clearance of Acid Reflux. Pediatr Gastroenterol Hepatol Nutr. 2017 Sep; 20: 153-159.
Sivalingam M, Sitaram S, Hasenstab KA, Wei L, Woodley FW, Jadcherla SR. Effects of Esophageal Acidification on Troublesome Symptoms: An Approach to Characterize True Acid GERD in Dysphagic Neonates. Dysphagia. 2017 Aug; 32: 509-519.
Jadcherla SR. Advances with Neonatal Aerodigestive Science in the Pursuit of Safe Swallowing in Infants: Invited Review. Dysphagia. 2017 Feb; 32: 15-26.
Jadcherla SR, Khot T, Moore R, Malkar M, Gulati IK, Slaughter JL. Feeding Methods at Discharge Predict Long-Term Feeding and Neurodevelopmental Outcomes in Preterm Infants Referred for Gastrostomy Evaluation. J Pediatr. 2017 Feb; 181: 125-130.e1.
Jadcherla SR, McCullough GH, Daniels SK, Van Daele DJ, Dua K, Lazarus C, Shaker R. The Dysphagia Research Society Accelerating a Priority Research Agenda. Dysphagia. 2017 Feb; 32: 11-14.
Kashou NH, Dar IA, Hasenstab KA, Nahhas RW, Jadcherla SR. Somatic stimulation causes frontoparietal cortical changes in neonates: a functional near-infrared spectroscopy study. Neurophotonics. 2017 Jan; 4: 011004.
Date of Appointment at Nationwide Children’s Hospital: 02/28/2003
Board Certifications
Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine Pediatrics
Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin
Date Completed: 06/30/1996
Baylor College of Medicine
Date Completed: 06/30/1995
Baylor College of Medicine
Date Completed: 06/30/1992
Baylor College of Medicine
Date Completed: 06/30/1993
Our Lady’s Hospital for Sick Children
Date Completed: 06/30/1991
Western Health Board Castlebar General Hospital
Date Completed: 06/30/1988
Gandhi Hospital Secunderabad
Date Completed: 08/30/1986
Gandhi Hospital Secunderabad
Date Completed: 08/14/1983
Gandhi Hospital Secunderabad
Date Completed: 06/07/1982
Medical School
Gandhi Medical College Osmania University
Date Completed: 03/01/1981
Date of Appointment at Nationwide Children’s Hospital: 02/28/2003
Board Certifications
Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine Pediatrics
Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin
Date Completed: 06/30/1996
Baylor College of Medicine
Date Completed: 06/30/1995
Baylor College of Medicine
Date Completed: 06/30/1992
Baylor College of Medicine
Date Completed: 06/30/1993
Our Lady’s Hospital for Sick Children
Date Completed: 06/30/1991
Western Health Board Castlebar General Hospital
Date Completed: 06/30/1988
Gandhi Hospital Secunderabad
Date Completed: 08/30/1986
Gandhi Hospital Secunderabad
Date Completed: 08/14/1983
Gandhi Hospital Secunderabad
Date Completed: 06/07/1982
Medical School
Gandhi Medical College Osmania University
Date Completed: 03/01/1981
Date of Appointment at Nationwide Children’s Hospital: 02/28/2003
Board Certifications
Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine Pediatrics
Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin
Date Completed: 06/30/1996
Baylor College of Medicine
Date Completed: 06/30/1995
Baylor College of Medicine
Date Completed: 06/30/1992
Baylor College of Medicine
Date Completed: 06/30/1993
Our Lady’s Hospital for Sick Children
Date Completed: 06/30/1991
Western Health Board Castlebar General Hospital
Date Completed: 06/30/1988
Gandhi Hospital Secunderabad
Date Completed: 08/30/1986
Gandhi Hospital Secunderabad
Date Completed: 08/14/1983
Gandhi Hospital Secunderabad
Date Completed: 06/07/1982
Medical School
Gandhi Medical College Osmania University
Date Completed: 03/01/1981
Date of Appointment at Nationwide Children’s Hospital: 02/28/2003
Board Certifications
Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine Pediatrics
Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin
Date Completed: 06/30/1996
Baylor College of Medicine
Date Completed: 06/30/1995
Baylor College of Medicine
Date Completed: 06/30/1992
Baylor College of Medicine
Date Completed: 06/30/1993
Our Lady’s Hospital for Sick Children
Date Completed: 06/30/1991
Western Health Board Castlebar General Hospital
Date Completed: 06/30/1988
Gandhi Hospital Secunderabad
Date Completed: 08/30/1986
Gandhi Hospital Secunderabad
Date Completed: 08/14/1983
Gandhi Hospital Secunderabad
Date Completed: 06/07/1982
Medical School
Gandhi Medical College Osmania University
Date Completed: 03/01/1981
Date of Appointment at Nationwide Children’s Hospital: 02/28/2003
Board Certifications
Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine Pediatrics
Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin
Date Completed: 06/30/1996
Baylor College of Medicine
Date Completed: 06/30/1995
Baylor College of Medicine
Date Completed: 06/30/1992
Baylor College of Medicine
Date Completed: 06/30/1993
Our Lady’s Hospital for Sick Children
Date Completed: 06/30/1991
Western Health Board Castlebar General Hospital
Date Completed: 06/30/1988
Gandhi Hospital Secunderabad
Date Completed: 08/30/1986
Gandhi Hospital Secunderabad
Date Completed: 08/14/1983
Gandhi Hospital Secunderabad
Date Completed: 06/07/1982
Medical School
Gandhi Medical College Osmania University
Date Completed: 03/01/1981
- Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine
- Pediatrics
Professional Experience
2010 - Present Department of Pediatrics at The Ohio State University, Professor of Pediatrics (with tenure)2002 - 2010 Associate Professor, Department of Pediatrics at The Ohio State University1999 - 2002 Department of Pediatrics, Medical College of Wisconsin, Assistant Professor
Professional Experience
2010 - Present Department of Pediatrics at The Ohio State University, Professor of Pediatrics (with tenure)2002 - 2010 Associate Professor, Department of Pediatrics at The Ohio State University1999 - 2002 Department of Pediatrics, Medical College of Wisconsin, Assistant Professor
Professional Experience
2010 - Present Department of Pediatrics at The Ohio State University, Professor of Pediatrics (with tenure)2002 - 2010 Associate Professor, Department of Pediatrics at The Ohio State University1999 - 2002 Department of Pediatrics, Medical College of Wisconsin, Assistant Professor
2010 - Present Department of Pediatrics at The Ohio State University, Professor of Pediatrics (with tenure)2002 - 2010 Associate Professor, Department of Pediatrics at The Ohio State University1999 - 2002 Department of Pediatrics, Medical College of Wisconsin, Assistant Professor
2010 - Present Department of Pediatrics at The Ohio State University, Professor of Pediatrics (with tenure)
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700 Children's DrColumbus, OH 43205 (map)
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- (614) 355-6643
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- (614) 355-5899
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