Esophageal Dilatation

Sometimes a child or adolescent can develop a stricture (narrowing) in the esophagus (swallowing tube) that requires dilatation (stretching) to allow for easy passage of food and liquids. There are several ways of dilating the esophagus. One method is to use a series of flexible dilators of increasing thickness called bougies. These are passed down through the esophagus one at a time starting with a thin bougie that can pass through the narrowed area; as the size of the bougie increases, it stretches the strictured area....

February 2, 2023 · 3 min · 520 words · William Kellogg

Habits In Children Are They Cause For Concern

A habit is defined as an acquired behavior pattern sometimes followed so regularly it can become involuntary. Commonly, people associate them with annoying or negative behaviors such as: Nail-biting Humming Clicking a pen Whistling around the house Twirling one’s hair Things like nail-biting and hair-twirling may create worry for parents for two reasons; first, parents are concerned the habits may indicate a level of anxiety in their child or, second, they could create some harm if excessive or if they continue for too long....

February 2, 2023 · 4 min · 666 words · Tommy Feist

Hearing Developmental Milestones Checklist

The following milestones are behaviors that we would expect to see in typically-developing hearing infants and toddlers. Birth to 5 Months Reacts to loud sounds. Turns head towards a sound source. Watches your face when you speak. Vocalizes pleasure and displeasure sounds (laughs, giggles, coos, cries, fusses). Makes noise when talked to. Begins to incorporate changes in pitch in cooing (intonation). Spontaneously makes raspberry sounds. 6 to 11 Months Understands “no-no”....

February 2, 2023 · 12 min · 2524 words · Nguyet Tuck

Help Today S Discoveries Become Tomorrow S Innovations Available Technologies

The Office of Technology Commercialization (OTC) helps develop ideas into promising new technologies and facilitates their transfer to external partners, including existing companies and entrepreneurial partners ready to establish new ventures, to advance the practice of pediatrics and general health care. Our list of technologies developed by our innovative researchers and clinicians, which ranges from early-stage technologies to market-ready products, is diverse and ever-growing. The number of active licensing agreements grew from seven active deals in 2012 to 89 active deals by the end of 2021....

February 2, 2023 · 15 min · 3071 words · Michael Byers

Highly Reliable Brain Imaging Protocol Identifies Delays In Premature Infants

Infants born prematurely are at elevated risk for cognitive, motor, and behavioral deficits — the severity of which was, until recently, almost impossible to accurately predict in the neonatal period with conventional brain imaging technology. But physicians may now be able to identify the premature infants most at risk for deficits as well as the type of deficit, enabling them to quickly initiate early neuroprotective therapies, by using highly reliable 3-D MRI imaging techniques developed by clinician scientists at The Research Institute at Nationwide Children’s Hospital....

February 2, 2023 · 7 min · 1362 words · Dennis Sullivan

Hilliary E Inger

Contact Information Call us at: (614) 224-6222 Fax us at: (614) 241-5232 Ophthalmology555 S. 18th StSte 4CColumbus, OH 43205 (map) Learn more about Hilliary E. Inger Patient Care Locations Dublin Close To Home Center at 5665 Venture Drive Main Campus of Nationwide Children’s Hospital Academic and Clinical Areas Ophthalmology/ Eye Clinic Physician Team Primary Department Ophthalmology Awards, Honors & Organizations OKAP Performance Award, The Ohio State University, Department of Ophthalmology, 2018 Member, American Academy for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus, 2021 - Present Member, Pediatric Eye Disease Investigator Group, 2020 - Present Member, American Academy of Ophthalmology, 2015 - Present...

February 2, 2023 · 11 min · 2172 words · Robert Radsky

How Do We Get The Urgent Care Wait Time

The wait time provided is an estimate of the time it will take for your child to see the doctor after checking into the Urgent Care. It is for reference only. Each location has a unique time that is shared based on many factors – this includes: Every child who enters is seen by our medical team and is properly diagnosed and treated. This takes time and can impact the wait....

February 2, 2023 · 7 min · 1424 words · Frank Boyer

Mounir Banoub

Contact Information Call us at: (419) 251-3232 Fax us at: (419) 251-6876 Anesthesiology & Pain Medicine2213 Cherry StToledo, OH 43608 (map) Learn more about Mounir Banoub Patient Care Locations Nationwide Children’s Hospital Toledo Education Date of Appointment at Nationwide Children’s Hospital: 06/30/2022 Board Certifications Anesthesiology Pediatric Anesthesiology Fellowship Boston Children’s Hospital Date Completed: 07/31/1995 Fellowship Boston Children’s Hospital Date Completed: 10/31/1994 Fellowship Cleveland Clinic Date Completed: 10/31/1993 Residency Loyola University Medical Center...

February 2, 2023 · 4 min · 799 words · Lynn Marin

Nutrition Therapy Dietitians Practicing What They Teach

Have you ever wondered if your doctor or member of your medical team would choose the same treatment they recommend to you? What if that treatment were difficult, like following a special diet? For the past three years the Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) Center at Nationwide Children’s Hospital has been working toward increasing the number of patients who use nutrition therapy as a treatment option for Crohn’s Disease; either for the short-term which is approximately three months, or for the long-term which could be indefinite....

February 2, 2023 · 6 min · 1108 words · Rick Craven

Prasanth Pattisapu

Contact Information Call us at: (614) 722-3150 Fax us at: (614) 722-6609 OtolaryngologyOtolaryngology700 Children’s DrColumbus, OH 43205 (map) Learn more about Prasanth Pattisapu Patient Care Locations Main Campus of Nationwide Children’s Hospital Nationwide Children’s Hospital Toledo Academic and Clinical Areas Ear, Nose & Throat Services (Otolaryngology) Physician Team Otolaryngology Fellowship Faculty Center for Child Health Equity and Outcomes Research Principal Investigator Patient-Centered Pediatric Research Program Faculty Primary Department Otolaryngology Research...

February 2, 2023 · 19 min · 4042 words · Norman Kronenberg

Ruhee L Sutar

Contact Information Call us at: (614) 355-8005 Fax us at: (614) 355-7855 Psychiatry and Behavioral Health380 Butterfly Gardens DrLAC4Columbus, OH 43215 (map) Learn more about Ruhee L. Sutar Academic and Clinical Areas Pediatric Psychology Physician Team Primary Department Psychiatry and Behavioral Health Primary Section Psychology Education Date of Appointment at Nationwide Children’s Hospital: 09/23/2022 Fellowship Nationwide Children’s Hospital Date Completed: 07/31/2022 Fellowship Child Mind Institute Date Completed: 08/08/2020 Contact Information...

February 2, 2023 · 3 min · 569 words · Russell Vansant

Shannon M Kowny

Contact Information Call us at: (760) 722-8410 Email Shannon M. Kowny, LMT Clinical Therapies700 Children’s DriveColumbus, OH 43205 (map) Learn more about Shannon M. Kowny Biography Shannon Kowny, LMT, has been a licensed massage therapist since 2007. Originally from California, she has worked with both pediatrics and adults, specializing in psychiatric and cardiac patients. She joined the Nationwide Children’s Hospital team in 2017. In her spare time, Shannon enjoys gardening, cycling and spending time with her husband and two dogs....

February 2, 2023 · 5 min · 861 words · Jean Weatherspoon

The Day Of Surgery

If the person having the procedure or surgery is under 18, a parent or legal guardian must come with the patient. Our staff will go over the health history and do a brief exam before the procedure or surgery. For the patient’s safety, please do not bring food or drinks. Patient Comfort The patient’s comfort is very important to the staff at Nationwide Children’s Hospital. Pain management usually starts during the procedure or surgery and may continue after the surgery or procedure if needed....

February 2, 2023 · 37 min · 7710 words · Peggy Shipman

Tiffani N Castle

Contact Information Call us at: (614) 722-6124 Fax us at: (614) 722-5030 PediatricsPatient Care Services700 Children’s DrColumbus, OH 43205 (map) Learn more about Tiffani N. Castle Academic and Clinical Areas Heart Center Nurse Practitioner Team Primary Department Pediatrics Primary Section Cardiology Education Date of Appointment at Nationwide Children’s Hospital: 10/30/2022 Board Certifications Family Nurse Practitioner Graduate School Chamberlain College of Nursing Date Completed: 06/25/2022 Contact Information Pediatrics Call us at: (614) 722-6124...

February 2, 2023 · 3 min · 541 words · Rickey Davis

Unique Gastroenterology Procedure Developed In Adults Shows Promise In Pediatrics

The use of device-assisted enteroscopy, a technique that allows complete examination of the small bowel, may be just as successful pediatrics as it has been in adult medicine, according to a study from Nationwide Children’s Hospital. One of these techniques known as Double-Balloon Enteroscopy (DBE), a procedure readily available in adults, allows doctors to reach parts of the small intestine that cannot be reached using standard endoscopic procedures. Due to access issues and size limitations, DBE is rarely considered an option in pediatrics....

February 2, 2023 · 3 min · 550 words · Arthur Price

16Th Annual Rock N Bowl Slated For February 17

Dust off your bowling shoes for the 16th Annual Rock ‘N Bowl Saturday, February 17, 2007 at Columbus Square Bowling Palace, Rt. 161 and Cleveland Ave., Columbus. The event, organized by the Development Board of Columbus Children’s Hospital, supports child abuse treatment and prevention programs at the Center for Child and Family Advocacy at Children’s Hospital. Four-hundred bowlers participated in last year’s Rock ‘N Bowl and raised more than $75,000. QFM96’s Wags and Elliot will be on tap and spinning tunes for bowlers during the event....

February 1, 2023 · 3 min · 520 words · Jeffrey Laster

Ambrish B Patel

Contact Information Call us at: (614) 722-4200 Fax us at: (614) 722-4203 Anesthesiology & Pain MedicineAnesthesiology700 Children’s DrColumbus, OH 43205 (map) Learn more about Ambrish B. Patel Education Date of Appointment at Nationwide Children’s Hospital: 01/16/2023 Board Certifications Pediatric Critical Care Pediatrics Fellowship Nationwide Children’s Hospital Date Completed: 01/16/2023 Fellowship Nationwide Children’s Hospital Date Completed: 06/30/2019 Residency John Hopkins Hospital Date Completed: 01/09/2022 Residency Hasbro Children’s Hospital Date Completed: 06/30/2014...

February 1, 2023 · 4 min · 736 words · Darwin Morris

Autism Diagnosis A Parent S Perspective

Today is World Autism Day. Today, and every day, my world is autism. The first time a doctor mentioned autism to me I was shocked. Sure, my two year old had been born premature, undergone heart surgery, failed his hearing tests and didn’t speak. Yes, he had spent months in and out of the hospital, almost died from a bacterial infection, and had to be fed every three hours, round-the-clock until he was 13 months old....

February 1, 2023 · 5 min · 910 words · Theodore Lattimore

Chiang Lab

The Chiang Lab is devoted to the design of tissue engineered trachea for the management of complex long segment airway defects. An ideal tracheal replacement will permit the replacement of diseased or absent tissue with a living construct capable of renewal and regeneration. Despite advances in airway surgery, there are few surgical options for children suffering from long segment tracheal defects. Our goal is to define the mechanisms driving airway regeneration and apply them to the design of tissue engineered tracheal grafts....

February 1, 2023 · 2 min · 288 words · Raul Young

Child Neurology Application

DUE TO COVID-19, WE WILL BE HOLDING A VIRTUAL 2022 - 2023 INTERVIEW SEASON. If you’re a graduate of an accredited U.S. or Canadian medical school, please submit your application through the Electronic Residency Application System (ERAS). If applying for one of our categorical positions (combined Peds/Neuro five-year program), you do not have to apply separately to pediatrics - we will share your application with pediatrics. You will receive email communication through ERAS from Nicole Norris, our Child Neurology program coordinator, to notify you of your application status....

February 1, 2023 · 6 min · 1178 words · David Robinson