On Tuesday, April 26, 2011, Nationwide Children’s Hospital will host a Bariatric Surgery Information Session to discuss weight loss surgery options available for teens to combat obesity. The session begins at 5 p.m. in the Ann Isaly Wolfe Education Center located at Nationwide Children’s – 575 S. 18th Street, Columbus, Ohio 43205. The session is led by surgeon Marc Michalsky, MD, and Ihuoma Eneli, MD, both of the Center for Healthy Weight and Nutrition at Nationwide Children’s, and features a former bariatric surgery patient talking about their experience. Discussions will center on the criteria for adolescent bariatric surgery, lifestyle interventions, financing, surgical weight management process and the benefits and risks of the three types of bariatric surgery offered at Nationwide Children’s – gastric bypass surgery, lap band surgery and gastric sleeve surgery. The session is free and is open to all teens, their families and supporters seeking more information about adolescent weight loss surgery. Underage participants are encouraged to come accompanied by a parent or legal guardian. Parking is available in the visitors parking garage located at the corner of S. 18th Street and Mooberry Dr. Once parked in the garage, enter the Outpatient Care Center lobby and ask to be directed to the Bariatric Surgery Information Session in room 131 of the Education Center. Other upcoming bariatric surgery information sessions are scheduled for May 10 and June 21 all at the hospital. For more information about this session and other upcoming sessions, and to register, visit www.NationwideChildrens.org/Bariatric-Surgery, or call (614) 355-0662.

On Tuesday, April 26, 2011, Nationwide Children’s Hospital will host a Bariatric Surgery Information Session to discuss weight loss surgery options available for teens to combat obesity. The session begins at 5 p.m. in the Ann Isaly Wolfe Education Center located at Nationwide Children’s – 575 S. 18th Street, Columbus, Ohio 43205. The session is led by surgeon Marc Michalsky, MD, and Ihuoma Eneli, MD, both of the Center for Healthy Weight and Nutrition at Nationwide Children’s, and features a former bariatric surgery patient talking about their experience. Discussions will center on the criteria for adolescent bariatric surgery, lifestyle interventions, financing, surgical weight management process and the benefits and risks of the three types of bariatric surgery offered at Nationwide Children’s – gastric bypass surgery, lap band surgery and gastric sleeve surgery. The session is free and is open to all teens, their families and supporters seeking more information about adolescent weight loss surgery. Underage participants are encouraged to come accompanied by a parent or legal guardian. Parking is available in the visitors parking garage located at the corner of S. 18th Street and Mooberry Dr. Once parked in the garage, enter the Outpatient Care Center lobby and ask to be directed to the Bariatric Surgery Information Session in room 131 of the Education Center. Other upcoming bariatric surgery information sessions are scheduled for May 10 and June 21 all at the hospital. For more information about this session and other upcoming sessions, and to register, visit www.NationwideChildrens.org/Bariatric-Surgery, or call (614) 355-0662.