Contact Information
Call us at: (614) 722-3550
Fax us at: (614) 722-3369
PediatricsHematology & Oncology700 Children’s DrColumbus, OH 43205 (map)
Learn more about Maryam Fouladi
Maryam Fouladi, MD, MSc, FRCP, is a pediatric neuro-oncologist, co-executive director of the pediatric neuro-oncology program at Nationwide Children’s Hospital, and a Professor of Pediatrics at the Ohio State University College of Medicine. Dr. Fouladi is an internationally recognized expert in pediatric brain tumors, and is particularly renowned for her work in phase I clinical trials. She is the founding director of CONNECT, an international consortium focused on developing and testing novel therapies in early phase clinical trials.
Fouladi’s primary research interest focus on brain stem gliomas (DIPG) and is the founding Chair of The International Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma (DIPG)/diffuse midline glioma (DMG) Registry. She has authored or co-authored over 140 peer-reviewed publications in leading medical journals.
In addition to her roles at Nationwide Children’s and Ohio State Wexner Medical Center, Dr. Fouladi serves as the Chair of the Collaborative Network for Neuro-Oncology Clinical Trials and CNS Committee of the Children’s Oncology Group.
Prior to coming to Nationwide Children’s, Dr. Fouladi served as medical director of the Brain Tumor Center at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital and was also a full professor and the Marjory J. Johnson Endowed Chair in Brain Tumor Translational Research. She received her medical degree from the University of Toronto, and completed her pediatric residency and hematology/oncology fellowship at The Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto. She completed her neuro-oncology fellowship training at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital followed by additional training in the Molecular Pharmacology Department at St. Jude Children’s Hospital.
“20 -30 years ago a lot of patients with brain tumors passed away from this disease – so that is when I thought if you’re going to dedicate your life to something, dedicate it to this. Because we’ve got to do better.”
Academic and Clinical Areas
Medical Director
Hematology/Oncology & BMT
Physician Team
Primary Department
Primary Section
Hematology & Oncology
Lazow MA, Palmer JD, Fouladi M, Salloum R. Medulloblastoma in the Modern Era: Review of Contemporary Trials, Molecular Advances, and Updates in Management. Neurotherapeutics. 2022 Jul 20;
Morana G, Shaw D, MacDonald SM, Alapetite C, Ajithkumar T, Bhatia A, Brisse H, Jaimes C, Czech T, Dhall G, Fangusaro J, Faure-Conter C, Fouladi M, Hargrave D, Harreld JH, Mitra D, Nicholson JC, Souweidane M, Timmermann B, Calaminus G, Bartels U, Bison B, Murray MJ. Imaging response assessment for CNS germ cell tumours: consensus recommendations from the European Society for Paediatric Oncology Brain Tumour Group and North American Children's Oncology Group. Lancet Oncol. 2022 May; 23: e218-e228.
Bartlett A, Lane A, Chaney B, Escorza NY, Black K, Cochrane A, Minturn J, Bartels U, Warren K, Hansford J, Ziegler D, Diez B, Goldman S, Packer R, Kieran M, DeWire-Schottmiller M, Erker C, Monje-Deisseroth M, Wagner L, Koschmann C, Dorris K, Shih CS, Hassall T, Samson Y, Fisher P, Wang SS, Tsui K, Sevlever G, Zhu X, Dexheimer P, Asher A, Fuller C, Drissi R, Jones B, Leach J, Fouladi M. Characteristics of Children =36 Months of Age with Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma (DIPG): A Report from the International DIPG Registry. Neuro Oncol. 2022 May 12;
Fangusaro JR, Onar-Thomas A, Poussaint TY, Wu S, Ligon AH, Lindeman NI, Banerjee A, Packer R, Kilburn LB, Pollack IF, Qaddoumi IA, Fisher PG, Dhall G, Baxter PA, Kreissman SG, Doyle LA, Smith MA, Fouladi M, Dunkel IJ. Corrigendum to: LTBK-01. Updates On The Phase Ii And Re-treatment Study Of AZD6244 (Selumetinib) For Children With Recurrent Or Refractory Pediatric Low Grade Glioma: A Pediatric Brain Tumor Consortium (PBTC) Study. Neuro Oncol. 2022 Mar 21;
Lazow MA, Nievelstein MT, Lane A, Bandopadhayhay P, DeWire-Schottmiller M, Fouladi M, Glod JW, Greiner RJ, Hoffman LM, Hummel TR, Kilburn L, Leary S, Minturn JE, Packer R, Ziegler DS, Chaney B, Black K, de Blank P, Leach JL. Volumetric endpoints in diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma: comparison to cross-sectional measures and outcome correlations in the International DIPG/DMG Registry. Neuro Oncol. 2022 Feb 11;
Murphy ES, Dhall G, Fangusaro J, Bartels U, Fouladi M, Shaw D, Khatua S, Hughes CW, Panigraphy A, Ioakeim-Ioannidou M, Souweidane M, Morris D, Gajjar A, Wu S, Onar-Thomas A, Haas-Kogan DA, MacDonald SM. A Phase 2 Trial of Response-Based Radiation Therapy for Localized Central Nervous System Germ Cell Tumors: Patterns of Failure and Radiation Dosimetry for Nongerminomatous Germ Cell Tumors. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2022 Jan 3;
Erker C, Lane A, Chaney B, Leary S, Minturn JE, Bartels U, Packer RJ, Dorris K, Gottardo NG, Warren KE, Broniscer A, Kieran MW, Zhu X, White P, Dexheimer PJ, Black K, Asher A, DeWire M, Hansford JR, Gururangan S, Nazarian J, Ziegler DS, Sandler E, Bartlett A, Goldman S, Shih CS, Hassall T, Dholaria H, Bandopadhayay P, Samson Y, Monje M, Fisher PG, Dodgshun A, Parkin S, Chintagumpala M, Tsui K, Gass D, Larouche V, Broxson E, Garcia Lombardi M, Wang SS, Ma J, Hawkins C, Hamideh D, Wagner L, Koschmann C, Fuller C, Drissi R, Jones BV, Leach J, Fouladi M. Characteristics of patients =10 years of age with diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma: a report from the International DIPG/DMG Registry. Neuro Oncol. 2022 Jan 5; 24: 141-152.
DeWire M, Lazow M, Campagne O, Leach J, Fuller C, Senthil Kumar S, Stanek J, de Blank P, Hummel TR, Pillay-Smiley N, Salloum R, Stevenson CB, Baxter P, Gass D, Goldman S, Leary SES, Carle A, Mikael L, Crabtree D, Chaney B, Lane A, Drissi R, Stewart CF, Fouladi M. Phase I study of ribociclib and everolimus in children with newly diagnosed DIPG and high-grade glioma: A CONNECT pediatric neuro-oncology consortium report. Neurooncol Adv. 2022 Jan-Dec; 4: vdac055.
Hansford JR, Huang J, Endersby R, Dodgshun AJ, Li BK, Hwang E, Leary S, Gajjar A, Von Hoff K, Wells O, Wray A, Kotecha RS, Raleigh DR, Stoller S, Mueller S, Schild SE, Bandopadhayay P, Fouladi M, Bouffet E, Huang A, Onar-Thomas A, Gottardo NG. Pediatric pineoblastoma: A pooled outcome study of North American and Australian therapeutic data. Neurooncol Adv. 2022 Jan-Dec; 4: vdac056.
Upadhyay R, Yadav D, Venkatesulu BP, Singh R, Baliga S, Raval RR, Lazow MA, Salloum R, Fouladi M, Mardis ER, Zaorsky NG, Trifiletti DM, Paulino AC, Palmer JD. Risk of secondary malignant neoplasms in children following proton therapy vs. photon therapy for primary CNS tumors: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Front Oncol. 2022; 12: 893855.
Leary SES, Lindsay K, Geyer JR, Mehmet K, Huang J, Smith KS, Hadley J, Ermoian R, MacDonald TJ, Goldman S, Phillips P, Young Poussaint T, Olson JM, Ellison DW, Dunkel IJ, Fouladi M, Onar-Thomas A, Northcott PA. Vorinostat and isotretinoin with chemotherapy in young children with embryonal brain tumors: A report from the Pediatric Brain Tumor Consortium (PBTC-026). Neuro Oncol. 2021 Dec 22;
Bartels U, Onar-Thomas A, Patel SK, Shaw D, Fangusaro J, Dhall G, Souweidane M, Bhatia A, Embry L, Trask CL, Murphy ES, MacDonald S, Wu S, Boyett JM, Leary S, Fouladi M, Gajjar A, Khatua S. Phase II Trial of Response-Based Radiation Therapy for Patients with Localized Germinoma: A Children's Oncology Group Study. Neuro Oncol. 2021 Nov 29;
Lazow MA, Fuller C, DeWire M, Lane A, Bandopadhayay P, Bartels U, Bouffet E, Cheng S, Cohen KJ, Cooney TM, Coven SL, Dholaria H, Diez B, Dorris K, El-Ayadi M, El-Sheikh A, Fisher PG, Fonseca A, Lombardi MG, Greiner RJ, Goldman S, Gottardo N, Gururangan S, Hansford JR, Hassall T, Hawkins C, Kilburn L, Koschmann C, Leary SE, Ma J, Minturn JE, Monje-Deisseroth M, Packer R, Samson Y, Sandler ES, Sevlever G, Tinkle CL, Tsui K, Wagner LM, Zaghloul M, Ziegler DS, Chaney B, Black K, Asher A, Drissi R, Fouladi M, Jones BV, Leach JL. Accuracy of Central Neuro-Imaging Review of DIPG Compared with Histopathology in the International DIPG Registry. Neuro Oncol. 2021 Oct 20;
Fangusaro J, Onar-Thomas A, Poussaint TY, Wu S, Ligon AH, Lindeman N, Campagne O, Banerjee A, Gururangan S, Kilburn LB, Goldman S, Qaddoumi I, Baxter P, Vezina G, Bregman C, Patay Z, Jones JY, Stewart CF, Fisher MJ, Doyle LA, Smith M, Dunkel IJ, Fouladi M. A phase II trial of selumetinib in children with recurrent optic pathway and hypothalamic low-grade glioma without NF1: a Pediatric Brain Tumor Consortium study. Neuro Oncol. 2021 Oct 1; 23: 1777-1788.
Leary SES, Packer RJ, Li Y, Billups CA, Smith KS, Jaju A, Heier L, Burger P, Walsh K, Han Y, Embry L, Hadley J, Kumar R, Michalski J, Hwang E, Gajjar A, Pollack IF, Fouladi M, Northcott PA, Olson JM. Efficacy of Carboplatin and Isotretinoin in Children With High-risk Medulloblastoma: A Randomized Clinical Trial From the Children's Oncology Group. JAMA Oncol. 2021 Sep 1; 7: 1313-1321.
Su JM, Kilburn LB, Mansur DB, Krailo M, Buxton A, Adekunle A, Gajjar A, Adamson PC, Weigel B, Fox E, Blaney SM, Fouladi M. Phase 1/2 Trial of Vorinostat and Radiation and Maintenance Vorinostat in Children with Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma: A Children's Oncology Group Report. Neuro Oncol. 2021 Aug 4;
Michalski JM, Janss AJ, Vezina LG, Smith KS, Billups CA, Burger PC, Embry LM, Cullen PL, Hardy KK, Pomeroy SL, Bass JK, Perkins SM, Merchant TE, Colte PD, Fitzgerald TJ, Booth TN, Cherlow JM, Muraszko KM, Hadley J, Kumar R, Han Y, Tarbell NJ, Fouladi M, Pollack IF, Packer RJ, Li Y, Gajjar A, Northcott PA. Children's Oncology Group Phase III Trial of Reduced-Dose and Reduced-Volume Radiotherapy With Chemotherapy for Newly Diagnosed Average-Risk Medulloblastoma. J Clin Oncol. 2021 Aug 20; 39: 2685-2697.
Levy AS, Krailo M, Chi S, Villaluna D, Springer L, Williams-Hughes C, Fouladi M, Gajjar A. Temozolomide with irinotecan versus temozolomide, irinotecan plus bevacizumab for recurrent medulloblastoma of childhood: Report of a COG randomized Phase II screening trial. Pediatr Blood Cancer. 2021 Aug; 68: e29031.
Liao Y, Luo Z, Deng Y, Zhang F, Rao R, Wang J, Xu L, Kumar SS, Sengupta S, DeWire-Schottmiller M, Berry K, Garrett M, Fouladi M, Drissi R, Lu QR. OLIG2 maintenance is not essential for diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma cell line growth but regulates tumor phenotypes. Neuro Oncol. 2021 Jul 1; 23: 1183-1196.
Lazow MA, Leach JL, Trout AT, Breneman JC, Fouladi M, Fuller C. Extraneural Metastases of Diffuse Midline Glioma, H3 K27M-Mutant at Diagnosis: Case Report, Review of the Literature, and Identifying Targetable Alterations. J Pediatr Hematol Oncol. 2021 May 11;
DeWire MD, Fuller C, Campagne O, Lin T, Pan H, Young Poussaint T, Baxter PA, Hwang EI, Bukowinski A, Dorris K, Hoffman L, Waanders AJ, Karajannis MA, Stewart CF, Onar-Thomas A, Fouladi M, Dunkel IJ. A Phase I and Surgical Study of Ribociclib and Everolimus in Children with Recurrent or Refractory Malignant Brain Tumors: A Pediatric Brain Tumor Consortium Study. Clin Cancer Res. 2021 May 1; 27: 2442-2451.
Lazow MA, Lawson SA, Salloum R, Hummel TR, Pillay Smiley N, DeWire-Schottmiller MD, Fouladi M, de Blank P. Trametinib-associated Hyponatremia in a Child With Low-grade Glioma is Not Seen Following Treatment With Alternative MEK Inhibitor. J Pediatr Hematol Oncol. 2021 May 1; 43: e550-e553.
Fisher MJ, Jones DTW, Li Y, Guo X, Sonawane PS, Waanders AJ, Phillips JJ, Weiss WA, Resnick AC, Gosline S, Banerjee J, Guinney J, Gnekow A, Kandels D, Foreman NK, Korshunov A, Ryzhova M, Massimi L, Gururangan S, Kieran MW, Wang Z, Fouladi M, Sato M, Øra I, Holm S, Markham SJ, Beck P, Jäger N, Wittmann A, Sommerkamp AC, Sahm F, Pfister SM, Gutmann DH. Integrated molecular and clinical analysis of low-grade gliomas in children with neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1). Acta Neuropathol. 2021 Apr; 141: 605-617.
Van Mater D, Gururangan S, Becher O, Campagne O, Leary S, Phillips JJ, Huang J, Lin T, Poussaint TY, Goldman S, Baxter P, Dhall G, Robinson G, DeWire-Schottmiller M, Hwang EI, Stewart CF, Onar-Thomas A, Dunkel IJ, Fouladi M. A phase I trial of the CDK 4/6 inhibitor palbociclib in pediatric patients with progressive brain tumors: A Pediatric Brain Tumor Consortium study (PBTC-042). Pediatr Blood Cancer. 2021 Apr; 68: e28879.
Kumar R, Smith KS, Deng M, Terhune C, Robinson GW, Orr BA, Liu APY, Lin T, Billups CA, Chintagumpala M, Bowers DC, Hassall TE, Hansford JR, Khuong-Quang DA, Crawford JR, Bendel AE, Gururangan S, Schroeder K, Bouffet E, Bartels U, Fisher MJ, Cohn R, Partap S, Kellie SJ, McCowage G, Paulino AC, Rutkowski S, Fleischhack G, Dhall G, Klesse LJ, Leary S, Nazarian J, Kool M, Wesseling P, Ryzhova M, Zheludkova O, Golanov AV, McLendon RE, Packer RJ, Dunham C, Hukin J, Fouladi M, Faria CC, Pimentel J, Walter AW, Jabado N, Cho YJ, Perreault S, Croul SE, Zapotocky M, Hawkins C, Tabori U, Taylor MD, Pfister SM, Klimo P Jr, Boop FA, Ellison DW, Merchant TE, Onar-Thomas A, Korshunov A, Jones DTW, Gajjar A, Ramaswamy V, Northcott PA. Clinical Outcomes and Patient-Matched Molecular Composition of Relapsed Medulloblastoma. J Clin Oncol. 2021 Mar 1; 39: 807-821.
DeWire M, Erker C, Hummel TR, Chow LML, de Blank P, Salloum R, Pillay-Smiley N, Hoffman L, Gilger E, Gallagher M, Driver L, Meister D, Ward H, Drissi R, Kumar SS, Sengupta S, Kikta B, Meriwether W, Jelinek S, Asher A, Jones B, Leach J, Miles L, Fuller C, Fouladi M. Overcoming barriers to establishing autopsy procurement programs in pediatric patients with central nervous system tumors: a call to develop regional centers. J Neurooncol. 2021 Mar; 152: 107-114.
Fangusaro J, Mitchell DA, Kocak M, Robinson GW, Baxter PA, Hwang EI, Huang J, Onar-Thomas A, Dunkel IJ, Fouladi M, Warren KE. Phase 1 study of pomalidomide in children with recurrent, refractory, and progressive central nervous system tumors: A Pediatric Brain Tumor Consortium trial. Pediatr Blood Cancer. 2021 Feb; 68: e28756.
Zhu X, Lazow MA, Schafer A, Bartlett A, Senthil Kumar S, Mishra DK, Dexheimer P, DeWire M, Fuller C, Leach JL, Fouladi M, Drissi R. A pilot radiogenomic study of DIPG reveals distinct subgroups with unique clinical trajectories and therapeutic targets. Acta Neuropathol Commun. 2021 Jan 11; 9: 14.
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Date of Appointment at Nationwide Children’s Hospital: 08/03/2020
Board Certifications
Pediatric Hematology Oncology
St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital
Date Completed: 12/31/1999
Hospital for Sick Children
Date Completed: 06/30/1998
Hospital for Sick Children
Date Completed: 06/30/1995
Scarborough General Hospital
Date Completed: 06/15/1992
Medical School
University of Toronto
Date Completed: 06/13/1991
Contact Information
Call us at: (614) 722-3550
Fax us at: (614) 722-3369
Hematology & Oncology700 Children's DrColumbus, OH 43205 (map)
Contact Information
Call us at: (614) 722-3550
Fax us at: (614) 722-3369
PediatricsHematology & Oncology700 Children’s DrColumbus, OH 43205 (map)
Learn more about Maryam Fouladi
Maryam Fouladi, MD, MSc, FRCP, is a pediatric neuro-oncologist, co-executive director of the pediatric neuro-oncology program at Nationwide Children’s Hospital, and a Professor of Pediatrics at the Ohio State University College of Medicine. Dr. Fouladi is an internationally recognized expert in pediatric brain tumors, and is particularly renowned for her work in phase I clinical trials. She is the founding director of CONNECT, an international consortium focused on developing and testing novel therapies in early phase clinical trials.
Fouladi’s primary research interest focus on brain stem gliomas (DIPG) and is the founding Chair of The International Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma (DIPG)/diffuse midline glioma (DMG) Registry. She has authored or co-authored over 140 peer-reviewed publications in leading medical journals.
In addition to her roles at Nationwide Children’s and Ohio State Wexner Medical Center, Dr. Fouladi serves as the Chair of the Collaborative Network for Neuro-Oncology Clinical Trials and CNS Committee of the Children’s Oncology Group.
Prior to coming to Nationwide Children’s, Dr. Fouladi served as medical director of the Brain Tumor Center at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital and was also a full professor and the Marjory J. Johnson Endowed Chair in Brain Tumor Translational Research. She received her medical degree from the University of Toronto, and completed her pediatric residency and hematology/oncology fellowship at The Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto. She completed her neuro-oncology fellowship training at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital followed by additional training in the Molecular Pharmacology Department at St. Jude Children’s Hospital.
“20 -30 years ago a lot of patients with brain tumors passed away from this disease – so that is when I thought if you’re going to dedicate your life to something, dedicate it to this. Because we’ve got to do better.”
Academic and Clinical Areas
Medical Director
Hematology/Oncology & BMT
Physician Team
Primary Department
Primary Section
Hematology & Oncology
Lazow MA, Palmer JD, Fouladi M, Salloum R. Medulloblastoma in the Modern Era: Review of Contemporary Trials, Molecular Advances, and Updates in Management. Neurotherapeutics. 2022 Jul 20;
Morana G, Shaw D, MacDonald SM, Alapetite C, Ajithkumar T, Bhatia A, Brisse H, Jaimes C, Czech T, Dhall G, Fangusaro J, Faure-Conter C, Fouladi M, Hargrave D, Harreld JH, Mitra D, Nicholson JC, Souweidane M, Timmermann B, Calaminus G, Bartels U, Bison B, Murray MJ. Imaging response assessment for CNS germ cell tumours: consensus recommendations from the European Society for Paediatric Oncology Brain Tumour Group and North American Children's Oncology Group. Lancet Oncol. 2022 May; 23: e218-e228.
Bartlett A, Lane A, Chaney B, Escorza NY, Black K, Cochrane A, Minturn J, Bartels U, Warren K, Hansford J, Ziegler D, Diez B, Goldman S, Packer R, Kieran M, DeWire-Schottmiller M, Erker C, Monje-Deisseroth M, Wagner L, Koschmann C, Dorris K, Shih CS, Hassall T, Samson Y, Fisher P, Wang SS, Tsui K, Sevlever G, Zhu X, Dexheimer P, Asher A, Fuller C, Drissi R, Jones B, Leach J, Fouladi M. Characteristics of Children =36 Months of Age with Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma (DIPG): A Report from the International DIPG Registry. Neuro Oncol. 2022 May 12;
Fangusaro JR, Onar-Thomas A, Poussaint TY, Wu S, Ligon AH, Lindeman NI, Banerjee A, Packer R, Kilburn LB, Pollack IF, Qaddoumi IA, Fisher PG, Dhall G, Baxter PA, Kreissman SG, Doyle LA, Smith MA, Fouladi M, Dunkel IJ. Corrigendum to: LTBK-01. Updates On The Phase Ii And Re-treatment Study Of AZD6244 (Selumetinib) For Children With Recurrent Or Refractory Pediatric Low Grade Glioma: A Pediatric Brain Tumor Consortium (PBTC) Study. Neuro Oncol. 2022 Mar 21;
Lazow MA, Nievelstein MT, Lane A, Bandopadhayhay P, DeWire-Schottmiller M, Fouladi M, Glod JW, Greiner RJ, Hoffman LM, Hummel TR, Kilburn L, Leary S, Minturn JE, Packer R, Ziegler DS, Chaney B, Black K, de Blank P, Leach JL. Volumetric endpoints in diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma: comparison to cross-sectional measures and outcome correlations in the International DIPG/DMG Registry. Neuro Oncol. 2022 Feb 11;
Murphy ES, Dhall G, Fangusaro J, Bartels U, Fouladi M, Shaw D, Khatua S, Hughes CW, Panigraphy A, Ioakeim-Ioannidou M, Souweidane M, Morris D, Gajjar A, Wu S, Onar-Thomas A, Haas-Kogan DA, MacDonald SM. A Phase 2 Trial of Response-Based Radiation Therapy for Localized Central Nervous System Germ Cell Tumors: Patterns of Failure and Radiation Dosimetry for Nongerminomatous Germ Cell Tumors. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2022 Jan 3;
Erker C, Lane A, Chaney B, Leary S, Minturn JE, Bartels U, Packer RJ, Dorris K, Gottardo NG, Warren KE, Broniscer A, Kieran MW, Zhu X, White P, Dexheimer PJ, Black K, Asher A, DeWire M, Hansford JR, Gururangan S, Nazarian J, Ziegler DS, Sandler E, Bartlett A, Goldman S, Shih CS, Hassall T, Dholaria H, Bandopadhayay P, Samson Y, Monje M, Fisher PG, Dodgshun A, Parkin S, Chintagumpala M, Tsui K, Gass D, Larouche V, Broxson E, Garcia Lombardi M, Wang SS, Ma J, Hawkins C, Hamideh D, Wagner L, Koschmann C, Fuller C, Drissi R, Jones BV, Leach J, Fouladi M. Characteristics of patients =10 years of age with diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma: a report from the International DIPG/DMG Registry. Neuro Oncol. 2022 Jan 5; 24: 141-152.
DeWire M, Lazow M, Campagne O, Leach J, Fuller C, Senthil Kumar S, Stanek J, de Blank P, Hummel TR, Pillay-Smiley N, Salloum R, Stevenson CB, Baxter P, Gass D, Goldman S, Leary SES, Carle A, Mikael L, Crabtree D, Chaney B, Lane A, Drissi R, Stewart CF, Fouladi M. Phase I study of ribociclib and everolimus in children with newly diagnosed DIPG and high-grade glioma: A CONNECT pediatric neuro-oncology consortium report. Neurooncol Adv. 2022 Jan-Dec; 4: vdac055.
Hansford JR, Huang J, Endersby R, Dodgshun AJ, Li BK, Hwang E, Leary S, Gajjar A, Von Hoff K, Wells O, Wray A, Kotecha RS, Raleigh DR, Stoller S, Mueller S, Schild SE, Bandopadhayay P, Fouladi M, Bouffet E, Huang A, Onar-Thomas A, Gottardo NG. Pediatric pineoblastoma: A pooled outcome study of North American and Australian therapeutic data. Neurooncol Adv. 2022 Jan-Dec; 4: vdac056.
Upadhyay R, Yadav D, Venkatesulu BP, Singh R, Baliga S, Raval RR, Lazow MA, Salloum R, Fouladi M, Mardis ER, Zaorsky NG, Trifiletti DM, Paulino AC, Palmer JD. Risk of secondary malignant neoplasms in children following proton therapy vs. photon therapy for primary CNS tumors: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Front Oncol. 2022; 12: 893855.
Leary SES, Lindsay K, Geyer JR, Mehmet K, Huang J, Smith KS, Hadley J, Ermoian R, MacDonald TJ, Goldman S, Phillips P, Young Poussaint T, Olson JM, Ellison DW, Dunkel IJ, Fouladi M, Onar-Thomas A, Northcott PA. Vorinostat and isotretinoin with chemotherapy in young children with embryonal brain tumors: A report from the Pediatric Brain Tumor Consortium (PBTC-026). Neuro Oncol. 2021 Dec 22;
Bartels U, Onar-Thomas A, Patel SK, Shaw D, Fangusaro J, Dhall G, Souweidane M, Bhatia A, Embry L, Trask CL, Murphy ES, MacDonald S, Wu S, Boyett JM, Leary S, Fouladi M, Gajjar A, Khatua S. Phase II Trial of Response-Based Radiation Therapy for Patients with Localized Germinoma: A Children's Oncology Group Study. Neuro Oncol. 2021 Nov 29;
Lazow MA, Fuller C, DeWire M, Lane A, Bandopadhayay P, Bartels U, Bouffet E, Cheng S, Cohen KJ, Cooney TM, Coven SL, Dholaria H, Diez B, Dorris K, El-Ayadi M, El-Sheikh A, Fisher PG, Fonseca A, Lombardi MG, Greiner RJ, Goldman S, Gottardo N, Gururangan S, Hansford JR, Hassall T, Hawkins C, Kilburn L, Koschmann C, Leary SE, Ma J, Minturn JE, Monje-Deisseroth M, Packer R, Samson Y, Sandler ES, Sevlever G, Tinkle CL, Tsui K, Wagner LM, Zaghloul M, Ziegler DS, Chaney B, Black K, Asher A, Drissi R, Fouladi M, Jones BV, Leach JL. Accuracy of Central Neuro-Imaging Review of DIPG Compared with Histopathology in the International DIPG Registry. Neuro Oncol. 2021 Oct 20;
Fangusaro J, Onar-Thomas A, Poussaint TY, Wu S, Ligon AH, Lindeman N, Campagne O, Banerjee A, Gururangan S, Kilburn LB, Goldman S, Qaddoumi I, Baxter P, Vezina G, Bregman C, Patay Z, Jones JY, Stewart CF, Fisher MJ, Doyle LA, Smith M, Dunkel IJ, Fouladi M. A phase II trial of selumetinib in children with recurrent optic pathway and hypothalamic low-grade glioma without NF1: a Pediatric Brain Tumor Consortium study. Neuro Oncol. 2021 Oct 1; 23: 1777-1788.
Leary SES, Packer RJ, Li Y, Billups CA, Smith KS, Jaju A, Heier L, Burger P, Walsh K, Han Y, Embry L, Hadley J, Kumar R, Michalski J, Hwang E, Gajjar A, Pollack IF, Fouladi M, Northcott PA, Olson JM. Efficacy of Carboplatin and Isotretinoin in Children With High-risk Medulloblastoma: A Randomized Clinical Trial From the Children's Oncology Group. JAMA Oncol. 2021 Sep 1; 7: 1313-1321.
Su JM, Kilburn LB, Mansur DB, Krailo M, Buxton A, Adekunle A, Gajjar A, Adamson PC, Weigel B, Fox E, Blaney SM, Fouladi M. Phase 1/2 Trial of Vorinostat and Radiation and Maintenance Vorinostat in Children with Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma: A Children's Oncology Group Report. Neuro Oncol. 2021 Aug 4;
Michalski JM, Janss AJ, Vezina LG, Smith KS, Billups CA, Burger PC, Embry LM, Cullen PL, Hardy KK, Pomeroy SL, Bass JK, Perkins SM, Merchant TE, Colte PD, Fitzgerald TJ, Booth TN, Cherlow JM, Muraszko KM, Hadley J, Kumar R, Han Y, Tarbell NJ, Fouladi M, Pollack IF, Packer RJ, Li Y, Gajjar A, Northcott PA. Children's Oncology Group Phase III Trial of Reduced-Dose and Reduced-Volume Radiotherapy With Chemotherapy for Newly Diagnosed Average-Risk Medulloblastoma. J Clin Oncol. 2021 Aug 20; 39: 2685-2697.
Levy AS, Krailo M, Chi S, Villaluna D, Springer L, Williams-Hughes C, Fouladi M, Gajjar A. Temozolomide with irinotecan versus temozolomide, irinotecan plus bevacizumab for recurrent medulloblastoma of childhood: Report of a COG randomized Phase II screening trial. Pediatr Blood Cancer. 2021 Aug; 68: e29031.
Liao Y, Luo Z, Deng Y, Zhang F, Rao R, Wang J, Xu L, Kumar SS, Sengupta S, DeWire-Schottmiller M, Berry K, Garrett M, Fouladi M, Drissi R, Lu QR. OLIG2 maintenance is not essential for diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma cell line growth but regulates tumor phenotypes. Neuro Oncol. 2021 Jul 1; 23: 1183-1196.
Lazow MA, Leach JL, Trout AT, Breneman JC, Fouladi M, Fuller C. Extraneural Metastases of Diffuse Midline Glioma, H3 K27M-Mutant at Diagnosis: Case Report, Review of the Literature, and Identifying Targetable Alterations. J Pediatr Hematol Oncol. 2021 May 11;
DeWire MD, Fuller C, Campagne O, Lin T, Pan H, Young Poussaint T, Baxter PA, Hwang EI, Bukowinski A, Dorris K, Hoffman L, Waanders AJ, Karajannis MA, Stewart CF, Onar-Thomas A, Fouladi M, Dunkel IJ. A Phase I and Surgical Study of Ribociclib and Everolimus in Children with Recurrent or Refractory Malignant Brain Tumors: A Pediatric Brain Tumor Consortium Study. Clin Cancer Res. 2021 May 1; 27: 2442-2451.
Lazow MA, Lawson SA, Salloum R, Hummel TR, Pillay Smiley N, DeWire-Schottmiller MD, Fouladi M, de Blank P. Trametinib-associated Hyponatremia in a Child With Low-grade Glioma is Not Seen Following Treatment With Alternative MEK Inhibitor. J Pediatr Hematol Oncol. 2021 May 1; 43: e550-e553.
Fisher MJ, Jones DTW, Li Y, Guo X, Sonawane PS, Waanders AJ, Phillips JJ, Weiss WA, Resnick AC, Gosline S, Banerjee J, Guinney J, Gnekow A, Kandels D, Foreman NK, Korshunov A, Ryzhova M, Massimi L, Gururangan S, Kieran MW, Wang Z, Fouladi M, Sato M, Øra I, Holm S, Markham SJ, Beck P, Jäger N, Wittmann A, Sommerkamp AC, Sahm F, Pfister SM, Gutmann DH. Integrated molecular and clinical analysis of low-grade gliomas in children with neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1). Acta Neuropathol. 2021 Apr; 141: 605-617.
Van Mater D, Gururangan S, Becher O, Campagne O, Leary S, Phillips JJ, Huang J, Lin T, Poussaint TY, Goldman S, Baxter P, Dhall G, Robinson G, DeWire-Schottmiller M, Hwang EI, Stewart CF, Onar-Thomas A, Dunkel IJ, Fouladi M. A phase I trial of the CDK 4/6 inhibitor palbociclib in pediatric patients with progressive brain tumors: A Pediatric Brain Tumor Consortium study (PBTC-042). Pediatr Blood Cancer. 2021 Apr; 68: e28879.
Kumar R, Smith KS, Deng M, Terhune C, Robinson GW, Orr BA, Liu APY, Lin T, Billups CA, Chintagumpala M, Bowers DC, Hassall TE, Hansford JR, Khuong-Quang DA, Crawford JR, Bendel AE, Gururangan S, Schroeder K, Bouffet E, Bartels U, Fisher MJ, Cohn R, Partap S, Kellie SJ, McCowage G, Paulino AC, Rutkowski S, Fleischhack G, Dhall G, Klesse LJ, Leary S, Nazarian J, Kool M, Wesseling P, Ryzhova M, Zheludkova O, Golanov AV, McLendon RE, Packer RJ, Dunham C, Hukin J, Fouladi M, Faria CC, Pimentel J, Walter AW, Jabado N, Cho YJ, Perreault S, Croul SE, Zapotocky M, Hawkins C, Tabori U, Taylor MD, Pfister SM, Klimo P Jr, Boop FA, Ellison DW, Merchant TE, Onar-Thomas A, Korshunov A, Jones DTW, Gajjar A, Ramaswamy V, Northcott PA. Clinical Outcomes and Patient-Matched Molecular Composition of Relapsed Medulloblastoma. J Clin Oncol. 2021 Mar 1; 39: 807-821.
DeWire M, Erker C, Hummel TR, Chow LML, de Blank P, Salloum R, Pillay-Smiley N, Hoffman L, Gilger E, Gallagher M, Driver L, Meister D, Ward H, Drissi R, Kumar SS, Sengupta S, Kikta B, Meriwether W, Jelinek S, Asher A, Jones B, Leach J, Miles L, Fuller C, Fouladi M. Overcoming barriers to establishing autopsy procurement programs in pediatric patients with central nervous system tumors: a call to develop regional centers. J Neurooncol. 2021 Mar; 152: 107-114.
Fangusaro J, Mitchell DA, Kocak M, Robinson GW, Baxter PA, Hwang EI, Huang J, Onar-Thomas A, Dunkel IJ, Fouladi M, Warren KE. Phase 1 study of pomalidomide in children with recurrent, refractory, and progressive central nervous system tumors: A Pediatric Brain Tumor Consortium trial. Pediatr Blood Cancer. 2021 Feb; 68: e28756.
Zhu X, Lazow MA, Schafer A, Bartlett A, Senthil Kumar S, Mishra DK, Dexheimer P, DeWire M, Fuller C, Leach JL, Fouladi M, Drissi R. A pilot radiogenomic study of DIPG reveals distinct subgroups with unique clinical trajectories and therapeutic targets. Acta Neuropathol Commun. 2021 Jan 11; 9: 14.
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Date of Appointment at Nationwide Children’s Hospital: 08/03/2020
Board Certifications
Pediatric Hematology Oncology
St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital
Date Completed: 12/31/1999
Hospital for Sick Children
Date Completed: 06/30/1998
Hospital for Sick Children
Date Completed: 06/30/1995
Scarborough General Hospital
Date Completed: 06/15/1992
Medical School
University of Toronto
Date Completed: 06/13/1991
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Learn more about Maryam Fouladi
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Learn more about Maryam Fouladi
Maryam Fouladi, MD, MSc, FRCP, is a pediatric neuro-oncologist, co-executive director of the pediatric neuro-oncology program at Nationwide Children’s Hospital, and a Professor of Pediatrics at the Ohio State University College of Medicine. Dr. Fouladi is an internationally recognized expert in pediatric brain tumors, and is particularly renowned for her work in phase I clinical trials. She is the founding director of CONNECT, an international consortium focused on developing and testing novel therapies in early phase clinical trials.
Fouladi’s primary research interest focus on brain stem gliomas (DIPG) and is the founding Chair of The International Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma (DIPG)/diffuse midline glioma (DMG) Registry. She has authored or co-authored over 140 peer-reviewed publications in leading medical journals.
In addition to her roles at Nationwide Children’s and Ohio State Wexner Medical Center, Dr. Fouladi serves as the Chair of the Collaborative Network for Neuro-Oncology Clinical Trials and CNS Committee of the Children’s Oncology Group.
Prior to coming to Nationwide Children’s, Dr. Fouladi served as medical director of the Brain Tumor Center at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital and was also a full professor and the Marjory J. Johnson Endowed Chair in Brain Tumor Translational Research. She received her medical degree from the University of Toronto, and completed her pediatric residency and hematology/oncology fellowship at The Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto. She completed her neuro-oncology fellowship training at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital followed by additional training in the Molecular Pharmacology Department at St. Jude Children’s Hospital.
Maryam Fouladi, MD, MSc, FRCP, is a pediatric neuro-oncologist, co-executive director of the pediatric neuro-oncology program at Nationwide Children’s Hospital, and a Professor of Pediatrics at the Ohio State University College of Medicine. Dr. Fouladi is an internationally recognized expert in pediatric brain tumors, and is particularly renowned for her work in phase I clinical trials. She is the founding director of CONNECT, an international consortium focused on developing and testing novel therapies in early phase clinical trials.
Fouladi’s primary research interest focus on brain stem gliomas (DIPG) and is the founding Chair of The International Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma (DIPG)/diffuse midline glioma (DMG) Registry. She has authored or co-authored over 140 peer-reviewed publications in leading medical journals.
In addition to her roles at Nationwide Children’s and Ohio State Wexner Medical Center, Dr. Fouladi serves as the Chair of the Collaborative Network for Neuro-Oncology Clinical Trials and CNS Committee of the Children’s Oncology Group.
Prior to coming to Nationwide Children’s, Dr. Fouladi served as medical director of the Brain Tumor Center at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital and was also a full professor and the Marjory J. Johnson Endowed Chair in Brain Tumor Translational Research. She received her medical degree from the University of Toronto, and completed her pediatric residency and hematology/oncology fellowship at The Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto. She completed her neuro-oncology fellowship training at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital followed by additional training in the Molecular Pharmacology Department at St. Jude Children’s Hospital.
Maryam Fouladi, MD, MSc, FRCP, is a pediatric neuro-oncologist, co-executive director of the pediatric neuro-oncology program at Nationwide Children’s Hospital, and a Professor of Pediatrics at the Ohio State University College of Medicine. Dr. Fouladi is an internationally recognized expert in pediatric brain tumors, and is particularly renowned for her work in phase I clinical trials. She is the founding director of CONNECT, an international consortium focused on developing and testing novel therapies in early phase clinical trials.
Fouladi’s primary research interest focus on brain stem gliomas (DIPG) and is the founding Chair of The International Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma (DIPG)/diffuse midline glioma (DMG) Registry. She has authored or co-authored over 140 peer-reviewed publications in leading medical journals.
In addition to her roles at Nationwide Children’s and Ohio State Wexner Medical Center, Dr. Fouladi serves as the Chair of the Collaborative Network for Neuro-Oncology Clinical Trials and CNS Committee of the Children’s Oncology Group.
Prior to coming to Nationwide Children’s, Dr. Fouladi served as medical director of the Brain Tumor Center at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital and was also a full professor and the Marjory J. Johnson Endowed Chair in Brain Tumor Translational Research. She received her medical degree from the University of Toronto, and completed her pediatric residency and hematology/oncology fellowship at The Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto. She completed her neuro-oncology fellowship training at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital followed by additional training in the Molecular Pharmacology Department at St. Jude Children’s Hospital.
Maryam Fouladi, MD, MSc, FRCP, is a pediatric neuro-oncologist, co-executive director of the pediatric neuro-oncology program at Nationwide Children’s Hospital, and a Professor of Pediatrics at the Ohio State University College of Medicine. Dr. Fouladi is an internationally recognized expert in pediatric brain tumors, and is particularly renowned for her work in phase I clinical trials. She is the founding director of CONNECT, an international consortium focused on developing and testing novel therapies in early phase clinical trials.
Fouladi’s primary research interest focus on brain stem gliomas (DIPG) and is the founding Chair of The International Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma (DIPG)/diffuse midline glioma (DMG) Registry. She has authored or co-authored over 140 peer-reviewed publications in leading medical journals.
In addition to her roles at Nationwide Children’s and Ohio State Wexner Medical Center, Dr. Fouladi serves as the Chair of the Collaborative Network for Neuro-Oncology Clinical Trials and CNS Committee of the Children’s Oncology Group.
Prior to coming to Nationwide Children’s, Dr. Fouladi served as medical director of the Brain Tumor Center at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital and was also a full professor and the Marjory J. Johnson Endowed Chair in Brain Tumor Translational Research. She received her medical degree from the University of Toronto, and completed her pediatric residency and hematology/oncology fellowship at The Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto. She completed her neuro-oncology fellowship training at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital followed by additional training in the Molecular Pharmacology Department at St. Jude Children’s Hospital.
Maryam Fouladi, MD, MSc, FRCP, is a pediatric neuro-oncologist, co-executive director of the pediatric neuro-oncology program at Nationwide Children’s Hospital, and a Professor of Pediatrics at the Ohio State University College of Medicine. Dr. Fouladi is an internationally recognized expert in pediatric brain tumors, and is particularly renowned for her work in phase I clinical trials. She is the founding director of CONNECT, an international consortium focused on developing and testing novel therapies in early phase clinical trials.
Fouladi’s primary research interest focus on brain stem gliomas (DIPG) and is the founding Chair of The International Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma (DIPG)/diffuse midline glioma (DMG) Registry. She has authored or co-authored over 140 peer-reviewed publications in leading medical journals.
In addition to her roles at Nationwide Children’s and Ohio State Wexner Medical Center, Dr. Fouladi serves as the Chair of the Collaborative Network for Neuro-Oncology Clinical Trials and CNS Committee of the Children’s Oncology Group.
Prior to coming to Nationwide Children’s, Dr. Fouladi served as medical director of the Brain Tumor Center at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital and was also a full professor and the Marjory J. Johnson Endowed Chair in Brain Tumor Translational Research. She received her medical degree from the University of Toronto, and completed her pediatric residency and hematology/oncology fellowship at The Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto. She completed her neuro-oncology fellowship training at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital followed by additional training in the Molecular Pharmacology Department at St. Jude Children’s Hospital.
“20 -30 years ago a lot of patients with brain tumors passed away from this disease – so that is when I thought if you’re going to dedicate your life to something, dedicate it to this. Because we’ve got to do better.”
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Hematology & Oncology
Academic and Clinical Areas
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Hematology & Oncology
Academic and Clinical Areas
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- Hematology/Oncology & BMT
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- Hematology & Oncology
Lazow MA, Palmer JD, Fouladi M, Salloum R. Medulloblastoma in the Modern Era: Review of Contemporary Trials, Molecular Advances, and Updates in Management. Neurotherapeutics. 2022 Jul 20;
Morana G, Shaw D, MacDonald SM, Alapetite C, Ajithkumar T, Bhatia A, Brisse H, Jaimes C, Czech T, Dhall G, Fangusaro J, Faure-Conter C, Fouladi M, Hargrave D, Harreld JH, Mitra D, Nicholson JC, Souweidane M, Timmermann B, Calaminus G, Bartels U, Bison B, Murray MJ. Imaging response assessment for CNS germ cell tumours: consensus recommendations from the European Society for Paediatric Oncology Brain Tumour Group and North American Children's Oncology Group. Lancet Oncol. 2022 May; 23: e218-e228.
Bartlett A, Lane A, Chaney B, Escorza NY, Black K, Cochrane A, Minturn J, Bartels U, Warren K, Hansford J, Ziegler D, Diez B, Goldman S, Packer R, Kieran M, DeWire-Schottmiller M, Erker C, Monje-Deisseroth M, Wagner L, Koschmann C, Dorris K, Shih CS, Hassall T, Samson Y, Fisher P, Wang SS, Tsui K, Sevlever G, Zhu X, Dexheimer P, Asher A, Fuller C, Drissi R, Jones B, Leach J, Fouladi M. Characteristics of Children =36 Months of Age with Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma (DIPG): A Report from the International DIPG Registry. Neuro Oncol. 2022 May 12;
Fangusaro JR, Onar-Thomas A, Poussaint TY, Wu S, Ligon AH, Lindeman NI, Banerjee A, Packer R, Kilburn LB, Pollack IF, Qaddoumi IA, Fisher PG, Dhall G, Baxter PA, Kreissman SG, Doyle LA, Smith MA, Fouladi M, Dunkel IJ. Corrigendum to: LTBK-01. Updates On The Phase Ii And Re-treatment Study Of AZD6244 (Selumetinib) For Children With Recurrent Or Refractory Pediatric Low Grade Glioma: A Pediatric Brain Tumor Consortium (PBTC) Study. Neuro Oncol. 2022 Mar 21;
Lazow MA, Nievelstein MT, Lane A, Bandopadhayhay P, DeWire-Schottmiller M, Fouladi M, Glod JW, Greiner RJ, Hoffman LM, Hummel TR, Kilburn L, Leary S, Minturn JE, Packer R, Ziegler DS, Chaney B, Black K, de Blank P, Leach JL. Volumetric endpoints in diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma: comparison to cross-sectional measures and outcome correlations in the International DIPG/DMG Registry. Neuro Oncol. 2022 Feb 11;
Murphy ES, Dhall G, Fangusaro J, Bartels U, Fouladi M, Shaw D, Khatua S, Hughes CW, Panigraphy A, Ioakeim-Ioannidou M, Souweidane M, Morris D, Gajjar A, Wu S, Onar-Thomas A, Haas-Kogan DA, MacDonald SM. A Phase 2 Trial of Response-Based Radiation Therapy for Localized Central Nervous System Germ Cell Tumors: Patterns of Failure and Radiation Dosimetry for Nongerminomatous Germ Cell Tumors. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2022 Jan 3;
Erker C, Lane A, Chaney B, Leary S, Minturn JE, Bartels U, Packer RJ, Dorris K, Gottardo NG, Warren KE, Broniscer A, Kieran MW, Zhu X, White P, Dexheimer PJ, Black K, Asher A, DeWire M, Hansford JR, Gururangan S, Nazarian J, Ziegler DS, Sandler E, Bartlett A, Goldman S, Shih CS, Hassall T, Dholaria H, Bandopadhayay P, Samson Y, Monje M, Fisher PG, Dodgshun A, Parkin S, Chintagumpala M, Tsui K, Gass D, Larouche V, Broxson E, Garcia Lombardi M, Wang SS, Ma J, Hawkins C, Hamideh D, Wagner L, Koschmann C, Fuller C, Drissi R, Jones BV, Leach J, Fouladi M. Characteristics of patients =10 years of age with diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma: a report from the International DIPG/DMG Registry. Neuro Oncol. 2022 Jan 5; 24: 141-152.
DeWire M, Lazow M, Campagne O, Leach J, Fuller C, Senthil Kumar S, Stanek J, de Blank P, Hummel TR, Pillay-Smiley N, Salloum R, Stevenson CB, Baxter P, Gass D, Goldman S, Leary SES, Carle A, Mikael L, Crabtree D, Chaney B, Lane A, Drissi R, Stewart CF, Fouladi M. Phase I study of ribociclib and everolimus in children with newly diagnosed DIPG and high-grade glioma: A CONNECT pediatric neuro-oncology consortium report. Neurooncol Adv. 2022 Jan-Dec; 4: vdac055.
Hansford JR, Huang J, Endersby R, Dodgshun AJ, Li BK, Hwang E, Leary S, Gajjar A, Von Hoff K, Wells O, Wray A, Kotecha RS, Raleigh DR, Stoller S, Mueller S, Schild SE, Bandopadhayay P, Fouladi M, Bouffet E, Huang A, Onar-Thomas A, Gottardo NG. Pediatric pineoblastoma: A pooled outcome study of North American and Australian therapeutic data. Neurooncol Adv. 2022 Jan-Dec; 4: vdac056.
Upadhyay R, Yadav D, Venkatesulu BP, Singh R, Baliga S, Raval RR, Lazow MA, Salloum R, Fouladi M, Mardis ER, Zaorsky NG, Trifiletti DM, Paulino AC, Palmer JD. Risk of secondary malignant neoplasms in children following proton therapy vs. photon therapy for primary CNS tumors: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Front Oncol. 2022; 12: 893855.
Leary SES, Lindsay K, Geyer JR, Mehmet K, Huang J, Smith KS, Hadley J, Ermoian R, MacDonald TJ, Goldman S, Phillips P, Young Poussaint T, Olson JM, Ellison DW, Dunkel IJ, Fouladi M, Onar-Thomas A, Northcott PA. Vorinostat and isotretinoin with chemotherapy in young children with embryonal brain tumors: A report from the Pediatric Brain Tumor Consortium (PBTC-026). Neuro Oncol. 2021 Dec 22;
Bartels U, Onar-Thomas A, Patel SK, Shaw D, Fangusaro J, Dhall G, Souweidane M, Bhatia A, Embry L, Trask CL, Murphy ES, MacDonald S, Wu S, Boyett JM, Leary S, Fouladi M, Gajjar A, Khatua S. Phase II Trial of Response-Based Radiation Therapy for Patients with Localized Germinoma: A Children's Oncology Group Study. Neuro Oncol. 2021 Nov 29;
Lazow MA, Fuller C, DeWire M, Lane A, Bandopadhayay P, Bartels U, Bouffet E, Cheng S, Cohen KJ, Cooney TM, Coven SL, Dholaria H, Diez B, Dorris K, El-Ayadi M, El-Sheikh A, Fisher PG, Fonseca A, Lombardi MG, Greiner RJ, Goldman S, Gottardo N, Gururangan S, Hansford JR, Hassall T, Hawkins C, Kilburn L, Koschmann C, Leary SE, Ma J, Minturn JE, Monje-Deisseroth M, Packer R, Samson Y, Sandler ES, Sevlever G, Tinkle CL, Tsui K, Wagner LM, Zaghloul M, Ziegler DS, Chaney B, Black K, Asher A, Drissi R, Fouladi M, Jones BV, Leach JL. Accuracy of Central Neuro-Imaging Review of DIPG Compared with Histopathology in the International DIPG Registry. Neuro Oncol. 2021 Oct 20;
Fangusaro J, Onar-Thomas A, Poussaint TY, Wu S, Ligon AH, Lindeman N, Campagne O, Banerjee A, Gururangan S, Kilburn LB, Goldman S, Qaddoumi I, Baxter P, Vezina G, Bregman C, Patay Z, Jones JY, Stewart CF, Fisher MJ, Doyle LA, Smith M, Dunkel IJ, Fouladi M. A phase II trial of selumetinib in children with recurrent optic pathway and hypothalamic low-grade glioma without NF1: a Pediatric Brain Tumor Consortium study. Neuro Oncol. 2021 Oct 1; 23: 1777-1788.
Leary SES, Packer RJ, Li Y, Billups CA, Smith KS, Jaju A, Heier L, Burger P, Walsh K, Han Y, Embry L, Hadley J, Kumar R, Michalski J, Hwang E, Gajjar A, Pollack IF, Fouladi M, Northcott PA, Olson JM. Efficacy of Carboplatin and Isotretinoin in Children With High-risk Medulloblastoma: A Randomized Clinical Trial From the Children's Oncology Group. JAMA Oncol. 2021 Sep 1; 7: 1313-1321.
Su JM, Kilburn LB, Mansur DB, Krailo M, Buxton A, Adekunle A, Gajjar A, Adamson PC, Weigel B, Fox E, Blaney SM, Fouladi M. Phase 1/2 Trial of Vorinostat and Radiation and Maintenance Vorinostat in Children with Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma: A Children's Oncology Group Report. Neuro Oncol. 2021 Aug 4;
Michalski JM, Janss AJ, Vezina LG, Smith KS, Billups CA, Burger PC, Embry LM, Cullen PL, Hardy KK, Pomeroy SL, Bass JK, Perkins SM, Merchant TE, Colte PD, Fitzgerald TJ, Booth TN, Cherlow JM, Muraszko KM, Hadley J, Kumar R, Han Y, Tarbell NJ, Fouladi M, Pollack IF, Packer RJ, Li Y, Gajjar A, Northcott PA. Children's Oncology Group Phase III Trial of Reduced-Dose and Reduced-Volume Radiotherapy With Chemotherapy for Newly Diagnosed Average-Risk Medulloblastoma. J Clin Oncol. 2021 Aug 20; 39: 2685-2697.
Levy AS, Krailo M, Chi S, Villaluna D, Springer L, Williams-Hughes C, Fouladi M, Gajjar A. Temozolomide with irinotecan versus temozolomide, irinotecan plus bevacizumab for recurrent medulloblastoma of childhood: Report of a COG randomized Phase II screening trial. Pediatr Blood Cancer. 2021 Aug; 68: e29031.
Liao Y, Luo Z, Deng Y, Zhang F, Rao R, Wang J, Xu L, Kumar SS, Sengupta S, DeWire-Schottmiller M, Berry K, Garrett M, Fouladi M, Drissi R, Lu QR. OLIG2 maintenance is not essential for diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma cell line growth but regulates tumor phenotypes. Neuro Oncol. 2021 Jul 1; 23: 1183-1196.
Lazow MA, Leach JL, Trout AT, Breneman JC, Fouladi M, Fuller C. Extraneural Metastases of Diffuse Midline Glioma, H3 K27M-Mutant at Diagnosis: Case Report, Review of the Literature, and Identifying Targetable Alterations. J Pediatr Hematol Oncol. 2021 May 11;
DeWire MD, Fuller C, Campagne O, Lin T, Pan H, Young Poussaint T, Baxter PA, Hwang EI, Bukowinski A, Dorris K, Hoffman L, Waanders AJ, Karajannis MA, Stewart CF, Onar-Thomas A, Fouladi M, Dunkel IJ. A Phase I and Surgical Study of Ribociclib and Everolimus in Children with Recurrent or Refractory Malignant Brain Tumors: A Pediatric Brain Tumor Consortium Study. Clin Cancer Res. 2021 May 1; 27: 2442-2451.
Lazow MA, Lawson SA, Salloum R, Hummel TR, Pillay Smiley N, DeWire-Schottmiller MD, Fouladi M, de Blank P. Trametinib-associated Hyponatremia in a Child With Low-grade Glioma is Not Seen Following Treatment With Alternative MEK Inhibitor. J Pediatr Hematol Oncol. 2021 May 1; 43: e550-e553.
Fisher MJ, Jones DTW, Li Y, Guo X, Sonawane PS, Waanders AJ, Phillips JJ, Weiss WA, Resnick AC, Gosline S, Banerjee J, Guinney J, Gnekow A, Kandels D, Foreman NK, Korshunov A, Ryzhova M, Massimi L, Gururangan S, Kieran MW, Wang Z, Fouladi M, Sato M, Øra I, Holm S, Markham SJ, Beck P, Jäger N, Wittmann A, Sommerkamp AC, Sahm F, Pfister SM, Gutmann DH. Integrated molecular and clinical analysis of low-grade gliomas in children with neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1). Acta Neuropathol. 2021 Apr; 141: 605-617.
Van Mater D, Gururangan S, Becher O, Campagne O, Leary S, Phillips JJ, Huang J, Lin T, Poussaint TY, Goldman S, Baxter P, Dhall G, Robinson G, DeWire-Schottmiller M, Hwang EI, Stewart CF, Onar-Thomas A, Dunkel IJ, Fouladi M. A phase I trial of the CDK 4/6 inhibitor palbociclib in pediatric patients with progressive brain tumors: A Pediatric Brain Tumor Consortium study (PBTC-042). Pediatr Blood Cancer. 2021 Apr; 68: e28879.
Kumar R, Smith KS, Deng M, Terhune C, Robinson GW, Orr BA, Liu APY, Lin T, Billups CA, Chintagumpala M, Bowers DC, Hassall TE, Hansford JR, Khuong-Quang DA, Crawford JR, Bendel AE, Gururangan S, Schroeder K, Bouffet E, Bartels U, Fisher MJ, Cohn R, Partap S, Kellie SJ, McCowage G, Paulino AC, Rutkowski S, Fleischhack G, Dhall G, Klesse LJ, Leary S, Nazarian J, Kool M, Wesseling P, Ryzhova M, Zheludkova O, Golanov AV, McLendon RE, Packer RJ, Dunham C, Hukin J, Fouladi M, Faria CC, Pimentel J, Walter AW, Jabado N, Cho YJ, Perreault S, Croul SE, Zapotocky M, Hawkins C, Tabori U, Taylor MD, Pfister SM, Klimo P Jr, Boop FA, Ellison DW, Merchant TE, Onar-Thomas A, Korshunov A, Jones DTW, Gajjar A, Ramaswamy V, Northcott PA. Clinical Outcomes and Patient-Matched Molecular Composition of Relapsed Medulloblastoma. J Clin Oncol. 2021 Mar 1; 39: 807-821.
DeWire M, Erker C, Hummel TR, Chow LML, de Blank P, Salloum R, Pillay-Smiley N, Hoffman L, Gilger E, Gallagher M, Driver L, Meister D, Ward H, Drissi R, Kumar SS, Sengupta S, Kikta B, Meriwether W, Jelinek S, Asher A, Jones B, Leach J, Miles L, Fuller C, Fouladi M. Overcoming barriers to establishing autopsy procurement programs in pediatric patients with central nervous system tumors: a call to develop regional centers. J Neurooncol. 2021 Mar; 152: 107-114.
Fangusaro J, Mitchell DA, Kocak M, Robinson GW, Baxter PA, Hwang EI, Huang J, Onar-Thomas A, Dunkel IJ, Fouladi M, Warren KE. Phase 1 study of pomalidomide in children with recurrent, refractory, and progressive central nervous system tumors: A Pediatric Brain Tumor Consortium trial. Pediatr Blood Cancer. 2021 Feb; 68: e28756.
Zhu X, Lazow MA, Schafer A, Bartlett A, Senthil Kumar S, Mishra DK, Dexheimer P, DeWire M, Fuller C, Leach JL, Fouladi M, Drissi R. A pilot radiogenomic study of DIPG reveals distinct subgroups with unique clinical trajectories and therapeutic targets. Acta Neuropathol Commun. 2021 Jan 11; 9: 14.
View More Publications
Lazow MA, Palmer JD, Fouladi M, Salloum R. Medulloblastoma in the Modern Era: Review of Contemporary Trials, Molecular Advances, and Updates in Management. Neurotherapeutics. 2022 Jul 20;
Morana G, Shaw D, MacDonald SM, Alapetite C, Ajithkumar T, Bhatia A, Brisse H, Jaimes C, Czech T, Dhall G, Fangusaro J, Faure-Conter C, Fouladi M, Hargrave D, Harreld JH, Mitra D, Nicholson JC, Souweidane M, Timmermann B, Calaminus G, Bartels U, Bison B, Murray MJ. Imaging response assessment for CNS germ cell tumours: consensus recommendations from the European Society for Paediatric Oncology Brain Tumour Group and North American Children's Oncology Group. Lancet Oncol. 2022 May; 23: e218-e228.
Bartlett A, Lane A, Chaney B, Escorza NY, Black K, Cochrane A, Minturn J, Bartels U, Warren K, Hansford J, Ziegler D, Diez B, Goldman S, Packer R, Kieran M, DeWire-Schottmiller M, Erker C, Monje-Deisseroth M, Wagner L, Koschmann C, Dorris K, Shih CS, Hassall T, Samson Y, Fisher P, Wang SS, Tsui K, Sevlever G, Zhu X, Dexheimer P, Asher A, Fuller C, Drissi R, Jones B, Leach J, Fouladi M. Characteristics of Children =36 Months of Age with Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma (DIPG): A Report from the International DIPG Registry. Neuro Oncol. 2022 May 12;
Fangusaro JR, Onar-Thomas A, Poussaint TY, Wu S, Ligon AH, Lindeman NI, Banerjee A, Packer R, Kilburn LB, Pollack IF, Qaddoumi IA, Fisher PG, Dhall G, Baxter PA, Kreissman SG, Doyle LA, Smith MA, Fouladi M, Dunkel IJ. Corrigendum to: LTBK-01. Updates On The Phase Ii And Re-treatment Study Of AZD6244 (Selumetinib) For Children With Recurrent Or Refractory Pediatric Low Grade Glioma: A Pediatric Brain Tumor Consortium (PBTC) Study. Neuro Oncol. 2022 Mar 21;
Lazow MA, Nievelstein MT, Lane A, Bandopadhayhay P, DeWire-Schottmiller M, Fouladi M, Glod JW, Greiner RJ, Hoffman LM, Hummel TR, Kilburn L, Leary S, Minturn JE, Packer R, Ziegler DS, Chaney B, Black K, de Blank P, Leach JL. Volumetric endpoints in diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma: comparison to cross-sectional measures and outcome correlations in the International DIPG/DMG Registry. Neuro Oncol. 2022 Feb 11;
Murphy ES, Dhall G, Fangusaro J, Bartels U, Fouladi M, Shaw D, Khatua S, Hughes CW, Panigraphy A, Ioakeim-Ioannidou M, Souweidane M, Morris D, Gajjar A, Wu S, Onar-Thomas A, Haas-Kogan DA, MacDonald SM. A Phase 2 Trial of Response-Based Radiation Therapy for Localized Central Nervous System Germ Cell Tumors: Patterns of Failure and Radiation Dosimetry for Nongerminomatous Germ Cell Tumors. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2022 Jan 3;
Erker C, Lane A, Chaney B, Leary S, Minturn JE, Bartels U, Packer RJ, Dorris K, Gottardo NG, Warren KE, Broniscer A, Kieran MW, Zhu X, White P, Dexheimer PJ, Black K, Asher A, DeWire M, Hansford JR, Gururangan S, Nazarian J, Ziegler DS, Sandler E, Bartlett A, Goldman S, Shih CS, Hassall T, Dholaria H, Bandopadhayay P, Samson Y, Monje M, Fisher PG, Dodgshun A, Parkin S, Chintagumpala M, Tsui K, Gass D, Larouche V, Broxson E, Garcia Lombardi M, Wang SS, Ma J, Hawkins C, Hamideh D, Wagner L, Koschmann C, Fuller C, Drissi R, Jones BV, Leach J, Fouladi M. Characteristics of patients =10 years of age with diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma: a report from the International DIPG/DMG Registry. Neuro Oncol. 2022 Jan 5; 24: 141-152.
DeWire M, Lazow M, Campagne O, Leach J, Fuller C, Senthil Kumar S, Stanek J, de Blank P, Hummel TR, Pillay-Smiley N, Salloum R, Stevenson CB, Baxter P, Gass D, Goldman S, Leary SES, Carle A, Mikael L, Crabtree D, Chaney B, Lane A, Drissi R, Stewart CF, Fouladi M. Phase I study of ribociclib and everolimus in children with newly diagnosed DIPG and high-grade glioma: A CONNECT pediatric neuro-oncology consortium report. Neurooncol Adv. 2022 Jan-Dec; 4: vdac055.
Hansford JR, Huang J, Endersby R, Dodgshun AJ, Li BK, Hwang E, Leary S, Gajjar A, Von Hoff K, Wells O, Wray A, Kotecha RS, Raleigh DR, Stoller S, Mueller S, Schild SE, Bandopadhayay P, Fouladi M, Bouffet E, Huang A, Onar-Thomas A, Gottardo NG. Pediatric pineoblastoma: A pooled outcome study of North American and Australian therapeutic data. Neurooncol Adv. 2022 Jan-Dec; 4: vdac056.
Upadhyay R, Yadav D, Venkatesulu BP, Singh R, Baliga S, Raval RR, Lazow MA, Salloum R, Fouladi M, Mardis ER, Zaorsky NG, Trifiletti DM, Paulino AC, Palmer JD. Risk of secondary malignant neoplasms in children following proton therapy vs. photon therapy for primary CNS tumors: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Front Oncol. 2022; 12: 893855.
Leary SES, Lindsay K, Geyer JR, Mehmet K, Huang J, Smith KS, Hadley J, Ermoian R, MacDonald TJ, Goldman S, Phillips P, Young Poussaint T, Olson JM, Ellison DW, Dunkel IJ, Fouladi M, Onar-Thomas A, Northcott PA. Vorinostat and isotretinoin with chemotherapy in young children with embryonal brain tumors: A report from the Pediatric Brain Tumor Consortium (PBTC-026). Neuro Oncol. 2021 Dec 22;
Bartels U, Onar-Thomas A, Patel SK, Shaw D, Fangusaro J, Dhall G, Souweidane M, Bhatia A, Embry L, Trask CL, Murphy ES, MacDonald S, Wu S, Boyett JM, Leary S, Fouladi M, Gajjar A, Khatua S. Phase II Trial of Response-Based Radiation Therapy for Patients with Localized Germinoma: A Children's Oncology Group Study. Neuro Oncol. 2021 Nov 29;
Lazow MA, Fuller C, DeWire M, Lane A, Bandopadhayay P, Bartels U, Bouffet E, Cheng S, Cohen KJ, Cooney TM, Coven SL, Dholaria H, Diez B, Dorris K, El-Ayadi M, El-Sheikh A, Fisher PG, Fonseca A, Lombardi MG, Greiner RJ, Goldman S, Gottardo N, Gururangan S, Hansford JR, Hassall T, Hawkins C, Kilburn L, Koschmann C, Leary SE, Ma J, Minturn JE, Monje-Deisseroth M, Packer R, Samson Y, Sandler ES, Sevlever G, Tinkle CL, Tsui K, Wagner LM, Zaghloul M, Ziegler DS, Chaney B, Black K, Asher A, Drissi R, Fouladi M, Jones BV, Leach JL. Accuracy of Central Neuro-Imaging Review of DIPG Compared with Histopathology in the International DIPG Registry. Neuro Oncol. 2021 Oct 20;
Fangusaro J, Onar-Thomas A, Poussaint TY, Wu S, Ligon AH, Lindeman N, Campagne O, Banerjee A, Gururangan S, Kilburn LB, Goldman S, Qaddoumi I, Baxter P, Vezina G, Bregman C, Patay Z, Jones JY, Stewart CF, Fisher MJ, Doyle LA, Smith M, Dunkel IJ, Fouladi M. A phase II trial of selumetinib in children with recurrent optic pathway and hypothalamic low-grade glioma without NF1: a Pediatric Brain Tumor Consortium study. Neuro Oncol. 2021 Oct 1; 23: 1777-1788.
Leary SES, Packer RJ, Li Y, Billups CA, Smith KS, Jaju A, Heier L, Burger P, Walsh K, Han Y, Embry L, Hadley J, Kumar R, Michalski J, Hwang E, Gajjar A, Pollack IF, Fouladi M, Northcott PA, Olson JM. Efficacy of Carboplatin and Isotretinoin in Children With High-risk Medulloblastoma: A Randomized Clinical Trial From the Children's Oncology Group. JAMA Oncol. 2021 Sep 1; 7: 1313-1321.
Su JM, Kilburn LB, Mansur DB, Krailo M, Buxton A, Adekunle A, Gajjar A, Adamson PC, Weigel B, Fox E, Blaney SM, Fouladi M. Phase 1/2 Trial of Vorinostat and Radiation and Maintenance Vorinostat in Children with Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma: A Children's Oncology Group Report. Neuro Oncol. 2021 Aug 4;
Michalski JM, Janss AJ, Vezina LG, Smith KS, Billups CA, Burger PC, Embry LM, Cullen PL, Hardy KK, Pomeroy SL, Bass JK, Perkins SM, Merchant TE, Colte PD, Fitzgerald TJ, Booth TN, Cherlow JM, Muraszko KM, Hadley J, Kumar R, Han Y, Tarbell NJ, Fouladi M, Pollack IF, Packer RJ, Li Y, Gajjar A, Northcott PA. Children's Oncology Group Phase III Trial of Reduced-Dose and Reduced-Volume Radiotherapy With Chemotherapy for Newly Diagnosed Average-Risk Medulloblastoma. J Clin Oncol. 2021 Aug 20; 39: 2685-2697.
Levy AS, Krailo M, Chi S, Villaluna D, Springer L, Williams-Hughes C, Fouladi M, Gajjar A. Temozolomide with irinotecan versus temozolomide, irinotecan plus bevacizumab for recurrent medulloblastoma of childhood: Report of a COG randomized Phase II screening trial. Pediatr Blood Cancer. 2021 Aug; 68: e29031.
Liao Y, Luo Z, Deng Y, Zhang F, Rao R, Wang J, Xu L, Kumar SS, Sengupta S, DeWire-Schottmiller M, Berry K, Garrett M, Fouladi M, Drissi R, Lu QR. OLIG2 maintenance is not essential for diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma cell line growth but regulates tumor phenotypes. Neuro Oncol. 2021 Jul 1; 23: 1183-1196.
Lazow MA, Leach JL, Trout AT, Breneman JC, Fouladi M, Fuller C. Extraneural Metastases of Diffuse Midline Glioma, H3 K27M-Mutant at Diagnosis: Case Report, Review of the Literature, and Identifying Targetable Alterations. J Pediatr Hematol Oncol. 2021 May 11;
DeWire MD, Fuller C, Campagne O, Lin T, Pan H, Young Poussaint T, Baxter PA, Hwang EI, Bukowinski A, Dorris K, Hoffman L, Waanders AJ, Karajannis MA, Stewart CF, Onar-Thomas A, Fouladi M, Dunkel IJ. A Phase I and Surgical Study of Ribociclib and Everolimus in Children with Recurrent or Refractory Malignant Brain Tumors: A Pediatric Brain Tumor Consortium Study. Clin Cancer Res. 2021 May 1; 27: 2442-2451.
Lazow MA, Lawson SA, Salloum R, Hummel TR, Pillay Smiley N, DeWire-Schottmiller MD, Fouladi M, de Blank P. Trametinib-associated Hyponatremia in a Child With Low-grade Glioma is Not Seen Following Treatment With Alternative MEK Inhibitor. J Pediatr Hematol Oncol. 2021 May 1; 43: e550-e553.
Fisher MJ, Jones DTW, Li Y, Guo X, Sonawane PS, Waanders AJ, Phillips JJ, Weiss WA, Resnick AC, Gosline S, Banerjee J, Guinney J, Gnekow A, Kandels D, Foreman NK, Korshunov A, Ryzhova M, Massimi L, Gururangan S, Kieran MW, Wang Z, Fouladi M, Sato M, Øra I, Holm S, Markham SJ, Beck P, Jäger N, Wittmann A, Sommerkamp AC, Sahm F, Pfister SM, Gutmann DH. Integrated molecular and clinical analysis of low-grade gliomas in children with neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1). Acta Neuropathol. 2021 Apr; 141: 605-617.
Van Mater D, Gururangan S, Becher O, Campagne O, Leary S, Phillips JJ, Huang J, Lin T, Poussaint TY, Goldman S, Baxter P, Dhall G, Robinson G, DeWire-Schottmiller M, Hwang EI, Stewart CF, Onar-Thomas A, Dunkel IJ, Fouladi M. A phase I trial of the CDK 4/6 inhibitor palbociclib in pediatric patients with progressive brain tumors: A Pediatric Brain Tumor Consortium study (PBTC-042). Pediatr Blood Cancer. 2021 Apr; 68: e28879.
Kumar R, Smith KS, Deng M, Terhune C, Robinson GW, Orr BA, Liu APY, Lin T, Billups CA, Chintagumpala M, Bowers DC, Hassall TE, Hansford JR, Khuong-Quang DA, Crawford JR, Bendel AE, Gururangan S, Schroeder K, Bouffet E, Bartels U, Fisher MJ, Cohn R, Partap S, Kellie SJ, McCowage G, Paulino AC, Rutkowski S, Fleischhack G, Dhall G, Klesse LJ, Leary S, Nazarian J, Kool M, Wesseling P, Ryzhova M, Zheludkova O, Golanov AV, McLendon RE, Packer RJ, Dunham C, Hukin J, Fouladi M, Faria CC, Pimentel J, Walter AW, Jabado N, Cho YJ, Perreault S, Croul SE, Zapotocky M, Hawkins C, Tabori U, Taylor MD, Pfister SM, Klimo P Jr, Boop FA, Ellison DW, Merchant TE, Onar-Thomas A, Korshunov A, Jones DTW, Gajjar A, Ramaswamy V, Northcott PA. Clinical Outcomes and Patient-Matched Molecular Composition of Relapsed Medulloblastoma. J Clin Oncol. 2021 Mar 1; 39: 807-821.
DeWire M, Erker C, Hummel TR, Chow LML, de Blank P, Salloum R, Pillay-Smiley N, Hoffman L, Gilger E, Gallagher M, Driver L, Meister D, Ward H, Drissi R, Kumar SS, Sengupta S, Kikta B, Meriwether W, Jelinek S, Asher A, Jones B, Leach J, Miles L, Fuller C, Fouladi M. Overcoming barriers to establishing autopsy procurement programs in pediatric patients with central nervous system tumors: a call to develop regional centers. J Neurooncol. 2021 Mar; 152: 107-114.
Fangusaro J, Mitchell DA, Kocak M, Robinson GW, Baxter PA, Hwang EI, Huang J, Onar-Thomas A, Dunkel IJ, Fouladi M, Warren KE. Phase 1 study of pomalidomide in children with recurrent, refractory, and progressive central nervous system tumors: A Pediatric Brain Tumor Consortium trial. Pediatr Blood Cancer. 2021 Feb; 68: e28756.
Zhu X, Lazow MA, Schafer A, Bartlett A, Senthil Kumar S, Mishra DK, Dexheimer P, DeWire M, Fuller C, Leach JL, Fouladi M, Drissi R. A pilot radiogenomic study of DIPG reveals distinct subgroups with unique clinical trajectories and therapeutic targets. Acta Neuropathol Commun. 2021 Jan 11; 9: 14.
View More Publications
Lazow MA, Palmer JD, Fouladi M, Salloum R. Medulloblastoma in the Modern Era: Review of Contemporary Trials, Molecular Advances, and Updates in Management. Neurotherapeutics. 2022 Jul 20;
Morana G, Shaw D, MacDonald SM, Alapetite C, Ajithkumar T, Bhatia A, Brisse H, Jaimes C, Czech T, Dhall G, Fangusaro J, Faure-Conter C, Fouladi M, Hargrave D, Harreld JH, Mitra D, Nicholson JC, Souweidane M, Timmermann B, Calaminus G, Bartels U, Bison B, Murray MJ. Imaging response assessment for CNS germ cell tumours: consensus recommendations from the European Society for Paediatric Oncology Brain Tumour Group and North American Children's Oncology Group. Lancet Oncol. 2022 May; 23: e218-e228.
Bartlett A, Lane A, Chaney B, Escorza NY, Black K, Cochrane A, Minturn J, Bartels U, Warren K, Hansford J, Ziegler D, Diez B, Goldman S, Packer R, Kieran M, DeWire-Schottmiller M, Erker C, Monje-Deisseroth M, Wagner L, Koschmann C, Dorris K, Shih CS, Hassall T, Samson Y, Fisher P, Wang SS, Tsui K, Sevlever G, Zhu X, Dexheimer P, Asher A, Fuller C, Drissi R, Jones B, Leach J, Fouladi M. Characteristics of Children =36 Months of Age with Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma (DIPG): A Report from the International DIPG Registry. Neuro Oncol. 2022 May 12;
Fangusaro JR, Onar-Thomas A, Poussaint TY, Wu S, Ligon AH, Lindeman NI, Banerjee A, Packer R, Kilburn LB, Pollack IF, Qaddoumi IA, Fisher PG, Dhall G, Baxter PA, Kreissman SG, Doyle LA, Smith MA, Fouladi M, Dunkel IJ. Corrigendum to: LTBK-01. Updates On The Phase Ii And Re-treatment Study Of AZD6244 (Selumetinib) For Children With Recurrent Or Refractory Pediatric Low Grade Glioma: A Pediatric Brain Tumor Consortium (PBTC) Study. Neuro Oncol. 2022 Mar 21;
Lazow MA, Nievelstein MT, Lane A, Bandopadhayhay P, DeWire-Schottmiller M, Fouladi M, Glod JW, Greiner RJ, Hoffman LM, Hummel TR, Kilburn L, Leary S, Minturn JE, Packer R, Ziegler DS, Chaney B, Black K, de Blank P, Leach JL. Volumetric endpoints in diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma: comparison to cross-sectional measures and outcome correlations in the International DIPG/DMG Registry. Neuro Oncol. 2022 Feb 11;
Murphy ES, Dhall G, Fangusaro J, Bartels U, Fouladi M, Shaw D, Khatua S, Hughes CW, Panigraphy A, Ioakeim-Ioannidou M, Souweidane M, Morris D, Gajjar A, Wu S, Onar-Thomas A, Haas-Kogan DA, MacDonald SM. A Phase 2 Trial of Response-Based Radiation Therapy for Localized Central Nervous System Germ Cell Tumors: Patterns of Failure and Radiation Dosimetry for Nongerminomatous Germ Cell Tumors. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2022 Jan 3;
Erker C, Lane A, Chaney B, Leary S, Minturn JE, Bartels U, Packer RJ, Dorris K, Gottardo NG, Warren KE, Broniscer A, Kieran MW, Zhu X, White P, Dexheimer PJ, Black K, Asher A, DeWire M, Hansford JR, Gururangan S, Nazarian J, Ziegler DS, Sandler E, Bartlett A, Goldman S, Shih CS, Hassall T, Dholaria H, Bandopadhayay P, Samson Y, Monje M, Fisher PG, Dodgshun A, Parkin S, Chintagumpala M, Tsui K, Gass D, Larouche V, Broxson E, Garcia Lombardi M, Wang SS, Ma J, Hawkins C, Hamideh D, Wagner L, Koschmann C, Fuller C, Drissi R, Jones BV, Leach J, Fouladi M. Characteristics of patients =10 years of age with diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma: a report from the International DIPG/DMG Registry. Neuro Oncol. 2022 Jan 5; 24: 141-152.
DeWire M, Lazow M, Campagne O, Leach J, Fuller C, Senthil Kumar S, Stanek J, de Blank P, Hummel TR, Pillay-Smiley N, Salloum R, Stevenson CB, Baxter P, Gass D, Goldman S, Leary SES, Carle A, Mikael L, Crabtree D, Chaney B, Lane A, Drissi R, Stewart CF, Fouladi M. Phase I study of ribociclib and everolimus in children with newly diagnosed DIPG and high-grade glioma: A CONNECT pediatric neuro-oncology consortium report. Neurooncol Adv. 2022 Jan-Dec; 4: vdac055.
Hansford JR, Huang J, Endersby R, Dodgshun AJ, Li BK, Hwang E, Leary S, Gajjar A, Von Hoff K, Wells O, Wray A, Kotecha RS, Raleigh DR, Stoller S, Mueller S, Schild SE, Bandopadhayay P, Fouladi M, Bouffet E, Huang A, Onar-Thomas A, Gottardo NG. Pediatric pineoblastoma: A pooled outcome study of North American and Australian therapeutic data. Neurooncol Adv. 2022 Jan-Dec; 4: vdac056.
Upadhyay R, Yadav D, Venkatesulu BP, Singh R, Baliga S, Raval RR, Lazow MA, Salloum R, Fouladi M, Mardis ER, Zaorsky NG, Trifiletti DM, Paulino AC, Palmer JD. Risk of secondary malignant neoplasms in children following proton therapy vs. photon therapy for primary CNS tumors: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Front Oncol. 2022; 12: 893855.
Leary SES, Lindsay K, Geyer JR, Mehmet K, Huang J, Smith KS, Hadley J, Ermoian R, MacDonald TJ, Goldman S, Phillips P, Young Poussaint T, Olson JM, Ellison DW, Dunkel IJ, Fouladi M, Onar-Thomas A, Northcott PA. Vorinostat and isotretinoin with chemotherapy in young children with embryonal brain tumors: A report from the Pediatric Brain Tumor Consortium (PBTC-026). Neuro Oncol. 2021 Dec 22;
Bartels U, Onar-Thomas A, Patel SK, Shaw D, Fangusaro J, Dhall G, Souweidane M, Bhatia A, Embry L, Trask CL, Murphy ES, MacDonald S, Wu S, Boyett JM, Leary S, Fouladi M, Gajjar A, Khatua S. Phase II Trial of Response-Based Radiation Therapy for Patients with Localized Germinoma: A Children's Oncology Group Study. Neuro Oncol. 2021 Nov 29;
Lazow MA, Fuller C, DeWire M, Lane A, Bandopadhayay P, Bartels U, Bouffet E, Cheng S, Cohen KJ, Cooney TM, Coven SL, Dholaria H, Diez B, Dorris K, El-Ayadi M, El-Sheikh A, Fisher PG, Fonseca A, Lombardi MG, Greiner RJ, Goldman S, Gottardo N, Gururangan S, Hansford JR, Hassall T, Hawkins C, Kilburn L, Koschmann C, Leary SE, Ma J, Minturn JE, Monje-Deisseroth M, Packer R, Samson Y, Sandler ES, Sevlever G, Tinkle CL, Tsui K, Wagner LM, Zaghloul M, Ziegler DS, Chaney B, Black K, Asher A, Drissi R, Fouladi M, Jones BV, Leach JL. Accuracy of Central Neuro-Imaging Review of DIPG Compared with Histopathology in the International DIPG Registry. Neuro Oncol. 2021 Oct 20;
Fangusaro J, Onar-Thomas A, Poussaint TY, Wu S, Ligon AH, Lindeman N, Campagne O, Banerjee A, Gururangan S, Kilburn LB, Goldman S, Qaddoumi I, Baxter P, Vezina G, Bregman C, Patay Z, Jones JY, Stewart CF, Fisher MJ, Doyle LA, Smith M, Dunkel IJ, Fouladi M. A phase II trial of selumetinib in children with recurrent optic pathway and hypothalamic low-grade glioma without NF1: a Pediatric Brain Tumor Consortium study. Neuro Oncol. 2021 Oct 1; 23: 1777-1788.
Leary SES, Packer RJ, Li Y, Billups CA, Smith KS, Jaju A, Heier L, Burger P, Walsh K, Han Y, Embry L, Hadley J, Kumar R, Michalski J, Hwang E, Gajjar A, Pollack IF, Fouladi M, Northcott PA, Olson JM. Efficacy of Carboplatin and Isotretinoin in Children With High-risk Medulloblastoma: A Randomized Clinical Trial From the Children's Oncology Group. JAMA Oncol. 2021 Sep 1; 7: 1313-1321.
Su JM, Kilburn LB, Mansur DB, Krailo M, Buxton A, Adekunle A, Gajjar A, Adamson PC, Weigel B, Fox E, Blaney SM, Fouladi M. Phase 1/2 Trial of Vorinostat and Radiation and Maintenance Vorinostat in Children with Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma: A Children's Oncology Group Report. Neuro Oncol. 2021 Aug 4;
Michalski JM, Janss AJ, Vezina LG, Smith KS, Billups CA, Burger PC, Embry LM, Cullen PL, Hardy KK, Pomeroy SL, Bass JK, Perkins SM, Merchant TE, Colte PD, Fitzgerald TJ, Booth TN, Cherlow JM, Muraszko KM, Hadley J, Kumar R, Han Y, Tarbell NJ, Fouladi M, Pollack IF, Packer RJ, Li Y, Gajjar A, Northcott PA. Children's Oncology Group Phase III Trial of Reduced-Dose and Reduced-Volume Radiotherapy With Chemotherapy for Newly Diagnosed Average-Risk Medulloblastoma. J Clin Oncol. 2021 Aug 20; 39: 2685-2697.
Levy AS, Krailo M, Chi S, Villaluna D, Springer L, Williams-Hughes C, Fouladi M, Gajjar A. Temozolomide with irinotecan versus temozolomide, irinotecan plus bevacizumab for recurrent medulloblastoma of childhood: Report of a COG randomized Phase II screening trial. Pediatr Blood Cancer. 2021 Aug; 68: e29031.
Liao Y, Luo Z, Deng Y, Zhang F, Rao R, Wang J, Xu L, Kumar SS, Sengupta S, DeWire-Schottmiller M, Berry K, Garrett M, Fouladi M, Drissi R, Lu QR. OLIG2 maintenance is not essential for diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma cell line growth but regulates tumor phenotypes. Neuro Oncol. 2021 Jul 1; 23: 1183-1196.
Lazow MA, Leach JL, Trout AT, Breneman JC, Fouladi M, Fuller C. Extraneural Metastases of Diffuse Midline Glioma, H3 K27M-Mutant at Diagnosis: Case Report, Review of the Literature, and Identifying Targetable Alterations. J Pediatr Hematol Oncol. 2021 May 11;
DeWire MD, Fuller C, Campagne O, Lin T, Pan H, Young Poussaint T, Baxter PA, Hwang EI, Bukowinski A, Dorris K, Hoffman L, Waanders AJ, Karajannis MA, Stewart CF, Onar-Thomas A, Fouladi M, Dunkel IJ. A Phase I and Surgical Study of Ribociclib and Everolimus in Children with Recurrent or Refractory Malignant Brain Tumors: A Pediatric Brain Tumor Consortium Study. Clin Cancer Res. 2021 May 1; 27: 2442-2451.
Lazow MA, Lawson SA, Salloum R, Hummel TR, Pillay Smiley N, DeWire-Schottmiller MD, Fouladi M, de Blank P. Trametinib-associated Hyponatremia in a Child With Low-grade Glioma is Not Seen Following Treatment With Alternative MEK Inhibitor. J Pediatr Hematol Oncol. 2021 May 1; 43: e550-e553.
Fisher MJ, Jones DTW, Li Y, Guo X, Sonawane PS, Waanders AJ, Phillips JJ, Weiss WA, Resnick AC, Gosline S, Banerjee J, Guinney J, Gnekow A, Kandels D, Foreman NK, Korshunov A, Ryzhova M, Massimi L, Gururangan S, Kieran MW, Wang Z, Fouladi M, Sato M, Øra I, Holm S, Markham SJ, Beck P, Jäger N, Wittmann A, Sommerkamp AC, Sahm F, Pfister SM, Gutmann DH. Integrated molecular and clinical analysis of low-grade gliomas in children with neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1). Acta Neuropathol. 2021 Apr; 141: 605-617.
Van Mater D, Gururangan S, Becher O, Campagne O, Leary S, Phillips JJ, Huang J, Lin T, Poussaint TY, Goldman S, Baxter P, Dhall G, Robinson G, DeWire-Schottmiller M, Hwang EI, Stewart CF, Onar-Thomas A, Dunkel IJ, Fouladi M. A phase I trial of the CDK 4/6 inhibitor palbociclib in pediatric patients with progressive brain tumors: A Pediatric Brain Tumor Consortium study (PBTC-042). Pediatr Blood Cancer. 2021 Apr; 68: e28879.
Kumar R, Smith KS, Deng M, Terhune C, Robinson GW, Orr BA, Liu APY, Lin T, Billups CA, Chintagumpala M, Bowers DC, Hassall TE, Hansford JR, Khuong-Quang DA, Crawford JR, Bendel AE, Gururangan S, Schroeder K, Bouffet E, Bartels U, Fisher MJ, Cohn R, Partap S, Kellie SJ, McCowage G, Paulino AC, Rutkowski S, Fleischhack G, Dhall G, Klesse LJ, Leary S, Nazarian J, Kool M, Wesseling P, Ryzhova M, Zheludkova O, Golanov AV, McLendon RE, Packer RJ, Dunham C, Hukin J, Fouladi M, Faria CC, Pimentel J, Walter AW, Jabado N, Cho YJ, Perreault S, Croul SE, Zapotocky M, Hawkins C, Tabori U, Taylor MD, Pfister SM, Klimo P Jr, Boop FA, Ellison DW, Merchant TE, Onar-Thomas A, Korshunov A, Jones DTW, Gajjar A, Ramaswamy V, Northcott PA. Clinical Outcomes and Patient-Matched Molecular Composition of Relapsed Medulloblastoma. J Clin Oncol. 2021 Mar 1; 39: 807-821.
DeWire M, Erker C, Hummel TR, Chow LML, de Blank P, Salloum R, Pillay-Smiley N, Hoffman L, Gilger E, Gallagher M, Driver L, Meister D, Ward H, Drissi R, Kumar SS, Sengupta S, Kikta B, Meriwether W, Jelinek S, Asher A, Jones B, Leach J, Miles L, Fuller C, Fouladi M. Overcoming barriers to establishing autopsy procurement programs in pediatric patients with central nervous system tumors: a call to develop regional centers. J Neurooncol. 2021 Mar; 152: 107-114.
Fangusaro J, Mitchell DA, Kocak M, Robinson GW, Baxter PA, Hwang EI, Huang J, Onar-Thomas A, Dunkel IJ, Fouladi M, Warren KE. Phase 1 study of pomalidomide in children with recurrent, refractory, and progressive central nervous system tumors: A Pediatric Brain Tumor Consortium trial. Pediatr Blood Cancer. 2021 Feb; 68: e28756.
Zhu X, Lazow MA, Schafer A, Bartlett A, Senthil Kumar S, Mishra DK, Dexheimer P, DeWire M, Fuller C, Leach JL, Fouladi M, Drissi R. A pilot radiogenomic study of DIPG reveals distinct subgroups with unique clinical trajectories and therapeutic targets. Acta Neuropathol Commun. 2021 Jan 11; 9: 14.
View More Publications
Lazow MA, Palmer JD, Fouladi M, Salloum R. Medulloblastoma in the Modern Era: Review of Contemporary Trials, Molecular Advances, and Updates in Management. Neurotherapeutics. 2022 Jul 20;
Morana G, Shaw D, MacDonald SM, Alapetite C, Ajithkumar T, Bhatia A, Brisse H, Jaimes C, Czech T, Dhall G, Fangusaro J, Faure-Conter C, Fouladi M, Hargrave D, Harreld JH, Mitra D, Nicholson JC, Souweidane M, Timmermann B, Calaminus G, Bartels U, Bison B, Murray MJ. Imaging response assessment for CNS germ cell tumours: consensus recommendations from the European Society for Paediatric Oncology Brain Tumour Group and North American Children's Oncology Group. Lancet Oncol. 2022 May; 23: e218-e228.
Bartlett A, Lane A, Chaney B, Escorza NY, Black K, Cochrane A, Minturn J, Bartels U, Warren K, Hansford J, Ziegler D, Diez B, Goldman S, Packer R, Kieran M, DeWire-Schottmiller M, Erker C, Monje-Deisseroth M, Wagner L, Koschmann C, Dorris K, Shih CS, Hassall T, Samson Y, Fisher P, Wang SS, Tsui K, Sevlever G, Zhu X, Dexheimer P, Asher A, Fuller C, Drissi R, Jones B, Leach J, Fouladi M. Characteristics of Children =36 Months of Age with Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma (DIPG): A Report from the International DIPG Registry. Neuro Oncol. 2022 May 12;
Fangusaro JR, Onar-Thomas A, Poussaint TY, Wu S, Ligon AH, Lindeman NI, Banerjee A, Packer R, Kilburn LB, Pollack IF, Qaddoumi IA, Fisher PG, Dhall G, Baxter PA, Kreissman SG, Doyle LA, Smith MA, Fouladi M, Dunkel IJ. Corrigendum to: LTBK-01. Updates On The Phase Ii And Re-treatment Study Of AZD6244 (Selumetinib) For Children With Recurrent Or Refractory Pediatric Low Grade Glioma: A Pediatric Brain Tumor Consortium (PBTC) Study. Neuro Oncol. 2022 Mar 21;
Lazow MA, Nievelstein MT, Lane A, Bandopadhayhay P, DeWire-Schottmiller M, Fouladi M, Glod JW, Greiner RJ, Hoffman LM, Hummel TR, Kilburn L, Leary S, Minturn JE, Packer R, Ziegler DS, Chaney B, Black K, de Blank P, Leach JL. Volumetric endpoints in diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma: comparison to cross-sectional measures and outcome correlations in the International DIPG/DMG Registry. Neuro Oncol. 2022 Feb 11;
Murphy ES, Dhall G, Fangusaro J, Bartels U, Fouladi M, Shaw D, Khatua S, Hughes CW, Panigraphy A, Ioakeim-Ioannidou M, Souweidane M, Morris D, Gajjar A, Wu S, Onar-Thomas A, Haas-Kogan DA, MacDonald SM. A Phase 2 Trial of Response-Based Radiation Therapy for Localized Central Nervous System Germ Cell Tumors: Patterns of Failure and Radiation Dosimetry for Nongerminomatous Germ Cell Tumors. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2022 Jan 3;
Erker C, Lane A, Chaney B, Leary S, Minturn JE, Bartels U, Packer RJ, Dorris K, Gottardo NG, Warren KE, Broniscer A, Kieran MW, Zhu X, White P, Dexheimer PJ, Black K, Asher A, DeWire M, Hansford JR, Gururangan S, Nazarian J, Ziegler DS, Sandler E, Bartlett A, Goldman S, Shih CS, Hassall T, Dholaria H, Bandopadhayay P, Samson Y, Monje M, Fisher PG, Dodgshun A, Parkin S, Chintagumpala M, Tsui K, Gass D, Larouche V, Broxson E, Garcia Lombardi M, Wang SS, Ma J, Hawkins C, Hamideh D, Wagner L, Koschmann C, Fuller C, Drissi R, Jones BV, Leach J, Fouladi M. Characteristics of patients =10 years of age with diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma: a report from the International DIPG/DMG Registry. Neuro Oncol. 2022 Jan 5; 24: 141-152.
DeWire M, Lazow M, Campagne O, Leach J, Fuller C, Senthil Kumar S, Stanek J, de Blank P, Hummel TR, Pillay-Smiley N, Salloum R, Stevenson CB, Baxter P, Gass D, Goldman S, Leary SES, Carle A, Mikael L, Crabtree D, Chaney B, Lane A, Drissi R, Stewart CF, Fouladi M. Phase I study of ribociclib and everolimus in children with newly diagnosed DIPG and high-grade glioma: A CONNECT pediatric neuro-oncology consortium report. Neurooncol Adv. 2022 Jan-Dec; 4: vdac055.
Hansford JR, Huang J, Endersby R, Dodgshun AJ, Li BK, Hwang E, Leary S, Gajjar A, Von Hoff K, Wells O, Wray A, Kotecha RS, Raleigh DR, Stoller S, Mueller S, Schild SE, Bandopadhayay P, Fouladi M, Bouffet E, Huang A, Onar-Thomas A, Gottardo NG. Pediatric pineoblastoma: A pooled outcome study of North American and Australian therapeutic data. Neurooncol Adv. 2022 Jan-Dec; 4: vdac056.
Upadhyay R, Yadav D, Venkatesulu BP, Singh R, Baliga S, Raval RR, Lazow MA, Salloum R, Fouladi M, Mardis ER, Zaorsky NG, Trifiletti DM, Paulino AC, Palmer JD. Risk of secondary malignant neoplasms in children following proton therapy vs. photon therapy for primary CNS tumors: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Front Oncol. 2022; 12: 893855.
Leary SES, Lindsay K, Geyer JR, Mehmet K, Huang J, Smith KS, Hadley J, Ermoian R, MacDonald TJ, Goldman S, Phillips P, Young Poussaint T, Olson JM, Ellison DW, Dunkel IJ, Fouladi M, Onar-Thomas A, Northcott PA. Vorinostat and isotretinoin with chemotherapy in young children with embryonal brain tumors: A report from the Pediatric Brain Tumor Consortium (PBTC-026). Neuro Oncol. 2021 Dec 22;
Bartels U, Onar-Thomas A, Patel SK, Shaw D, Fangusaro J, Dhall G, Souweidane M, Bhatia A, Embry L, Trask CL, Murphy ES, MacDonald S, Wu S, Boyett JM, Leary S, Fouladi M, Gajjar A, Khatua S. Phase II Trial of Response-Based Radiation Therapy for Patients with Localized Germinoma: A Children's Oncology Group Study. Neuro Oncol. 2021 Nov 29;
Lazow MA, Fuller C, DeWire M, Lane A, Bandopadhayay P, Bartels U, Bouffet E, Cheng S, Cohen KJ, Cooney TM, Coven SL, Dholaria H, Diez B, Dorris K, El-Ayadi M, El-Sheikh A, Fisher PG, Fonseca A, Lombardi MG, Greiner RJ, Goldman S, Gottardo N, Gururangan S, Hansford JR, Hassall T, Hawkins C, Kilburn L, Koschmann C, Leary SE, Ma J, Minturn JE, Monje-Deisseroth M, Packer R, Samson Y, Sandler ES, Sevlever G, Tinkle CL, Tsui K, Wagner LM, Zaghloul M, Ziegler DS, Chaney B, Black K, Asher A, Drissi R, Fouladi M, Jones BV, Leach JL. Accuracy of Central Neuro-Imaging Review of DIPG Compared with Histopathology in the International DIPG Registry. Neuro Oncol. 2021 Oct 20;
Fangusaro J, Onar-Thomas A, Poussaint TY, Wu S, Ligon AH, Lindeman N, Campagne O, Banerjee A, Gururangan S, Kilburn LB, Goldman S, Qaddoumi I, Baxter P, Vezina G, Bregman C, Patay Z, Jones JY, Stewart CF, Fisher MJ, Doyle LA, Smith M, Dunkel IJ, Fouladi M. A phase II trial of selumetinib in children with recurrent optic pathway and hypothalamic low-grade glioma without NF1: a Pediatric Brain Tumor Consortium study. Neuro Oncol. 2021 Oct 1; 23: 1777-1788.
Leary SES, Packer RJ, Li Y, Billups CA, Smith KS, Jaju A, Heier L, Burger P, Walsh K, Han Y, Embry L, Hadley J, Kumar R, Michalski J, Hwang E, Gajjar A, Pollack IF, Fouladi M, Northcott PA, Olson JM. Efficacy of Carboplatin and Isotretinoin in Children With High-risk Medulloblastoma: A Randomized Clinical Trial From the Children's Oncology Group. JAMA Oncol. 2021 Sep 1; 7: 1313-1321.
Su JM, Kilburn LB, Mansur DB, Krailo M, Buxton A, Adekunle A, Gajjar A, Adamson PC, Weigel B, Fox E, Blaney SM, Fouladi M. Phase 1/2 Trial of Vorinostat and Radiation and Maintenance Vorinostat in Children with Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma: A Children's Oncology Group Report. Neuro Oncol. 2021 Aug 4;
Michalski JM, Janss AJ, Vezina LG, Smith KS, Billups CA, Burger PC, Embry LM, Cullen PL, Hardy KK, Pomeroy SL, Bass JK, Perkins SM, Merchant TE, Colte PD, Fitzgerald TJ, Booth TN, Cherlow JM, Muraszko KM, Hadley J, Kumar R, Han Y, Tarbell NJ, Fouladi M, Pollack IF, Packer RJ, Li Y, Gajjar A, Northcott PA. Children's Oncology Group Phase III Trial of Reduced-Dose and Reduced-Volume Radiotherapy With Chemotherapy for Newly Diagnosed Average-Risk Medulloblastoma. J Clin Oncol. 2021 Aug 20; 39: 2685-2697.
Levy AS, Krailo M, Chi S, Villaluna D, Springer L, Williams-Hughes C, Fouladi M, Gajjar A. Temozolomide with irinotecan versus temozolomide, irinotecan plus bevacizumab for recurrent medulloblastoma of childhood: Report of a COG randomized Phase II screening trial. Pediatr Blood Cancer. 2021 Aug; 68: e29031.
Liao Y, Luo Z, Deng Y, Zhang F, Rao R, Wang J, Xu L, Kumar SS, Sengupta S, DeWire-Schottmiller M, Berry K, Garrett M, Fouladi M, Drissi R, Lu QR. OLIG2 maintenance is not essential for diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma cell line growth but regulates tumor phenotypes. Neuro Oncol. 2021 Jul 1; 23: 1183-1196.
Lazow MA, Leach JL, Trout AT, Breneman JC, Fouladi M, Fuller C. Extraneural Metastases of Diffuse Midline Glioma, H3 K27M-Mutant at Diagnosis: Case Report, Review of the Literature, and Identifying Targetable Alterations. J Pediatr Hematol Oncol. 2021 May 11;
DeWire MD, Fuller C, Campagne O, Lin T, Pan H, Young Poussaint T, Baxter PA, Hwang EI, Bukowinski A, Dorris K, Hoffman L, Waanders AJ, Karajannis MA, Stewart CF, Onar-Thomas A, Fouladi M, Dunkel IJ. A Phase I and Surgical Study of Ribociclib and Everolimus in Children with Recurrent or Refractory Malignant Brain Tumors: A Pediatric Brain Tumor Consortium Study. Clin Cancer Res. 2021 May 1; 27: 2442-2451.
Lazow MA, Lawson SA, Salloum R, Hummel TR, Pillay Smiley N, DeWire-Schottmiller MD, Fouladi M, de Blank P. Trametinib-associated Hyponatremia in a Child With Low-grade Glioma is Not Seen Following Treatment With Alternative MEK Inhibitor. J Pediatr Hematol Oncol. 2021 May 1; 43: e550-e553.
Fisher MJ, Jones DTW, Li Y, Guo X, Sonawane PS, Waanders AJ, Phillips JJ, Weiss WA, Resnick AC, Gosline S, Banerjee J, Guinney J, Gnekow A, Kandels D, Foreman NK, Korshunov A, Ryzhova M, Massimi L, Gururangan S, Kieran MW, Wang Z, Fouladi M, Sato M, Øra I, Holm S, Markham SJ, Beck P, Jäger N, Wittmann A, Sommerkamp AC, Sahm F, Pfister SM, Gutmann DH. Integrated molecular and clinical analysis of low-grade gliomas in children with neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1). Acta Neuropathol. 2021 Apr; 141: 605-617.
Van Mater D, Gururangan S, Becher O, Campagne O, Leary S, Phillips JJ, Huang J, Lin T, Poussaint TY, Goldman S, Baxter P, Dhall G, Robinson G, DeWire-Schottmiller M, Hwang EI, Stewart CF, Onar-Thomas A, Dunkel IJ, Fouladi M. A phase I trial of the CDK 4/6 inhibitor palbociclib in pediatric patients with progressive brain tumors: A Pediatric Brain Tumor Consortium study (PBTC-042). Pediatr Blood Cancer. 2021 Apr; 68: e28879.
Kumar R, Smith KS, Deng M, Terhune C, Robinson GW, Orr BA, Liu APY, Lin T, Billups CA, Chintagumpala M, Bowers DC, Hassall TE, Hansford JR, Khuong-Quang DA, Crawford JR, Bendel AE, Gururangan S, Schroeder K, Bouffet E, Bartels U, Fisher MJ, Cohn R, Partap S, Kellie SJ, McCowage G, Paulino AC, Rutkowski S, Fleischhack G, Dhall G, Klesse LJ, Leary S, Nazarian J, Kool M, Wesseling P, Ryzhova M, Zheludkova O, Golanov AV, McLendon RE, Packer RJ, Dunham C, Hukin J, Fouladi M, Faria CC, Pimentel J, Walter AW, Jabado N, Cho YJ, Perreault S, Croul SE, Zapotocky M, Hawkins C, Tabori U, Taylor MD, Pfister SM, Klimo P Jr, Boop FA, Ellison DW, Merchant TE, Onar-Thomas A, Korshunov A, Jones DTW, Gajjar A, Ramaswamy V, Northcott PA. Clinical Outcomes and Patient-Matched Molecular Composition of Relapsed Medulloblastoma. J Clin Oncol. 2021 Mar 1; 39: 807-821.
DeWire M, Erker C, Hummel TR, Chow LML, de Blank P, Salloum R, Pillay-Smiley N, Hoffman L, Gilger E, Gallagher M, Driver L, Meister D, Ward H, Drissi R, Kumar SS, Sengupta S, Kikta B, Meriwether W, Jelinek S, Asher A, Jones B, Leach J, Miles L, Fuller C, Fouladi M. Overcoming barriers to establishing autopsy procurement programs in pediatric patients with central nervous system tumors: a call to develop regional centers. J Neurooncol. 2021 Mar; 152: 107-114.
Fangusaro J, Mitchell DA, Kocak M, Robinson GW, Baxter PA, Hwang EI, Huang J, Onar-Thomas A, Dunkel IJ, Fouladi M, Warren KE. Phase 1 study of pomalidomide in children with recurrent, refractory, and progressive central nervous system tumors: A Pediatric Brain Tumor Consortium trial. Pediatr Blood Cancer. 2021 Feb; 68: e28756.
Zhu X, Lazow MA, Schafer A, Bartlett A, Senthil Kumar S, Mishra DK, Dexheimer P, DeWire M, Fuller C, Leach JL, Fouladi M, Drissi R. A pilot radiogenomic study of DIPG reveals distinct subgroups with unique clinical trajectories and therapeutic targets. Acta Neuropathol Commun. 2021 Jan 11; 9: 14.
View More Publications
Lazow MA, Palmer JD, Fouladi M, Salloum R. Medulloblastoma in the Modern Era: Review of Contemporary Trials, Molecular Advances, and Updates in Management. Neurotherapeutics. 2022 Jul 20;
Morana G, Shaw D, MacDonald SM, Alapetite C, Ajithkumar T, Bhatia A, Brisse H, Jaimes C, Czech T, Dhall G, Fangusaro J, Faure-Conter C, Fouladi M, Hargrave D, Harreld JH, Mitra D, Nicholson JC, Souweidane M, Timmermann B, Calaminus G, Bartels U, Bison B, Murray MJ. Imaging response assessment for CNS germ cell tumours: consensus recommendations from the European Society for Paediatric Oncology Brain Tumour Group and North American Children's Oncology Group. Lancet Oncol. 2022 May; 23: e218-e228.
Bartlett A, Lane A, Chaney B, Escorza NY, Black K, Cochrane A, Minturn J, Bartels U, Warren K, Hansford J, Ziegler D, Diez B, Goldman S, Packer R, Kieran M, DeWire-Schottmiller M, Erker C, Monje-Deisseroth M, Wagner L, Koschmann C, Dorris K, Shih CS, Hassall T, Samson Y, Fisher P, Wang SS, Tsui K, Sevlever G, Zhu X, Dexheimer P, Asher A, Fuller C, Drissi R, Jones B, Leach J, Fouladi M. Characteristics of Children =36 Months of Age with Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma (DIPG): A Report from the International DIPG Registry. Neuro Oncol. 2022 May 12;
Fangusaro JR, Onar-Thomas A, Poussaint TY, Wu S, Ligon AH, Lindeman NI, Banerjee A, Packer R, Kilburn LB, Pollack IF, Qaddoumi IA, Fisher PG, Dhall G, Baxter PA, Kreissman SG, Doyle LA, Smith MA, Fouladi M, Dunkel IJ. Corrigendum to: LTBK-01. Updates On The Phase Ii And Re-treatment Study Of AZD6244 (Selumetinib) For Children With Recurrent Or Refractory Pediatric Low Grade Glioma: A Pediatric Brain Tumor Consortium (PBTC) Study. Neuro Oncol. 2022 Mar 21;
Lazow MA, Nievelstein MT, Lane A, Bandopadhayhay P, DeWire-Schottmiller M, Fouladi M, Glod JW, Greiner RJ, Hoffman LM, Hummel TR, Kilburn L, Leary S, Minturn JE, Packer R, Ziegler DS, Chaney B, Black K, de Blank P, Leach JL. Volumetric endpoints in diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma: comparison to cross-sectional measures and outcome correlations in the International DIPG/DMG Registry. Neuro Oncol. 2022 Feb 11;
Murphy ES, Dhall G, Fangusaro J, Bartels U, Fouladi M, Shaw D, Khatua S, Hughes CW, Panigraphy A, Ioakeim-Ioannidou M, Souweidane M, Morris D, Gajjar A, Wu S, Onar-Thomas A, Haas-Kogan DA, MacDonald SM. A Phase 2 Trial of Response-Based Radiation Therapy for Localized Central Nervous System Germ Cell Tumors: Patterns of Failure and Radiation Dosimetry for Nongerminomatous Germ Cell Tumors. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2022 Jan 3;
Erker C, Lane A, Chaney B, Leary S, Minturn JE, Bartels U, Packer RJ, Dorris K, Gottardo NG, Warren KE, Broniscer A, Kieran MW, Zhu X, White P, Dexheimer PJ, Black K, Asher A, DeWire M, Hansford JR, Gururangan S, Nazarian J, Ziegler DS, Sandler E, Bartlett A, Goldman S, Shih CS, Hassall T, Dholaria H, Bandopadhayay P, Samson Y, Monje M, Fisher PG, Dodgshun A, Parkin S, Chintagumpala M, Tsui K, Gass D, Larouche V, Broxson E, Garcia Lombardi M, Wang SS, Ma J, Hawkins C, Hamideh D, Wagner L, Koschmann C, Fuller C, Drissi R, Jones BV, Leach J, Fouladi M. Characteristics of patients =10 years of age with diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma: a report from the International DIPG/DMG Registry. Neuro Oncol. 2022 Jan 5; 24: 141-152.
DeWire M, Lazow M, Campagne O, Leach J, Fuller C, Senthil Kumar S, Stanek J, de Blank P, Hummel TR, Pillay-Smiley N, Salloum R, Stevenson CB, Baxter P, Gass D, Goldman S, Leary SES, Carle A, Mikael L, Crabtree D, Chaney B, Lane A, Drissi R, Stewart CF, Fouladi M. Phase I study of ribociclib and everolimus in children with newly diagnosed DIPG and high-grade glioma: A CONNECT pediatric neuro-oncology consortium report. Neurooncol Adv. 2022 Jan-Dec; 4: vdac055.
Hansford JR, Huang J, Endersby R, Dodgshun AJ, Li BK, Hwang E, Leary S, Gajjar A, Von Hoff K, Wells O, Wray A, Kotecha RS, Raleigh DR, Stoller S, Mueller S, Schild SE, Bandopadhayay P, Fouladi M, Bouffet E, Huang A, Onar-Thomas A, Gottardo NG. Pediatric pineoblastoma: A pooled outcome study of North American and Australian therapeutic data. Neurooncol Adv. 2022 Jan-Dec; 4: vdac056.
Upadhyay R, Yadav D, Venkatesulu BP, Singh R, Baliga S, Raval RR, Lazow MA, Salloum R, Fouladi M, Mardis ER, Zaorsky NG, Trifiletti DM, Paulino AC, Palmer JD. Risk of secondary malignant neoplasms in children following proton therapy vs. photon therapy for primary CNS tumors: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Front Oncol. 2022; 12: 893855.
Leary SES, Lindsay K, Geyer JR, Mehmet K, Huang J, Smith KS, Hadley J, Ermoian R, MacDonald TJ, Goldman S, Phillips P, Young Poussaint T, Olson JM, Ellison DW, Dunkel IJ, Fouladi M, Onar-Thomas A, Northcott PA. Vorinostat and isotretinoin with chemotherapy in young children with embryonal brain tumors: A report from the Pediatric Brain Tumor Consortium (PBTC-026). Neuro Oncol. 2021 Dec 22;
Bartels U, Onar-Thomas A, Patel SK, Shaw D, Fangusaro J, Dhall G, Souweidane M, Bhatia A, Embry L, Trask CL, Murphy ES, MacDonald S, Wu S, Boyett JM, Leary S, Fouladi M, Gajjar A, Khatua S. Phase II Trial of Response-Based Radiation Therapy for Patients with Localized Germinoma: A Children's Oncology Group Study. Neuro Oncol. 2021 Nov 29;
Lazow MA, Fuller C, DeWire M, Lane A, Bandopadhayay P, Bartels U, Bouffet E, Cheng S, Cohen KJ, Cooney TM, Coven SL, Dholaria H, Diez B, Dorris K, El-Ayadi M, El-Sheikh A, Fisher PG, Fonseca A, Lombardi MG, Greiner RJ, Goldman S, Gottardo N, Gururangan S, Hansford JR, Hassall T, Hawkins C, Kilburn L, Koschmann C, Leary SE, Ma J, Minturn JE, Monje-Deisseroth M, Packer R, Samson Y, Sandler ES, Sevlever G, Tinkle CL, Tsui K, Wagner LM, Zaghloul M, Ziegler DS, Chaney B, Black K, Asher A, Drissi R, Fouladi M, Jones BV, Leach JL. Accuracy of Central Neuro-Imaging Review of DIPG Compared with Histopathology in the International DIPG Registry. Neuro Oncol. 2021 Oct 20;
Fangusaro J, Onar-Thomas A, Poussaint TY, Wu S, Ligon AH, Lindeman N, Campagne O, Banerjee A, Gururangan S, Kilburn LB, Goldman S, Qaddoumi I, Baxter P, Vezina G, Bregman C, Patay Z, Jones JY, Stewart CF, Fisher MJ, Doyle LA, Smith M, Dunkel IJ, Fouladi M. A phase II trial of selumetinib in children with recurrent optic pathway and hypothalamic low-grade glioma without NF1: a Pediatric Brain Tumor Consortium study. Neuro Oncol. 2021 Oct 1; 23: 1777-1788.
Leary SES, Packer RJ, Li Y, Billups CA, Smith KS, Jaju A, Heier L, Burger P, Walsh K, Han Y, Embry L, Hadley J, Kumar R, Michalski J, Hwang E, Gajjar A, Pollack IF, Fouladi M, Northcott PA, Olson JM. Efficacy of Carboplatin and Isotretinoin in Children With High-risk Medulloblastoma: A Randomized Clinical Trial From the Children's Oncology Group. JAMA Oncol. 2021 Sep 1; 7: 1313-1321.
Su JM, Kilburn LB, Mansur DB, Krailo M, Buxton A, Adekunle A, Gajjar A, Adamson PC, Weigel B, Fox E, Blaney SM, Fouladi M. Phase 1/2 Trial of Vorinostat and Radiation and Maintenance Vorinostat in Children with Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma: A Children's Oncology Group Report. Neuro Oncol. 2021 Aug 4;
Michalski JM, Janss AJ, Vezina LG, Smith KS, Billups CA, Burger PC, Embry LM, Cullen PL, Hardy KK, Pomeroy SL, Bass JK, Perkins SM, Merchant TE, Colte PD, Fitzgerald TJ, Booth TN, Cherlow JM, Muraszko KM, Hadley J, Kumar R, Han Y, Tarbell NJ, Fouladi M, Pollack IF, Packer RJ, Li Y, Gajjar A, Northcott PA. Children's Oncology Group Phase III Trial of Reduced-Dose and Reduced-Volume Radiotherapy With Chemotherapy for Newly Diagnosed Average-Risk Medulloblastoma. J Clin Oncol. 2021 Aug 20; 39: 2685-2697.
Levy AS, Krailo M, Chi S, Villaluna D, Springer L, Williams-Hughes C, Fouladi M, Gajjar A. Temozolomide with irinotecan versus temozolomide, irinotecan plus bevacizumab for recurrent medulloblastoma of childhood: Report of a COG randomized Phase II screening trial. Pediatr Blood Cancer. 2021 Aug; 68: e29031.
Liao Y, Luo Z, Deng Y, Zhang F, Rao R, Wang J, Xu L, Kumar SS, Sengupta S, DeWire-Schottmiller M, Berry K, Garrett M, Fouladi M, Drissi R, Lu QR. OLIG2 maintenance is not essential for diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma cell line growth but regulates tumor phenotypes. Neuro Oncol. 2021 Jul 1; 23: 1183-1196.
Lazow MA, Leach JL, Trout AT, Breneman JC, Fouladi M, Fuller C. Extraneural Metastases of Diffuse Midline Glioma, H3 K27M-Mutant at Diagnosis: Case Report, Review of the Literature, and Identifying Targetable Alterations. J Pediatr Hematol Oncol. 2021 May 11;
DeWire MD, Fuller C, Campagne O, Lin T, Pan H, Young Poussaint T, Baxter PA, Hwang EI, Bukowinski A, Dorris K, Hoffman L, Waanders AJ, Karajannis MA, Stewart CF, Onar-Thomas A, Fouladi M, Dunkel IJ. A Phase I and Surgical Study of Ribociclib and Everolimus in Children with Recurrent or Refractory Malignant Brain Tumors: A Pediatric Brain Tumor Consortium Study. Clin Cancer Res. 2021 May 1; 27: 2442-2451.
Lazow MA, Lawson SA, Salloum R, Hummel TR, Pillay Smiley N, DeWire-Schottmiller MD, Fouladi M, de Blank P. Trametinib-associated Hyponatremia in a Child With Low-grade Glioma is Not Seen Following Treatment With Alternative MEK Inhibitor. J Pediatr Hematol Oncol. 2021 May 1; 43: e550-e553.
Fisher MJ, Jones DTW, Li Y, Guo X, Sonawane PS, Waanders AJ, Phillips JJ, Weiss WA, Resnick AC, Gosline S, Banerjee J, Guinney J, Gnekow A, Kandels D, Foreman NK, Korshunov A, Ryzhova M, Massimi L, Gururangan S, Kieran MW, Wang Z, Fouladi M, Sato M, Øra I, Holm S, Markham SJ, Beck P, Jäger N, Wittmann A, Sommerkamp AC, Sahm F, Pfister SM, Gutmann DH. Integrated molecular and clinical analysis of low-grade gliomas in children with neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1). Acta Neuropathol. 2021 Apr; 141: 605-617.
Van Mater D, Gururangan S, Becher O, Campagne O, Leary S, Phillips JJ, Huang J, Lin T, Poussaint TY, Goldman S, Baxter P, Dhall G, Robinson G, DeWire-Schottmiller M, Hwang EI, Stewart CF, Onar-Thomas A, Dunkel IJ, Fouladi M. A phase I trial of the CDK 4/6 inhibitor palbociclib in pediatric patients with progressive brain tumors: A Pediatric Brain Tumor Consortium study (PBTC-042). Pediatr Blood Cancer. 2021 Apr; 68: e28879.
Kumar R, Smith KS, Deng M, Terhune C, Robinson GW, Orr BA, Liu APY, Lin T, Billups CA, Chintagumpala M, Bowers DC, Hassall TE, Hansford JR, Khuong-Quang DA, Crawford JR, Bendel AE, Gururangan S, Schroeder K, Bouffet E, Bartels U, Fisher MJ, Cohn R, Partap S, Kellie SJ, McCowage G, Paulino AC, Rutkowski S, Fleischhack G, Dhall G, Klesse LJ, Leary S, Nazarian J, Kool M, Wesseling P, Ryzhova M, Zheludkova O, Golanov AV, McLendon RE, Packer RJ, Dunham C, Hukin J, Fouladi M, Faria CC, Pimentel J, Walter AW, Jabado N, Cho YJ, Perreault S, Croul SE, Zapotocky M, Hawkins C, Tabori U, Taylor MD, Pfister SM, Klimo P Jr, Boop FA, Ellison DW, Merchant TE, Onar-Thomas A, Korshunov A, Jones DTW, Gajjar A, Ramaswamy V, Northcott PA. Clinical Outcomes and Patient-Matched Molecular Composition of Relapsed Medulloblastoma. J Clin Oncol. 2021 Mar 1; 39: 807-821.
DeWire M, Erker C, Hummel TR, Chow LML, de Blank P, Salloum R, Pillay-Smiley N, Hoffman L, Gilger E, Gallagher M, Driver L, Meister D, Ward H, Drissi R, Kumar SS, Sengupta S, Kikta B, Meriwether W, Jelinek S, Asher A, Jones B, Leach J, Miles L, Fuller C, Fouladi M. Overcoming barriers to establishing autopsy procurement programs in pediatric patients with central nervous system tumors: a call to develop regional centers. J Neurooncol. 2021 Mar; 152: 107-114.
Fangusaro J, Mitchell DA, Kocak M, Robinson GW, Baxter PA, Hwang EI, Huang J, Onar-Thomas A, Dunkel IJ, Fouladi M, Warren KE. Phase 1 study of pomalidomide in children with recurrent, refractory, and progressive central nervous system tumors: A Pediatric Brain Tumor Consortium trial. Pediatr Blood Cancer. 2021 Feb; 68: e28756.
Zhu X, Lazow MA, Schafer A, Bartlett A, Senthil Kumar S, Mishra DK, Dexheimer P, DeWire M, Fuller C, Leach JL, Fouladi M, Drissi R. A pilot radiogenomic study of DIPG reveals distinct subgroups with unique clinical trajectories and therapeutic targets. Acta Neuropathol Commun. 2021 Jan 11; 9: 14.
View More Publications
- Lazow MA, Palmer JD, Fouladi M, Salloum R. Medulloblastoma in the Modern Era: Review of Contemporary Trials, Molecular Advances, and Updates in Management. Neurotherapeutics. 2022 Jul 20;
- Morana G, Shaw D, MacDonald SM, Alapetite C, Ajithkumar T, Bhatia A, Brisse H, Jaimes C, Czech T, Dhall G, Fangusaro J, Faure-Conter C, Fouladi M, Hargrave D, Harreld JH, Mitra D, Nicholson JC, Souweidane M, Timmermann B, Calaminus G, Bartels U, Bison B, Murray MJ. Imaging response assessment for CNS germ cell tumours: consensus recommendations from the European Society for Paediatric Oncology Brain Tumour Group and North American Children’s Oncology Group. Lancet Oncol. 2022 May; 23: e218-e228.
- Bartlett A, Lane A, Chaney B, Escorza NY, Black K, Cochrane A, Minturn J, Bartels U, Warren K, Hansford J, Ziegler D, Diez B, Goldman S, Packer R, Kieran M, DeWire-Schottmiller M, Erker C, Monje-Deisseroth M, Wagner L, Koschmann C, Dorris K, Shih CS, Hassall T, Samson Y, Fisher P, Wang SS, Tsui K, Sevlever G, Zhu X, Dexheimer P, Asher A, Fuller C, Drissi R, Jones B, Leach J, Fouladi M. Characteristics of Children =36 Months of Age with Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma (DIPG): A Report from the International DIPG Registry. Neuro Oncol. 2022 May 12;
- Fangusaro JR, Onar-Thomas A, Poussaint TY, Wu S, Ligon AH, Lindeman NI, Banerjee A, Packer R, Kilburn LB, Pollack IF, Qaddoumi IA, Fisher PG, Dhall G, Baxter PA, Kreissman SG, Doyle LA, Smith MA, Fouladi M, Dunkel IJ. Corrigendum to: LTBK-01. Updates On The Phase Ii And Re-treatment Study Of AZD6244 (Selumetinib) For Children With Recurrent Or Refractory Pediatric Low Grade Glioma: A Pediatric Brain Tumor Consortium (PBTC) Study. Neuro Oncol. 2022 Mar 21;
- Lazow MA, Nievelstein MT, Lane A, Bandopadhayhay P, DeWire-Schottmiller M, Fouladi M, Glod JW, Greiner RJ, Hoffman LM, Hummel TR, Kilburn L, Leary S, Minturn JE, Packer R, Ziegler DS, Chaney B, Black K, de Blank P, Leach JL. Volumetric endpoints in diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma: comparison to cross-sectional measures and outcome correlations in the International DIPG/DMG Registry. Neuro Oncol. 2022 Feb 11;
- Murphy ES, Dhall G, Fangusaro J, Bartels U, Fouladi M, Shaw D, Khatua S, Hughes CW, Panigraphy A, Ioakeim-Ioannidou M, Souweidane M, Morris D, Gajjar A, Wu S, Onar-Thomas A, Haas-Kogan DA, MacDonald SM. A Phase 2 Trial of Response-Based Radiation Therapy for Localized Central Nervous System Germ Cell Tumors: Patterns of Failure and Radiation Dosimetry for Nongerminomatous Germ Cell Tumors. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2022 Jan 3;
- Erker C, Lane A, Chaney B, Leary S, Minturn JE, Bartels U, Packer RJ, Dorris K, Gottardo NG, Warren KE, Broniscer A, Kieran MW, Zhu X, White P, Dexheimer PJ, Black K, Asher A, DeWire M, Hansford JR, Gururangan S, Nazarian J, Ziegler DS, Sandler E, Bartlett A, Goldman S, Shih CS, Hassall T, Dholaria H, Bandopadhayay P, Samson Y, Monje M, Fisher PG, Dodgshun A, Parkin S, Chintagumpala M, Tsui K, Gass D, Larouche V, Broxson E, Garcia Lombardi M, Wang SS, Ma J, Hawkins C, Hamideh D, Wagner L, Koschmann C, Fuller C, Drissi R, Jones BV, Leach J, Fouladi M. Characteristics of patients =10 years of age with diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma: a report from the International DIPG/DMG Registry. Neuro Oncol. 2022 Jan 5; 24: 141-152.
- DeWire M, Lazow M, Campagne O, Leach J, Fuller C, Senthil Kumar S, Stanek J, de Blank P, Hummel TR, Pillay-Smiley N, Salloum R, Stevenson CB, Baxter P, Gass D, Goldman S, Leary SES, Carle A, Mikael L, Crabtree D, Chaney B, Lane A, Drissi R, Stewart CF, Fouladi M. Phase I study of ribociclib and everolimus in children with newly diagnosed DIPG and high-grade glioma: A CONNECT pediatric neuro-oncology consortium report. Neurooncol Adv. 2022 Jan-Dec; 4: vdac055.
- Hansford JR, Huang J, Endersby R, Dodgshun AJ, Li BK, Hwang E, Leary S, Gajjar A, Von Hoff K, Wells O, Wray A, Kotecha RS, Raleigh DR, Stoller S, Mueller S, Schild SE, Bandopadhayay P, Fouladi M, Bouffet E, Huang A, Onar-Thomas A, Gottardo NG. Pediatric pineoblastoma: A pooled outcome study of North American and Australian therapeutic data. Neurooncol Adv. 2022 Jan-Dec; 4: vdac056.
- Upadhyay R, Yadav D, Venkatesulu BP, Singh R, Baliga S, Raval RR, Lazow MA, Salloum R, Fouladi M, Mardis ER, Zaorsky NG, Trifiletti DM, Paulino AC, Palmer JD. Risk of secondary malignant neoplasms in children following proton therapy vs. photon therapy for primary CNS tumors: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Front Oncol. 2022; 12: 893855.
- Leary SES, Lindsay K, Geyer JR, Mehmet K, Huang J, Smith KS, Hadley J, Ermoian R, MacDonald TJ, Goldman S, Phillips P, Young Poussaint T, Olson JM, Ellison DW, Dunkel IJ, Fouladi M, Onar-Thomas A, Northcott PA. Vorinostat and isotretinoin with chemotherapy in young children with embryonal brain tumors: A report from the Pediatric Brain Tumor Consortium (PBTC-026). Neuro Oncol. 2021 Dec 22;
- Bartels U, Onar-Thomas A, Patel SK, Shaw D, Fangusaro J, Dhall G, Souweidane M, Bhatia A, Embry L, Trask CL, Murphy ES, MacDonald S, Wu S, Boyett JM, Leary S, Fouladi M, Gajjar A, Khatua S. Phase II Trial of Response-Based Radiation Therapy for Patients with Localized Germinoma: A Children’s Oncology Group Study. Neuro Oncol. 2021 Nov 29;
- Lazow MA, Fuller C, DeWire M, Lane A, Bandopadhayay P, Bartels U, Bouffet E, Cheng S, Cohen KJ, Cooney TM, Coven SL, Dholaria H, Diez B, Dorris K, El-Ayadi M, El-Sheikh A, Fisher PG, Fonseca A, Lombardi MG, Greiner RJ, Goldman S, Gottardo N, Gururangan S, Hansford JR, Hassall T, Hawkins C, Kilburn L, Koschmann C, Leary SE, Ma J, Minturn JE, Monje-Deisseroth M, Packer R, Samson Y, Sandler ES, Sevlever G, Tinkle CL, Tsui K, Wagner LM, Zaghloul M, Ziegler DS, Chaney B, Black K, Asher A, Drissi R, Fouladi M, Jones BV, Leach JL. Accuracy of Central Neuro-Imaging Review of DIPG Compared with Histopathology in the International DIPG Registry. Neuro Oncol. 2021 Oct 20;
- Fangusaro J, Onar-Thomas A, Poussaint TY, Wu S, Ligon AH, Lindeman N, Campagne O, Banerjee A, Gururangan S, Kilburn LB, Goldman S, Qaddoumi I, Baxter P, Vezina G, Bregman C, Patay Z, Jones JY, Stewart CF, Fisher MJ, Doyle LA, Smith M, Dunkel IJ, Fouladi M. A phase II trial of selumetinib in children with recurrent optic pathway and hypothalamic low-grade glioma without NF1: a Pediatric Brain Tumor Consortium study. Neuro Oncol. 2021 Oct 1; 23: 1777-1788.
- Leary SES, Packer RJ, Li Y, Billups CA, Smith KS, Jaju A, Heier L, Burger P, Walsh K, Han Y, Embry L, Hadley J, Kumar R, Michalski J, Hwang E, Gajjar A, Pollack IF, Fouladi M, Northcott PA, Olson JM. Efficacy of Carboplatin and Isotretinoin in Children With High-risk Medulloblastoma: A Randomized Clinical Trial From the Children’s Oncology Group. JAMA Oncol. 2021 Sep 1; 7: 1313-1321.
- Su JM, Kilburn LB, Mansur DB, Krailo M, Buxton A, Adekunle A, Gajjar A, Adamson PC, Weigel B, Fox E, Blaney SM, Fouladi M. Phase 1/2 Trial of Vorinostat and Radiation and Maintenance Vorinostat in Children with Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma: A Children’s Oncology Group Report. Neuro Oncol. 2021 Aug 4;
- Michalski JM, Janss AJ, Vezina LG, Smith KS, Billups CA, Burger PC, Embry LM, Cullen PL, Hardy KK, Pomeroy SL, Bass JK, Perkins SM, Merchant TE, Colte PD, Fitzgerald TJ, Booth TN, Cherlow JM, Muraszko KM, Hadley J, Kumar R, Han Y, Tarbell NJ, Fouladi M, Pollack IF, Packer RJ, Li Y, Gajjar A, Northcott PA. Children’s Oncology Group Phase III Trial of Reduced-Dose and Reduced-Volume Radiotherapy With Chemotherapy for Newly Diagnosed Average-Risk Medulloblastoma. J Clin Oncol. 2021 Aug 20; 39: 2685-2697.
- Levy AS, Krailo M, Chi S, Villaluna D, Springer L, Williams-Hughes C, Fouladi M, Gajjar A. Temozolomide with irinotecan versus temozolomide, irinotecan plus bevacizumab for recurrent medulloblastoma of childhood: Report of a COG randomized Phase II screening trial. Pediatr Blood Cancer. 2021 Aug; 68: e29031.
- Liao Y, Luo Z, Deng Y, Zhang F, Rao R, Wang J, Xu L, Kumar SS, Sengupta S, DeWire-Schottmiller M, Berry K, Garrett M, Fouladi M, Drissi R, Lu QR. OLIG2 maintenance is not essential for diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma cell line growth but regulates tumor phenotypes. Neuro Oncol. 2021 Jul 1; 23: 1183-1196.
- Lazow MA, Leach JL, Trout AT, Breneman JC, Fouladi M, Fuller C. Extraneural Metastases of Diffuse Midline Glioma, H3 K27M-Mutant at Diagnosis: Case Report, Review of the Literature, and Identifying Targetable Alterations. J Pediatr Hematol Oncol. 2021 May 11;
- DeWire MD, Fuller C, Campagne O, Lin T, Pan H, Young Poussaint T, Baxter PA, Hwang EI, Bukowinski A, Dorris K, Hoffman L, Waanders AJ, Karajannis MA, Stewart CF, Onar-Thomas A, Fouladi M, Dunkel IJ. A Phase I and Surgical Study of Ribociclib and Everolimus in Children with Recurrent or Refractory Malignant Brain Tumors: A Pediatric Brain Tumor Consortium Study. Clin Cancer Res. 2021 May 1; 27: 2442-2451.
- Lazow MA, Lawson SA, Salloum R, Hummel TR, Pillay Smiley N, DeWire-Schottmiller MD, Fouladi M, de Blank P. Trametinib-associated Hyponatremia in a Child With Low-grade Glioma is Not Seen Following Treatment With Alternative MEK Inhibitor. J Pediatr Hematol Oncol. 2021 May 1; 43: e550-e553.
- Fisher MJ, Jones DTW, Li Y, Guo X, Sonawane PS, Waanders AJ, Phillips JJ, Weiss WA, Resnick AC, Gosline S, Banerjee J, Guinney J, Gnekow A, Kandels D, Foreman NK, Korshunov A, Ryzhova M, Massimi L, Gururangan S, Kieran MW, Wang Z, Fouladi M, Sato M, Øra I, Holm S, Markham SJ, Beck P, Jäger N, Wittmann A, Sommerkamp AC, Sahm F, Pfister SM, Gutmann DH. Integrated molecular and clinical analysis of low-grade gliomas in children with neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1). Acta Neuropathol. 2021 Apr; 141: 605-617.
- Van Mater D, Gururangan S, Becher O, Campagne O, Leary S, Phillips JJ, Huang J, Lin T, Poussaint TY, Goldman S, Baxter P, Dhall G, Robinson G, DeWire-Schottmiller M, Hwang EI, Stewart CF, Onar-Thomas A, Dunkel IJ, Fouladi M. A phase I trial of the CDK 4/6 inhibitor palbociclib in pediatric patients with progressive brain tumors: A Pediatric Brain Tumor Consortium study (PBTC-042). Pediatr Blood Cancer. 2021 Apr; 68: e28879.
- Kumar R, Smith KS, Deng M, Terhune C, Robinson GW, Orr BA, Liu APY, Lin T, Billups CA, Chintagumpala M, Bowers DC, Hassall TE, Hansford JR, Khuong-Quang DA, Crawford JR, Bendel AE, Gururangan S, Schroeder K, Bouffet E, Bartels U, Fisher MJ, Cohn R, Partap S, Kellie SJ, McCowage G, Paulino AC, Rutkowski S, Fleischhack G, Dhall G, Klesse LJ, Leary S, Nazarian J, Kool M, Wesseling P, Ryzhova M, Zheludkova O, Golanov AV, McLendon RE, Packer RJ, Dunham C, Hukin J, Fouladi M, Faria CC, Pimentel J, Walter AW, Jabado N, Cho YJ, Perreault S, Croul SE, Zapotocky M, Hawkins C, Tabori U, Taylor MD, Pfister SM, Klimo P Jr, Boop FA, Ellison DW, Merchant TE, Onar-Thomas A, Korshunov A, Jones DTW, Gajjar A, Ramaswamy V, Northcott PA. Clinical Outcomes and Patient-Matched Molecular Composition of Relapsed Medulloblastoma. J Clin Oncol. 2021 Mar 1; 39: 807-821.
- DeWire M, Erker C, Hummel TR, Chow LML, de Blank P, Salloum R, Pillay-Smiley N, Hoffman L, Gilger E, Gallagher M, Driver L, Meister D, Ward H, Drissi R, Kumar SS, Sengupta S, Kikta B, Meriwether W, Jelinek S, Asher A, Jones B, Leach J, Miles L, Fuller C, Fouladi M. Overcoming barriers to establishing autopsy procurement programs in pediatric patients with central nervous system tumors: a call to develop regional centers. J Neurooncol. 2021 Mar; 152: 107-114.
- Fangusaro J, Mitchell DA, Kocak M, Robinson GW, Baxter PA, Hwang EI, Huang J, Onar-Thomas A, Dunkel IJ, Fouladi M, Warren KE. Phase 1 study of pomalidomide in children with recurrent, refractory, and progressive central nervous system tumors: A Pediatric Brain Tumor Consortium trial. Pediatr Blood Cancer. 2021 Feb; 68: e28756.
- Zhu X, Lazow MA, Schafer A, Bartlett A, Senthil Kumar S, Mishra DK, Dexheimer P, DeWire M, Fuller C, Leach JL, Fouladi M, Drissi R. A pilot radiogenomic study of DIPG reveals distinct subgroups with unique clinical trajectories and therapeutic targets. Acta Neuropathol Commun. 2021 Jan 11; 9: 14.
Date of Appointment at Nationwide Children’s Hospital: 08/03/2020
Board Certifications
Pediatric Hematology Oncology
St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital
Date Completed: 12/31/1999
Hospital for Sick Children
Date Completed: 06/30/1998
Hospital for Sick Children
Date Completed: 06/30/1995
Scarborough General Hospital
Date Completed: 06/15/1992
Medical School
University of Toronto
Date Completed: 06/13/1991
Date of Appointment at Nationwide Children’s Hospital: 08/03/2020
Board Certifications
Pediatric Hematology Oncology
St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital
Date Completed: 12/31/1999
Hospital for Sick Children
Date Completed: 06/30/1998
Hospital for Sick Children
Date Completed: 06/30/1995
Scarborough General Hospital
Date Completed: 06/15/1992
Medical School
University of Toronto
Date Completed: 06/13/1991
Date of Appointment at Nationwide Children’s Hospital: 08/03/2020
Board Certifications
Pediatric Hematology Oncology
St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital
Date Completed: 12/31/1999
Hospital for Sick Children
Date Completed: 06/30/1998
Hospital for Sick Children
Date Completed: 06/30/1995
Scarborough General Hospital
Date Completed: 06/15/1992
Medical School
University of Toronto
Date Completed: 06/13/1991
Date of Appointment at Nationwide Children’s Hospital: 08/03/2020
Board Certifications
Pediatric Hematology Oncology
St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital
Date Completed: 12/31/1999
Hospital for Sick Children
Date Completed: 06/30/1998
Hospital for Sick Children
Date Completed: 06/30/1995
Scarborough General Hospital
Date Completed: 06/15/1992
Medical School
University of Toronto
Date Completed: 06/13/1991
Date of Appointment at Nationwide Children’s Hospital: 08/03/2020
Board Certifications
Pediatric Hematology Oncology
St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital
Date Completed: 12/31/1999
Hospital for Sick Children
Date Completed: 06/30/1998
Hospital for Sick Children
Date Completed: 06/30/1995
Scarborough General Hospital
Date Completed: 06/15/1992
Medical School
University of Toronto
Date Completed: 06/13/1991
- Pediatric Hematology Oncology
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