Abusin GA, Abu-Arja R, Bajwa R, Horwitz E, Auletta J, Rangarajan H. Severe transplant­ associated thrombotic microangiopathy (TA-TMA) in patients with hemoglobinopathies: A brief report. Pediatric Blood and Cancer 2017 Sep;64:e26503. PMID: 28333416 Bajwa RPS, Mahadeo K, Taragin B, Dvorak CC, McCarther J, Jeyapalan A, Duncan CN, Tamburro R, Gehred A, Lehmann L, Richardson P, Auletta JJ, Wolfrey AE. Consensus Report by PALISI and PBMTC Joint Working Committees supportive care guidelines for management ofVOD in children and adolescents Part 1: Focus on investigations, prophylax is, and specific treatment. Biol Blood Marrow Transplant 2017 Nov;23(11):1817-1825. PMID: 28754544 Bitan M, Woo Ahn K, Millard HR , Pulsipher MA, Abdel-Azim H, Auletta JJ, Brown V, Chan KW, Angel Diaz M, Dietz A, Gonzalez Vincent M, Guilcher G, Hale GA, Hayashi RJ, Keating A, Mehta P, Myers K, Page K, Prestidge T, Shah NN, Smith AR, Woolfrey A, ThielE, Davies SM, Eapen M. Personalized prognostic risk score for long-term survival for children with acute leukemia after allogeneic transplant. Biol Blood Marrow Transplant 2017 Sep;23(9):1523-1530 . PMID: 28527984 Coven SL, Song E, Steward S, Pierson CR, Cope JR, Ali IK, Ardura MI, Hall MW, Chung MG, Bajwa RPS. Acanthamoeba granulomatous amoebic encephalitis after pediatric hematopoietic stem cell transplant. Pediatric transplantation, December 2017; 21 (8). PMID: 28921764 Dandoy CE, Ardura MI, Papanicolaou GA, Auletta JJ. Bacterial bloodstream infections in the allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplant patient: New considerations for a persistent nemesis. Bone Marrow Transplant 2017, Aug;52(8):1091-1106. Invited review article. PMID: 28346417 Fowler KB, Ross SA, Shimamura M, Ahmed A, Palmer AL, Michaels MG, Bernstein DI, Sanchez PJ, Feja KN, Stewart A, Boppana S. Racial and Ethnic Differences in the Prevalence of Congenital Cytomegalovirus Infection. Journal of Pediatrics, 2018 May, 18; PMID 29784513 Hashem H, Abu-Arja R, Auletta JJ, Rangarajan HG, Varga E, Rose MJ , Bajwa RPS. Successful second hematopo ietic cell transplantation in severe congenital neutropenia . Pediatr Transplantation 2017 Oct, 26, PMID: 29076228 Kelly DL, Buchbinder D, Duarte RF, Auletta JJ, Bhatt N , Byrne M, DeFilipp Z, Gabriel M, Mahindra A, Norkin M, Schoemans H, Shah AJ , Ahmed I, Atsuta Y, Basak GW, Beattie S, Bhella S, Bredeson C, Bunin N, Dalal J, Daly A, Gajewski J, Gale RP, Galvin J, Hamadani M, Hayashi RJ, Adekola K, Law J, Lee CJ, Liesveld J, Malone AK, Nagler A, Naik S, Nishihori T, Parsons SK, Scherwath A, Schofield HL, Soiffer R, Szer J, Twist I, Warwick A, Wirk BM, Yi J, Battiwalla M, Flowers ME, Savani B , Shaw BE. Neurocognitive dysfunction in hematopoietic cell transplant recipients: Expert review from the Late Effects and Quality of Life Working Committee of the Center for International Blood and Marrow Transplant Research and Complications and Quality of Life Working Party of the European Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation. Biol Blood Marrow Transplant 2018 Feb;24(2):228-241. PMID: 28939455 Khandelwal P, Millard HR, ThielE, Abdel-Azim H, Abraham AA, Auletta JJ, Boulad F, Brown VI, Camitta BM, Chan KW , Chaudhury S, Cowan MJ , Angel-Diaz M, Gadalla SM, Gale RP , Hale G, Kasow KA, Keating AK, Kitko CL, MacMillan ML, Olsson RF, Page KM, Seber A, Smith AR, Warwick AB, Wirk B, Mehta PA. Hematopoietic stem cell transplant activity in pediatric cancer between 2008 and 2014 in the United States: a CIBMTR Report. Biol Blood Marrow Transplant 2017, Aug;23(8):1342-1349. PMID: 28450183 Li M, Boddeda S, Chen B, Zeng Q, Schoeb TR, Velazquez V.M, Shimamura M. NK Cell and Th17 Responses are Differentially Induced in Murine Cytomegalovirus Infected Renal Allografts and Vary According to Recipient Virus Dose and Strain. American Journal of Transplantation, 2018 Apr 16; epub ahead of print. PMID 29659179 Mahadeo K, McArthur J, Adams R, Radhi M, Angelo J , Jeyapalan A, Nicol K, Su L, Rabi H, Auletta JJ, Pai V, Duncan CN, Tamburro R, Dvorak CC, Bajwa RPS . Consensus Report by PALISI and PBMTC Joint Working Committees supportive care guidelines for management of VOD in children and adolescents Part 2: Focus on ascites, fluids, electrolytes, and transfusion issues. Biol Blood Marrow Transplant 2017 Dec;23(12) :2023- 2033 . PMID: 28823876 Orgel E, Auletta JJ. TACL ‘ing supportive care needs in early phase clinical trials for acute leukemia: a report from the therapeutic advances in childhood leukemia & lymphoma (TACL) consortium supportive care committee. P ediatr H ematol Oncol 2017 Sept­ Oct;34(6-7):409-417. PMID: 29190169 Ovchinsky N, Frazier W, Auletta JJ, Dvorak CC, Ardura M, Song E, McArthur J, Jeyapalan A, Tamburro R, Mahadeo KM, Traube C, Duncan CN, Bajwa RPS. Consensus Report by the Pediatric Acute Lung Injury and Sepsis Investigators and Pediatric Blood and Marrow Transplantation Consortium Joint Working Committees on Supportive Care Guidelines for Management of Veno-Occlusive Disease in Children and Adolescents, Part 3: Focus on Cardiorespiratory Dysfunction, Infections, Liver Dysfunction, and Delirium. Biology of blood and marrow transplantation : Journal of the American Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation, February 2018, 24 (2): 207-218. PMID: 28870776 Ouellette CP, Joshi S, Texter K, Jaggi P: Multiorgan Involvement Confounding the Diagnosis of Bartonella henselae Infective Endocarditis in Children With Congenital Heart Disease. The Pediatric infectious disease journal 2017 May; 36 (5): 516-520. PMID: 28403058 Rangarajan HG, Stanek JR, Abu-Arja R, Bajwa R, Auletta JJ, Lee DA, O’Brien SH, Kumar R. Venous thromboembolism in pediatric hematopoietic stem cell transplant: A multicenter cohort study. Biol Blood Marrow Transplant February 2018;(24)2:337-342. PMID: 29128552 Ronchi A, Ouellette C, Mejias A, Leber A, Salamon D, Pugni L, Mosca F, Sanchez PJ. Detection of Cytomegalovirus in Saliva from Infants Undergoing Sepsis Evaluation in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit: The VIRIoN-C Study. J Perinatal Medicine 2018, May 16. PMID: 29768249 Song E, Mejias A, Antonara S. Serratia Species. Principles and Practice of Pediatric Infectious Diseases. 5th Edition. Chapter 145; 835-37. Saunders, Elsevier, 2018.

Abusin GA, Abu-Arja R, Bajwa R, Horwitz E, Auletta J, Rangarajan H. Severe transplant­ associated thrombotic microangiopathy (TA-TMA) in patients with hemoglobinopathies: A brief report. Pediatric Blood and Cancer 2017 Sep;64:e26503. PMID: 28333416 Bajwa RPS, Mahadeo K, Taragin B, Dvorak CC, McCarther J, Jeyapalan A, Duncan CN, Tamburro R, Gehred A, Lehmann L, Richardson P, Auletta JJ, Wolfrey AE. Consensus Report by PALISI and PBMTC Joint Working Committees supportive care guidelines for management ofVOD in children and adolescents Part 1: Focus on investigations, prophylax is, and specific treatment. Biol Blood Marrow Transplant 2017 Nov;23(11):1817-1825. PMID: 28754544 Bitan M, Woo Ahn K, Millard HR , Pulsipher MA, Abdel-Azim H, Auletta JJ, Brown V, Chan KW, Angel Diaz M, Dietz A, Gonzalez Vincent M, Guilcher G, Hale GA, Hayashi RJ, Keating A, Mehta P, Myers K, Page K, Prestidge T, Shah NN, Smith AR, Woolfrey A, ThielE, Davies SM, Eapen M. Personalized prognostic risk score for long-term survival for children with acute leukemia after allogeneic transplant. Biol Blood Marrow Transplant 2017 Sep;23(9):1523-1530 . PMID: 28527984 Coven SL, Song E, Steward S, Pierson CR, Cope JR, Ali IK, Ardura MI, Hall MW, Chung MG, Bajwa RPS. Acanthamoeba granulomatous amoebic encephalitis after pediatric hematopoietic stem cell transplant. Pediatric transplantation, December 2017; 21 (8). PMID: 28921764 Dandoy CE, Ardura MI, Papanicolaou GA, Auletta JJ. Bacterial bloodstream infections in the allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplant patient: New considerations for a persistent nemesis. Bone Marrow Transplant 2017, Aug;52(8):1091-1106. Invited review article. PMID: 28346417 Fowler KB, Ross SA, Shimamura M, Ahmed A, Palmer AL, Michaels MG, Bernstein DI, Sanchez PJ, Feja KN, Stewart A, Boppana S. Racial and Ethnic Differences in the Prevalence of Congenital Cytomegalovirus Infection. Journal of Pediatrics, 2018 May, 18; PMID 29784513 Hashem H, Abu-Arja R, Auletta JJ, Rangarajan HG, Varga E, Rose MJ , Bajwa RPS. Successful second hematopo ietic cell transplantation in severe congenital neutropenia . Pediatr Transplantation 2017 Oct, 26, PMID: 29076228 Kelly DL, Buchbinder D, Duarte RF, Auletta JJ, Bhatt N , Byrne M, DeFilipp Z, Gabriel M, Mahindra A, Norkin M, Schoemans H, Shah AJ , Ahmed I, Atsuta Y, Basak GW, Beattie S, Bhella S, Bredeson C, Bunin N, Dalal J, Daly A, Gajewski J, Gale RP, Galvin J, Hamadani M, Hayashi RJ, Adekola K, Law J, Lee CJ, Liesveld J, Malone AK, Nagler A, Naik S, Nishihori T, Parsons SK, Scherwath A, Schofield HL, Soiffer R, Szer J, Twist I, Warwick A, Wirk BM, Yi J, Battiwalla M, Flowers ME, Savani B , Shaw BE. Neurocognitive dysfunction in hematopoietic cell transplant recipients: Expert review from the Late Effects and Quality of Life Working Committee of the Center for International Blood and Marrow Transplant Research and Complications and Quality of Life Working Party of the European Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation. Biol Blood Marrow Transplant 2018 Feb;24(2):228-241. PMID: 28939455 Khandelwal P, Millard HR, ThielE, Abdel-Azim H, Abraham AA, Auletta JJ, Boulad F, Brown VI, Camitta BM, Chan KW , Chaudhury S, Cowan MJ , Angel-Diaz M, Gadalla SM, Gale RP , Hale G, Kasow KA, Keating AK, Kitko CL, MacMillan ML, Olsson RF, Page KM, Seber A, Smith AR, Warwick AB, Wirk B, Mehta PA. Hematopoietic stem cell transplant activity in pediatric cancer between 2008 and 2014 in the United States: a CIBMTR Report. Biol Blood Marrow Transplant 2017, Aug;23(8):1342-1349. PMID: 28450183 Li M, Boddeda S, Chen B, Zeng Q, Schoeb TR, Velazquez V.M, Shimamura M. NK Cell and Th17 Responses are Differentially Induced in Murine Cytomegalovirus Infected Renal Allografts and Vary According to Recipient Virus Dose and Strain. American Journal of Transplantation, 2018 Apr 16; epub ahead of print. PMID 29659179 Mahadeo K, McArthur J, Adams R, Radhi M, Angelo J , Jeyapalan A, Nicol K, Su L, Rabi H, Auletta JJ, Pai V, Duncan CN, Tamburro R, Dvorak CC, Bajwa RPS . Consensus Report by PALISI and PBMTC Joint Working Committees supportive care guidelines for management of VOD in children and adolescents Part 2: Focus on ascites, fluids, electrolytes, and transfusion issues. Biol Blood Marrow Transplant 2017 Dec;23(12) :2023- 2033 . PMID: 28823876 Orgel E, Auletta JJ. TACL ‘ing supportive care needs in early phase clinical trials for acute leukemia: a report from the therapeutic advances in childhood leukemia & lymphoma (TACL) consortium supportive care committee. P ediatr H ematol Oncol 2017 Sept­ Oct;34(6-7):409-417. PMID: 29190169 Ovchinsky N, Frazier W, Auletta JJ, Dvorak CC, Ardura M, Song E, McArthur J, Jeyapalan A, Tamburro R, Mahadeo KM, Traube C, Duncan CN, Bajwa RPS. Consensus Report by the Pediatric Acute Lung Injury and Sepsis Investigators and Pediatric Blood and Marrow Transplantation Consortium Joint Working Committees on Supportive Care Guidelines for Management of Veno-Occlusive Disease in Children and Adolescents, Part 3: Focus on Cardiorespiratory Dysfunction, Infections, Liver Dysfunction, and Delirium. Biology of blood and marrow transplantation : Journal of the American Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation, February 2018, 24 (2): 207-218. PMID: 28870776 Ouellette CP, Joshi S, Texter K, Jaggi P: Multiorgan Involvement Confounding the Diagnosis of Bartonella henselae Infective Endocarditis in Children With Congenital Heart Disease. The Pediatric infectious disease journal 2017 May; 36 (5): 516-520. PMID: 28403058 Rangarajan HG, Stanek JR, Abu-Arja R, Bajwa R, Auletta JJ, Lee DA, O’Brien SH, Kumar R. Venous thromboembolism in pediatric hematopoietic stem cell transplant: A multicenter cohort study. Biol Blood Marrow Transplant February 2018;(24)2:337-342. PMID: 29128552 Ronchi A, Ouellette C, Mejias A, Leber A, Salamon D, Pugni L, Mosca F, Sanchez PJ. Detection of Cytomegalovirus in Saliva from Infants Undergoing Sepsis Evaluation in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit: The VIRIoN-C Study. J Perinatal Medicine 2018, May 16. PMID: 29768249 Song E, Mejias A, Antonara S. Serratia Species. Principles and Practice of Pediatric Infectious Diseases. 5th Edition. Chapter 145; 835-37. Saunders, Elsevier, 2018.

Abusin GA, Abu-Arja R, Bajwa R, Horwitz E, Auletta J, Rangarajan H. Severe transplant­ associated thrombotic microangiopathy (TA-TMA) in patients with hemoglobinopathies: A brief report. Pediatric Blood and Cancer 2017 Sep;64:e26503. PMID: 28333416 Bajwa RPS, Mahadeo K, Taragin B, Dvorak CC, McCarther J, Jeyapalan A, Duncan CN, Tamburro R, Gehred A, Lehmann L, Richardson P, Auletta JJ, Wolfrey AE. Consensus Report by PALISI and PBMTC Joint Working Committees supportive care guidelines for management ofVOD in children and adolescents Part 1: Focus on investigations, prophylax is, and specific treatment. Biol Blood Marrow Transplant 2017 Nov;23(11):1817-1825. PMID: 28754544 Bitan M, Woo Ahn K, Millard HR , Pulsipher MA, Abdel-Azim H, Auletta JJ, Brown V, Chan KW, Angel Diaz M, Dietz A, Gonzalez Vincent M, Guilcher G, Hale GA, Hayashi RJ, Keating A, Mehta P, Myers K, Page K, Prestidge T, Shah NN, Smith AR, Woolfrey A, ThielE, Davies SM, Eapen M. Personalized prognostic risk score for long-term survival for children with acute leukemia after allogeneic transplant. Biol Blood Marrow Transplant 2017 Sep;23(9):1523-1530 . PMID: 28527984 Coven SL, Song E, Steward S, Pierson CR, Cope JR, Ali IK, Ardura MI, Hall MW, Chung MG, Bajwa RPS. Acanthamoeba granulomatous amoebic encephalitis after pediatric hematopoietic stem cell transplant. Pediatric transplantation, December 2017; 21 (8). PMID: 28921764 Dandoy CE, Ardura MI, Papanicolaou GA, Auletta JJ. Bacterial bloodstream infections in the allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplant patient: New considerations for a persistent nemesis. Bone Marrow Transplant 2017, Aug;52(8):1091-1106. Invited review article. PMID: 28346417 Fowler KB, Ross SA, Shimamura M, Ahmed A, Palmer AL, Michaels MG, Bernstein DI, Sanchez PJ, Feja KN, Stewart A, Boppana S. Racial and Ethnic Differences in the Prevalence of Congenital Cytomegalovirus Infection. Journal of Pediatrics, 2018 May, 18; PMID 29784513 Hashem H, Abu-Arja R, Auletta JJ, Rangarajan HG, Varga E, Rose MJ , Bajwa RPS. Successful second hematopo ietic cell transplantation in severe congenital neutropenia . Pediatr Transplantation 2017 Oct, 26, PMID: 29076228 Kelly DL, Buchbinder D, Duarte RF, Auletta JJ, Bhatt N , Byrne M, DeFilipp Z, Gabriel M, Mahindra A, Norkin M, Schoemans H, Shah AJ , Ahmed I, Atsuta Y, Basak GW, Beattie S, Bhella S, Bredeson C, Bunin N, Dalal J, Daly A, Gajewski J, Gale RP, Galvin J, Hamadani M, Hayashi RJ, Adekola K, Law J, Lee CJ, Liesveld J, Malone AK, Nagler A, Naik S, Nishihori T, Parsons SK, Scherwath A, Schofield HL, Soiffer R, Szer J, Twist I, Warwick A, Wirk BM, Yi J, Battiwalla M, Flowers ME, Savani B , Shaw BE. Neurocognitive dysfunction in hematopoietic cell transplant recipients: Expert review from the Late Effects and Quality of Life Working Committee of the Center for International Blood and Marrow Transplant Research and Complications and Quality of Life Working Party of the European Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation. Biol Blood Marrow Transplant 2018 Feb;24(2):228-241. PMID: 28939455 Khandelwal P, Millard HR, ThielE, Abdel-Azim H, Abraham AA, Auletta JJ, Boulad F, Brown VI, Camitta BM, Chan KW , Chaudhury S, Cowan MJ , Angel-Diaz M, Gadalla SM, Gale RP , Hale G, Kasow KA, Keating AK, Kitko CL, MacMillan ML, Olsson RF, Page KM, Seber A, Smith AR, Warwick AB, Wirk B, Mehta PA. Hematopoietic stem cell transplant activity in pediatric cancer between 2008 and 2014 in the United States: a CIBMTR Report. Biol Blood Marrow Transplant 2017, Aug;23(8):1342-1349. PMID: 28450183 Li M, Boddeda S, Chen B, Zeng Q, Schoeb TR, Velazquez V.M, Shimamura M. NK Cell and Th17 Responses are Differentially Induced in Murine Cytomegalovirus Infected Renal Allografts and Vary According to Recipient Virus Dose and Strain. American Journal of Transplantation, 2018 Apr 16; epub ahead of print. PMID 29659179 Mahadeo K, McArthur J, Adams R, Radhi M, Angelo J , Jeyapalan A, Nicol K, Su L, Rabi H, Auletta JJ, Pai V, Duncan CN, Tamburro R, Dvorak CC, Bajwa RPS . Consensus Report by PALISI and PBMTC Joint Working Committees supportive care guidelines for management of VOD in children and adolescents Part 2: Focus on ascites, fluids, electrolytes, and transfusion issues. Biol Blood Marrow Transplant 2017 Dec;23(12) :2023- 2033 . PMID: 28823876 Orgel E, Auletta JJ. TACL ‘ing supportive care needs in early phase clinical trials for acute leukemia: a report from the therapeutic advances in childhood leukemia & lymphoma (TACL) consortium supportive care committee. P ediatr H ematol Oncol 2017 Sept­ Oct;34(6-7):409-417. PMID: 29190169 Ovchinsky N, Frazier W, Auletta JJ, Dvorak CC, Ardura M, Song E, McArthur J, Jeyapalan A, Tamburro R, Mahadeo KM, Traube C, Duncan CN, Bajwa RPS. Consensus Report by the Pediatric Acute Lung Injury and Sepsis Investigators and Pediatric Blood and Marrow Transplantation Consortium Joint Working Committees on Supportive Care Guidelines for Management of Veno-Occlusive Disease in Children and Adolescents, Part 3: Focus on Cardiorespiratory Dysfunction, Infections, Liver Dysfunction, and Delirium. Biology of blood and marrow transplantation : Journal of the American Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation, February 2018, 24 (2): 207-218. PMID: 28870776 Ouellette CP, Joshi S, Texter K, Jaggi P: Multiorgan Involvement Confounding the Diagnosis of Bartonella henselae Infective Endocarditis in Children With Congenital Heart Disease. The Pediatric infectious disease journal 2017 May; 36 (5): 516-520. PMID: 28403058 Rangarajan HG, Stanek JR, Abu-Arja R, Bajwa R, Auletta JJ, Lee DA, O’Brien SH, Kumar R. Venous thromboembolism in pediatric hematopoietic stem cell transplant: A multicenter cohort study. Biol Blood Marrow Transplant February 2018;(24)2:337-342. PMID: 29128552 Ronchi A, Ouellette C, Mejias A, Leber A, Salamon D, Pugni L, Mosca F, Sanchez PJ. Detection of Cytomegalovirus in Saliva from Infants Undergoing Sepsis Evaluation in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit: The VIRIoN-C Study. J Perinatal Medicine 2018, May 16. PMID: 29768249 Song E, Mejias A, Antonara S. Serratia Species. Principles and Practice of Pediatric Infectious Diseases. 5th Edition. Chapter 145; 835-37. Saunders, Elsevier, 2018.

Abusin GA, Abu-Arja R, Bajwa R, Horwitz E, Auletta J, Rangarajan H. Severe transplant­ associated thrombotic microangiopathy (TA-TMA) in patients with hemoglobinopathies: A brief report. Pediatric Blood and Cancer 2017 Sep;64:e26503. PMID: 28333416

Bajwa RPS, Mahadeo K, Taragin B, Dvorak CC, McCarther J, Jeyapalan A, Duncan CN, Tamburro R, Gehred A, Lehmann L, Richardson P, Auletta JJ, Wolfrey AE. Consensus Report by PALISI and PBMTC Joint Working Committees supportive care guidelines for management ofVOD in children and adolescents Part 1: Focus on investigations, prophylax is, and specific treatment. Biol Blood Marrow Transplant 2017 Nov;23(11):1817-1825. PMID: 28754544

Bitan M, Woo Ahn K, Millard HR , Pulsipher MA, Abdel-Azim H, Auletta JJ, Brown V, Chan KW, Angel Diaz M, Dietz A, Gonzalez Vincent M, Guilcher G, Hale GA, Hayashi RJ, Keating A, Mehta P, Myers K, Page K, Prestidge T, Shah NN, Smith AR, Woolfrey A, ThielE, Davies SM, Eapen M. Personalized prognostic risk score for long-term survival for children with acute leukemia after allogeneic transplant. Biol Blood Marrow Transplant 2017 Sep;23(9):1523-1530 . PMID: 28527984

Coven SL, Song E, Steward S, Pierson CR, Cope JR, Ali IK, Ardura MI, Hall MW, Chung MG, Bajwa RPS. Acanthamoeba granulomatous amoebic encephalitis after pediatric hematopoietic stem cell transplant. Pediatric transplantation, December 2017; 21 (8). PMID: 28921764

Dandoy CE, Ardura MI, Papanicolaou GA, Auletta JJ. Bacterial bloodstream infections in the allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplant patient: New considerations for a persistent nemesis. Bone Marrow Transplant 2017, Aug;52(8):1091-1106. Invited review article. PMID: 28346417

Fowler KB, Ross SA, Shimamura M, Ahmed A, Palmer AL, Michaels MG, Bernstein DI, Sanchez PJ, Feja KN, Stewart A, Boppana S. Racial and Ethnic Differences in the Prevalence of Congenital Cytomegalovirus Infection. Journal of Pediatrics, 2018 May, 18; PMID 29784513

Hashem H, Abu-Arja R, Auletta JJ, Rangarajan HG, Varga E, Rose MJ , Bajwa RPS. Successful second hematopo ietic cell transplantation in severe congenital neutropenia . Pediatr Transplantation 2017 Oct, 26, PMID: 29076228

Kelly DL, Buchbinder D, Duarte RF, Auletta JJ, Bhatt N , Byrne M, DeFilipp Z, Gabriel M, Mahindra A, Norkin M, Schoemans H, Shah AJ , Ahmed I, Atsuta Y, Basak GW, Beattie S, Bhella S, Bredeson C, Bunin N, Dalal J, Daly A, Gajewski J, Gale RP, Galvin J, Hamadani M, Hayashi RJ, Adekola K, Law J, Lee CJ, Liesveld J, Malone AK, Nagler A, Naik S, Nishihori T, Parsons SK, Scherwath A, Schofield HL, Soiffer R, Szer J, Twist I, Warwick A, Wirk BM, Yi J, Battiwalla M, Flowers ME, Savani B , Shaw BE. Neurocognitive dysfunction in hematopoietic cell transplant recipients: Expert review from the Late Effects and Quality of Life Working Committee of the Center for International Blood and Marrow Transplant Research and Complications and Quality of Life Working Party of the European Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation. Biol Blood Marrow Transplant 2018 Feb;24(2):228-241. PMID: 28939455

Khandelwal P, Millard HR, ThielE, Abdel-Azim H, Abraham AA, Auletta JJ, Boulad F, Brown VI, Camitta BM, Chan KW , Chaudhury S, Cowan MJ , Angel-Diaz M, Gadalla SM, Gale RP , Hale G, Kasow KA, Keating AK, Kitko CL, MacMillan ML, Olsson RF, Page KM, Seber A, Smith AR, Warwick AB, Wirk B, Mehta PA. Hematopoietic stem cell transplant activity in pediatric cancer between 2008 and 2014 in the United States: a CIBMTR Report. Biol Blood Marrow Transplant 2017, Aug;23(8):1342-1349. PMID: 28450183

Li M, Boddeda S, Chen B, Zeng Q, Schoeb TR, Velazquez V.M, Shimamura M. NK Cell and Th17 Responses are Differentially Induced in Murine Cytomegalovirus Infected Renal Allografts and Vary According to Recipient Virus Dose and Strain. American Journal of Transplantation, 2018 Apr 16; epub ahead of print. PMID 29659179

Mahadeo K, McArthur J, Adams R, Radhi M, Angelo J , Jeyapalan A, Nicol K, Su L, Rabi H, Auletta JJ, Pai V, Duncan CN, Tamburro R, Dvorak CC, Bajwa RPS . Consensus Report by PALISI and PBMTC Joint Working Committees supportive care guidelines for management of VOD in children and adolescents Part 2: Focus on ascites, fluids, electrolytes, and transfusion issues. Biol Blood Marrow Transplant 2017 Dec;23(12) :2023- 2033 . PMID: 28823876

Orgel E, Auletta JJ. TACL ‘ing supportive care needs in early phase clinical trials for acute

leukemia: a report from the therapeutic advances in childhood leukemia & lymphoma (TACL) consortium supportive care committee. P ediatr H ematol Oncol 2017 Sept­ Oct;34(6-7):409-417. PMID: 29190169

Ovchinsky N, Frazier W, Auletta JJ, Dvorak CC, Ardura M, Song E, McArthur J, Jeyapalan A, Tamburro R, Mahadeo KM, Traube C, Duncan CN, Bajwa RPS. Consensus Report by the Pediatric Acute Lung Injury and Sepsis Investigators and Pediatric Blood and Marrow Transplantation Consortium Joint Working Committees on Supportive Care Guidelines for Management of Veno-Occlusive Disease in Children and Adolescents, Part 3: Focus on Cardiorespiratory Dysfunction, Infections, Liver Dysfunction, and Delirium. Biology of blood and marrow transplantation : Journal of the American Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation, February 2018, 24 (2): 207-218. PMID: 28870776

Ouellette CP, Joshi S, Texter K, Jaggi P: Multiorgan Involvement Confounding the Diagnosis of Bartonella henselae Infective Endocarditis in Children With Congenital Heart Disease. The Pediatric infectious disease journal 2017 May; 36 (5): 516-520. PMID: 28403058

Rangarajan HG, Stanek JR, Abu-Arja R, Bajwa R, Auletta JJ, Lee DA, O’Brien SH, Kumar R. Venous thromboembolism in pediatric hematopoietic stem cell transplant: A

multicenter cohort study. Biol Blood Marrow Transplant February 2018;(24)2:337-342. PMID: 29128552

Ronchi A, Ouellette C, Mejias A, Leber A, Salamon D, Pugni L, Mosca F, Sanchez PJ. Detection of Cytomegalovirus in Saliva from Infants Undergoing Sepsis Evaluation in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit: The VIRIoN-C Study. J Perinatal Medicine 2018, May 16. PMID: 29768249

Song E, Mejias A, Antonara S. Serratia Species. Principles and Practice of Pediatric Infectious Diseases. 5th Edition. Chapter 145; 835-37. Saunders, Elsevier, 2018.