A nurse from the Surgery Center or Unit will call you the day before the surgery to tell you what time the surgery will start, and what time to arrive.
A parent or legal guardian MUST come with the patient on the day of surgery.
Before the surgery
A nurse from the Surgery Center or Unit will also go over feeding instructions during the phone call the day before surgery. Typically, if your child is scheduled for surgery in the morning, he or she CANNOT eat or drink anything after midnight the night before.
If the surgery is in the afternoon, clear liquids (water, clear apple juice, Pedialyte, 7-up, Sprite) may be allowed up to 4 hours before the surgery. No chewing gum or hard candy is allowed before surgery.
- If your child has been treated for bronchitis or pneumonia in the past 6
- weeks, develops a chest cold or fever, or has been exposed to a contagious
- disease, please call:
- Surgery Center: (614) 722-2920
- Surgery Unit: (614) 722-5200
- Your follow-up appointment will be confirmed on the day of surgery. Please
- call if you are not able to keep this appointment.
Eye Surgery Under Anesthesia (PDF)
- Surgery Center: (614) 722-2920
- Surgery Unit: (614) 722-5200
HH-I-390 3/16, Revised 6/18 | Copyright 2016, Nationwide Children’s Hospital