During the holidays, we reflect on loved ones who have touched our lives and hearts. In 2003, Christine Wilson and four of her friends perished in a tragic arson near the campus of The Ohio State University. To honor her precious life, the 9th annual Christine’s Christmas will be presented. The Concert begins at 6:30 p.m. Saturday, December 8, 2012 at the Capitol Theatre, Vern Riffe Center in downtown Columbus. Proceeds from the event benefit the Burn Center at Nationwide Children’s Hospital.

The concert features pianist Mark King who, inspired by his friend Christine performs Christine’s Christmas. He is joined on stage by special guests including vocalist Willie Grové, the Dublin Jerome High School A Cappella Choir, the CMC Conservatory Chamber Orchestra and  event emcee WBNS 10TV’s Chuck Strickler.  The performance focuses on the true meaning of the season with traditional Christmas carols coupled with elaborate jazz and solo performances.

An important part of the evening will be the announcement by the Christine’s Christmas Board that a $500,000 commitment has been made to Nationwide Children’s in honor of Christine.  In early 2013, the dedication will be held for the Christine Wilson Burn Center at Nationwide Children’s Hospital.

Guests will enter the Capital Theater lobby to find a wonderland of fabulous silent auction items, passed hors’deourves from Made From Scratch and a unique “Wine & Whiskey” Pull.  After the concert guests will experience an elaborate dessert buffet in the Theatre lobby overlooking the breathtaking view of the Capitol building.

Reservations are $75 for adults and $25 for students/children. To make reservations, please visit www.NationwideChildrens.org/ChristinesChristmas or call (614) 355-0818.

CONTACTS:  Donna Glanzman Chair, Christine’s Christmas 614.595.4105/ dhglanz@aol.com