Asthma Express is a home visit program designed to assist a patient and/or caregiver in understanding and succeeding in the management of asthma. During the home visits a nurse will perform a physical and environment assessment, assist with identification of triggers, review medications and action plan and provide education. How to Reach Us Services are available with a referral from the patient’s physician. Regular hours of operation are 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. Staff are on call 24 hours a day, seven days a week to answer patient/referral questions. Referral Process Referring physicians or practices can call (614) 355-1100 or 800-466-2727, Monday through Friday 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m., to arrange a referral by providing the following information:
Type of insurance/payer Patient name, address, date of birth, diagnosis Physician ordering care Patient care/equipment/infusion need
Program Logistics
Two to three home visits, one visit every two weeks
Summary of findings provided to the practitioner after completion
Additional visits can be ordered if further intervention needed
Program Goals for the Patient
Knowledgeable of asthma action plan
Environmental triggers identified with resolution assistance
Compliance with medications
Identify education opportunities
When you have completed this program, you will know more about asthma and be more comfortable with home treatment. You should not need to go to the hospital or doctor as much to deal with day-to-day care. Asthma does not have to control your life. We will answer any questions you have about asthma and the medicine the doctor has prescribed.
Resources Asthma Express For Parents (PDF) Asthma Express For Parents - Spanish (PDF) Asthma Express For Parents - Somali (PDF) Asthma Express Referral Information (PDF)
Asthma Express is a home visit program designed to assist a patient and/or caregiver in understanding and succeeding in the management of asthma. During the home visits a nurse will perform a physical and environment assessment, assist with identification of triggers, review medications and action plan and provide education.
How to Reach Us
Services are available with a referral from the patient’s physician. Regular hours of operation are 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. Staff are on call 24 hours a day, seven days a week to answer patient/referral questions.
Referral Process
Referring physicians or practices can call (614) 355-1100 or 800-466-2727, Monday through Friday 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m., to arrange a referral by providing the following information:
- Type of insurance/payer
- Patient name, address, date of birth, diagnosis
- Physician ordering care
- Patient care/equipment/infusion need
Program Logistics
- Two to three home visits, one visit every two weeks
- Summary of findings provided to the practitioner after completion
- Additional visits can be ordered if further intervention needed
Program Goals for the Patient
Knowledgeable of asthma action plan
Environmental triggers identified with resolution assistance
Compliance with medications
Identify education opportunities
When you have completed this program, you will know more about asthma and be more comfortable with home treatment. You should not need to go to the hospital or doctor as much to deal with day-to-day care. Asthma does not have to control your life. We will answer any questions you have about asthma and the medicine the doctor has prescribed.
Resources Asthma Express For Parents (PDF) Asthma Express For Parents - Spanish (PDF) Asthma Express For Parents - Somali (PDF) Asthma Express Referral Information (PDF)
Two to three home visits, one visit every two weeks
Summary of findings provided to the practitioner after completion
Additional visits can be ordered if further intervention needed
Program Goals for the Patient
- Knowledgeable of asthma action plan
- Environmental triggers identified with resolution assistance
- Compliance with medications
- Identify education opportunities
When you have completed this program, you will know more about asthma and be more comfortable with home treatment. You should not need to go to the hospital or doctor as much to deal with day-to-day care. Asthma does not have to control your life. We will answer any questions you have about asthma and the medicine the doctor has prescribed.
Knowledgeable of asthma action plan
Environmental triggers identified with resolution assistance
Compliance with medications
Identify education opportunities
- Asthma Express For Parents (PDF)
- Asthma Express For Parents - Spanish (PDF)
- Asthma Express For Parents - Somali (PDF)
- Asthma Express Referral Information (PDF)