During the holidays, we reflect on loved ones who have touched our lives and hearts. In 2003, Christine Wilson and four of her friends perished in a tragic arson near the campus of The Ohio State University. To honor her precious life, the 8th annual “Christine’s Christmas” will be presented. Doors open at 7 p.m. with the concert beginning at 8 p.m. on Saturday, December 10, 2011 at the Capitol Theatre, Vern Riffe Center in downtown Columbus. Proceeds from the event benefit the Burn Program at Nationwide Children’s Hospital.

Christine had a passion for bettering the lives of those around her, particularly children, and this special concert keeps that passion – and her memory – alive. Through the Burn Program at Nationwide Children’s, nearly 1,500 patients are treated and cared for each and every year. Funds from Christine’s Christmas will ensure that the highest level of care for thermally injured children and adolescents continues at the hospital. 

The concert features pianist Mark King who, inspired by his friend Christine, performs Christine’s Christmas. He is joined on stage by special guests including vocalist Willie Grové,  Chamber Music Connection Orchestra, Jerome High School A Cappella Choir, event emcee Chuck Strickler of WBNS-10TV and a variety of musical talent.

The performance is followed by an elaborate dessert and coffee bar in the Capitol Theatre lobby overlooking the breathtaking view of the Capitol building. In addition, guests can finish their holiday shopping by taking part in a silent auction.

Reservations are $75 for adults and $25 for students/children. To make reservations, please visit www.NationwideChildrens.org/ChristinesChristmas or call (614) 355-0888.

The Christine Wilson Foundation was formed to honor the memory of Christine Wilson who, on April 13, 2003, perished in a tragic fire near The Ohio State University campus along with four friends. Her family and friends honor Christine’s love of giving through the Christine Wilson Foundation. Since its inception, the Foundation has raised more than $250,000 for Columbus charities. The Foundation’s mission is to provide annual scholarships to incoming freshmen planning to attend Bishop Watterson High School and to reach out to other Columbus community charities involving children. Additional information on the foundation can be found at www.christinewilsonfoundation.org.